Uppercut Chapter- 14 Jack's mind

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"Well talk about a day huh."
The hooded man said, taking off his hood. Revealing himself to be Zin.
"Indeed your majesty."
Kuro said as Jikan stood next to him. The three were inside the throne room. Zin walked up to his throne and sat down.
"I now know how Jack lost his memories."
Zin said as he sat back in his throne and put one leg over the other.
"With just one glance you already know, impressive as always your majesty."
Kuro said as Jikan walked up and stood next to Zin. Zin rested his chin against his fist and sighed.
"Yes I couldn't confirm it until after his fight with you. His memories have been locked until he can complete a certain task."
Zin sighed again and then yawned.
"I thought the same. The question is how and why?"
Kuro said, fixing his glasses.
"It shouldn't take me long to figure it out."
Zin said as he raised his hands and put his hands together.
"That will wait sir, your schedule to meet with Z today."
Jikan said, pulling out a schedule.
"Wait I thought we were looking at carpets today?"
Zin said looking up at Jikan.
"No sir that's been scheduled for next week."
Jikan said as he put the calendar away.
"Huh well best not to keep them waiting. Kuro stay in the kingdom and await further instruction."
Zin stood up and Kuro bowed and left the room.
"Where are we meeting?"
Zin asked as Jikan started to walk away.
"The garden sir."
"Where are you off to Jikan?"
"Business sir shouldn't take me very long."
Jikan said as he disappeared.
"Business? He never leaves for business, I guess there really is a first time for everything."
Zin walked down the steps and towards the garden.
Alice was in the gardens in her favorite spot and table. She was drinking tea as Ara and Z were drawing.
"How are they coming you two?"
Alice said, putting her cup down.
Ara giggled as she lifted up her note pad and showed Alice that she drew a bunch of trees. Each tree along with the leaves were different colors.
"Look I drew a forest with many trees and colors."
She said with a big smile on her face.
"It looks wonderful dear, how about you Z?"
Z quickly put his arms over it in embarrassment.
"It's um not done yet."
He said as he tried to smile his way out of it. Alice chuckled and put her hand out.
Z reluctantly passed his notepad to her.
Alice looked at it as she signaled Ara to come see. Ara hopped out of her chair and sits on Alice's lap.
"Wooooow you drew this Z?"
Ara said as she turned it around.
Z had drawn a perfect replica of the garden. He even included Alice's table and tea set. In the picture he, Ara and Alice were walking down the path. Ara and Z in front holding hands as Alice walked behind them.
"Um yeah but I uh still haven't finished it yet. You know um I haven't put any colors in it yet."
Ara hops down and runs over to Z. She jumps up and hugs.
"It's amazing Z."
She said laughing and giggling squeezing Z.
"Ara I can't breathe."
He said as she continued to laugh and hug.
"Where's my hug?"
Zin said coming around the corner.
She said jumping down and running towards him. Z started to gasp for air. As Alice stood to her feet and brushed her dress off.
"Well Z today's the day, remember your manners and be polite."
She said as Z got up out of his chair and brushed himself off.
"Yes ma'am."
He said with a smile as the two walked over to meet Zin.
Zin knelt down and put his arms out. Ara jumped right into his arm and hugged him. As Zin hugged her back and stood up and spun her around.
"How are you my little princess?"
Zin asked as he stopped spinning.
"It was great papa, today we went to the market. Then we ate some candy and had some ice cream. Z got a brain freeze but I didn't. Oh and then we got these color books and started to color. I'm good but Z is waaaaaaaaaaay better."
"Is that so I'll have to inspect your drawing."
Zin said as the two smiled at each other.
"Your majesty,"
Alice said with a bow with Z by her said.
"Good evening Alice, how are things?"
"They couldn't be better my lord. May I introduce Z?"
She said as Z took two steps forward.
"Ah the boy my daughter has told me so much about, wink wink."
"Papa you can't say wink wink."
"Cause it's weird."
"Well papa is a very weird person and since your my daughter that makes you weird as well."
Ara gasped in shock.
"I'm weird?"
"Yes, maybe even weirder than papa."
