Chapter 4

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{Media:Gif of Zayn}


When we arrived at the party it was wild,music could be heard everywhere,even down the street.When we walked inside the house smelled lika alcohol.Most of the people here were like 16-19,and half of them are drunk.

"There you go"A guy hands me and Zoe a red solo cup with something in it,There's no way i'm drinking something a stranger gave me.And there is no way i'm going to start drinking,the only thing i like about parties is dancing.I don't like it when people get drunk especially under age.

Zoe took a drink from the cup that guy gave her "Why did you drink that?"I ask worried "You never know what's in it"

"Calm down Cookie"She said and walked onto the dancefloor. "C'mon"She said grabbing my hand and dragging me with her,this was going to be a long night.

"Do you see Zayn?"I ask looking around

"Yeah he's right there"She pointed behind me to a guy who was standing alone in the corner on his phone.

"Go talk to him"She said and puched me closer to him "I will,chill"I say and walk over to him "Hey Zayn"I smile

"Oh hey Emma"He says and puts his phone in his pocket "Like your dress"He said looking me up and down. "Thanks,like your outfit to"I blush.

"So want to go somewhere we can talk?"He asked looking me in the eyes,oh god he wants to talk to me alone,maybe he'll kiss me,Don't get carried away with this Emma.

"Yeah sure,outside?"I'm trying so hard not to smile like an idiot. "Yeah sure"he says,we walk outside,there weren't many people out here,just a few people making out up against the walls.

"So"I say as we sit on the grass,i'm thinkful that it's dry. "I'd like to get to know you alittle better Emma"He said biting his lip.Why do I feel like someone is watching us?


I sat on my bed looking at my phone waiting for Louis to text me something about Zayn and Emma,he said that he saw them talking earlier and they went outside,i hope he's not taking her home,if you know what i mean.

My phone buzzed in my hand,Finally.

'They're sitting on the grass talking,i can't hear what they're saying tho'He sent,Damn i really want to go there and punch Zayn in the face.

'Get closer'

'If i get any closer they'll see me'

I wish i was Zayn right now,he has her wrapped around his finger,i'm sure she'll never want me,she hates me,and i don't even know why.When we were little we were good friends,but then when i started dating her best friend at the time,She started ignoring me and saying rude things about me.

Was she jealous?No she couldn't be!Could she?

I shook it off and picked up the book i was reading 'The Perks Of Being A Wallflower' I just started reading it,and it's really good.I wasn't really into reading,but my sister gave me alot of her books to read while she was away for university.

That's like the only thing i do now,reading my sisters books to get my mind of off things.

My sister went to university in Washington a few years ago and met some guy and is now engaged and has a little boy named Aiden.She still lives in Washington but she's planing to move back here soon.


Me and Zayn made small talks the whole night,it was nice to get to know him alittle better. "Cookie we have to go"Zoe sang,walking to me and Zayn on the grass.

"Oh,Nice talking to you Zayn,see you monday"I smile and stand up. "Wait um"Zayn said standing up quickly "Can we like hang out any time soon?"He asked playing with his hands.

"Yeah sure,that would be lovely"I smile,He opened his arms for a hug,We hug for a few seconds until someone called Zayn's name.We brake apart to see who it was,Louis

"Hey,Zayn can i talk to you?"He asked coming closer. "Yeah sure,see you monday Emma"He smiled and walked off with Louis

"Tell me everything"Zoe said excited. "Well,we basicly just talked"I say blushing. "Oh i'm sure you "Just Talked""She laughed,she's drunk.

"Give me the keys of your car,your not driving you're drunk"I say and put my hand out,she places the keys in my hand and opens the door of her car.

I start the car and put my seatbelt on. "So what does little prince charming say"She said laughing. "Who's little prince charming?"I ask confused. "Oh yah know,the one and only Mr.Styles"She said in a deep voice.

"He's not a prince charming,he's more like prince douchebag"I say and keep my eyes on the road.She always has to bring up Harry.I don't know what it is but Harry has been softer on me lately,he usually makes rude comments about something i do,but he hasn't in a while and that's kind of starting to get weird.

"Your thinking of him"She giggles and pokes my cheek. "No i'm not"I say quickly and look over at her. "Everytime you think of him you have this look on your face,it's like you're smiling but mad at the same time"She laughs "That didn't even make sence Zoe"I said and pulled up into her driveway.

I helped her inside,luckily her parents were working late so they didn't have to know what happened.I helped her into her room,she sat on her bed rubbing her eyes. "Do you think you'll be alright?"I ask

"Yeah i think i'll be alright"She said and laid down on the bed.


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