Uppercut Chapter 16- The Carnival part 1 of 2

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1 week after the tournament.

The light shines into a room and onto Mr.Clockwork's eyes. He is laying down on his back. His eyes open as he sits up out of bed. He looks to his right and sees the alarm clock. It reads "6:45" he slowly moves his legs to the edge of the bed. He slips his feet into slippers that were placed nearby. He stood to his feet and walked to the door. He opened the door as it led to his living room. Mr.Clockwork lived in a two-story apartment building. The walls were light gray and the couches were gray, with a black carpet. He walked down into the kitchen and made himself an omelet. He headed into the bathroom and got ready for the day. He got out and put on a black dress shirt and a black suit. He grabbed a tie and wrapped it around his neck and tied it. He reached into his pocket and pulled out black gloves and put them on. He put on his gold watch and headed for the door.
"More business meetings?"
A voice behind him said.
"Something like that."
Mr.Clockwork said back to it.
"Booooooring why can't we just reck havoc already. Bring chaos to this world as you said."
"Everyone believes chaos is best when it's running rampant. We have to let it build. We must wait for the right moment to do."
Mr.Clockwork said turning towards the voice.
"I see out of all your kin only you have shown such intelligence."
"Is that a compliment?"
Clockwork asked the voice.
"Is it hmm I didn't even realize it was. No human has ever talked to me so freely."
The voice said.
"I'll take that as another compliment."
"Whatever, just tell me Johnny-boy when will our chaos be unleashed?"
"At the upcoming Olympics event. World leaders will gather and many strong souls as well."
The voice chuckled as it now appeared in front of Clockwork looking exactly like him. Only he was wearing white instead and had red eyes.
"Shall we get going then?"
He said to Mr.Clockwork.
"You should probably change your appearance soul."
Mr.Clockwork said to him referring to him as soul.
"Hmm, why? I rather like this form."
He said to him.
"Because people wouldn't believe I have a secret twin."
The other Clockwork sighed and changed his form. He turned himself into a cat and jumped off the couch. He walked over and jumped onto Mr.Clockwork's shoulder.
"I'll just stick to this."
The cat said laying down across both of Mr. Clockwork's shoulders.
Mr.Clockwork turned back towards the door and began to open it. The cat yawned and fell asleep. Mr.Clockwork opened the door and made his way out.
The snow was falling through the sky. Jack walked through a forest of white trees.
"Where am I?"
He thought to himself as the wind started to blow. He put his hand on top of his head, to make sure his hat didn't fly off. Jack looked forward and saw the armor he saw standing in the snow.
"You're the armor that was in my mind, what are you doing here?"
The armor held its hand out. Jack stood there for a moment, as he looked down at the hand. Jack started to reach out to take the armor's hand. The wind blew through the cape of the armor. Jack touched it's finger as he felt a jolt of intense pain. He could hear screaming and people crying out. Jack fell to the down gasping.
"Wake up."
Jack heard as he blinked, he saw the ceiling. He was laying down on his back. He looked forward and saw the barrel of a rocket launcher.
Fighter said pointing a rocket launcher at Jack while in bed. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH"
Jack shouted.
Fighter shouted.
Jack shouted at Fighter, as he sat in bed.
"Waking you up it's time duh. It's time to start the day."
Fighter said resting the rocket launcher on his back.
"With a rocket launcher?"
Jack said, raising an eyebrow.
"Ah don't be such a baby it's not even loaded."
Fighter said as he tapped it. He tapped it three times and a rocket shot out of it. And blasted through the roof and out into the sky.
"Huh, I guess it was loaded."
Fighter said, looking inside the barrel of the gun.
"At this rate, I feel like Fighter is gonna give me a Heart Attack before I learn how to use Blue armor."
Jack said, sighing.
"Why would I make you fight that psycho. Even though I'm not that crazy."
Fighter said, blowing into the gun.
"What are you talking about?"
Jack asked him looking up.
"Oh you meant heart attack like the medical thing. Not the person well that's good, dodge a bullet there."
Fighter said, jumping off the bed.
"Wait, there's a person named Heart attack?"
Jack said getting up out of bed.
"Yeah but he's not relevant right now. Come on we got training to do. We don't have time for you to style your stupid hair."
Fighter Said as he left the room.
Jack shouted as he put on his hat and jacket. He walked towards the door and opened it as Anne, Annabelle, and Belle the triplets were standing right outside his door.
