Chapter 12

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{Media:Gif of Harry}


We finally got them to go to sleep,they were running around the house trying to hide from us,but we caught them and put them to sleep.

"Emma,can you help me?"Harry said from the kitchen.I groan and stand up from the couch. "What?"I say and walk over to him,he was sitting at the kitchen counter studying. "I don't get it"He said pointing at his math book.

I had to explain to him everything i've been trying to teach him for the last few days again,i guess he just doesn't listen,i've told him the same thing so many times. "Do you get it now?"I ask hoping he'd at leased understood something i said. "I think i get something"he said and gave me a small smile.

"Thank god"i say under my breath. "So the answer is 63?"He asked turning around to look at me. "Yes"

"I think i'm going to go to sleep,i'm starting to get alittle tired"I say as i yawn. "Where are you going to sleep?"He asked looking up from his homework.

"My room"I say and laugh. "Where else?"

"The kids fell asleep on your bed"He said,Right i forgot about that. "I guess i'll just sleep in my parents room"I say and grab a bottle of water then walk upstairs.

I got ready for bed and fell asleep in my parents bed thinking about how my date with Zayn would turn out.I hope it will turn our great.


I woke up to laughter coming from downstairs.I rub my eyes and stand up from the bed.

When i walked into the kitchen,Harry was shirtless making pancakes,while the kids were happily eating them.I've seen Harry shirtless many times before,but i've never noticed his abs,and his V-line.

I got interupted from my thought by Harry. "Morning,Sleep well"He smiled showing his dimples. I took my eyes of his body and looked embarresed up at him giving him a small nod.

Today is my date with Zayn,I can't wait.I still haven't found the right outfit for tonight.I've looked at almost every outfit i have,but i can't find anything.

"SNOW"Adam yelled and ran to the window,Skylynn soon following after him "Can we go outside,can we please"He said jumping up and down infront of me. "When you've finished eating your pancakes Harry made you,then you can go outside"I smile and take a seat at the table.They both start eating as fast as they could.

"Want some?"Harry asked,putting a plate with the pancakes he made infront of me.I'm not going to lie they do look delicious. "Yeah sure"I say and take the plate from his hands.Our hands brushed as i took the plate from his hands.I look up at Harry to see his cheeks are red.Was he blushing?Nah he was probably just hot or something.I brushed it off and start eating.

Wow this is really really good.

"Harry this is amazing"I say and take another bite "Thanks it's my grandma's recipe,she taught me how to bake and cook"He smiled,oh god his smile is so beautiful.Just like him.Wait what.NO NO NO I CAN'T HAVE THESE FEELINGS FOR HIM AGAIN,And i'm going on a date with Zayn tonight and i don't want more stess on my shoulders.

"Can we go now?"Adam said opening his mouth showing me he's done. "We'll you have to wait for me to finish eating too,you can't go alone outside"I say and take another bite of the delicious pancakes Harry made.

"No it's okay,i can take them i'll just have to get dressed first"Harry said giving me a smile,then walking upstairs to get dressed.

"Alright then,go get dressed then you can go outside with Harry"I said,the kids run to get their clothes to go out in the snow.

I will never get how so many kids always like Harry,i mean he's a d ickhead.Every kid i've ever seen him with is always smiling or laughing.I don't get it.He's been acting so different for the last few weeks,he used to be so hateful around me but now,he's all friendly and nice.

I finished eating my pancakes he made me then went upstairs and got dressed into some comfortable clothes,I wasn't going to shower until my date with Zayn,I don't feel like taking two showers today.

I walked outside putting my beanie on -Well it was my brothers,but i stole it "oops"-Harry and Adam were already rolling out balls to make a snowman,i guess it snowed alot last night.

Skylynn sat in the snow eating it and singing 'Do you want to build a snowman' from frozen,she didn't really get the words right,but she tried.She's so cute

"Do you wawt to buiwd a snowmawn Emma?"She asks with her mouth full of snow. "Sure"I laugh.I have no idea when Jessica will come and get them,hopefully before my date with Zayn.

I look over to see Harry lifting the ball that Adam made ontop of his. "Now he just needs a head"Harry said and started making the snowmans head. "Sky come with me to find little rocks to make his face"Adam said running over to us grabbing her hand.

Harry had finished making the head and lifting it on top of the other two balls,wow that was quick.

"So you have a date tonight huh"Harry said putting his hands in his pockets looking down. "Yeah"

"So what are you going to do on the date?"He asked,weird question.

"Have dinner,and maybe in the end if i get lucky,he might kiss me"I say smiling like an idiot.The look on Harry's face when i said that,i don't think i've ever seen anyone so sad before.Why is he sad?He just fake smiled and kept his eyes on his shoes,kicking the snow.

I shake it off and turn to the kids who are running in our direction with rocks in their little hands.

Harry lifts Adam up to put the mouth and the eyes on. "We need a cawwot"Skylynn said "A what?Harry asked looking at me.

"A carrot,for the nose"I said.Harry ran inside getting a carrot then came back and picked Skylynn up and let her put the nose on.

"Aw done"She said putting her hands in the air making me and Harry laugh.



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