Uppercut chapter-7

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It was late at Fighter's house,Jack had just finished up more training. Fighter was having him lift weights,but this time with his core strength included. So far his record is 8,972 pounds,surpassing the world record of 6,270 pounds. He was walking through the hallway,when he heard a banging coming from Fighter's office. He walked over and began to open the door.
"Hey is everything alright in here?"

Jack opened the door and saw Fighter whacking a giant machine. M
"Oh hey Jack did I wake you?"
He asked, still whacking it.

Jack just stood baffled there and watched.

"Um no,what exactly are you doing?"
He said pointing at the machine.
Fighter stopped whacking it and took a step back.
"Oh this,it's a highly sensitive bomb,I'm trying to see how many wacks it takes to set it off."
He said as he proceeded to whack it with a wrench. Jack ran over and grabbed the wrench.
"What is wrong with you?
Not only are you blowing yourself up,
you're gonna blow up the kids not to mention your own daughter."
He said, pulling the wrench away.
Fighter chuckles
"Calm down Jack,you're over thinking things,this bomb isn't that powerful of a bomb it only blasts out smoke."
He said as he leaned against it and tapped it once.
The machine beeps and smoke blasts out of it and fills the room.
Jack starts to cough,as Fighter pulls out a remote and bushes a button.
The smoke gets sucked away,through air filters.
As the two were covered in smoke.
Fighter wiped his shoulder off and took off the goggles he was wearing.
As Jack just stood there.
Fighter asked him,
as Jack turned around and walked out the door.
Fighter says as Jack walks out of the room and shuts the door behind him
"Pff rude."
Fighter says as he pulls out a cloth from his pocket and starts to wipe his face.
Jack walks out of the room and wipes his face.
someone says as a towel gets thrown at him. It lands on his head as he pulls it down and sees Sierra.
he says as he starts to wipe his face.
"Don't mention it,now follow me."
She says as she starts to walk away,
Jack still wiping his face quickly follows her.
"Where are we going?"
He asked wiping off his face,Sierra didn't respond.
As the two walked downstairs and into a room Jack hadn't seen before.
It was a kitchen but smaller than the main one.
Fully equipped and was clearly owned by a master chief.
Sierra pointed to a chair and said
"Take a seat."
Jack didn't say anything and sat down.
She walked over to the fridge and pulled out a tub ice cream.
She placed it on the counter,as she then got two bowls. And filled them with ice cream.
She walked over and put one of the bowls in front Jack,and placed a spoon on the side.
"Here you are the special ice cream as promised,for being able to outrun Wolfers"
She said.
"It looks surprisingly ordinary despite it being blue and pink," 
Jack says.
"Well you can either look at it till it melts or you can eat it."
she said as she sat down with a bowl.
Jack took a scoop of some ice cream and ate it. With one taste Jack's eyes lit up and he ate all of it in no time.
"That wow that was delicious"
he said with a big smile.
"That's the reward we use around here when the kids do well on their training , it's given when you have earned it,and I'm the only one who can make it."
Jack looked at Sierra about to take a bite,
He said
"What are you rewarding yourself for?"
He asked her she stopped and said quietly "For making a friend,an adult one at least,"
She whispered to herself.
Jack didn't hear what she said.
"I didn't hear you, what did you say?"
He asked her Sierra sighs and says
She says as she takes a bite of the ice cream.
She pokes his nose with the spoon and he rolls his eyes. She smiles and takes another bite
"What is this place anyway?"
He asked her as she took another bite.
"This place,it's my private kitchen only me and the people I allow can come in here."