Anne had black hair and wore a blue dress. Annabelle had long blonde hair and wore a dress with the sun on it. Belle wore her brown hair in a ponytail and wore a purple dress.
"Hmn what are you guys doing here?"
Jack asked, kneeling.
Anne said
"We are,"
Annabelle said
"Overlooking your training."
Jack chuckled and smiled.
"Is that so? What kind of training?"
Jack asked as they grabbed his hands and started to pull him along.
"You'll see!"
The three of them said.
The four-headed into the backyard. The three all ran ahead and showed Jack a plant.
As Anne began to speak.
"Me and Annabelle aren't aura manipulators, but Belle is."
She said as Belle took a step forward. Her hands-on-hips.
"That's right Fighter has been training me for years on how to control the aura. So if you want to master positive energy you best listen to me."
Loki was heading to Fighter's office. When he saw Dani and Tucker looking out the window.
"What's going on?"
He asked as Dani pointed with a smile.
"Fighter is having the triplets train Jack."
Loki started to chuckle.
"Okay, this I can't miss."
Loki said as he started to look outside the window with them.
Jack smiled and chuckled.
"What's so funny?"
Belle asked.
Jack coughed and quickly regained his composure.
"Hmm, nothing continue."
Jack took a step back as the other two sisters tried to calm her down.
"I'm sure he didn't mean it that way."
Ann said, patting her head.
"I'm sure he just found your threats cute."
Annabelle said.
Belle quickly calmed down and smiled.
"Well, our cuteness is unrivaled."
Belle said as the three chuckled.
"Sorry about that."
Jack didn't know how to respond. As he thought to himself.
"What is going on?"
"Listen, Jack,"
Belle began to speak.
"Positive energy is more than just thinking happy thoughts. It is the very anticipation of good. It is believing that all things, situations, obstacles, difficulties, struggles will all work out in the end. By putting your joy into your aura. Being full of positive energy will heavily increase your stamina. Thoughts of sadness tend to slow people down. Thinking pure and happy thoughts will keep you at a 100%. Positives can do many things. Number one you can clear both your own and other people's sadness. By filling them with your positivity you can help them overcome their sadness."
"Wow, that's incredible."
Jack' said in awe.
"Well, it's easier said than done. You're merely helping them feel happy, it's temporary. They'll have to face their sadness someday. Lastly, the more joy and positive people feel for you the stronger your positive energy will be. You must focus your joy on your aura. Every living thing can feel joy, even plants."
Belle put her finger on the plant they had brought out. The plant grew exponentially in size and was the same height as Jack. Jack took a step back and looked at the plant.
"Amazing you are incredible Belle."
Jack said,
Belle flipped her back and smiled.
As Annabelle walked up to Jack and handed him a plant. Jack took the plant with a smile.
"Now focus your positive on the plant to make it grow. Focus through the chaos."
Jack nodded and closed his eyes.
"Wait chaos?"
Jack asked as he felt a kick in the back. He was sent flying as he flipped onto the ground and landed on his feet. Still holding the plant he turned around.
"Oy what was that for?"
He said as the triplets smiled.
"Positive energy is useless unless you can focus and use it in combat. You must focus your energy while being attacked."
Belle said as she cracked her knuckles, as she surrounded herself in the pink aura. Annabelle picked a huge rock and held it over her shoulder. Anna started to glow yellow flames.
"Oh, crap."
Jack said as he started to run.
"Get him!"
Annabelle said as her sisters followed her.
Loki and the other kids all laughed.
"Well I'm off you guys I'll catch you guys later."
Loki said as he started to walk off.
"Hm don't you wanna watch with us?"
Dani asked as Loki looked over his shoulder.
"Maybe in a bit, I've to talk to Fighter."
Loki said as he walked down the hallway.
He reached Fighter's office and knocked on the door. Loki took a deep breath and knocked on the door once again. There was no answer.
"He's not here right now."
Loki looked to his right and saw Sierra.
"Where is he?"
Loki asked, turning towards her.
"Don't know, why do you ask? Did you need him?"
Loki turned around and started to walk away.
"No, I just wanted to ask him something."
days passed.
Loki walked down the hall and saw everyone laughing and eating popcorn.
"How's it going?"
Loki asked as Tucker tossed him a candy bar.
"Best see for yourself."
