Chapter Two

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Your POV

I sat up straighter at the sight of SHIELD's director. I cursed my loose shirt and my sleep shorts as I tried to smooth out the wrinkles as he came closer to my bedside, hands folded behind his back.

"Agent L/n. Good to see that your heart hasn't decided to quit again." His eyes scanned the room, landing on my nubs for legs.

"'s always nice to have a beating heart." I chuckled as he stared at me.

The Director took a seat beside my bed and motioned for Maria to leave. I was determined to not let him see how nervous I was, and I sat up straighter, staring him in the eye. The only one he had.

"So, you like to read." It came out more of a statement more to an a question.

"Yes sir I do. It seems like it's the only thing that's kept me sane during my time here." I glanced over to my book that was on the table beside him, before making eye contact again.

"Well what's keeping you here so long agent? SHEILD could use you." He spoke calmly as he studied my body language

"I can't be discharged until I'm given the 'okay' by a family member, or someone of high authority, sir." As I spoke, I held my head up a little higher, trying to show him that he didn't intimidate me, even though he sure as hell did.

"Well lucky for you, I'm of high authority." He got up after he spoke, and walked to the doorway, stopping just before he exited.

"Pack your stuff kid, I've got a job for you." And with that, he left.

Maria came in shortly after he walked out, and grabbed my backpack that was in my SHIELD locker. She started to put my things in it without a word, and even though she didn't say anything to me, I could tell that she had a smile on her face.

"This was all your idea, wasn't it?" I spoke to her as I lowered myself into my wheelchair.

"Maybe. But Fury didn't like the idea of one of his agents rotting in a hospital room either." She turned around with all of my belongings in my backpack, holding out a change of clothes for me.

I smiled and thanked her earnestly before wheeling myself into the bathroom and changing into a clean black t-shirt and my tactical pants, tucking the extra fabric of the pant legs underneath me. As I exited the bathroom, I took the bag from Maria, and put in on the back of my wheelchair.

I double checked that I had everything before I left the room. As soon as me and Maria reached the door, I spun my wheelchair around, and gave two middle fingers to the room. Maria laughed at my antics as we made our way down to the elevators. I had totally forgot that I was in SHIELD's med bay, and almost choked on my own spit when a certain person step onto the elevator.

The one and only Steve Rogers stepped onto the elevator, giving a hello in greeting to Maria, and nodding to me in acknowledgment. I gave him a tight lipped smile in return, and turned to Maria, trying to pry any information out of her that I could.

"What do you have planned?" Maria just shrugged at my question as I pouted like a child.

"Will I be able to go back on the field?" I looked at her hopefully as she gave me a 'I highly doubt it' look.

"I'm at perfect level to take out your knees, Hill." I grumbled and stared at the numbers, that were slowly going up.

I heard a chuckle to my right, and captain Rogers apparently found my last line amusing. I looked over a him for a brief moment before looking back at the numbers.

"I won't hesitate to take yours out to, Captain." I internally rejoiced when the elevator doors opened and Maria walked out first.

The captain tried to help push me, but I swatted him away as politely as I could. I wanted to prove that I didn't need help. Just because I didn't have any legs, that doesn't render me immobile. He just apologized and followed Maria's trail. I looked at him confused for a moment before following after them. To my surprise, Maria and the Captain both went into the same room. I just shook my head with confusion as I followed them in, Captain Rogers holding the door open for me. I smiled politely at him as I wheeled past him into the room.

I was shocked when I looked around, because right in the middle of it, was a desk, and on that desk, was a nameplate that read:

'Nicholas J. Fury.'

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