Chapter Twelve

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Your POV

"I want to go back to Italy." I spoke with as much confidence as I could muster.

"You? Italy? What are you gonna do then? Lose both of your arms?" Sharon mumbled from her place by the door still. Although she was mumbling, I heard her loud and clear.

"You know what Sharon? Yeah, I do want to go back to Italy. And you know what else? I'm tired of your shit." I gritted my teeth as she looked at me with a disgusted face.

"I'm tired of you treating me like a piece of shit, Sharon. Yeah, you may have a lot of things that I don't, legs including. But you know what I have and you don't? I don't judge people by their appearance." I practically snarled at her from my place on the couch. I sat up straighter as I prepared to lecture this bitch.

"Take a look around, Sharon. You see this team? Every single person right here is more different than the next. Hell, Steve was frozen under the ice for seventy years, Bucky and Natasha were trained assassins, Bruce can turn into a whole other person if need be, and two of the members here are mutants, with brilliant abilities. This team has one thing that you'll never have. And that's integrity, something that you seem to have never heard of." I was at the edge of my seat by now, and everyone was staring at me or Sharon.

Sharon was standing with a furious look on her face. Even fury looked a little astonished at my outburst.

"Integrity is doing good while no one is around. But of course I don't suppose you've ever heard of it, since you suck up around your superiors, only to talk smack about them once they're in a different room." I finally leaned back into the couch and crossed my arms.

"So yeah, I will go back to Italy, legs or no legs. I was one of the first agents to sign up for that mission. I was there from the start, and I'll be damned if I don't finish it." I finally took a breath and relaxed.

As I looked around the team, I was met with nods of approval, and some smiles. I looked over and locked eyes with Steve, only to see him already staring at me. He gave me as smile as soon as we made eye contact, and I returned it. Everything was perfect, until someone had to interrupt.

"I'm not just going to stand here and be degraded by some, but some handicapped freak! Maybe they don't look at you different, but everyone else sure as hell does, and I won't ever let them forget it." Sharon stormed out of Fury's office immediately and everyone applauded me once the door was shut.

Even Director Fury was standing from his desk and clapping for me. I just smiled proudly at them and waited for everyone to pipe down.

"So, director, will you clear me to go back onto the field?" I looked at Fury hopefully.

All was silent for for a few heartbeats, like Fury was purposely building suspense.

"Your request is denied to be cleared for a field agent, agent L/n." Everyone's face dropped including mine, and then Fury smiled, which confused the hell out of all of us.

"You are, however, cleared to be an Avenger." He smirked at you as the team erupted in cheers.

Steve hugged you tightly in celebration, and you returned it without missing a beat. Fury left soon after, claiming that he had some 'paperwork' to finish. When in reality, I figured that he was going to fire Sharon.

"So Tony, you can make me those legs now." I smiled sheepishly at him, but it became a stupid smile when he let out a cheer of triumph.


As soon as the team got back to the compound, everyone went their separate ways. Tony practically sprinted to his lab to get to work on my new legs, and that made everyone chuckle. Steve stuck by me when we got home, and wheeled me to the kitchen and sat me on a stool at the kitchen bar. I leaned against the bar tiredly, having not slept in over 24 hours.

Third Person POV

"What do you wanna eat, sweetheart?" Steve asked you as he leaned against his place on the bar across from you.

Steve didn't know why he just called you sweetheart, but it just seemed right at the moment. He searched your face for any sign that you didn't like pet names, but only found that a light blush covered your cheeks.

"Just....just something quick, I'm really tired." Y/n slumped against the counter in front of her.

Steve nodded at you and turned around to get the bread out of the breadbox. He had a small, but cocky grin on his face as he got the bread out, being proud of himself for making you red. You seemed like such a confident girl, one that seemed like she didn't get embarrassed too easily.

Steve showed you the peanut butter and you nodded at him. He then showed you the grape jelly and you turned your nose up at it.

"Just peanut butter?" Steve questioned you.

You shook your head, being too tired to speak, and pointed at the fridge. He opened the fridge and you pointed at the different types of jelly. He pulled put a couple of different kinds before you nodded vigorously at the strawberry jam.

Steve then made your sandwich with his back to you, all the while you dozed off with your face smushed on the countertop.

When Steve turned around to give you your sandwich, you were already fast asleep, softly snoring. Steve smiled softly at your slumped form, and put your sandwich in a plastic bag.

He then picked you up in his arms, carrying you and the PB&J sandwich back to your room. He tried the handle, but it was locked.

"Friday can you please let me in?" Steve whispered to the AI and the door unlocked with an almost inaudible click.

As Steve entered your room, he noticed the boxes that were on the floor and frowned sadly. You hadn't even unpacked before you were taken. Steve laid your sandwich down on your beside table, and pulled back the duvet. The blanket was extremely heavy, and he furrowed his eyebrows.

How long has it been since I hit the gym? Steve thought to himself as he laid you down and pulled the covers up over you.

Before he left the room, he instructed Friday to put the shades down over the window, masking the room in complete darkness. He then left quietly, making sure to lock your door manually on his way out.

Lord knows what he or the team would do if you were taken again.

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