Chapter 44

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We walked out of the doctors office,he said my leg and arm were healing so i could take the casts off but i still had to take the pills he gave me.

Harry was helping me walk by keeping his hand on my waist.
"What do you say we celebrate tonight by doing something fun"I say as we made out way to his car.

My mum and dad couldn't make it because of work so they asked Harry if he could take me.

"Yeah sure what do you wanna do?"he says pressing me up against the car.

"I need a shower when we get home so maybe we can go to your house and chill in your hot tub"I say placing my hands around his neck,giving him a quick kiss.

"I'm in"he says smiling from ear to ear. "But you know you have to keep your hands to yourself because i need to rest"I smirk.

He blushes and looks away.

"I'm joking"I laugh. "You can do whatever you want"I joke making him blush once more and looking down on the ground with a grin.


"How long until your parents get home?"I ask limping a little,my leg still hurt a bit but i'll be fine.

"They'll be home in maybe an hour or two"He says opening the back door of his house.

"Let's go"I smile taking his hand in mine walking outside,and walking to his hot tub.Harry gets in before me then stretches his hand out for me to take.

I take his hand with a smile and slowly get into the hot tub,it's really hot and i don't really like hot things (well besides Harry) i'd choose the cold anyday,just not too cold.

I take a seat next to Harry as he puts his arm around my shoulder "I always forget that's there" I laugh pointing at his tattoo.He laughs kissing my forehead.

"How's Gemma?"I ask after a moment of silence. "She's great"He smiles. "She's really happy that she came home,and Aiden is so happy to be gone from his dad"He smiles.

"I feel so bad for him though"I say cuddling closer to Harry's naked chest. "Me 2" He says kissing my cheek pulling me into his lap.

My thighs were on either side of his waist and my head on his chest. "Harry"

He responds with a 'mhm',his eyes closed and his head thrown back.

"The other day when you told me know.I couldn't stop thinking about it,well haven't since you said it but,I think i love you too,i'd be stupid to not love you back because these past weeks you've been so good to me and-"

I was cut of by a pair of lips crashing into mine. "I love you so much"He smiled taking my face in his big hands and pulling me closer.

I wrap my hands around his neck,smiling into the kiss.His hands stayed still on my waist as always.

All of sidden i feel something cold running down my back and all over me. I broke away from Harry and looked behind me to see Gemma with a smirk on her face with a water hose with ice cold water.

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