The two giggled as Alice coughed to regain Zin attention.
"Hm oh right my apologies."
"It's quite alright sir."
Alice said, as Z was a little taken back.
"Ara would you mind playing with Alice while I talk with Z."
"Aawh but you just got here Papa."
She said sticking her lower lip out.
"I know Papa just wants to talk with your friend and see how nice he is. I promise that when I get back we'll play all your favorite games."
Ara's frowned quickly turned upside down.
Zin said as he poked her nose. Ara giggles as Zin puts her down and pats her head. She smiles and runs over to Alice.
"Let's talk over here."
Zin says pointing over to a fountain with some benches. Z nods and follows Zin over to the benches. Zin sits down and Z sits down next to him twiddling his fingers as Zin looks at the fountain.
"Go ahead,"
Zin said looking at the fountain.
"Huh what do you mean, uh I mean uh."
Zin laughs and pats Z on the back.
"You can drop the decorum kid. I know you must have a million questions to ask so go ahead."
Zin said leaning forward and resting his arms on his legs. Z gulped and composed himself.
"I guess my first question is what am I?"
Z said as Zin looked at him and held up one finger. Zin placed his finger on his chest and held it there for a moment.
"This technique can reveal a person's core, however Z you do not have one. Because you are not of this world you are from an ancient world. A specious whose name has long been forgotten."
Zin continued to explain.
At the same time this was happening a boy was laying down in a grass field.
The boy heard as he opened his eyes and saw a blue sky. He was laying in a grass field when he slowly rose up. He looked around to see. He looked to his left when he saw a little girl. Tears began to fall down his face.
The boy said as he quickly ran over to her.
"It's good to see you again Loki."
Luna said as the two hugged. Loki took a step back to look at her.
"I've missed you so much."
He said as his voice started to break.
"I've missed you too. However we don't have much time. I'm sorry that our reunion isn't quite what we imagined. I need to explain everything."
Luna said looking up at him.
"What are you talking about Luna? Where are we?"
Loki asked, confused holding her tight.
"We are inside your core right now. I was able to bring you here so we could talk. I don't have to time explain so just listen. The day I died the reason Envy attacked me is because I am a IT."
Luna said Loki.
"What's an IT?"
Z asked Zin as Zin continued to explain.
"Well once the name of your specious was forgotten people began to call you ITS. ITS don't have cores; they possess a different ability all together."
Zin said as he leaned back to look at the sky. Fate plays its hand once more as Loki grows even more confused.
"What does that have to do with why she attacked you?"
Loki asked as suddenly clouds covered the sun.
"ITS were very dangerous because they had the power to enslave the minds of others. They could read their minds and even change people's memories. Even if the IT does not wish it, their true nature will take over and force them to unleash their power. They won't be able to help themselves.''
Luna said as Loki looked down at the ground. Z sighed as Zin told him the same thing Luna told Loki.
"I see so I'm that dangerous."
Z said looking down at the ground. Zin looked down at Z.
"When an IT is killed, everyone they enslaved die along with him. Kind of like a hivemind. ITS poses unnatural amounts of energy and since no one could disobey them they ruled the world. The king of the ITS ruled with an iron fist none could challenge."
Zin explained to Z.
"Then what happened, were they defeated?"
Z asked him, still looking down. As Loki asked the same question to Luna.
"Yes by the first Core user and the legendary Core beasts?"
Luna told Loki.
"The first Core user? Core beast why are you telling me all this Luna? Why does any of this matter?"
Loki asked his sister, confused.
"Fighter adopted me in hopes he can find a way to prevent my nature from taking over. However I died before that could happen. I'm telling you this so when the truth comes out you'll understand. I'm telling you this so when the time comes you'll be ready."
She said as the world around them began to shatter. Z began to wonder what Zin's intentions were.
"Why would you let someone like me around your daughter?"
Z asked as Zin stood up and walked towards the fountain.
"If I thought you'd be a dangerous to my daughter or my kingdom I would've killed you already. The truth is I believe there is a way to save you from this fate."
Z stood up with an angry look on his face.
"You're just going to use me like everyone else?"
"That's right."
