Chapter 8• Spending time

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*Bell rings

"Well that's all for today" Aizawa leaves then a lot of my classmates came to ask questions "Hey y/n we thought you got kidnapped" Mina said "No, i didn't" i looked at her with blank face "Bye guys" i waved and exit the door

When i was at the entrance of the school someone called me "Hey y/n where sre you going" midoriya said "Tell your mom i have to sleep at my house tonight, i just wanted to clean my room" I lied but he seems to believe it "Ok, but at least let me walk you home" Midoriya suggest "Yeah sure" i gave him a smile

After a little walk and silence, Izuku decided to talk

"Hey y/n, c-can i ask you something" he asked "Anything" i looked at him "Do you like someone" he asks some question that you don't have an answer "I don't know, I've never been loved for a little while" I was sad about it "Oh ok" He said as we we're in front of my house

"Well, thank you for tagging along" i said as taking a step forward to my House "Bye y/n" I waved to midoriya and said goodbye

I entered the house, it was a little dirty since i haven't been there for a week now

'Since shiggy is coming over or I'll come over his palace. I need to clean this shit. Mom will be mad at me' I though as i grabbed the broom and made it move and manipulate snow

Then a pitch black hole appeared inside. I readied my fighting stance. That's when i saw shigaraki, stepping out of the portal. I guess that's Kuroguri's quirk "Tomura, I'll be back at 8" He said as the black portal disappeared

"Hey y/n don't be scared it's just me" shigaraki said but you couldn't see his face. It was covered with a hand like, covered his face. So i ask him about it "Hey tomura, what's that thing on your face?" I ask him "Ohh it's father's" He said "Oooook, so we're we heading?" I changed the topic, not wanting it to be awkward "We'll go to the park" he said "But the park has more people, what if they recognized you and---" "Don't worry y/n, it's gonna be fine" He said, removing the hands from his face, revealing a cute shigaraki and his un moisturized skin "Ohh sure" I said, noticing that i haven't changed my clothes yet "Do you mind if i change" i asked him and he just nodded


As y/n entered a small room, i made myself comfortable and sit on her bed. It was so fluffy and i was happy

My eyes roams around her room, it was clean. Then something caught my attention, i saw her photo with her mom and i guess her brother

'Wait, why does his face looks familiar' i thought as my eyes continue to roam around


As i got the permission i walked towards my dresser and panicked inside "Shit. What am i supposed to wear? Do i need to dress up well, or what? Ohh i know it now" you grabbed a (f/c) crop top, (s/f/c) flowy skirt and white shoes (Sorry my style is isn't that good)

I quickly change into it and looked myself im the mirror 'O my, i look pretty stupid' i thought as i heard a knock on the door "Y-yes tomura?" I was startled "Change faster" he said on the door "Ok I'm done!!" I yelled enough for him to hear

As i got out of the dresser, he scanned me from head to toe. I was surprised by his actions "Sorry, is it too much?" I looked down, not wanting him to see my crimson red cheeks "You look stunning y/n" I was taken back of what he said and made my heart flutter even more

'Wait.... Why am i feeling this way?" I thought as trying to answer my own questions

"Hey y/n, you ok?" He asked me with an normal expression "I-i'm sorry just spacing out a little" i avoided his gaze "I brought you something" He handed out a box of chocolates, with a note that says i miss you

This immediately made your heart flutter and skip a beat. The feeling of being loved was new to you

"T-thanks" 'Don't stutter y/n' i gave him a smile but it almost look fake

"Anything for you, my y/n" His words were sweet and caring. You just wanted to hug him there, but you can't, coz he doesn't like physical contact

What you didn't know, your cheeks were in a shade of pink. Being flustered with someone you don't often hang out with, wasn't normal for you. You didn't know why you're feeling like it.

"Let's go" He said as he gestures me to come near him, which was new "I'll be there!" I almost yelled but still didn't

You were now walking with Shigaraki side by side to the park. He was calm as usual, but when someone approach you, you handle it. Not wanting Shigaraki to reveal his identity

"Hey miss you from here" A random guy approached me

"I don't give a fuck bruhh. Stay away" i gave the guy my most intimidating glare "Come on, i know you want to" he still managed to say

"You don't hear me? I said Fuck. Off" i widened my eyes for him to leave and to show that I'm not interested

The guy holds my wrist and tries to drag me away "Hey man don't you heard her? Fuck off" Shigaraki looks so mad "Or what?" The guy said. I grabbed his watch with no problem "Hey give it back" the guy tried to grab it "This is what's gonna happen to you" Shigaraki said as he hold the watch and let it decay

The guys seems to be taken back by what he saw. The guy immediately runs away with a frightened face

I laughed when saw the guy trembling and getting scared. He looks so stupid.

"You changed y/n" shigaraki suddenly speaks up "What kind of change?" I said as i was eating the box of chocolates

"I mean, physically and mentally. Your appearance became different, the last time i saw you, you weren't like this. You're attractive now" He paused and i was shocked. Slightly flustered, due to the sudden compliment

"And it seems that you're not afraid of what you want to do" He said as he stares at your (e/c) orbs

"Thank you shigaraki" is all i manage to say after what he said.


After that awkward, confusing, shocking walk in the park, shigaraki walkes you home. He was so caring and kind, well i guess for you only.

"Thanks shigaraki, i enjoyed the day" i said as we walked inside the house, waiting for kurogiri "Anything for you y/n" He smiled once again

His smile was the most surprising and cutest thing you've ever seen. He rarely shows it to anyone, so it was a good view to you.

You and shigaraki were sitting on your bed, face to face. Suddenly a tension was around you. You felt your body heat up as your body was magnetized by his. It was like your leaning for a kiss. He doesn't seem to mind so you just let your bod to take over yourself.

Your face inches away then....

"Tomura, let's go" Kurogiri appears from nowhere

'SHIT THAT WAS TOO CLOSE' I just wanted to bang my head against the nearest wall

"I'll be right there" shigaraki said "See you next time, my y/n" He said before leaving and disappearing from the portal. You kept a smile, it was a fake one. Even though, you didn't let them notice it

Once the black like portal disappeared, you could take a deep breath and keep breathing heavily. Coz you were unsure of what you've done back there.

'Shit!! Why am i acting that stupid?' you ran your fingers through your hair

'Did i just leaned in for a fucking kiss??!' i fall on my bed, and hands on the face. That was the most embarrassing thing you've done to him

"I DON'T KNOW I WILL BE ABLE TO FORGET ABOUT THAT!!!" I yelled to myself and groaned

"That was a close one eh? Me and shiggy kissing?" I sat down once again

I looked up and imagine if me and shigaraki end up together

"Hey y/n akaguro, stop imagining impossible things"

Wassup guys!! Sorry for the late update😣🥺

I'm deeply sorry for it, hope y'all understand 🧡


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