Chapter 10• Todoroki

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"Y/n, i need to go now. Take care" chizome said leaving the room before shoto decided to open the door

I saw the knob twisted so i grabbed it and pretend i was about to open it

"I'm sorry for not giving you some of my soba" he apologized and bowed "Todoroki, that's not something to apologise. So if you mind, would you excuse me----" "I heard everything" his words made you froze but shrugged it

"What are you talking about, i just fixed myself in there's no one else in there" i said getting away from his firm grip and continued walking away from the inspector Todoroki


'I know i heard that right y/n akaguro You must've been hiding something from us' i thought as Y/n's shadow has slowly disappeared


It's almost dismissal, everyone seems to be doing well but except one person. Y/n, since she left the bathroom, a smile always crawled into her face. And it bothered everyone, because she doesn't smile very often. And everyone has been asking questions and she will just say
"It's none of your business" and just raise her brows

So out of confusion I decided to ask her. As I approached her she already looked at me like she already know what's gonna happen next. Without any warning she stood up and walked towards me, then stopped when our face are like inches away from each other and said;

"Are you still gonna ask what happened lately? Well you'll still get what i said earlier"

Then sat back into her chair, as I and she gained stare from everyone. But two boys wear their expressions different. Bakugou and midoriya layed their eyes on me differently as if they wanted to punch me right there and there.


The bell rang, all students stood up at the same time, packing their things inside their back and ready to leave. I searched for a certain someone, y/n has her things packed up. She stood up to grabbing her bag and ready to leave

I let her leave the classroom But decided to follow her. Luckily No one tried to follow her outside the room, midoriya seems to be changing his mind.

I tried my best to follow her, but she seems to be on a rush. Like catching up something she needs to do

"Y/n. Wait a sec" i said as she stopped on her tracks and looks at me "What do you want half face?" She said with a brow raised "I just wanna talk with you about something" i said, she just simply but her hands on her waist and nodded "Go ahead, i need to go home early" she said tapping her feet into the ground like she's being impatient

"Better make it fast half face" she said looking at me in the eye "Ok, I'll invite you at our dinner, 7pm this night. Old man will not stop bugging me if i don't brought a girl home" she made her eyes bigger then taps her chin repeatedly and said "Yeah, sure. But i need to be home at 9pm" she said removing her hands on her waist and continued walking as if i was never there "I'll pick you up at 6:30 later" she just raised her hands, didn't bother to look at me

But one thing made me confused. Why did she agreed to come with me


"Well that's unfortunate, i was gonna spend my whole night with nii-chan, but i guess it's better to see the family of half face--" "Hey y/n-san"

"Ohh midoriya. Why are you in a rush?" I said as he panted, trying to catch up to me "I'm just confused why todoroki's like that lately" he said, still catching his breathing "Ohh nothing, just invited me to their family dinner i guess" i said walking away, not letting him finish what he's gonna say

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