Chapter 16

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{Media:Gif of Harry,he's so cute}


I was very surpriced to hear that she wasn't a virgin,i would think that,she looks so innocent.But i guess 'Good girls are bad girls that haven't been cought'


"Are you a virgin?"She asks

Will she think i'm a total loser if i tell her that i am?I hesitated for a moment before finally saying something. "Y-yes"I say and prepares myself for her laughing her face off.

"Aww,little Harry's a virgin"She giggles.There we go. "I'd think you'd already lost it along time ago"She says fixing her hair that fell infront of her face. "Why's that?"I ask

"Well based on how much attention you get from girls in school,i'd think you'd done it several times"She explains.

"Well i guess i'm just waiting for the right one and the right time,i don't really pay much attention to the girls in school because the only thing they think about is just getting into my pants"

"You know what,that's good for you,i wish i would of done the same,my first time was horrible"She sight loudly looking at her hands again. "Why"I ask laying my head on the bed.

"Well i used to date this guy named Kyle,Do you remember him?"I just nod,he was horrible to her. "Yeah well one night he told me i could stay over at his place just to watch movies and stuff,of course i said yes the movie fan i am,so i went over to his house we watched maybe one or two movies before he was ontop of me,kissing me"I think i just threw up in my mouth!

"Next thing i know we're on his bed clothes everywhe-"

"You don't have to go into details"I cut her off,not wanting to hear everything.

"Well it hurt that's kind of the only thing i remember,but the whole week he didn't talk to me,he just ignored me.Turned out he was doing a bet with his friend who could f.uck the most girls in a month"She sights,I just look at my hands in my lap while there is an awkward silence between us.

"Can we change the subject please,it's my turn to ask"She says,i just nod.

"Ugh...Do you like somone?"

"Yeah"I whisper and hug her pillow that is on the bed. "Who?"She asks smirking. "I'm not going to tell you"I say blushing.

"Oh look Styles is blushing"She giggles.

"Moving on....H-How many percents do you rate me?"I say shyly. "Well to be honest,maybe 50 or alittle more"She said,Really 50 or more?i thought it would be like 10 or 20.

"Okay agh...Would you kiss me"She laughed,placing her hand over her mouth,laughing "Yeah"I answer making her stop laughing.She gaps quietly removing her hand from her mouth and looking at me with wide eyes.

"I was joking"She said seriously "I wasn't"Shut up Harry.

"Would you kiss me?" I ask

She opens her mouth to say something but not a sound comes from her lips. "Maybe on a good day"She swollows.

"Are you having a good day?"I ask hoping she'd say yes,I was ready to make a move on her. "It was better then a couple days ago"She answers looking up,making our eyes meet.My heart started beating faster as i leaned in,She hesitates for a few seconds before leaning in.Our foreheads touch as i look at her beautiful,perfect pink lips.

I'm going to do this.

Our noses are touching now.I'm going to do it.

Right as our lips are about to touch my phone rings.F uck who's calling!They just ruined my chance to f ucking kiss Emma.

F ucking Marimba! {Get it hahaha,okay that wasn't funny}

She quickly pulls away with wide eyes,like she regrets leaning in.Maybe she's just confused.Let's go with that one.

I look at the caller ID. Mummy ❤️ it read,Don't ask why it says mummy then a heart.

"Hi mum"I say trying to sound as calm as i can. "Hey honey,everything alright,you sound frustrated?"little does she know.

"No everything is fine mum"I answer sitting up on the bed with my elbows on my knees.

"Good,how's it going with Emma,you haven't tried anything have you?"She asks laughing. "Mum"I whisper harsly into the phone.

"Don't make a grandchild while we're away"She laughs even more,god she's so embarrassing. "Mum,please stop"I say running a hand through my hair "I'm only joking Harry,Chill out"I can just hear the smile in her voice while she said that.

"Please don't say that"

"Well i just wanted to know how everything is going"

"Everything is.....Normal?"I say,but it came out more as a question. "Alright darling,can Emma's mum talk to her real quick?"She asks "Yeah sure"

"Bye,love you"

"Love you too"I say before handing the phone over to Emma who is still staring at me with wide eyes.Why did they have to call now,couldn't they wait at least one more minute?F uck i'm pissed off.

Maybe more then i should.

"Hi mum"She says into the phone while giving me a sad smile.I point at the door letting her know that i'm going downstairs.I stand up from the bed and walk into the kitchen.

I kick the trashcan that is on the side of the counter. F uck i want to punch someone.Calm down Harry,I tell myself.

I take a deep breath before tugging my hair,Why didn't i put my phone on silent? Damn it

You may think i'm overreacting,but i'm not.If you have had a crush on the same person for years and are slowly falling for that person the you would be f.ucking mad if you were going to kiss the someone ruins it.

"You alright?"A voice says from the other side of the kitchen,i turn around facing Emma holding out my phone in her hand,I take it from her slowly,trying not to make out fingers touch before answering her. "Yeah i'm fine"

"Oh"Is all she says before turning around and walking upstairs.

F uck.

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