Jack smiles,"I feel honored."
She picks up his empty bowl and walks over to the sink.
"You should be."
She said as Jack closed his eyes. He leaned back and the backrest of the seat went away. As he felt himself being lifted up.
Jack opened his eyes as he was now back in the elevator heading to the top floor.
"I wonder why I remembered that night,I've been remembering a lot of things,nothing about my past though,Mom would be mad at me for not staying focused on the task ahead,something tells me Sierra would be too. So I'll focus up now hang on Mom, George I'm coming,"
he said to himself.
Meanwhile the men at the top floor discuss the situation.
"Sir two of the three intruders are currently moving their way up, they are currently on floor 87 and climbing,their tearing right through us."
Sitting down in Mr.Clockwork chair this man had long rough hair, a long coat with no sleeves. The man was 7 feet, with a deep voice. He looked at the monitor in front of him and saw his men being completely pummeled. With his hands on each chair rest he sighed and said "Tell all the men who are 10 floors up to evacuate. I'll take the helicopter on the roof and rendezvous with the men back at base."
The man bowed and left the room.
"What will you do with us?"
said Mrs.Clockwork,the man looked at them through the corner of his eye.
"My mission has been completed as of now I can either just leave you be,or I can kill you,it all depends on my mood really."
She healed her son close as the men guarding the door started to yell as one of them came flying through the door. Then came walking through the door came Jack adjusting his hat. "Sorry I'm late Mom."
With a smile she shook her head and said
"Well you never were very good at keeping track of the time."
Jack smiled and saw George in her arms. "Hang on buddy I'm coming to get you okay."  George tearing up nodded his head. Jack now looked towards his opponent.
"Who are you? Why kidnap my mother? Why target the Clockwork Tower?"
The man sighed and stood up out of the chair. "My name is Slider, we kidnap your mother not just as a hostage but also as a distraction,for what purpose you need not know."
Jack was surprised that he even talked to him.
"I'm guessing you have what you want,money right, that's all people want,now let her go."
Slider sighed again,
"No, not all of it was for money."
Jack took a few steps closer and asked
"What else was this for?"
The man now had a serious look on his face, "That I cannot tell you."
Jack leaps at him and punches him in the face. However to Jack's surprise, his hand started to bleed as the man's face was suddenly made of steel,
"What the?"
Jack was in shock,as Slider hit him back.
"My core ability allows me to turn my skin into steel,there's no way you can hurt me now." He turned off his steal ability and
with one hand he reached over and grabbed Mrs.Clockwork and held her in front of him.  She struggled to try to break free.
"Let us go!"
She shouted, trying to break free still holding her son close,
Jack shouted as he ran towards the man, the man pulled out a gun and pointed it at Mrs.Clockwork.
"Another step and she and the boy die together."
Jack stopped in his tracks at least 30 feet away from them, the entire office was 65 feet long,100 feet wide. "Darn if only this office was smaller."
Jack thought to himself.
A man called him over the radio and said,"Sir the helicopter is ready."
Slider smiles and holds the gun a few inches away from the back of her head.
"Good work Paterson I guess we won't be needing these hostages anymore, I've always wanted to stick it to that Clockwork family."
He said with a smile and an evil look in his eyes.
With no hesitation Jack ran towards with more fear in his eyes than ever before. Jack's mother looked at him and said.
"Take care of your sister for me,she'll need you, sorry I won't be able to see you get married,and get to my grandchildren,I love you my little Uppercut."
Jack ran faster only moving 3 more feet,everything was happening so fast. He didn't have time to think,time to reach them.
"Not yet."
Jack's thoughts began to course through his mind.
"You can't go yet, there's still so much I want to tell you,still more."
He could no longer contain his thoughts as he shouted out.
He reaches out towards them, his eyes beginning to tear up. Slider pulled the trigger and Jack gasped,however there was no sound the gun didn't fire yet. Everything darkened,everything slowed and the bullet did not yet leave the gun yet. Jack stood there confused as he couldn't move. When in front of him someone. Appeared to be a woman she was wearing a mask in the shape of a fox,a long red coat and boots,and long red hair.
"Who are you?"
Jack asked
"I am a piece of you, a piece you've forgotten."
The masked figure told him.
"W-what do you mean?"
He asked her, she walked closer to him now standing in front of him. As red leaves began to fall from somewhere.
"Jack, what do you want?"
Jack answered quickly
The person punched him in the face, throwing him back, knocking him out of his frozen state. While everything else was still frozen.
"WRONG, you can't limit yourself like that."
Jack slowly rose up,
"What do you mean?"
She walked closer and explained.
"Listen once you decide what you want in this moment,then you can only bring out your core's full power when you want to protect someone. You'll only be able to bring out your full power,whenever you have to protect someone. That's something you can't afford. So instead of "protect" you must change it to "win,beat,defeat". Anything else that you can apply to any situation. You have to want it Jack more than anything."
Jack stood all the way up asked
"How does that help me?"
She grabbed him by the collar and dragged him over to the spot he was originally standing in
"Listen you nimrod,a core responds best to its user desires,however your core is still young so once you decide protection is all you need it for. Your core's full power will only come out when you're protecting someone. You'll only be in a situation like that very few times. The core you have mainly responds to your desire to win.When ever you fought in the ring,you didn't know it but your core was their making stronger than anyone else. When you beat wolfers your desire to win brought out that power. If you want to save your family you have to want to win. Those tears you shed were a sign of you giving up. Never give up Jack,no matter what you face you can never give up. So you have to win Jack,win against the bullet,win against him,win in all things.
So Uppercut Jack which will it be?"
She asked him,
Jack closed his eyes and thought for a bit. He opened his eyes
he began to speak.
With a deep breath he shouted out.
Jack couldn't see it but the woman under the mask smiled.
"That will do nimrod."
A red fiery spark came from Jack's left eye, the girl chuckled and let out a big laugh "Good choice Jack-o,your core has responded to your desire not just to win,impressive. Now unleash the power you've been holding back unleash it here and now."
Jack shouted as he started to glow red.
With a shout his left eye started to shine. He gained a fiery red aura. His right arm gained a red fiery,glowing pattern. Although you couldn't see it his left leg glowed as well,with the same pattern. Things began to move again Slider was still pulling the trigger back. Jack disappeared from his mother's sight and a huge gust of wind flew past her. She felt Slider's grasp disappear. She looked behind herself and saw Jack holding the front of the gun and Slider's other hand. Jack then smashed it with his bare hands.
"Mom leave this to me, get yourself and George to safety.My friends will make sure you make it down."
She shook her head and ran towards the door. She looked back and said
"Good luck Jack,try not to be late this time."
Without taking his eyes off his opponent,he gave her a thumbs up. Jack let go of both his gun and his arm. He jumped back onto the floor,his left eye glowing red along with a red blazing aura surrounding him and steam coming off him. Something poped in his head and he smiled a name for this power.
"You can turn yourself into steel. I can take on this Red Armour even I don't know what kind of beat down your in for,but there is one thing I know"
Jack said as he looked at his right hand.
The Slider chuckled,
"So you think just because you've gotten a little faster you can beat me ridcou-."
The man felt breath leave his lungs as he looked down and saw Jack punching him in the gut, "You piss me off,let me show you why they call me Uppercut Jack".
Jack said as he uppercuted him and sent him flying through the roof. Slider flew 50 feet in the air. Jack leapt up after him.Slider turned his entire body into steel and started falling back down towards Jack.
"He's fast but however I felt he's only gained a small amount of a strength boost,he shouldn't have enough strength to break through my steel, I thought today was gonna be boring but with this."
Slider smiled,
"LET'S HAVE SOME FUN UPPERCUT JAAACK!" The two clashed in mid-air, Slider came crashing down Jack not having enough force to push him further up cause the two to come crashing down. The two came crashing down back into the building falling through 10 floors, Jack kicked Slider to the side towards the windows. Slider almost fell out of the window but he grabbed onto the floor pulling most of it up. Jack took his stance and Slider charged towards him laughing and smiling.
"With that kick Slider should know I've gained a huge speed boost but not a lot of strength however this heat it's building up towards something I can feel it building. The more I hit him the more it builds, let's see how far I can push it."
Jack thought to himself readying himself for Slider's attack.
Jack charged towards him, Slider threw a straight punch at Jack. Jack leaned back and slid under him. Jack sprung up behind him, and kicked him in the back. Slider swung his fist backward,Jack jumped over his attack and punched Slider's arm multiple times. While Jack was in mid-air. Slider threw his other fist at him.
"Crap I can't dodge in mid-air."
Jack quickly threw up his guard and blocked the blow. It sent him flying out of the building. Jack flipped backwards and he crashed through the window.They we're still pretty high up. No building around would help him get back up in time. Clockwork tower was just to big. He didn't have any footing to jump off of. Suddenly as he was falling he felt some sort of platform on his feet. He looked down and saw Sierra and Gerrit,with his brother and mother. Sierra threw some nearby debreay to act as Jack footing. Jack smiles and uses the footing to launch himself back up. Sierra chuckles as she and Gerrit make their way back inside. Slider walked towards the window and saw Jack flying towards him. Jack punched him in the face. Then flipped forwards and the ax kicked Slider through 20 more floors down. As he was falling down the floors, Slider thought to himself.
"Something is not right, how is he getting stronger that heat around him is getting hotter."
Once he hit the 170th floor and stood up only to be hit in the head by Jack fist. Falling through the floors now being hit by a flurry of Jack's fist. Jack's left eye and Right-arm started to glow brighter, the heat grew and the aura started to grow in size and heat. They hit the bottom floor and both fighters jumped backwards out of breath. As cracks began to form in Slider steel coating. Slider smiled "Nice work kid I say it's time we finished this,don't you think."
Slider reformes his armor.
"Let's see whose armor is better UPPERCUT JAAAAAACK!!"

