Chapter Sixteen

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*the next day*

Your POV
I was brutally woken up by a wild haired steve that was still in his pajamas. I grunted at him and rolled over away from him.

"Cmon Y/n!! We gotta go find some paperclips!" He whisper-yelled to me.

I bolted upright in bed, blinking furiously. Steve helped me into my wheelchair and I wheeled to the bathroom. As I was in the bathroom getting ready, Steve spoke to me through the closed door.

"I think we should split up, we can find more that way." I agreed with him with a hum as I brushed my teeth.

As I exited the bathroom, me and Steve set off to go find the other team's paperclips. We both still had bed head and were still in our pajamas, but we were both too competitive to care.

I was surprised to see a couple of other teams already up and searching as well. I went to the lab first, and snatched the science bro's green paperclip that I saw yesterday. I stuffed the paperclip in my bra, so that there was no possibility of anyone stealing it, or it falling out.

I wheeled through the hallways slowly, going over the teams and what their paperclip colors were.

Bucky & Sam- silver
Clint & Natasha- purple
Bruce & Tony- green
Wanda, Pietro & Vision- red
You & Steve- blue

There was a group of three because there was an odd number of people. I had one paperclip down, only three more to go.


I hadn't found anymore paperclips for a while, and I had to use the bathroom. I made my way down the hall to the gym, to use the bathroom in the locker room. I was surprised to see Natasha in there stretching.

I greeted her with a hello and a smile, and she did the same. I was wheeling by slow, looking around as I went. Natasha was no fool, and she noticed me, looking for another paperclip. I looked her way snd she quickly averted her eyes and went back to stretching.

I made my way into the locker room. I had a feeling about Natasha, like she was hiding something. There had to be one in the gym somewhere. I slowly made my way over to the toilets, and I passed the showers on my way. I stopped once I saw a shower curtain that was slightly more open that the rest.

Last nights events played in my head again, and I remembered bucky coming in here. I inferred that he was going to take a shower, but come to think of it, I don't ever remember the shower being turned on. I was correct as I wheeled into the shower stall, and noticing that the floor was bone dry. Nobody had showed here in the last few days. I looked around the shower stall, and found nothing.

I didn't give in that easily, maybe he just did that to throw me off. I looked in the shower stall next to it, and as I was looking around. I saw a thin piece of crooked wire wrapped around the shower head. I smirked in triumph as I saw it, but it quickly faded once I realized that I couldn't reach it.

I used the bars on the shower walls to get a grip on the shower head. I bet I looked like a spider monkey, stuck to the wall like I was. My finger brushed the piece of wire just slightly, and I cursed myself. I tried to think of something that could help me. I carefully climbed down from the shower handle and went back over to where the lockers were. I found the one that had the name 'Sharon Carter' on it and tried to open the lock.

I put my ear up against the metal as I listened for the lock to click, so that I could figure out the combination. I almost fell off my wheelchair when I heard the door to the locker room open.

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