Chapter 4• After 8 years

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It's already been 8 years since you and shigaraki last meet. Now you studied to the same school with midoriya and bakugou (Not UA Yet). You forget about that incident, But what you didn't forget is shigaraki tomura's face and the pain he left.

"No kacchan I didn't mean to" midoriya was so scared "I'm gonna make your face explode damn deku" He started making explosions "No kacchan please" he begged bakugou but he still let out an explosion in midoriya's face. Deku closed his eyes ready for impact.

The sound of explosion landing on ice was like glass shattering, it was a loud one, but you were there to protect midoriya of course.

"Ahhh looks like deku's little girlfriend  is here to save the day" Bakugou looks at me with hands on his waist "Your always bullying midoriya, and it's not right" i said making a expressionless face.

The happy, cheerful and playful old   y/n, was now gone. A new y/n is now alive, she's now emotionless and quiet in her class. Her classmates bullied her but she always ice their mouths and when the teacher is almost there, she will remove it.

"Shut up katsuki" i hissed at him "When did i gave you permission to call me my first name?!" Bakugou was pissed. I used my quirk to use on midoriya and activate my snow power anf drag him away from bakugou without getting close to the both of them.

"Hey get back here you damn extra!!" He took a step forward and i blocked his way with my ice wall.

Once we were at the school gate, i removed the ice and saw bakugou peeking through the window.

"We should get going" i told midotiya which he followed "Hey y/n how are you?" He asked as we continued walking "Me? Just fine, Left alone in the house, nii-chan is still not home" i sigh "Oh sorry" he looks down, focusing on the road "Ohh can i stay in your house, I feel like someone is always at my door" i look at him but with expressionless face "Ohh sure I'm sure mother would like to have you" he smiled "Thank you, i really owe you my happiness" i smile at him, i gave him a warm smile that was a rare one. Then i looked back to the ground as we continued walking, but i feel a warm pair of arms. I looked over to midoriya, hugging me. This feeling wasn't familiar to me at all, since your mom died and Chizome suddenly disappeared. But i reached out to him, and hug him back. This was definitely a unfamiliar feeling to you.

"Hey midoriya, let's go now" i tap his shoulder for a sign for him to stop hugging you "Ohh yeah sure" he let go. Out of nowhere you feel an intense stare, you looked around to see where it come from, but a shadow of a man with a hoodie, i didn't actually see him clearly coz midoriya dragged me.


"Mom I'm home" izuku closed the door "I have company" he said as his mother came out of the kitchen "Oh hi there y/n are you staying for the night?" Mrs midoriya said "Yes auntie" i said coz she was like my mother "Okey you should rest" she said leaving midoriya and me alone "Okey i just gonna go change" i said as i entered the bathroom.


I was done changing when i saw thw same man lately. I opened thw window "Excuse me mister, do you need something??" I said almost yelling at him. But he just turned around and continued walking "Weird" i closed the window and make my way to midoriya's room. I opened the door and saw midoriya...


It didn't actually bother me at all, it's just his face is red as a tomato right now "Come-on put on your shirt, your super red right now izuku" i crossed my arm at him and leans on the door frame "y-yeah r-right" he shutters


We were now eating dinner Mrs midoriya didn't actually mind me at all. Because it's been 4 years since mom died and chizome disappeared.

"Hey y/n sweet heart, how's your school today?" She asked me "Nothing new, but can i still stay for tommorow?" I smiled "No problem sweet heart, your always welcome here" she holds my hands then smiles at me "Thank you ma'am what could i ever do to repay you" i looked in her eye while she looked at izuku "Take care of my son" she smiled at me again "Don't worry, he's safe with me. I'll protect him at all costs" i hold her other hands and smiled at her then looks at izuku, then he just blushes and scratch the back of his head.


You were now laying down in your bed, looking up into the ceiling of your room. Because Mrs midoriya wasn't sure of your safety when alone in the house, she gave you your own room in her house. This is your new life, after those tragedy happened in your past. After that sorrowful and lonely nights you spend alone, you stil never gave up and continue living your life. Ever since the day that chizome leave you after your mother died, you always feel empty, alone and sad, but what you didn't know is that your still  the sweet, joyfull and cheerful y/n before, you just need to  take time to heal your painful wounds.


The door suddenly swing open, you saw midoriya holding his notebook. It looks like you forget about your study time with midoriya.

"Umm y/n we should start now" he hand over the books and pens "Yeah sure, what subject it is again?" I looked at him "C-chemistry" he stutter "Shit. Well i forgot all about chemistry, but I'll try to remember it" i closed my eyes trying to remember everything details "Now i remember, well let's get started" i grabbed the pens and start opening the books.

"AHHH STUPID CHEMISTRY!!" I yelled and then take a nap.


"Hey y/n I'm going to my room now, call me when you needed anything" i picked up my things and looked at y/n, she's asleep. Maybe she's really tired. I tucked her in bed, she was now sleeping peacefully.

I closed the door behind me and went to my room to watch all might. It was a quiet night until i heard someone sneeze behind me. I look over to see  y/n, awake "Hey why didn't you wake me up" she said scratching her eyes "It looks like that your too tired, so i decided to not wake you up" i said turning off my computer "Oh ok. Goodnight midoriya" she said waving off "Yeah goodnight y/n" i said going to bed.

Yeah soo shigaraki wasn't involved in this chapter but don't worry, i would totally add shigaraki in the next chapter 😊.

Enjoy the story. Thank you for reading💕


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