ii, memory lane

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"CAREFUL, YOU'LL BURN it", an older voice gently reprimanded her as Melanie stirred a pot of soup

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"CAREFUL, YOU'LL BURN it", an older voice gently reprimanded her as Melanie stirred a pot of soup. The stream rose high as the boiling mixture bubbled.

This voice, belonging to a girl who was at least four years older than Melanie, stood at a cooker, holding a can of stock. Her smile seemed familiar, comforting. Their whispers filled the small kitchen, but Melanie kept getting distracted by the sounds outside. Each time she turned to look outside, this older girl grabbed her chin and pulled her back, shaking her head. Melanie couldn't fathom in her brain who this person was, but knew they loved her a lot.

Both girls sported similar features, save from Melanie's dark hair. Melanie looked up at this older girl, seeing bright blues eyes, full of care and admiration staring back at her.

This older girl grabbed a spoon, stirring some of the beige soup. "That looks lovely, well done!", she praised. This girl bended down, pulling four bowls out of the cupboard and poured the warm soup into them.

"The boys are going to love this", the older girl told her, but Melanie didn't know who these 'boys' were- a family member? some friends? She couldn't remember, despite trying to wade through the information coming at her at the speed of light.

"Thanks Luna", Melanie felt herself say in a voice much more high-pitched than she remembered.

This 'Luna' person just kissed her forehead with a smile, before the entire memory faded to black whilst Melanie tried to hold on to the familiarity of the domestic scene. Her subconscious had other plans, dragging the girl further and further into the dark abyss.


This time, Melanie found herself in the same small kitchen, but with a different person. An older boy, probably only in his teen years, sat beside her with his hand on her shoulder, rubbing small circles in an attempt to comfort her, for why she didn't know. His soft grey eyes met hers, and she swore she'd seen those eyes before at least in the last week. Her cheeks began to feel wet as the tears start to fall. She can't control them, her body only allowing her to cry more instead of stop. This older boy sighed, pulling her into a bone-crushing hug, bending down to her level.

Melanie was much shorter than him, only coming up to his waist when he stood up. She wondered if that would be true now or if this boy was simply just a giant. He kissed her temple gently, running his fingers through her long hair in an effort to console her weeping, smaller self.

"We're gonna be ok. I promise you, I promise", his voice broke as he soothed her, this older boy swallowing tears of his own. Melanie wondered why they were so sad. She didn't respond, as she sunk into his chest and willing the silent tears to fall. '

"Julian, what if-", her high-pitched voice wobbled before it was cut off entirely.

Julian shushes her, repeating his promise over and over like a mantra. The memory ends with Melanie pressed against his chest as her eyes fluttered shut.

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