Zin said turning around.
"Can I at least know what I'm going to be used for?"
Z said, clenching his fist.
"I was hoping to tell you when you were older but I guess now works. I want you to be my daughter's advisor one day."
Z expression went from angry to confused.
Z said falling back onto the bench.
"I won't be around forever the day will come when my daughter will rule the kingdom. When that time comes I want you to be there by her side. So if anyone should have thoughts to harm her, you will be there to protect her."
"Why me?"
Z asked, looking at Zin.
"I want my daughter's advisor to be someone she trusts and grew up with. Someone whose abilities can help her when the times to come. Don't worry I don't intend on dying anytime soon, I just like to think ahead. So tell me Z do you accept this most important task."
Zin asked, walking towards Z. Z stood tall with determination on his face.
"Yes sir."
Z said saluting as Zin chuckled and patted him on the back.
"Very good now come I'm sure Ara already misses us."
Zin said as the two began to walk back.
"Oh um uh your majesty can I ask one more thing?"
Z asked Zin looking up at him.
"Hm what is it?"
"Is that why you had Alice become my tutor. To teach me what I need to know to help Ara."
"I didn't have to, she requested that you be put as her student. She said it would be a nice change of pace to have two students. She's had fun teaching you and Ara."
Z smiled as he looked forward and continued to walk.
"Hm what's with the smile?"
"Nothing sir, just no one showed me kindness like you, Alice and Ara. For the first time I know what it's like to be cared for."
Zin smiled as the two made their way to meet with Ara and Alice.
The world around Loki and Luna continued to fall apart.
"Luna I don't understand what does any of this mean."
Loki said, holding his sister's shoulders. As wind bristled through her hair.
"I'm sorry,"
She said with tears coming down her face.
"I wish we had more time. The last bit I can tell you is this. Jack is in a dark place right now. He'll need you to get back. There are people who will need both of you. The soul core must be defeated before it's too late. I'm sorry I wish we had more time."
The world began to crumble as Loki panicked looking around.
"How do you know Jack? What do you mean soul core?"
Loki said as the world around them broke even more leaving only the floor.
"We are out of time."
She said as the floor began to shatter.
"I won't leave you Luna, I'm not letting you go this time."
Luna lifted one hand and placed it on Loki's cheek.
"Don't worry no matter where you are I'm always with you."
She said to him as the floor underneath him shattered and he began to fall. Luna floated in mid air as Loki fell downward.
Luna smiled as she said.
"I know you will, you always have brother."
As Loki fell further down a bright light appeared underneath him Loki looked down as he fell into the light.
He shouted as he sprouted up. As soon as he did someone jumped up and hugged him.
"What were you thinking you idiot?"
Dani hugged him. As Loki looked around and saw Tucker and Syra in the room as well.
"Hey guys"
He said with a smile.
"How are you feeling?"
Tucker asked sitting on the right side of the bed.
"Much better now thanks."
Dani got on his knees and punched Loki in the face. As Loki quickly looked at Dani rubbing his cheek.
"What was that for?!"
"That was for making us worry you idiot. My emotions have been all over the place you know. Damn it out of all the times to be reckless you had to choose then. Damn it damn it if only, if only I hadn't suggested to leave the house then none of this would have happened damn it."
Loki smiled and placed his hand on top of Dani's head.
"It's not your fault Dani we would've gone whether you suggested it or not. Thanks for worrying about me."
Dani nodded as Loki looked at Tucker.
"Where's Jack?"
"I was afraid you were gonna ask, 'Can you walk?"
Loki nodded as he leapt out of bed and changed his clothes. Then he headed for the door. Fighter house was well equipped with every medical need a person could possibly have. Tucker got up and opened the door and the kids made their way down the hallway.
"What happened to the tournament?"
Loki asked as they went up the stairs.
"Well after everything went down Fighter had to cancel the whole thing and no winner was decided. Jack was immediately taken back to Fighter house to be treated. He had many severe injuries. Sierra hasn't rested in days. She's only now agreed to rest since Jack's condition has become more stable."
They said as they reached the stop of the stairs and made a right.
"How long was I out for?"
