Chapter 3• Frustrated about Shigaraki

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Your life a adopted child wasn't bad as you thought it would be. It was perfect, you have a mother and caring father. But the most important of all is..... You have a best friend, that you have by your side when you're sad and down.

"shiggy let's play now--" you froze, seing nothing there but a garbage dump. Shigaraki is nowhere to be found "Shigyy was always 15 minutes early, he'll never be this late" i checked the nearest store to check the time "Ohh maybe he's just late" i cheer up myself "I'll prepare our snow" i said making a pile of snow

After 15 minutes

"Ahh maybe he's just doing something important" you sobbed "d-don't worry y/n he'll come.... D-don't cry" i said trying not to cry

Another 15 minutes have passed

You were now crying, since you were left alone in a dark alley you froze everything you saw, bird, garbage, and even rats. You were super frustrated, due to the fact that he didn't show up makes your sadness even more worse.

"Okey shigaraki tomura, i knew it. You didn't gave me the chance to change your life into a happy one. I understand you" you were sobbing and sniffing it was approximately 30 minutes of crying.

You left a note which is all about of your feelings for changing his life into a better one. And a big thank you

"Bye shigaraki tomura..... Till we meet again" you turned back to your meeting spot and started walking but you thought about something

'What if he wasn't been able to go out because he wasn't allowed to? What jf I'm being dramatic and i might destroy our friendship' you thought at you grabbed the note and took it back and put it inside your pockets

"I'm probably just overreacting" i brushed it off laughing


You got home and saw Mrs midoriya, sitting and having a coffee with your mother. You assumed that izuku was also with her.

"Hey honey where did you go" my mother speaks to me "Don't bother me" i looked so mad "Hey honey you ok?" My mother looked worried and put down the coffee cup she's holding "No leave me alone" i said going uo the stairs heading to the room, slamming the door. You flopped yourself in your bed and laying down and staring at the ceiling


When i got home, i saw mrs midoryia taking to mom and the kid y/n played with the other day. But mom's face was unreadable, i could see the worry in ger eyes. I looked over to mom and approached her.

"Hey mom what happened" i asked her in the calming way "Ohh your little sister is having tantrums again" she giggled "Ohh is that it, i better go talk to her" i said waving off.

I got in front of y/n's room and knocked, but got no answer. So i decided to come in and saw her body, laying on the ground with her arms covering her face. I could tell that there's something bothering her.

"Hey y/n is there something bothering you?" I looked at her but she didn't respond. I removed her hands from her face and i saw y/n, sleeping peacefully. With saliva all over her mouth, she snores 'it looks like that she cried' i thought as wiping off her saliva from her mouth. I carried her to her bed and tucked in her blanket, and put her doll beside her and kissed her forehead 'sleep well y/n i hope you would tell me everything later' i thought as i closed the door and made my way to the kitchen

I saw the kid eating pancakes that mom made "Hey chizome, eat with us" mom offered "No y/n can take the pancake for me" i refused her good offer and decided to go outside again.


You woke up and found yourself laying in the bed but you were supposed to be on the floor. You groaned in pain and touched your head "Really i just cried and this what happened" you activated your quirk and put some ice on the glass and wrapped a piece of clothing around it "Ahh i still can't believe that shiggy didn't come, I'm frustrated" i said letting out a loud sigh. I sensed someone nearby "Someone in there?!" I yelled enough for the person in front of my door to hear "H-hey y/n c-can i come, i brought you pancakes" it was midoriya giving me pancakes glazed with maple and chocolate syrup "i-i put on some syrup, your mom said this is your favorite" midoriya gave me the pancake "Awe thanks" i snatched the pancake form his hands and immediately ate all of it "Your really hungry y/n-chan" he scratched the back of his head "Yeah thanks"

After that day you decided to forget what happened and just went there again. You went there patiently, but again after 30 minutes he didn't show up.

"He's just probably busy" you thought as you take a deep breath.


Three days had passed and he still didn't come. This time you didn't feel frustrated, you feel betrayed. Yeah for a kid you shouldn't feel this way coz it's just a playtime friend. But you didn't have a friend like him, shigaraki tomura was not just any friend, he's your best friend. A very special friend means family. But you got hurt by a family.

"What did i do wrong shigaraki??? What did i do for you to leave me alone?" You cried in your room sobbing loudly. Gladly no one was home, your home alone.


You woke up with a head ache and a cold. Due to the headache you have, you couldn't stand up so you stayed in bed for 3 hours.


"Where's y/n? It's been three hours before she wakes up" i said as going upstairs "y/n. Are you there" i knocked on the door "what do you want nii-chan leave me alone" she said "Hey I'm coming inside" i entered her room and saw her laying in her bed, sick "Hey y/n you alright?" I came closer to touch her forehead "Y/n you have a fever" i said as i removed my palm from her forehead "Yeah nii-chan" she responded "That's why i didn't come to eat breakfast coz i might lose my balance" she added "That's fine, I'll bring you breakfast" i said as tucking her in to her blanket "Thank you nii-chan" she smiled. Her smile wasn't warm as before maybe it's because she's not feeling well

I brought y/n her (f/f) for her breakfast "Thank you nii-chan, this is my favorite" she smiled 'finally a warm smile' I thought as she munched on the food "Hey nii-chan can i ask you something" she said with food full in her mouth "Yeah, anything" i responded "Am i a bad friend" she frown after saying those words "No why did you suddenly ask me that?" I looked at her in the eye, i saw sadness and pain "Shigaraki didn't came to play with me these last three days" she almost cried "Ohh maybe he's just busy with his family. Did he say anything before he disappeared?" I asked "Nothing but i left him a note where we supposed to be playing and a photo of us playing" she finally cried "Come here" i cuddled her up while she buried her face in my face. She looks so sad so i decided to comfort her "Hey everything's gonna be ok. Just gave him some time, he'll probably show up someday. Don't worry I'll be on your side no matter what happens" i gave him a reassuring tone. When i looked at her, she's already sleeping. I lay her down and kissed her forehead.


Thanks to my brother Chizome, i feel relieved. But shigaraki didn't show up in a week now, i still feel sad about it. He's only the friend that i know that keeps playing with me even if i looked like a bully.

To forget about it, you decided to play with the other kids. But it didn't turned out well

"Can i play with you?'" i asked the other kids playing "Ohh it's the girl that bullied bakugou" one of the boys said "Go away we don't wanna play with you" he pushed me away "Hey don't hurt her" a familiar voice said "And what are you gonna do about it huh?" Bakugou suddenly showed up "Midoriya you don't have to--" "no you needed my help" he cuts me off "Hey you are quirkless deku. You can't beat me!" Bakugou bragged "Yeah but i will defend my friend" he protests "Yeah whatever losers" bakugou walked away. Midoriya gave me a hand which i accept and gave him a hug "Thank you midoriya" i said almost crying but didn't "Call me izuku" he said, i looked at him confused "We're friends right?" He smiled, his smile was so comforting and makes me smile to.
Soooo yeah shigaraki didn't show up but don't worry this was on purpose. And thank you sooo mucchh for reading the two chapters.

Check out my other story it's; A living dream|(Ushijima×Reader). It's dope🔥 i promise you when you read it, it's interesting..... Anyways thank you for reading😊😘


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