Chapter 13

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{Media:Gif of Zayn}


I had an hour to get ready,I had to shower find a dress,do my make up and do my hair.

Jessica picked the kids up a few minutes ago,she was working all night and had a long shift today.When they left i ran to my room to get ready.I opned my closet to try to find something to wear.There was something in the back of my closer that cought my eye.It was the dress i wore for my birthday this year.Hopefully it still fits. (pic of the dress on side)

I take the dress and all the other stuff that i need with me to into the bathroom,i lock the door and start undressing.

After my shower i get dressed and put my make up on.I look at the time on my phone and see i only have 10 minutes untill he'll be here. "Shit"I whisper under my breath.I still have to find some good shoes,i'm not going to wear heals when it's snowing outside,i don't want to slip and make a fool out of myself.

I run downstaris to look for some shoes to wear.The only thing i could find were my black ballet flats i used to wear before i started wearing heals.I guess that's the best shoes i've got for this weather.

I walk into the livingroom to see Harry spread out on the couch watching American Horror Story.How can he be so calm while watching this,i usually get to scared and turn off the tv.When i'm about to speak the doorbell rings making my stomach drop,oh god he's here. "Harry how do i look"I say fixing my dress.

He looks up from his stare at the tv,looking shocked.I guess he hadn't seen me.

"incredibly beautiful"He said while looking me up and down.Did he just say i was beautiful?I feel my cheeks heat up at his words. "Thanks"I say and give him a smile.I walk over to the door and open it to see Zayn dressed in black jeans and a black shirt. "You look beautiful"He said with a smile. "Thank you,you don't look so bad yourself"I say blushing.

"So should we get going?"He askes putting his arm out for me to grab.I nod and lock our arms together. "Bye Harry"I say and close the door.

"Harry?"Zayn asks confused.He opens the door for me,i step inside and watch him run to the other side of the car. "Yeah mine and Harry's parents are in Paris,and we have to stay at my house until they come back home,It's torture"I say and look out the window,I still can't believe they went to Paris without me.

"Wait so they just left you with him like that"Zayn says with a shocked expression on his face. "Yeah they let us know the night before they went"I sight.

"Wow that's.... horrible"He said looking at me then back to the road.We arrive at the resterant a few minutes later. "Table for two"Zayn said to the woman. "Name?"


"Right this way sir"She said leading us to a table.We orderd ourselfs some food then started talking.

"So how's it been living with Harry the past few days?"He laughes. "He's so annoying,he's always in diffrent moods,one day he's all nice and fun,then the next day he's a d ick"I say sipping from my water.

"Yeah,the past few days he has been acting strange.At practice he can't focus and he stopped talking to me,i don't get that guy"He said "Well i don't want to waste the night talking about Harry,What do you want to do after high school?"I ask as the waitress comes and gives us our food.

"I haven't really thought of that yet,I work at my dad's car shop,i take over the company when he retired"He said and took a bite from him chicken.

I wonder what Harry's doing


I was walking around her room just looking at her things,i never got to do that.If i would touch something she'd flipp.

I open the top drawer if her bedside table and see a pink book with alot of stickers on it.I grab the book and slowly open it.


"No Harry this is private" My mind tells me,but i don't listen i start reading the first page.


~September 2th 2010~
(She's 13 btw)

I really thought Harry liked me,but then i saw him kissing my best friend,April.She knew i liked him why would she be kissing him if she knew i liked him?.Me and April had a big fight after school,we yelled at each other.Then i walked away and told her we weren't friends anymore.Now i don't have any friends,Harry won't talk to me,so i guess he didn't like me at all.


I remember that,April was my first kiss.I did like Emma at that time but that April b.itch told me if i wouldn't help her get revange on Emma,she would tell the whole school about that i liked her,and at that time me and Emma were good friends,so i didn't want her to know.

But now that i think back i wouldn't give a s.hit about her knowing,now that i know she used to like me too makes my heart skip a beat.I flip to the next page and start reading


~September 5th 2010~

Harry started some rumors about me at school so now no one will talk to me,there was a girl in my class that puched me so all my stuff fell to the floor,everyone laughed at me.I don't even know what these rumors wore.I just came to school yesterday and everyone said Harry started some bad rumors about me.He won't even talk to me anymore.His parents came over last night,Harry stayed downstairs instead of coming upstairs to talk to me.I miss talking to him :(


~September 8th 2010~

I've made my decision i'm going to ignore Harry as much as i can,I hate him,I hate him,I hate him.



I never told anyone some rumors about her.I wouldn't do that.I had a crush on her too,I've liked her since i was like 10.

Well now i think i know the reason why she hates me.but what rumors is she talking about?

But i didn't start these rumors,Who did?The first person that came to my mind was April.Of course she had something to do with this.She did say that she was going to get revange on Emma.Now the puzzle pieses fit together.

She knew Emma liked me,and i liked her,So she was going to get revange on her by "dating" me.Then she told the school some nasty rumors about Emma at school.I remember Emma sitting alone at lunch and in class,i wanted to go sit with her so badly but April told me that if i'd be seen with her she'd get her revange on me and tell everyone that i liked her and that i was using her for popularity.

"Why did i listen to that b.itch"I say and place Emma's old diary back where it belongs.I hear a car pull up at her driveway.I rush downstairs and turn on the tv,just to make it look like i was watching tv the whole time.

"Thank you for dinner it was lovely"I hear Emma's voice from outside. "Yeah no problem,i hope we can do this some other time"Zayn says then everything goes silent.

Please don't be kissing.

Moments later the door opens and Emma steps in with a smile on my face. "Hey"I say and sit up on the couch. "Did you really watch tv the whole time?"She asks laughing,she takes a seat on the couch next to me.

"Yeah,nothing else to do"I lied.I can't believe she had a crush on me.

"So how'd it go?"I say and shift uncomfortably. "We had dinner,talked"She said "We didn't kiss though"She added with a sad expression on her face.Yes they didn't kiss!I wanted to jump from the couch and do my happy dance,

"Well i'm going to sleep"She said and stood up from the couch and waking upstairs.When i heard her door shut i jump up from the couch and start dancing like an idiot.

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