"It's been a week."
Dani said as they got to the door at the end of the hall.
"WHAT It's been that long!"
Loki said shocked.
"Yes, now Loki be prepared Jack's condition isn't exactly normal."
Tucker said putting his hand on the doorknob.
Loki took a deep breath and nodded. As Tucker opened the door.
Loki looked at Jack hooked up to the oxygen tank. Wires were plugged into his arm and his heartbeat was being monitored. As black aura was coming off his body.
Loki said as he approached the side of the bed.
"Loki your awake thank goodness."
Loki now looked around the room and saw Mrs.Clockwork with Jack's adopted sister. Gerrit was in the room two standing by the window leaning against the wall. Loki walked over and hugged Mrs.Clockwork.
"I'm glad you're alright."
She said as the two let go.
"Likewise where's George?"
Loki asked.
"He's downstairs playing with the other kids. I couldn'td let him see his brother like this."
Loki walked over to Jack's sister.
"We haven't met, I'm Loki Jack's friend."
He said as he reached his hand out.
"I'm Jessica Jack's sister."
She said as she shook his hand. Loki walked up to the side of the bed and looked down at Jack.
"What's wrong with him?"
Loki asked looking down.
"We don't know Fighter won't tell us anything. Honestly that guy pisses me off."
Gerrit said looking out of the window.
"You're the one to talk."
Dani said.
"What do you mean?"
Mrs.Clockwork asked.
"Apparently Gerrit here knew who Jack was the whole time!"
Dani said pointing and shouting at him.
"Don't get angry at things you don't understand kid."
Gerrit said looking towards Dani.
"Oh I understand you just wanted that information that guy was talking about at that tournament. Information Jack only has. So why don't you tell us what your reasoning is for staying quiet this whole time?!"
Gerrit looked back out the window ignoring his question. As Dani scoffed
"Wow really you know what YOUR JUST AS BAD AS THE GUY WHO DID THIS TO HIM."
Gerrit grew furious and looked back at Dani.
"DON'T COMPARE ME TO THAT BASTARD WHEN YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING! I wanted to tell him the day I saw him again I wanted to tell him. I couldn't no matter how much I wanted too."
Gerrit said looking back out the window.
"Why didn't you then."
Dani said as Gerrit ignored his question.
"Why, why, why, WHY!?"
Mrs.Clockwork shouted as everyone looked towards her.
"If all you're going to do is bicker and fight then take it elsewhere. Not here, not with my son."
The room became silent as no one said a word. As Sierra walked in the room and saw Loki.
She said as ran up and hugged him. The two hugged as suddenly.
"Good you're all here this is no time for moping we've got a Jack to save."
Fighter said as he walked into the room someone was wearing a red cloak and hood came in behind him.
Loki said as they all stood to their feet.
"Sierra,Gerrit and Loki you are our rescue team."
Fighter said as the cloaked man sighed, crossing his arms.
"What do you mean rescue team, you haven't even explained what's happening or who he is."
Gerrit said as he stopped leaning up against the wall
"I haven't? Could've sworn I did before I left ah well. When Jack went into Black jack-"
"Black Jack what are you talking about?"
Gerrit said interrupting Fighter.
"Look I thought of the name while I was on the toilet. It was between black armor and Black Jack. I think we all can agree that Black Jack sounds way cooler. Now with that out of the way no more interruption please because I'm only going to explain this once."
The group all silenced themselves as Fighter took a deep breath and began to speak.
"Unlike Jack's other armors black armor is filled with negative energy. When Jack went into black Jack it began to corrupt his body and mind. We've managed to slow it down but it's only a matter of time. Jack has two cores black armor is from the second one. It's trying to infect Jack's main core and turn him back into Black Jack. To protect him the other users of the second core are fighting against the darkness. However this is also slowing things down. It's only a matter of time till he turns into Black Jack and stays that way. We have to convince Jack to come back. He's retreated somewhere into his subconscious. The only way to find him is to enter his core and save him. Any questions?"
Fighter said, still not taking a breath.
"Yeah I have a question, how are we gonna enter his core?"