Loki looked out the window and saw Jack running with his pants on fire.
"Hot, hot, hot, hot."
Jack said as he continued to run holding the plant. Annabelle kept throwing rocks at him. Ann kept shooting at him. While Belle threw punches and kicks at him.
Jack jumped over the fire, ducked under the rock, and backflip over the kick. As he landed in the ground rear end first. As he started to drag it across the ground.
"Hot, hot, hot, hot."
He said as he finally put the flame out.
Jack shouted as all three of them stopped.
As Ann started to sniffle.
"I'm sorry."
As tears started to come down her face.
"Huh, no wait I'm sorry I didn't mean to get angry."
Jack said as the other girls patted her on the head.
"Don't worry about it, she's very sensitive."
Belle said
"Come on let's take five."
Belle said as the three started to walk off.
"I still feel bad about it."
Jack said as he was whacked over the head.
"Don't be, it happens more often than you think."
Sierra said as Jack looked up at her.
"Thanks, I guess."
Jack said, adjusting his hat.
"Hey, do you mind if I see that?"
She said pointing at the hat.
"Huh oh uh sure I guess what for?"
He said, handing her the hat. Sierra began to examine the hat. She pulled out a knife and tried to stab the hat. However, the knife broke off on contact.
Jack asked as Sierra handed him the hat back.
"Your hat is made from a very strong material. I've only seen it a few times. We call it tython. It's one of the most indestructible materials around."
Jack looked at the hat in amazement.
"I've been carrying something amazing like this."
Jack said as he put it back on.
"Say Sierra you wouldn't happen to have the time would you?"
Jack asked as Sierra looked up at the sun and then back down at Jack.
"I'd say it's about 1:27."
She said as Jack panicked and started to run towards the house.
Sierra shouted as Jack continued to run.
Jack said as Sierra Chuckled.
Jack embarrassingly covered it with his hands.
He shouted as Sierra chuckled.
He quickly ran upstairs and changed his pants. He threw a white jacket on and made his way to the garage.
He got on his bike and started it up.
As he did he felt hands wrap around his waist.
He quickly blushed and looked behind himself and saw Sierra.
"You don't mind if I tag along do you?"
Sierra said as Jack gulped.
"Um not at all, are you sure?"
Jack asked nervously.
"What afraid I'll make fun of you in front of your sister?"
She asked as Jack nervously chuckled.
"Well, it's not that."
Jack said
"Then let's get going."
Jack chuckled nervously again.
He asked her.
"No thanks I'd rather feel the wind in my hair."
Jack took his hat off and put a helmet on.
"Do you mind?"
He asked Sierra, handing her his hat.
"Not at all."
She said as she grabbed it and put it on.
Although she couldn't see it Jack was blushing. She wraps her arms around Jack and leans against his back. As Jack bit his tongue and thought.
"Don't say anything you stupid, you idiot just keep quiet."
Jack revved his bike and the two drove out of the garage. The two drove through the city. The wind is flying through Sierra's hair. She rested her chin on Jack's shoulder. Jack headed for the city bridge. As he started to drive across, Sierra sat up to look at the water. As she let out a big smile. Jack looked through his rearview mirror and saw her smiling. Jack started to smile as well. The two reached the end of the bridge and Jack made a right. He stopped the bike. He kept it running and sat up straight.
"I thought we were going to your sister's place?"
Sierra asked Jack as she started to look around.
"This is much safer. Better get ready."
Jack said as Sierra was confused.
"Get ready? Get ready for what?"
Sierra said as she looked up and saw his sister running at them.
"Look there she is."
Jack revved the engine. As hundreds of people came from the around corner chasing after Jessica.
"Who are these people? Jack, your sister is in danger we should fight them off."
Sierra said looking at Jack.
"As much as I'd like to, I'd rather not go to jail for attacking fans."
Sierra asked as Jessica came running over quickly. She was waving and smiling as she did.
"Yooooo Jack good to see you hehe!"
She said as she continued to wave.
"Likewise now hurry up before they catch up."
She reached the bike and jumped onto the front.
"Jack I didn't know you brought a girl. Nice to meet you I'm Jessica."
She said, offering Sierra a handshake.
She said, shaking her hand.
"Now's not the time for that."
Jack threw Jessica into the air as she landed on his shoulders.
Jack drove off before they could catch them. They drove for a few miles until they reached a mall. Jessica jumped off Jack's shoulder and brushed off her pants.
