Chapter Four

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Your POV

"I love you so much, (dog's name)." Tears streamed out of eyes as he laid in my lap weakly as I sat in the vets office. He blinked slowly at me, and I hugged him tightly to me.

I immediately called Maria once I found him on the bed, and she rushed me to the vets office as fast as her car would go. The vet had informed me that there was nothing that they could do after they ran some tests. While I was away, a cancer had developed within my sweet, sweet dog, and I didn't even know it. The vet said that he didn't have much time left, and he recommended that I have him put down as soon as possible.

I physically hurt me as I told the veterinarian that I had made my choice. I loved this dog with every fiber of my being, and I hate to see him leave me, but I can't stand him living in pain like this. I spent (dog's name)'s last few moments with him. I petted his head softly as his breathing god slower. With each breath he took, I cried more. At last, his breathing stopped completely. I screamed in anguish in the room, with a peaceful dog in my lap.

I sat there for what felt like hours, just petting (dog's name). After a while, a soft knock was heard, and a petite nurse came in, Maria following shortly behind her. The nurse took my dog from me, telling me that they would have him cremated, and his ashes would be sent to me in a couple of days.

Maria just hugged me tightly as I cried into her. We sat there for a few minutes, before we went to the reception desk to sign some paperwork. I filled out his birthday, his name, and his breed at the desk. Along with the receptionist placing a few different jars on the table. I picked out a f/c jar, and picked out which font I wanted the engraving of his name to be in, along with today's date.

As I left the veterinarians office, I didn't have the heart to say anything. The guilt weighing down on my chest was too much for me to speak. If I would have just ran a little faster, I could have missed the falling building, and came back home to him sooner. Or if I had just pleaded for my family to come take me home, I would have more time with him. I beat myself up over the fact that I didn't even know. This type of stuff doesn't just happen overnight, it had to be going on for at least a month for him to be in this state.

As I got dropped off at my apartment for the second time that day, I packed my things in my bags silently. I would usually play music to help pass the time, but I didn't have the heart to break the heavy silence. I had a few broken down boxes in the back of my closet in case of emergencies, and I brought a few of those out.

One box was entirely books and another was personal care items, along with some sentimental things I couldn't bear to let go of. I packed a few pairs of clothes in my backpack I had brought home from the hospital, along with (dog's name)'s old collar and tags. I packed away a few pictures as well. One picture was of of me and (dog's name) sharing an ice cream cone, and that only made me cry again. I quickly packed away what was left that I wanted to take, and called up Maria.

The phone call was short, mainly consisting of me telling her that I wanted to move out tonight. I couldn't bare to be in this apartment anymore. There were too many things that reminded me of (dog's name). Maria understood where I was coming from, and informed me that a member of the team would be here shortly to pick me up.

In those last moments I had in my apartment, I just sat on the floor in the middle of the living room. My wheelchair was off next to the couch, as I relished in the feeling of my plush area rug below me. I can recall many memories about this area of the house. This is where I would relax after a long mission. I would come home, and sit on the floor, leaning against the couch. I sat on the floor because (dog's name) was too old to make it up on the couch, so with me on the floor, he could reach me to cuddle.

I smiled faintly at the memory, when a knock sounded on my door. How many times am I going to be interrupted today? I thought to myself as I hoisted myself up off the floor and into my wheelchair.

"Come in! It's unlocked!" I shouted from my place as I adjusted in my wheelchair.

The head that popped into my door surprised me. Tony Stark. Tony stark was in my entryway.

Tony Stark was in my entryway.

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