Gerrit asked, taking a few steps forward.
"That's where I come, I can get us there."
The man in red said, taking a step forward.
"No offense but we don't even know who you are so how can we trust you?"
Gerrit said as the man in the hood chuckled.
"Yes for now I wish for you to call me Flux and know that I will help Jack no matter what."
Gerrit put his hand on the gun strapped around his waist.
"I still don't trust you,"
The man in red sighed.
"I'm a friend of Jacklyn Jocuster."
Gerrit's eyes widen as he took his hand off the gun.
Loki asked
"Okay then how do we do this?"
Gerrit said
"Whoa whoa just like he says he's a friend of someone we don't know and we trust him."
Loki said standing up.
"Yeah I'm still not sure about this either."
Jessica said.
"It's alright you two I recognize this person's voice I trust him."
Mrs.Clockwork said as Flux looked at her and nodded.
"So how do we do this?"
Sierra said standing up.
"Allow me to explain the plan,"
Fighter said.
"Sierra, Gerrit Flux and Loki will all enter Jack's core. Once your in you should immediately be faced with one of the former users. You must prove your there to help Jack only then will they let you pass."
"Um Fighter why am I going?"
Loki asked.
"You have a certain power that will come handy. Trust me when the time comes you'll know what to do."
Loki nodded as Flux stood over Jack. He put his hand over Jack's chest. Jack's chest glowed as a string of light came from his hand and connected to Jack's chest.
"Everyone grab my shoulders."
Sierra grabbed his left while Gerrit grabbed his right.
"Loki hold someone's hand."
Flux said as
Loki nodded and grabbed Sierra's hand.
"Alright once we enter Jack's core we'll only have 3 hours to save him. Once time is up black armor will take over and there will be nothing that we can do."
The group all nodded as they began to glow.
Sierra looked back at Mrs.Clockwork and smiled.
"I'll bring him back."
She said as Mrs.Clockwork smiled and nodded. A bright light shined blinding everyone in the room. The light disappeared along with Sierra, Gerrit, Flux and Loki.
"Where did they go?"
Dani asked
"Inside Jack's core, all we can do is wish them the best of luck."
The group all stood silent as the rescue team dived head first after Jack.
The team landed in a forest.
The trees were white with red leaves on them. The leaves were falling down as the ground was full of red grass.
"Where are we?"
Sierra asked looking around.
"Right now we are somewhere in Jack's second core."
Flux said looking at his watch.
"So where do we start looking?"
Gerrit said, checking his ammo.
"I'm guessing we ask her."
Loki said pointing at someone approaching them. The group all ready themselves as the person now stood in front of them.
She had long red hair and was wearing a fox mask.
"I know why you came. Hurry there's not much time."
She said turning around and walking forwards.
The group all looked at each other but quickly followed behind her.
"Where are we? Who are you?"
Gerrit asked as they continued to walk through the world.
"I am a previous owner of the second core, this here is my domain. Each former master of the second core has a domain of their own."
The woman in the fox mask said as they approached a gate.
"Where can we find Jack?"
Sierra asked walking up next to her.
"Jack's consciousness is somewhere inside the second core. For some reason his mind retreated here and has gone into hiding. The best way to find him is to go through memories you have shared with him. That way you will reconnect with him and you will find him."
The masked woman said as they reached the gate.
"Wait a minute I just thought of something. This is Jack's second core right. Why would his consciousness be here and not in his original core? Also why can't you guys do it?"
Gerrit asked.
"Yes that's where his mind should be. However these two cores share consciousness so that we may communicate with each other. When Jack went into black armor his mind was being dragged down here. Once Jack reverted back to his normal state his mind should have returned to its rightful place. However he has chosen to stay here. His former master could however help him that would reveal their identity and that is something Jack cannot know yet."
"Why would Jack choose to do that?"
Loki asked
"I have no idea young one. It is up to you to convince him to come back. If you fail he will become black Jack and he will destroy everything he sees. If that should come you will have no choice but to kill Jack and us along with him."
The team gulped as the woman in the mask looked at the gate. She placed her hand upon it and it began to open.