The two charged each other. Slider punched down towards Jack. Jack ducks under the punch and punches him in the gut and drives it in deep. Lifting him off the ground.
Slider said in pain.
"Not yet,"
Jack leaped off the ground,flying upwards punching Slider through all the floors they had fallen through. With each strike his power built up.
He said punching him all the way to the roof and further up. He pulled his right arm back and all the heat and power he had built he gathered it all into his arm.
"I don't know how powerful this punch will be,normally if you were an opponent I respected I'd feel bad,however for you,you just piss me off."
Jack threw an uppercut and shouted with all his might.
A giant red explosion that took the form of the star appeared over the Clockwork building.The heat was intense along with its sheer power.Slider was knocked out,he was slightly burned and his armor was completely gone. The two fell down back towards the tower. Jack red armor disappeared and he started to laugh. He adjusted his hat and gave the sky a thumbs up.
"Crap I'm completely exhausted,if I crash into the building I'll probably die." He turns around and sees
Sierra pointing to an air huge mattress she prepared for him. Jack smiled and landed on it. The two deflated the air mattress. Both Gerrit and Sierra standing over him
"Hmph how'd it go, partner."
Jack smiled and with his right hand gave them a thumbs up,
"I won."
He said exhausted as his arm quickly fell back down to the ground.Jack had overexerted himself he was completely drained of all his energy.
"By the way thanks for making sure my family got down safely and for the flooring."
He said as the two smiled.
Gerrit and Sierra helped him up and carried him.Gerrit on the left and Sierra on the right. Both holding up an exhausted Jack
"Well you've gone from useless to not completely useless"
said Sierra.
Jack chuckled "Well geez thanks,can I have some more of that ice cream?"
Sierra smiled
"Why not."
she said with a chuckle.
"Ice cream can I come?"
Gerrit asked,as Jack and Sierra laughed.
"Sure why not",Sierra said.
As the three chuckled,and began to make their way down.

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