x, trivial conversations

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Everyone felt exhausted

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Everyone felt exhausted. Dehydration was taken its toll on the teenagers, along with tiredness and aching muscles. The high temperatures didn't help quench the undying thirst that scratched at their throats and heightened their appetite.

"How's it looking?", Newts thick, foreign accent called to both Thomas and Teresa. After his talk with Melanie, Thomas had gone off on a wander, ending up atop a large sand dune. Teresa had trailed after him, and now both were talking in hushed voices whilst overlooking the continuous landscape before them that stretched to the horizon. "It's a little further", he shot back, hoping the group ignored the sense of uncertainty coupling his voice. They all knew Thomas was lying. The mountains were miles upon miles away. In all honesty, they'd be lucky if they weren't all dead by then. "That's not very convincing", Newt whistled, shaking his head of blonde, sandy hair.

Melanie gasped falsely, shaking her sweaty head. "What are you on about Newt? That was so convincing!", she joked with a smile, while moving sand around with her feet. The group chuckled, grinning despite their exhaustion. "I bet we're all gonna go to the mountains, meet these mountain people. Then we will all get married and have little babies and then wait out the apocalypse", she sweetly informed, sarcasm lacing her tone like honey.

"That sounds fun, Melanie. Maybe we could get little dogs and dress them up in funny outfits", Minho laughed, joining in on the silly conversation. It continued for a while, stupid banter between teenagers. However as time went on, silence fell over the gladers as their attentions drifted to Teresa and Thomas atop the dune. "What do you think they're on about?", one asked, voicing what everyone else was thinking.

Frypan scoffed, shaking his head. "Definitely not about the plan", he remarked with an eye roll.

"Probably about how much of a shank Thomas is", Minho uttered, seeming pretty happy with his addition to the conversation. The group eyed the duo carefully, trying to figure out what they were discussing. From beside her, Melanie watched as her twin attempted to lipread the pair's conversation, coming up with ridiculous answers "I think Thomas said something asked where the sun sets?", Daniel guessed, with an odd sense of certainty.

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