"This door leads to Jack's domain. Since Jack has yet to form an armor of his own the world will be made from one of his memories."
She said as they all lined up in front of the door.
"Can I ask one last question?"
Loki asked, looking towards the woman in the mask.
"What is it?"
"Why can't Jack remember his past?"
The group all turned their heads towards her.
"His memories have been locked away from him. Free him and  I will tell you and I'll tell him why as well."
Loki nodded his head
"Fine by me."
Loki said as the ground shook and a dark cloud began to cover the sky.
"He knows you're here, through the door quickly."
She said as black smoke came rushing down towards the door.
The group quickly ran through the door. The mask woman closed it behind them and the door disappeared.
"Great now where are we?"
Gerrit said looking around as they were in a fog.
"My guess is somewhere foggy."
Loki said.
"Ha ha."
"Knock it off you two."
Sierra said.
"She's right we have to start looking around."
Flux said as the group all started to head south.
Loki said as he pointed towards a light.
"A light."
He said as they walked over to it. Gerrit kept his hands close to his waist.
"There's no telling what's down here. Jack's mind will use people or things from his memories to guard his mind regardless of who they are. Be on your guard."
Flux said as they arrived at a door with the porch light on. Loki gulped as he opened the door. The door opened up into a very small living room. The house was falling apart and there was a hole in the ceiling.
"What is this place?"
Sierra said walking into the house as everyone followed behind her. Gerrit looked around the room when he saw a teddy bear on the floor.
"That's weird"
Gerrit said as he leaned down and picked it up.
"Why is there a teddy bear here."
Loki looked towards Gerrit and immediately recognized the bear.
"That belongs to one of the triplets which means."
The group all walk forward as Sierra kicks the front door down. The group now see that they are on the second floor of Fighter's mansion.
"How is this possible? We just walked through the front door."
Loki said
"We're inside Jack's head, anything is possible."
Sierra said.
"So now we know where we are, how do we find him?"
Gerrit said.
"Flux how much time do we have left."
Sierra asked, adjusting her gloves.
"Two hours forty five minutes thirty seconds."
Flux said looking at his watch.
"Okay here's the plan we'll split into teams of two."
Sierra said
"Me and Loki, we'll take the first and second floor. Gerrit and Flux will take the third and fourth floor. If we don't find anything we head into the backyard. Once that happens me and Loki will go west and you two go east."
The group nodded and started to head there separate ways. Gerrit and Flux were checking after door, after door.
"You know I realized something."
Gerrit said opening and closing a door.
"Oh yeah what's that?"
Flux said doing the same.
"The lady in the fox mask said she couldn't risk her identity being revealed to Jack. You don't want us knowing your identity yet you're willing to risk save Jack. Which means you must be close to him, you even know who Jacklyn is. Now my excuse for why I didn't know who I was is actually good. What's yours Charlie?"
Gerrit said, turning towards him. As Charlie looked at Gerrit and took his hood off.
"What gave me away?"
He asked Gerrit.
"Honestly the name Flux. I knew it was an old code name of yours. Jacklyn told me I just needed to confirm if it was you."
Gerrit said, crossing his arms.
"So why are you calling me out now?"
Charlie asked.
"Because Jacklyn did talk about you. Said you gathered intelligence for her. However she never mentioned you were a core user who enter cores, how does one train for that? That and I don't fully trust you."
Gerrit said.
"It's not an ability you train for it's a technique passed down through my family."
"How many are left in your blood line?"
"Including me 1."
Charlie chuckled and that moment the two heard a footstep. They both took their stances. Charlie put his hood back on and ready himself. A door opened and out walked someone dressed in armor. The armor was light weight and left room for the joints to freely move. Whoever it was wore a coat and hood. As well as a dragon mask. Gerrit dropped his stance and smiled.
"What are you doing?"
Charlie asked as Gerrit chuckled.
"Charlie the search is over, that's Jack."
"What how do you know?"
Charlie asked, keeping his stance.
"That's his armor, he's wearing his old armor."
"Yeah the armor from the past he doesn't remember."
The armor shook its wrist and out came blades attached to the gauntlets.
