Chapter 1

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{Media:Gif of Harry}


I was sitting on my bed in my room reading a book when someone opened the door.

"Honey,Harry's here"My mom says smiling,I gave her a fake smile.

Here's the thing,our parents think that we are friends,but we aren't,we HATE each other,we don't get along at all,but we let them think that cause our parents are best friend and want us to be friends,so when they are watching us we act like friends.

Harry walked into my room with a smirk on his face, "Hey love"He said trying to be nice and waiting for my mom to close the door,"Hey" I say not looking at him,my mom finally closed the door.

Harry jumped on my bed and took the TV remote and turned on the TV,He turned the volume up really loud "HARRY TURN IT DOWN"I yell but not so loud as i can,cause our parents could hear. I rip the remote from his hands and turn the volume down "Hey,i was watching!" He smirks "Ha Ha very funny,i forgot to laugh" I say and turn back to my book.

"Hey what's this" he says and takes my book from me "Give it back Harry" i say and try to get it,but there was no use.he just held his hand higher,he was much taller then me.

"What,can't get is shorty?" He laughed.

"I'm not short" i say,i jump one last time to get my book from him.'Yes i got it' say to myself

"Harry,Emma come downstairs for a minute" i hear my mum call from downstairs.i put my book down on my dresser and walk downstairs with Harry hot on my heels.

"What?" I ask as i take a seat on the couch

"Emma we were wondering if you could help Harry with his homework," Anne smiles at me


"Of course she will,they're such good friends but never see each other after school which is weird because they always get along so well."My mum says smiling at Anne i try my best to keep my fake smile on while Harry just smirks.

Great i have to see this idiot everyday after school.


Here's a little sneak peak of the story ;)

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