"Who were those people?"
Sierra asked getting off the bike as well.
"Those were my fans. You see I'm a really big pop star."
Jessica said with a smile.
"Really? I had no idea."
Jack took his helmet off. As he was now seeing what Sierra was wearing. He had only seen her in her battle outfit. This time she was wearing a leather jacket and a crop top. She was wearing blue jeans and had her hair in a ponytail. She had on a small black backpack.
Jack started to blush uncontrollably. Sierra looked at him as he quickly put his helmet back on.
"You okay?"
She asked as Jack nodded yes.
"Hm oh, here ya go."
She said, handing him his hat.
Jack took it and gave her a thumbs up.
"Shall we get going?"
Jessica asked as Sierra nodded and Jack nodded nervously.
The three started to head into the mall.
"Would you look at that wow, am I right?"
Dani said in a van across the street. He was holding binoculars.
"Most definitely a wow,"
Loki said,
"I feel bad for the guy."
Tucker said as Syra gave a thumbs down.
"Okay kids today's mission is to follow Jack, Sierra, and his sister. To see whether or not they kiss."
The kids all giggled as Syra gave a thumbs up.
"Whoever spots the first kiss wins."
Said Tucker.
"Is this why you wanted me to give you kids a ride?"
Mrs.Clockwork asked in the driver's seat. Looking back at them.
Loki said nervously.
"I'm messing with you,"
She said with a smile.
"Go have fun."
She said as they all smiled.
As they all quickly left the van.
"Kids these days."
Mrs.Clockwork said to herself.
"Do you ever think about us as kids darling?"
She said to herself as she started to drive off.
"Jessica is that why you changed your hair color?"
Sierra asked Jessica.
Jessica's hair was blue on top and had purple edges. She wore a dark blue hat and carried a handbag.
"Most of the time yeah sometimes I'll wear wigs."
She said as the three walked together in a straight line.
"What about you Jack?"
Sierra said looking to her left.
Jack said looking back at her.
"Aren't you famous too?"
She said to him.
"Um yeah, I get recognized now and then I guess."
He said scratching his chin.
"How often do you get out Sierra?"
Jack asked Sierra.
"Well let's just say it's been a while since I've left the house."
She said, putting her hands in her pocket.
Jack saw this and looked at his sister who was making hand signals.
Jack mouthed the word
He mouthed
"How long have you know this girl and you haven't asked her out yet?"
Jessica mouthed back.
"It's complicated."
He mouthed back.
"How complicated it is, it seems very simple. Hey, you great and I like you would you like to go out sometimes. See, how hard how was that?"
Jessica mouthed with many hand signals.
"Easier said than done."
The two got into a silent argument.
"What are you doing?"
Sierra asked looking back at them. The two quickly stopped what they were doing.
"Nothing..we were um just uuum talking about.."
Jessica strutted.
"We were talking about ghosts."
Jack said
Sierra asked.
"Yeah ghost and whether or not they're real."
Jack said as Jessica just smiled and played along. Sierra looked at them and raised an eyebrow. She shrugged and continued to walk forward.
Jack and Jessica let out a deep breath.
Jessica said, looking at him.
"I didn't hear you come up with anything."
"That's fair, come on let's make sure she has a good day."
"Yeah let-"
Before Jack could finish a gun barrel appeared in front of his face.
"What is it with people pointing guns at my face?"
Jack asked
"Well, you have a very shootable face."
Gerrit said putting the gun down.
Jack smiled as Jessica was very confused.
"What are you doing here Gerrit?"
Sierra said walking back.
"I'm just returning a few things, my wife and kid will be later if you guys want to meet them?"
Gerrit asked them.
Jack said as Sierra nodded.
"I'm so confused."
Jessica said.
"You get used to it."
Jack said as the four of them walked through the mall. As they walked Sierra saw a cotton candy shop. She eyed it for a minute. Jack chuckled and went over to the shop. He bought a blue, red, orange and pink one. He handed Sierra the blue, Gerrit took the orange one and Jessica took the pink one. Leaving Jack with the red one. They walked about 10 feet when Sierra eyed an ice cream place.
She started to look around at all the treats. Jack chuckled
"Never took you for a lover of sweets."
Jack said as Sierra kept looking around.
"Screw you, you don't know my life."
