Chapter 26

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{Media:Gif of shirtless Harry,You're welcome 😉}



"Bye love you" Harry said into the phone.He has been talking to his mum for twenty minutes if not more.

"Harry"I say as he puts his phone back on the table.My feet were in his lap as we sat on the couch.

"Yeah"He turns his head to look at me. "How are we going to tell our parents that we're dating?"I ask and sit up,removing my legs from his lap and pulling my knees to my chest. "I don't know,we have to wait for them to come home though,i would like to tell them in person"He said.

"Yeah me too"I give him a small smile,my parents have never really liked any of my boyfriends,i'm just hoping it'll be different with Harry.

My phone vibrates in my lap,it's a text from Zoe

'Hey babe ;) wanna go dress shopping for prom?'

I'm not really in the mood to go shopping now but i think it's best to go now instead of next week when everyone will be out shopping for their dress.I reply with a yes and she tells me she'll be here in a few minutes and Louis is coming with her so if Harry wants to find a tux before they sell out.

"Zoe's going to be here in a few minutes and is picking me up to go dress shopping,so if you want to take the opportunity to go get a tux with Louis,he's going to get his"I say and stand up from the couch putting my hand out for him to take.He takes it and pulls me back into his lap.

"But i wanna cuddle"He says into my neck making me laugh,i'm very ticklish and almost everything tickles me. "Oh you're ticklish"He smiks pinching my sides. "No"I say trying to hold in my laughter.I try to wiggle out of his grip but he's much stronger and pins me down on the couch,him on top of me.

I couldn't stop laughing as he kept tickling my sides,i couldn't move because he was ontop of me,i was pined to the couch.He stopped ticking me when our eyes met,i finally get to catch my breath. "I adore your laugh"He smiles down at me,making me blush.

Our eyes meet again,he leans in and conects our lips in a heated kiss. I closed my eyes as our lips touched,I clutched desperately never wanting this moment to end.I ran my hands through his hair, pulled his face to mine.

I tug at the hairs on the back of his neck softly,not to hard to hurt him.He lets out a deep groan at the gesture and tightens his grip on my waist.I let out alittle laugh into the kiss as he pokes my sides alittle,he takes this as a chance and slips his tounge into my mouth.My lips parting this time to let his tongue explore my mouth and my own tongue exploring his mouth. It was amazing

I slide my hand down to the hem of his shirt and stroke his abs and run my fingers up to his chest slowly.

We brake away from our little makeout season as he takes off his shirt then kissing the corner of my mouth and trailing kisses down to my neck.I let out a m.oan as he sucks at the skin on my neck.Hope he doesn't leave a mark.

He runs his hand up the back of my shirt to my bra,he's going to unclip it but we get interupted by someone clearing their throat from behind us.I push Harry of off me and sit up on the couch "I see you two are enjoying yourself"Zoe says walking infront of us.

"Well done man,well done"Louis laughed putting his hand up for Harry to high five him.Harry shakes his head at Louis and picks up his shirt from the floor. "When did you get in here?"I ask.

"We waited for you in the car for a few minutes but you never showed up outside so we went inside to check on you guys,and we found you swallowing each others faces.How nice"She laughs.

"Oh like you and Louis never do that"I say standing up from the couch and putting my shoes on then walking outside. "He has some abs girl,holy s hit"Zoe says walking with me to her car. "Yeah he does"i laugh.

"Oh,and nice hickey"She winks before climbing into Louis car.Damn he left a mark.


"So how was it?"Louis asked as i was putting my shoes on. "Awesome"I say and high five him.

"That's my man"He pats my back and we walk to the car with grins on our faces.

The only reason i'm going is because of Emma and how much she loves prom stuff,i was really just going to put on something that i had in my closet,but i guess she wants me to put on something new,so i'll do that for her,i'll do anything for her.


Short i'm sorry

Things will start happening soon 😉

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