viii, desert adventures

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Daniel wondered if this is what Janson was trying to protect them from when he was adamant they stay in the facility

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Daniel wondered if this is what Janson was trying to protect them from when he was adamant they stay in the facility. Despite hating the guy, he seemed pretty smart at this point as the teenagers were being chased by creatures from the depths of the unknown.

He peeked over his shoulder, dread and fear settling in him until his sister sped round the corner with long strides. She was getting closer, her small body exhorting itself to catch up to them. He sighed in false relief, the exhale turning into a gasp when the hoard of approaching zombies came into view. Melanie joined by Thomas eventually caught up, and as a unit, the group ran through an abandoned building, hiding underneath some rumble. Uneven breaths and pants leave their lips. It was the only thing heard above the gurgling of the monsters.

Melanie sat with her back against hard concrete, her eyes close and her chest stuttered for breath. Thomas, who was seated beside her, placed his hand on top on Melanie's, and to her own surprise she didn't pull away. She let the boy, who brought chaos wherever he went and stirred her mind into a jumbled, incomprehensible mess, run the pads of his fingers over her knuckles. She screamed at herself to move, but her body felt like hot putty under the boy's gentle caresses.

Thomas smiled. He didn't stop, keeping up his minimal movements long after Melanie had fallen asleep on his shoulder. Looking down, Thomas couldn't help but smile. He thought Melanie looked ethereal; her brown hair framing her face perfectly, her nose twitching slightly as she looked peaceful. She looked without worry, and he noticed the three small worry lines that usually sat between her eyebrows wasn't there.

It wasn't until now that Thomas realised how much he missed Melanie. He always knew some part of him was missing in the maze; something that held part of his soul. He remembered the feeling of someone, the love he had for them. With the griever sting, everything came back. Her face, her smile, her laugh, the way she grew frustrated at him over his work, the care she held for her brother and the very last day he spent with her before she was ripped from his grasp; Thomas remembered everything about Melanie.

And since that moment, he had decided that sacrificing everything he knew was worth just a moment of happiness with her. For her, he'd give her the moon just because of how the light reflected against her skin. Thomas loved her, he didn't think he ever stopped.

And as the gurgles and moans of the creatures draw to a halt, Thomas fell asleep with the girl he had loved since he was nine resting on his shoulder. He felt like he was in heaven, hoping to never have to live another moment without having Melanie by his side. And Melanie knew the feelings for the boy had never ceased; still as dizzying and raw as ever.

Both knew they'd have to talk about this. But for now, their silence spoke volumes as the stars and moon watched the youthful fugitives sleep in the comfort of a warm embrace.


Melanie woke with a violent start. Thomas' claps at the crow picking around at their supplies jolted her from her peaceful sleep. It seemed everyone else had also been awoken by the glader, obvious by Newt's annoyed glare at his friend. The group B girl's head felt fuzzy, as if someone stuffed cotton down her ears. I all honesty, yesterday resembled a dream more than reality. One where she'd wake up and spot the sun streaming over the stone walls of the maze; all of this felt like a fever dream, much like the one she endured during her second year in the maze after she'd contracted scarlet fever and Sonya sat by her bed all night. She missed the blonde beauty, as much as she missed Harriett. Thinking about them was impossible, always ending in teary eyes or swallowed sobs. Her best friends were presumably dead, and she was very much breathing.

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