Sierra said as Jack laughed. Jack then went to each shop and bought 1 treat from each. In total it was 26 different desserts. That took Sierra 7 minutes to consume. The group all looked at her in shock.
Sierra said, liking her fingers.
"Wow, you can put it down."
Gerrit said with a clap.
Jessica said with a smile.
Jack smiled and gave Sierra a thumbs up.
The three continued to walk through the mall. When they heard a commotion outside. They walked out to the back of the mall and saw a carnival.
"Oh, that's right."
Gerrit said smacking his head.
"The mall is hosting an event with some pop star my wife likes."
Jessica chuckled.
"Do you remember the name of the pop star?"
Jessica asked him with a smile.
"It started with a J or something it'll come to later."
Gerrit said as they walked through the carnival.
As they walked they heard someone shouting about their game.
The man said as some people came to try it out. A couple of people tried but no one could get it past 25%.
"Those things are always rigged."
Gerrit said.
"That so,"
Jack said as he approached the game.
"Good evening sir here to try your luck? It's five dollars to play."
The man said as Jack paid the man.
The man thought to himself.
"The ball is attached to over 1,000 pounds. There's no way he'll get it up."
Jack picked up the large hammer with one hand. He swung it down and the ball hit the bell. The man's jaw dropped and his eyes widened.
"So what do I win?"
Jack asked, looking at him.
"Um, you can pick up 5 prizes or a big one."
Jack looked at the prizes and saw a giant teddy bear.
"I'll take that one."
Jack said, pointing at the bear. The man handed him the bear in surprise.
Jack took the bear and walked over to Sierra. Jack held the white bear out to her.
"Hm for me?"
Sierra asked as Jack smiled and nodded.
She took the bear and smiled.
"Thank you very much."
She said with a smile.
"Hehe don't mention it."
Jack said, turning the side as he started to scratch the back of his head.
As he felt something soft and warm on his left cheek. Jack looked out of the corner of his eye and saw Sierra kissing his cheek. Sierra backed off and held the bear close as Jack stood there motionless.
"Hey, Jack do you think you could win me a horse?"
Jessica asked him but he didn't respond.
She said
"Give him a minute."
Gerrit said. Meanwhile, Jack's thoughts were on high wire.
Jack's thoughts were spiraling out of control.
"I'll get you a horse."
Sierra said as she walked up to the machine.
"Hm, this girl doesn't seem that tough."
The man who ran the game thought.
"Are you the next one, young lady?"
The man asked as Sierra handed him a stack of cash.
"My goodness don't think this is a little much?"
He asked nervously.
Sierra held the bear in her left arm and picked up the hammer with her right.
"The money's for your new machine."
She said as she swung the hammer down. She hit down on the machine and destroyed the bottom. And sent the ball flying up into the air. The man looked up at the sky in shock.
Sierra grabbed the brown horse and handed it to Jessica.
"Hehe, thanks."
She said holding it tightly.
"Don't mention it, is Jack still?"
She said, looking at him still frozen as Sierra's thoughts began to spiral.
"What's happening is he is shocked that I kissed or because I'm just a bad kisser. Oh my gosh, I should have a practice first, I've never kissed anyone before. Is that what you meant Momma. The mighty Sierra finally meets her match. Why did you have to be right."
She thought to herself as suddenly
Jack said, finally coming out of his daze.
"See there he is."
Gerrit said patting him on the back.
Jack looked around and saw the machine was broken.
"What did I miss?"
Jack asked as Gerrit put his arm around his shoulder.
"Nothing much, let's just find another game."
Gerrit said as the two started to walk forward.
As they were walking Gerrit saw his wife and son.
The two shouted as Gerrit walked up to them.
"Hey, there you two."
Gerrit said as he knelt and patted his son's head and kissed his wife.
"Guys this is my wife Lilly and my son Gerrit Jr."
Gerrit said as they waved.
"Family, these are my friends. This dumb one is Jack and his sister Jessica and of course Sierra."
Lilly gasped in shock.
"Gerrit you didn't tell me you knew Jessica Clockwork."
Gerrit looked at Jessica.
"I mean I just meant her today what does-"
As it suddenly clicked in his head.
"Oooooh, right she's a famous singer."
Gerrit said smacking himself in the face.
"Now who's the dumb one?"
Jack said with a smirk.
"Hi, it's a pleasure to meet you Mrs?"
She said, offering her a handshake.
"Mrs.Drake but you can call me Lilly."
