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**Time Skip to the end of the week**

Your POV

It was Friday, and lots had happened this week that kept me busy. Steve had asked me on Wednesday if I wanted to move into his room with him, and I gladly accepted, moving my toiletries into his bathroom, as well as moving some of my clothes into his room as well. We slept in the same bed every night anyways, so it wasn't any different.

Meanwhile, Maggie had been growing like a weed. She's now a little over fifty pounds(23 kg), and 27 inches tall at the shoulder(69 cm). She was lanky for her breed, but Bruce assured me that she would fill out by the weekend was over. She listened perfectly, and there wasn't a lot of training required since she seemed to understand us. She was very well-mannered, and very protective over me, which I didn't mind.

I remember one day this week, Steve started to tickle me and I screamed, and Maggie came running in, pulling at his pant leg to try and save me from his wrath. She didn't rip his pants though, which made me think that she knew that he wasn't hurting me.

Steve said that he'd take me dancing Monday night, but after our fiasco on his desk, I was too sore and too tired to do any dancing. I'll never look at that desk the same way again. But Steve didn't let me down, and he said that he arranged something for us tonight. He even went as far as picking me out a dress to wear for tonight. I hadn't seen the dress yet, as Steve told me not to look in the box on the dresser. All he said was to wear comfortable shoes.

**time Skip to 5 o'clock PM(17:00)**

Steve's POV

     I was waiting up on the roof for
Y/n. The sun was just about to set,
And the scene was perfect. There was a stereo over on a small table, along with Y/n's favorite takeout. I knew that she wouldn't want anything big, since we would dance after we ate.

     I had picked her dress out specifically out for her earlier today. It was a beautiful dark red, and it was styled in the way that the girls in the 40's would wear when they went dancing. I also stuck a tube of matte nude-colored lipstick to match it in with the dress as well. An elderly woman in the mall helped me pick out the lipstick since I was completely clueless standing in front of the makeup isle.

 An elderly woman in the mall helped me pick out the lipstick since I was completely clueless standing in front of the makeup isle

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(yoU CaN ChAnGe tHe CoLoR iF yOu WaNt)
(Also the dress isn't in the 40's style, is more like the 50's, but just go with it)

I was wearing a simple dark blue button-down shirt, with a pair of black dress pants and a nice pair of dress shoes. I folded my hands in front of me as I waited for the elevator to open. I was checking the tire on my watch when I heard the elevator ding.

I looked up to see Y/n, in the dress, and some light makeup on. My lips parted as she approached me. I'd literally seen this woman in the nude, but every time I saw her, regardless of what she was wearing, she always left me speechless.

"Hi." She breathed as she stood before me.

"H-hi." I gulped as her hand reached up to pick a piece of lint off my shoulder.


We had finished our food, and now it was time for the main event. I turned on some Frank Sinatra and held my hand out for her to take. She grasped it snd I pulled her up to me, and started to sway to the music.

She stepped on my toes a couple of times, apologizing profusely, but she eventually got the hang of it, and it became a muscle memory for her. We danced to a couple of songs as we watched the sun set in the distance. When the sun was almost completely out of view, it casted warm colors across the sky, making everything seem like a fairytale.

"Can I pick a song?" She looked up at me hopefully and I smiled down at her and nodded.

She fiddled around with the stereo for a moment, before a slow song started to fill the air around us.

🎶~Cue the song~🎶

She made her way back to me, and we swayed slowly to the song as it played.

Close your eyes baby, follow my heart

Call on the memories here in the dark

We'll let the magic take us away

Back to the feelings we shared when they'd play

     She laid her head on my chest as we swayed, and we let the music wash over us. The melody was slow, and we swayed in time with it.

Hold me darling, hold me tight

     My eyes slid shut as I just held onto her, savoring this perfect moment. There was nothing that could come between us at this very moment.

So real, so right

Lost in the fifties tonight

       Near the end of the song, me and Y/n had stopped swaying, and just stood there, holding onto each other.
     This moment couldn't get any more perfect, and then she looked up at me with an emotion that could only be described as love. And she proved me wrong, in so many ways. A soft smile adorned our faces as we stared into each other's eyes.

"I love you, Y/n." I spoke before I kissed her.

     The kiss was short, but it was filled with care, and love.

"I love you too, Steve."


Thank you so much for reading this book, I hope you enjoyed! I loved writing this book, and I hope you fell in love with it, too. If you really enjoyed this book, I have two Bucky Barnes x reader works, and a Chris Evans x reader if you'd like to check them out. Thank you for all of your support!💚💚


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