Gerrit said as the armor charged at them. The armor rammed into them as they went breaking through the wall. The two quickly stood up and took their stances. Gerrit looked around and instantly recognized where they were.
"This is Clockwork Tower, how did we get here?"
Gerrit said, pulling out his pistols. The armor slowly walked towards them.
"That doesn't really matter. What matters is how we are fighting something Jack doesn't even remember. Jack's mind guardians should only be things he remembers so how is that here if he doesn't remember it."
The two began to think on how this was possible. When the armor charged at them once more. Gerrit fired one shot at it. The armor blocked the bullet with its gauntlet blade. The armor jumped and divided kicks at them. Gerrit dodge rolled right as Charlie dodge rolled left. The armor kicks the ground creating a huge shockwave and breaking through the floor. Gerrit pointed his guns at the armor as he saw it glow purple and disappear. He saw it reappear behind Charlie.
Charlie quickly turned his head and saw the armor. The armor kicked Charlie sending him flying through the roof.
Gerrit shouted as he looked up. Gerrit quickly looked back down to see where the armor was but couldn't see it. The armor appeared in front of Gerrit and grabbed his wrist. The armor spun him around and threw him up through the ceiling. Gerrit was sent flying through the air. As he was spinning out of control he was caught by Charlie.
Gerrit said.
"Don't mention it, darn this armor is tough."
"Yeah it's almost like I'm fighting the old Jack."
Right then right when Gerrit said that it clicked in Charlie's head.
"That's it because we are fighting the old Jack."
"What are you talking about Charlie?"
"Remember what the woman in the fox mask said. Jack's past was sealed away. She wasn't just talking about his memories; she meant all his abilities and power as well. Think about it once Jack started his training it should have at least rekindled some of his old power."
It all clicked in Gerrit's head now.
"I see Jack's body remembers his experiences but not only could he not remember the past he couldn't access any of past abilities. Because they were sealed off. Why though why were they sealed off."
Gerrit asked as the two descendants towards the ground.
"I have no idea once we get Jack out of here the woman will explain it to us. Still I can't believe how powerful he is."
Charlie said as the two landed on the ground.
"Once the war was over we went on seperate paths. This Jack is stronger than the Jack I fought with."
The two took their stances as from out of the smoke came the armor.
"We can't destroy the armor, there's no telling what would happen to Jack's mind if we do. For the time being I'll hold it off while you get out of here. Find Jack and get him out."
"You sure you're up for that Charlie?"
Gerrit asked him with a smug.
"Get going Gerrit."
Charlie said with a smile as Gerrit turned around and made his way.
Charlie cracked his neck and charged up his electric aura.
"Let's see what you got kiddo."
Charlie said as he and the armor both charged each other.
~Meanwhile on the first floor of Fighter's mansion~
"So what exactly are we looking for?"
Loki asked as he and Sierra walked down a hallway.
"Something that will lead us to Jack."
The two reach the end of the hallway. Sierra reaches for the doorknob as the two hear growling.
"What is that?"
Loki asked
"I'd recognized that growling anywhere."
Sierra grabbed Loki and quickly jumped into the room on the left. As Woolfers came bursting out of the door at the end of the hall. Woolfers had black fur and red eyes.
"Wow what happened to Woolfers?"
Loki asked as he stood to his feet.
"This isn't Woolfers, it's a mind guardian like Flux told us."
Woolfers turned towards them as they heard something to their left. They both looked over at the closet and saw it being opened. The closest was opened completely and out came Mr.Clockwork with red glowing eyes.
"Out the window quickly."
Sierra said as they both jumped through the window. Sierra rolled and quickly stood back up. However now she was in her bedroom. She looked around and couldn't find Loki. She looked up to the second floor and saw Mr.Clockwork.
Loki rolled across the floor and stood up however he was now in the backyard.
He shouted as he heard footsteps behind him. He turned around and saw Woolfers behind him. Loki gulped and took his stance. Gerrit continued running through the city as he turned a corner and he now found himself in the tournament arena.
"What the how?"
He looked around and behind was a figure made of darkness. Gerrit took his stance as the figure one was well.
~To be Continued~

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