She said accepting and shaking her hand.
"Your husband was just telling you how big a fan you are? How would you like to come backstage and meet the whole band."
Lilly nearly fainted.
"I mean it would be an honor, are you guys gonna be okay?"
She asked Gerrit and Junior.
"We'll be fine, go on ahead."
Gerrit said as Jessica and Lilly walked off.
"So what game are we playing?"
Gerrit asked as Junior pointed at the game.
"It's a dart game you have to hit the balloons. The more balloons you hit the bigger the prize."
Junior said as Gerrit knelt next to him.
"Okay, how many have you hit so far?"
"None so far."
"Whaaat this game should be easy. We play darts all the time at home."
"Yeah I know but I'm trying to use your trick and do it all in one shot."
Junior said as Gerrit chuckled.
"My trick huh, well here it's all in the flick of the wrist."
Gerrit said he paid the owner of the game $5 to play. He was handed five darts and there were 5 balloons.
"You see the trick is son,"
He said as he grabbed the darts and placed them between each finger.
"You've got to guide the darts all the way up till you throw them, like so."
Gerrit said as he took a step back. He put his left foot forward and his right slightly behind. He pulled his right hand below his belly and past his waist. He threw the darts as his hand was now next to his face. He let the darts fly through the air as each one hit its mark.
He said standing back up straight. As the others started to clap.
"Thank you, thank you."
Gerrit said with a bow.
"I don't think I'll ever get it."
Junior said, lowering his head.
"Nonsense if your old man could do it so can you."
Junior looked up and nodded.
"You guys go on ahead, we'll catch up."
Gerrit said.
Jack and Sierra as they walked away.
"Oh my gosh, it's just us. Does that mean I'm on a d-d-d-daaaaaate!"
His inner voice shouted. As Sierra was thinking similar thoughts.
"Oh my gosh, it's just us in a carnival. What should I do should I hold his hand. Should I hold his arm? What, what I was never trained for this."
She thought to herself as they both kept walking thinking of what to do.
"So um, are you having fun?"
Jack asked nervously.
"Oh um yes I've never really done this before."
She said as she untied her ponytail and let her hair down. As she moved it around. She looked at Jack and smiled. As she brushed it her behind her right ear. At this current point in time, Jack's head nearly exploded.
Jack said with a cough.
"Did you know people from all over the world come to this carnival?"
"Oh, really why's that?"
Sierra asked him.
"Ahem well, this carnival is all about different places of the world. It's called the carnival of many places. People from Northsandren, South Dundrum, Vindomllim, Callum, and of course us Ninverda. Every nation celebrates this day because today is the day that the leaders of the world came together and ushered in an era of peace. There are even some world leaders here."
"Hm, I did not know that."
"So um....what's your family like?"
Jack asked as he immediately faces palmed himself.
"Really what's your family like, nice going Jack."
He thought to himself as Sierra giggled.
"It's alright seeing how I know lots about your family, it's only fair. You already know my father Fighter. My mother is away right now. Let me see oh yes I have 6 siblings. In total there were 8 of us."
Jack whistled.
"Was it more boys or girls?"
Jack asked her.
"It was more boys. There are 5 boys and 3 girls. The oldest two were Bounty and Daku. Then it was Jayku, Kayaku, and Steve."
Jack said raising an eyebrow
"I know right he has a weird name."
She said looking at him with a smile.
"Yeah...very so who were the girls?"
"Well there was me of course, then it was Sinlote and finally Envy."
She said looking down.
Jack slightly pushed her and smiled.
"I'll have to meet your brothers one day."
Jack said as they continued to walk around. As they continued to walk their hands slightly bumped into each other. Jack blushed and Sierra hid her face inside the bear.
"Is that really how you try to hold hands, Sierra,"
She thought to herself.
"It's easy you just wrap your hand around his. How did it lead to a bump?"
She thought to herself as Jack took a deep breath.
"Okay Jack, okay it's time to man up."
Jack said as he very nervously reached over and grabbed Sierra's hand. Sierra quickly looked out from the bear and at Jack. Jack was looking forward to trying to keep his calm.
Jack said as Sierra smiled and nodded. The two continued to walk forward.
"Wow they are really bad at this."
Loki said.
"I never thought big sister Sierra would struggle this much. At this point, we'd be lucky if they even kissed."
