Chapter 36

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I wrote this at 1 in the morning so sorry for any mistakes.

I'm so sorry this is late


"Harry,honey there you are"My mum says running over to me as i pull up in front of our house. "What is something wrong?"I ask worried,the look on her face was like something happened.

"It's Emma"I feel me heart start beating faster. "Is she okay?"I ask worried.Things start running through my mind of what could of happened to her.

Please be okay.I say to myself in my head

"I don't know,She and her friend Zoe got in a car accident,there was some drunk guy that was driving and hit Emma's side of the car,Zoe is awake but Emma passed out,we're going to the hospital now if you want to come with us"She says.

I start breathing faster,this can't be happening,no no no no no.

"Harry?" My mum asks touching my shoulder. "I'll meet you at the hospital"I say and run back over to my car.

"Wait,we're coming with you"My mum said and jumped into my car seconds later my dad comes running into my car and tells me to drive as fast as i can to the hospital.

I do as he says but my mum tells me to slow down so we won't get in an accident too.

"Baby slow down"Mum says plasing her hand on my thigh.

"I'm not going to slow down,she's in the hospital mum"I say tears starts making their way down my face.

I park the car infront of the hospital.I don't bother taking the keys out i just run as fast as i can inside.My mum and dad hot on my heels.

"Where is Emma Miller?"I ask the first person i see,it's and older lady that seems like she's been working here for a while.

"She's-"She started to say but got interupted by the big door flying open and in walked doctors with some one in stretchers. It was a girl with brown curly hair,my heart sinks at the sight infront of me.

There she was,blood all over her face and arms,her shirt had been ripped open probably by the doctors.They took her into some room and closed the door.Her parents ran inside after the doctors and gave my parents a hug.

"Son you can't go in there"The old lady says. "Please i'm her boyfriend"I say pulling on my hair.I hear my mum let out a gasp at what i say,but i don't care it's the last thing i'm thinking off right now.

"I'm sorry,I can't let anyone in"She says.

"Please"I cry and run over to the door they went into. "Security" The old lady yells and two guys come up from behind me and pin me to the ground.

"Please,i love her"I cry out,pulling my hair. "I love her so much"I yell sobbing into the floor.

"Oh baby"My mum says running over to me,taking a seat next to me on the floor. She pulls my head to her chest as i let out loud cries.

People were staring,some were crying with me and some just looked at me like i was a freak,that was mostly men,probably because men don't cry,but i didn't care.

She's everything to me.

I sat on the hospital floor in my mothers arms crying like a baby but i didn't care,i just want her to be okay.

I saw more doctors coming in with two more people one was Zoe and the other one was some guy that must have been the driver that hit them.

Zoe was awake but was still in stretchers.Maybe she couldn't walk.Me and Zoe made eye contact when she noticed me on the floor. "I'm sorry"She says before she's taking into some other room.

"You f ucker"I yell and stand up from the floor and run over to the man that hit them.

"Harry"My dad try to hold me back, but he couldn't handle me by himself so Emma's dad came in to help,but i got out of their grip and ran over to him again. "You hit my girlfriend"I cry,i could hardly see because of my tears.He had his eyes closed so i guess he didn't hear me.

I've never cried this much before.

Someone jumped onto my back making me fall to the ground. "Give him some of this"Another voice says.

Next thing i know i black out.

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