Chapter Six

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Your POV

I spun my chair around to face the person that I saw in the window.

"Hey! I didn't hear you come in." I wiped my lone tear quickly as Steve stood there awkwardly.

"I knocked! I thought you heard.... anyway, the team is going to order pizza, any requests?" He looked at me expectantly.

"Pepperoni?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Yeah, of course. It'll be here in about an hour, you can come socialize if you'd like." He smiled at me and I returned a small one.


"You know Y/n, I can make you a new pair of legs if you want." Tony spoke up with a mouth full of pizza.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, Stark." I chuckled as I finished off my second piece of pizza.

I socialized with the team, like Steve suggested, and I got along with everyone perfectly. Nobody seemed to care about my lack of legs, except for Tony, who was practically begging me that he make a new pair for me.

"How many times do I have to tell you? I'm fine without them at the moment, maybe in the future I'll take you up on that offer." I spoke thoughtfully as I took a sip of my drink.

Tony just squealed like a little schoolgirl. Everyone laughed at that, and suddenly, the conversation was turned to me.

"So, Y/n. What was your life like when you had legs?" Clint questioned you from his seat beside Natasha, who smacked him in the back of the head.

I laughed slightly before answering.

"It was normal. I had a dog, I went to the grocery store, I breathed oxygen. I mean I still breathe that stuff now, but yeah.." I laughed along with the team.

"You said you were a field agent before, what was that like?" Vision had the next question, and I assume he was actually curious, having not been on many missions.

"The usual, I wasn't a shining star or anything, but I graduated second highest in my class at the academy."
I wiped my hands off on a napkin I had on my lap.

After that, the conversation flowed freely, and everyone was just having a good time. Is this what it's like everyday? This team is like a family. I watched everyone converse and without warning, my grief hit me at full force. My eyes watered as I recalled what had happened earlier in the day, and I quickly excused myself for the night, saying that I 'had to get my rest for work tomorrow.'

Third Person POV

Wanda watched Y/n leave, concern written all over her face. She tried so desperately to stay out of the new girl's head, wanting to get to know her without reading her mind, but the emotions that you were putting off were too strong for her to ignore. Wanda didn't go any further than emotions with you, not wanting to invade your privacy and all.

Conversation continued when you left, many people retiring to their designated rooms for the night as well.


Meanwhile, in your room, you sobbed uncontrollably on your bed. You muffled your cried as best you could with your hands, but there was still quite a bit of noise coming out of you. The weight of your pets death weighed down on you, making you sink to the floor beside your bed, and crumple with your hands over your face as you cried for who knows how long.

After your tears slowed down, you finally decided to unpack only the essentials, leaving the rest for tomorrow. You placed things like your toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, and bathing needs in their designated spots. You also took a quick shower, only struggling for a moment to hoist yourself over the side of the tub.

Once you finished showering, you dried off and got dressed for bed. Once you were dressed, you wheeled yourself over to your beside and locked the wheels. You took a deep breath to calm yourself before you pulled yourself up onto the bed and got underneath the covers, all the while your tears never stopped flowing.

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