xi, trust issues

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The routine of traipsing throughout the scorch had become torture

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The routine of traipsing throughout the scorch had become torture. With the blistering heat burning them alive, bodies screaming in pain every time, their boots full of pockets of sand, along with Melanie knowing they were lost, meant the past couple of days of mundane, fruitless actions were depressing the hell out of everyone. Conversation had died in the wind long ago, replaced with solemn, sickening silence.

And when it seemed the cycle of walking through the desert for an eternity would be the only thing Melanie would ever know, she was  woken up one late night by Thomas. His hands gripped her forewarn, shaking her violently. She groaned, mumbling incoherently through her fatigue. Sighing, Thomas pulled her up into his arms.

The boy called her name, spooking her from her sleepy state as she followed his pointed finger. Spotlights illuminated the night sky, casting shadows in the moonlight. Gathering together, Daniel looked to his twin sister, a smirk on his face. She returned the smile, Hope flooding her veins for the first time in a long time.

"We made it", a cheer resonated throughout the group, pure joy, weightless glee ringing in their hearts. 

However, Melanie had learned life would never leave her be, always coming back with a violent bang. The ring of thunder sounded upon the horizon. Dark, charcoal clouds hid the moon as a lightning strike hit the sand. A sinking fear shuddered Melanie's heart, which was beating erratically against her ribcage.

Grabbing her belongings, Melanie ran faster, following the group toward the beaming lights. Sprinting through the darkness, Melanie felt herself nearly trip, half-stumbling half-running. Looking over her shoulder, Melanie spotted Teresa, who was lagging behind. Her eyes flickered over the group, checking to see if Aris was ok. He seemed to be dirty and out of breath but ultimately fine. Abandoned cars littered the sand before them and Melanie marvelled at them, feeling an urge to drive one. But time was slipping from their grasp, and it wouldn't be long until it had run out. Melanie could feel herself get closer to the entrance, her fingers nearly being able to skim the surface of the door.


A rod of bold lightning strikes the desert floor directly beside Melanie, sending both Minho and her flying forward. Hot, searing pain erupted throughout her body, causing her to cry out. She landed awkwardly, her body thrown like a rag doll. Her hearing was muffled, a soft ringing humming in both her ears. Sensation left and returned quickly, turning on and on like a stubborn light switch. A cold liquid trickling down her face surprised Melanie. She guessed it was blood, noticing faint red marks from the substance on her hand. Using what little strength she had, the stubborn began to crawl, hoping she would get to the others or die trying. However, muscled arms looped around her waist, hauling her up Thomas, panic swimming in his cocoa irises, tightly held the girl as he sprinted to the door. Frypan was screaming at them to hurry, and eventually Thomas made it with the girl in his arms.

the end of beginning, thomasWhere stories live. Discover now