Chapter 9• Shows up

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Another boring and tiring day has happened to you today. Well for you it was always boring

"Hey shoto, can i have some of your soba?" I asked half face. I tried to be nice so i called him by his first name

He just looks at me and continued eating, i feel frustrated so i rolled my eyes at him "You should say something if you don't want to... Stupid half face" i said as i continued eating my (f/f)

"You know akaguro, you should choose your words right" Momo said as she stopped eating her food. I made eye contact with her with one brows raised "Ohh, look at these couple, both are stupid" I said sarcastically which made everyone on the table look at me

Momo just looked at me with a disappointed look "Ohh I'm sorry" i paused and smiled "Did i offended you?" I gave her an sarcastic smile "You should know your fucking boundaries bitch. I don't give a fuck if your rich" i continued on eating my food. Momo just looked down and i don't know why

"Hey y/n that's enough, you can't just make fun of someone" Jirou, the girl with something hanging out of her ear says

I scoffed just at her, but she continues about nagging me

"You know y/n, just because you didn't feel loved doesn't mean you should keep insulting others" Her remark made you snap

You took a deep breath before speaking up "Don't. You. Fucking. Talk. To. Me. Like. That" i pointed out every single word to her "What? Because it's true?" She made an irritating face and it gets to your nerves. Icicles started to form in your palms, ready to fire it. But you stayed strong, not wanting to face the consequences

"Do you know how lonely I've been? No mother and anyone else beside you??!" You paused, because at this point tears started to form into your eyes and the lump in your throat is getting bigger and bigger "Your brother disappearing without telling you the reason?  Do you know what's the feeling of being not loved??!" You broke down there, then a tear fell

No one thought that the stoic akaguro y/n could cry. You didn't showed your weak side before with someone, because of your afraid from being judged. But now, you made every one in your class saw it, todoroki saw it

Taken by your actions, you wiped the fallen tear, stood up aggressively that left a trail of ice on the wooden table "Excuse me, i have lost my appetite" i said walking away from the table that made you even hate yourself

You wanted to scream, you wanted to beat the shit out of her, you wanted to cry. But you couldn't, still afraid from what the other people will say. You left the table without looking back. This leaves everyone's jaw dropped

"I don't know she feels that way" Jirou looks guilty "Yeah y/n has a very sad childhood. But the most painful she experience is she was left by her best and only friend" Midoriya said that made everyone stop from doing ehat they're doing

Everyone on the table started asking midoriya about y/n. The poor boy midoriya answered it one by one

As everyone keeps asking questions, Shoto, on the other hand feels guilty by not giving you some soba, so he looks back and saw a glimpse of y/n's body before leaving the cafeteria. If he knew that you've been through something almost like his, he would've pay attention to you. He looks once again on the cafeteria's door and saw you looking at him. You looked away and immediately run away

You were now going to the comfort room. Opening the door you felt your gut is trying to tell you something. You hesitated to open the door but still did it. Walking inside you saw someone with a black hoodie. You slowly back up trying to escape

"Don't leave y/n" The person said, they sounded like a boy so you assumed they are one. But it also sounded familiar to you

The guy slowly take of his look black hoodie, you saw their dark red eyes and black hair. This made you think of someone

'Could it be him' but you shrugged of the thought, because a lot of people here have black hair and red eyes. Assuming you got it wrong you slowly backed up once again, but this time he speaks

"I'm sorry okay? For leaving you behind, I've made a huge mistake and I regret it" He said, lifting up his head and showing his scary face, you didn't even recognize his face, but still you never expected him to show up on this time and at this place

You gasped, still can't believe it "Ni-chan?" You still managed to say. It's your brother, it have been a long time since you have seen each other

Your brother, aka chizome, runs towards you and hug you tight. You missed him, missed his warmth and touch

He slowly strokes your hair as you caressed his back

You buried your head into his chest, you could smell something odd, to take a look at it you lofted your head up and saw red stains. It was blood

The odd smell of blood is everywhere but you choose to ignore it

Your cheeks suddenly feels wet, then and there, you were crying "I'm sorry my precious y/n, I'm sorry for leaving you behind" He said as his hands slowly went to my cheeks, removing the tears

"Don't cry my angel. I promise I'll never leave you again" he said, at that moment you realized his face changed, there was this scar and his nose is messed up "What happened to your face nii-chan?" I asked, slightly touching his nose, but he didn't respond

"I understand, you don't wanna talk about it" i said giving him a warm smile as he smiled too "Do you still live at our house?" He asked "Yes! Of course. How could i leave the house i grew up in" i said with joy overflowing my feelings

You have a lot of questions to ask with joy. But you were worried someone might enter anytime at any moment now

"Nii-chan i have so many questions to ask you" i said with excitement "Save them for tommorow night my sister" he taps my head

"I'm really so excited to--"


"Akaguro, i know you're in there"
Yoww hi everyone!!!! I guess it has been 2 months since i updated this story and I'm sorry about that

I'm not too inspired to write some chapters before. But I've finished my school works already so i have no problem on updating some chapters


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