Chapter 22

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{Media:Pic of Hazza}


I woke up to loud snores coming somewhere above me.I look up and see Harry with his head leaned back,eyes closed and mouth wide open.I laugh as he snores again.Maybe i could have some fun with this.I slowly stand up from his lap and tip-toe into the kitchen.I open the fridge and get some whipped cream and tip-toe back into the livingroom where Harry was peacefully sleeping.

I spray some in his hair hoping he won't wake up,he is a heavy sleeper so that's good.When i'm done i grab my phone from my pocket and take a quick picture of him with a mountain of whipped cream in his hair.He's going to kill me when he wakes up.

"Harry"I shake him and take a seat on the couch next to him.He slowly opens his eyes and rubs his eyes.I try to keep in my laugh as long as i can but fail as he runs his hand through his hair. "What did you do"He says trying to take the whipped cream out of his hair.

"I might have sprayed a whole bottle of whipped cream in your hair"I laugh covering my mouth with my hands.I coudn't stop laughing at his reaction.He looks at me for a few seconds with a smirk. "What"I laugh.He bends down to the floor to get the whipped cream that was in his hair seconds ago. "NO"I yell as he starts to run after me with his hands full of whipped cream.

He wrappes his arms around my waist and pushes me against the wall.He rubs his hands on the top of my head. "Harry"I shout as he backs away from me and starts laughing his ass off.

"That's what you get"He laughed {Anyone seen let's be cops 😂}


After taking a shower and brushing my hair and putting it up in a messy bun,i walk downstairs to see Harry was on the phone with someone. "Wait so tomorrow night - Okay- I'll be there at 8 - see you then bye"He said into the phone before hanging up and turning around to see me standing at the bottom of the staircase.

"Who was that?"I ask taking a step closer to him. "Oh ugh...that was Niall just asking me if i wanted to hang out tomorrow night and watch the game"He lied.i've known him all my life i know when he's lying.Even though i have been trying to ignore him for the past few years i still notice these things,like when he lied to his parents that he was going to go with me to the mall but we were really going to a party.

"I've been wanting to talk to you for a while now about something"He said taking his bottom lip between his teeth. "Yeah sure what is it?"I ask walking with him into the livingroom and taking a seat on the couch next to him.

"We have been getting on for a few days now and i really like that you stopped ignoring me and actually talk to me now"He laughed before continuing. "I've been wondering...why you ignored me for the past few years,you don't have to tell me if you don't want to,i just want to know so i can fix whatever it is"He says taking my hand and slowly running his thumb over my knuckles.

Should i tell him?I mean i really want to be friends with him again,if not friends then maybe something more.

"It's stupid really"I laugh. "I'm sure it's not stupid"

'Here goes nothing' i say to myself in my head

"When we were bestfriends,i had a little crush on you and when i heard that you started dating one of my best 'girl friends' at the time,i flipped and instantly got jealous and told myself that i was stupid cause you'd never like a girl like me,i mean look at me"I laugh,he kept quiet while i talked. "Anyway,a few weeks past and i was finally accepting that you and her were together,and that relationships at this age don't last long,But one day i walked into school and saw that everyone were just staring at me and when i walked past them they'd laugh"I say and wipe the corner of my eye.

"Then i found out that April,your girlfriend at the time had apparently been telling you things about me that nobody knew but me and her.Like how i used to have a crush on my teacher when i was in elementary school,how i couldn't go swiming without wearing shorts over my bikini bottoms because i was insecure about my body and some more things"I was full on crying now.Tears running down my face like a waterfall.

"Some guy in the hall told me that you had told the whole school about these things just so you could get 'popular' by having a girlfriend and telling the whole school about some girl that meant nothing to you.I lost all my other friends because of that,i still don't know why they all left"

"I never said these thing,i would never ever say anything bad about you"He said wiping my eyes with his thumb. "The main reason why i dated her was because i wanted to get closer to you.....and she might of tricked me into a deal that i regret so much"He said caressing my cheek lightly with my thumb. "Deal?"I say looking up at him.

"Yeah she threatened me,told me if i wouldn't help her get her revange on you,she'd tell the whole school about me liking you,i don't even know how she knew that in the first place"He said,wait so she was just dating him to get revange on me,what did i ever do to her?

"What the h.ell did i ever do to her?"

"She never told me why she wanted to get revange,but i was always trying to find out but i never did"

"Enough about her,i don't want to talk about that b.itch"I've never really liked her she always thought she was better then everyone else.

"Harry"I say after a few minutes of silence. "Yeah"He says looking at me.

"Did you really mean it when you said you liked me?"I blush and try to hide me face by looking away from him. "Yes,you have no idea how long i've had a crush on you,When we kissed earlier,i felt like i was on cloud nine,i've never felt like this my whole life.You might be creeped out but i really want us to be together for as long as we can"He said leaning in slowly.

"I can't lie the tought of us together has crossed my mind more then once"I blush and look away from him.Does this mean we're together?

"Let me do this the proper way"He said and stood up from the couch,he walked over the flower vase that had fake red roses in them.He took one in his big hand then walking over to me,me watching him every move.

"Emma Miller,Will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?"He asks,making me gasp.What do i say?


So what do you think she'll say?

I know he read her diary and everything but he just wanted her to tell him in person.Just to get that cleared up if you'd ask.

Do you think i'm rushing this story or

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