Chapter 31

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{Media: Gif of Harry}


Today was prom and me and Zoe were getting ready at my house and Harry and Louis were getting ready at Louis house.We didn't want them to see us just yet.And we didn't really find it that much fun to be in the same house as the boys,so they couldn't really pick us up like they do in the movies.

Yes we sometimes are alittle bossy.

"Your hair is amazing"Zoe smiled as i finish curling my hair. "Thank you, yours isn't that bad"I joke sticking my tounge out at her.She laughs and keep on doing her hair.

"How long untill they'll be here?"I ask looking at the clock. "They said they'd be here at 7"Zoe answered.We have about an hour untill they get here.

I bet they aren't even dressed yet,they're probably laying in bed eating chips and playing video game.


When we were both done it was 10 minutes untill the boys would be here but i'm sure they'll be here any minute now. "You look lovely"I smile at Zoe as we made our way down stairs. "You too,i bet Harry won't keep his hands off"She winked and grabbed her purse.

"I think it's going to be Louis who won't keep his hands off"I laugh.

The doorbell rings making me smile from ear to ear.I'm going to my first prom,i'm so excited.

I open the door and see Louis standing in a black tux with a smile on his face. "You look lovely"He said giving me a hug then kissing my cheek. "Where's Harry?"I ask looking behind Louis,Harry was nowhere to bee seen.

"Oh he's getting something in the car"He said and walked over to Zoe giving her a kiss on the lips and complementing how she looks.

"Wow"Harry's voice brakes me out of my own world.He's wearing a black tux and his tie matches my dress. "You look beautiful"He says walking over to me wrapping his arms around my waist. "You look really good"I smile giving him a peck on the lips.

"How did you know what color my dress was?"I ask curious.

"Zoe sent me a pic of the dress,well not the dress but the color she just took a close up of the color"He says,I thought Zoe had sent him a picture of my dress,i would of flipped.

"I got you something"He says unwrapping his arms from around my waist.He hands me a box that had a wrist corsage that matched my dress and my silver shoes. "Thank you"I hug him and give him a kiss. "It's not real flowers,it's fake,i wanted to get you something you could keep forever,in memory of your first prom"He smiles.

"Aw,i love it thank you,you're so sweet"I say and kiss him once again.I put my hands around his neck and pull him closer to me.His hands were on my waist,we both smile into the kiss as Louis and Zoe groan as they see us.

"As adorable as you guys are,i don't like it when you put your tongues down each others throats"Zoe says as we brake apart.

"She sound like our mum"Harry says making us both nurst out into laughter. "Are you making fun of me?"Zoe says turning around. "No" Me and Harry answer at the same time trying to contain our laugh.

We took a few pictures then walked outside to Louis car.

"No kissing in the car"Zoe turns back around with an annoyed look on her face pointing her index finger at us.Me and Harry laugh. "What did i say,she does sound like our mum"He laughed.


When we walk into school all eyes were on us and everyone were whispering something to their friends.I swallow the lump in my throat and look down at the ground trying to ignore as much of this as i can.

"Ignore them,they're just jealous of how beautiful you look"Harry whispers in my ear making me blush.

We walk into the gymnasium with out arms locket together like in all the movies.I could feel eyes on us as we made our way to get something to drink. "Hey Styles,your date is looking hot"Some guy shouts from behind us.

Harry turns around and give the guy an evil stare. "What do you want to drink?" Harry asked as we stood infront of the drinking table. "Water is just fine"I smile.He pours water into an empty cup for me.I thank him by kissing his cheek.

"Should we sit down?"Harry asks placing his hand on my lower back guiding me to the table Zoe and Louis were sitting at.

"Hey lovebirds"Louis smiled using his nickname for us once again as we take a seat at the table. "Hey"I smile as i take a seat at the table.

We sit and chat for a while untill Zoe and Louis were bored and desided to go outside for some "fresh air."

"Wanna dance?"Harry yelled over the loud music.I nod in response and take his hand in mine as we made our way over to the dancefloor.

Our bodies move with the rhythm of the song,everyone around us were either grinding on each other or sucking faces.There were a few couples that were dancing like us but not really that many.Harry puts his hands on my waist as a slow song comes on.

I place my hands around his neck and smile from ear to ear.This was the best day of my life.

Prom with Harry.I never thought i would say that i went to prom,well i never really thought i would say that i went to prom with Harry Styles.

"I like this song"Harry whispers in my ear.Half the people that were grinding on each other were now gone somewhere else and some of the couples that were sitting by the tables had stood up and started dancing around the dance floor.

"Thank you"I whisper in his ear as we move our bodies back and forth with the music.

"For what?"He asks pulling me closer to him.

"For taking me to prom"I smile and peck him on the lips. "I'm so surprised that no one has never asked you,you're the most beautiful girl in this school"He smiles.

"But you're the most beautiful girl in the world in my eyes"He says looking into my eyes. "Stop"I playfully slap his chest and look down on the floor.We has stopped dancing and just stood on the mid dancefloor in each others arms.

"I'm not kidding"He said and put his fingers under my chin making my eyes meet his.He leans in with a smile,i do the same and pull his head closer to mine.

Our lips meet in a soft kiss.Pop music started playing in the background but we didn't care,we were to lost in each other that we forgot we were in public and infront of the whole school.

I never thought you could have such strong feelings for one person as i do for Harry,I think i'm slowly starting to fall for him.The past few weeks have been the best days of my life.I have the best boyfriend anyone could ask for.

As the kiss went on it became more intense.His hands ran up and down my back as my hands came in contect with his hair,what? i can't help it,his hair is so fluffy and so touchable.

We were broken away from our little moment as a person bumped into us.

"Oh,i'm so sorry"That voice sound so familiar.I look up from my stair at Harry and see the one and only



I'm updating today because i won't have my phone until sunday,i don't really know how to explain what i'm going to be doing.But it's a thing i'm going to with my towns teenager rescue team or something like that,we're going to be sleeping in tents and going to be playing alot of games.

I didn't want you guys to wait til sunday/monday for an update so i desided to update now.

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