Chapter 2• Doing stupid things

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After that playtime with shigaraki, you found yourself wondering in the Streets near a large school. You stopped your tracks and looked at the building that caught your attention.

"Nahhh nii-chan hates heroes" was the first words that came out of my mouth

It was almost sunset when you went to a play ground. It was peaceful until you heard other kids Fighting. The kids fight was getting louder and louder so you decided to actually see what it was. You saw a green headed boy crying in his knees and a blonde boy letting out an explosion on his palms.

"You don't know when to quit, do you deku" the blonde boy said "K-kacchan" the blonde boy attacks the green haired boy with his explosion and this is when you feel bad about the broccoli boy. You came into action, you walked towards the broccoli boy and offered him a hand which he accepts "Sorry for interrupting your bullying but i think that's enough" i looked at the blonde boy "I'm y/n akaguro but you can call me y/n" i gave him a calming smile "I-i'm izuku midoriya" his scared expression was gone and replaced by trust and calmness "Hey i don't know what your trying to do but bakugou has the most coolest quirk I've ever seen" one friend of the blonde boy said which made me laugh "What's so funny? I'm bakugou katsuki!! I have the coolest quirk in my hometown!!!" He bragged "Ohh you have the coolest what do you wanna say about mine" i said smirking at bakugou

I took a step forward, activating my quirk i let out a icy spikes that surrounded bakugou and his friends. The three of them just stand still but bakugou just send explosions towards it. I grabbed midoriya by the wrist and run away from the scene, as i deactivate the icicles that bakugou kept destroying.

"Hey you ok?" I said looking to his eyes but i got no answer "Does that bakugou boy keeps on bullying you?" I asked him and he just nodded "Ok, you should head home it's getting darker bye midoriya" i waved goodbye to him as he also waved bye.

I got home and saw chizome tapping his foot in anxiety, this stopped when i entered the door. He hugged me kike there's no tommorow

"Nii-chan I can't b-breathe" i shuttered "How's your playtime?" He asked "it was fun!! Me and shiggy build a snowman and i defended a poor boy that was bullied" i proudly say "Ohh you didn't get hurt?" I shook my head in a no "And that bully deserve it anyways, his a bragger and i hate it" i said while my eye color suddenly changed into a grey like shade 'Why is her eye color changes like that' chizome was confused by what he saw "Bye nii-chan I'm gonna sleep" Your loud voice was enough to make your brother snap out of his thoughts "Sweet dreams y/n" he said while i was skipping towards my room

"Can't wait to tell shiggy what Happened"
You jumped to your bed and immediately fall asleep.


"Heyy y/n wake up" you brother chizome open the blinds and take off your blanket to get you awake "Why it's so early" i stretch and yawned "You've got a visitor" he said as he closed the door 'Huh visitor? Who i don't even have other friends... Ohh maybe shiggy decided to come over' i thought as going downstairs to see who the visitor was.

I saw a woman with green hair talking to my mother. Then my gaze went to the same boy i defended yesterday.

"Ohh y/n sweetheart, come here" my mother gestures for me to come closer "This is Mrs midoriya, the mother of izuku" my mother explained "Hi there little girl" midoriya's mother handed me a hand and i shaked it "Ohh hi there izuku let's play" i dragged him into my room and closed the door which made the two mothers laugh in awe

"Hey thank you for saving me" he spoke "No probs, let's play!!" I yell and he grabbed his all might action figures 'Oh my midoriya is really obsessed with all might' i thought as i made a tiny house using my quirk

After 5 minutes of playing villains vs heroes, you got bored "Hey let's go outside. Let's play with the blonde boy" i said standing up "Umm i-i think kacchan will just---" "i can handle him, besides we'll just come and play with him" i dragged him again out of the room. When we're close to the stairs i made a slide made of ice, which we used to go down "Hey y/n that was fun" midoriya said as soon as we reached the ned of the slide "Yeahh let's go now" i said approaching my mother "Mom, mrs midoriya me and izuku will just play outside please" my mother agreed and give a few orders


We got to the park and build a sand castle with izuku and bakugou step on it which made me and izuku surprised

"I don't want the both of you get in my territory" bakugou said exploding the other sand castle me and izuku build. His attitude was not so nice "Bakugou your getting into my nerves" i said while looking at him directly in the eye "What are you know? Deku's girlfriend" bakugou made a remark that made his friends laugh "Do you think it's funny" i grabbed  a sand from the sand box and lift it up "YES!!! And what are you gonna do..... Cryy???!" He teased me in a irritating way "No, crying is just a waste of time!!" I throw the sand from my palms to his eyes "Run" i whispered to midoriya while bakugou groaned with hands in his eyes while we ran for our lives.

"Y/n you really are troublesome" midoriya said, catching his breathing "Yeah probably, you should go home and we should get some rest" i said tapping his back "Bye! thanks y/n" he run away while i stayed at my spot.


After that incident, bakugou will probably hate you.


"where's that damn extra??!" As i rubbed my eyes, trying to remove the sand "She's gone katsuki don't worry" the guy with the wings said "That girl will pay for what she did to me" as bakugou let out an tiny explosion from his palms

'Y/n akaguro, I will never forget what you've done' as bakugou walks out of the scene

Yeahh soo there's no romantic scene here but there is some for thr next chapters, glad your enjoying.

Also check out my other story it's Living in a dream•(Ushijima x reader) Yeahh i watch haikyuu, check it out it's not that good but i promise you, you will hate it.... HSHAHA downing myself too much eh? Anyways, that's all!!!


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