Dani said, eating popcorn right next to him. The two were sitting on top of the building. They had a birds-eye view of almost everything.
"Where did you get that?"
Loki asked, turning towards him.
"We're at a carnival. I got all kinds of snacks. Want one?"
He asked, handing him a churro. Loki reluctantly took.
He bites into it and pulled out a walkie talkie.
"Anything? Over."
He said into it.
As Tucker and Syra were on top of a building across from them. To cover the angles Loki and Dani couldn't see.
"No nothing yet we'll let you know if we spot anything. Over."
Jack and Sierra accidentally bumped into someone. It was a little girl Jack quickly knelt to see if she was okay.
"Are you okay?"
Jack asked, offering her a hand. She reached out and grabbed it. Jack helped her up as Sierra knelt too.
"Do you know where your parents are?"
Sierra asked softly, patting her down. As she nodded and pointed backward. Someone was running towards.
The person running towards them shouted. He quickly ran next to Ara panting.
"You've got to stop running ahead like that. I could've lost you."
He said to her.
"I'm sorry Z I was just trying to catch my balloon."
She said pointing up.
"Well, here you two are."
A woman said walking up behind them.
"Thank you for finding them, you have my thanks."
She said with a courtesy. Jack and Sierra quickly stood up.
"No need for that, it's okay, I'm Jack."
He said, offering a handshake.
She said looking up at him.
"Um yes."
He said nervously.
"Nothing, it's just that I've heard of you, I'm Alice."
She said shaking his hand.
"Come now Ara let's go find your dad."
Ara nodded and smiled as the three walked away.
"What a cute family."
Sierra said.
Jack said.
"Is everything alright?"
Sierra asked.
"Yeah it's just the little girl seemed very familiar."
Jack shrugged as the two walked off.
Alice and the others continued to walk forward when they saw Zin holding four sticks of cotton candy. "Pink for Ara, Orange for Z, yellow for Alice, and blue for me."
He said handing them out.
"My lord,"
Alice said
"He's here."
She said, taking a bite.
"Is that so, we'll have to take great care to avoid."
Zin said, taking a bite.
"Or you could go to your meeting my lord."
Zin sighed
"Ugh that's right I do have that."
Zin knelt and patted Ara over the head.
"Papa will be back as soon as he can. Have fun with Alice and Z okay."
He said with a smile. Ara nodded and hugged her father. Zin hugged her back and kissed her over the head. As he went on his way. Zin walked into the mall.
A man with green hair and eyes was standing by the elevator.
"Let's head up Spedro."
Zin said Spedro stopped leaning against the wall. Spedro wore a green and black hoodie without sleeves and shorts that went to his knees. The two got into the elevator and Spedro pushed the top floor button.
"Why did I have to come, your majesty?"
Spedro asked
"Everyone else had assignments."
Zin said.
"Even Jikan?"
He said looking at Zin out the corner of his eye.
"Surprisingly yes."
He said with a shrug. The elevator reached the top floor as it opened up to a large room.
"Sorry, I'm late everyone."
Zin said walking into a room. In this room were the most powerful leaders of the world.
Idrum Sidem supreme leader of South Dundrum. Her Second Idis forhem.
Lady Moon Saiyku leader of Northsandren. Her second Samuel Tallit.
Garen Taden the 5the current leader of Callum. His second Alicia Morover.
Johnathan Clockwork President of Ninverda. His second Harry Waters leader of the Clockwork forces.
Jean Pillnerf- Leader of North Dundrum.
Zin Nealous Vantourt Alastair the 3rd King of Seiketsu. His second Jikan is currently not present. Stand in division leader Spedro.
"It's fine King Zin we weren't talking about anything important."
Idrum said as she sat back.
"Just the upcoming Olympic event and who was participating."
Said Garen.
"Oh, then I didn't miss much."
Zin Said taking a seat.
Zin's kingdom of Seiketsu has never participated in the games. His reason every year is quote
"My guys would just be bored, because everyone else is too weak for them."
"There's something I'd like to bring to the table."
Mr.Clockwork said putting his hands together.
"King Zin I request that you come to watch this year's games. This year we will be incorporating core abilities. If you are impressed by what you see, please consider joining next year's games."
Mr.Clockwork said as Zin seemed intrigued.
"Hmm, interesting, fine I'll come and watch this year's games and see what you all have to offer."
Zin said leaning back in his chair.
Spedro was chewing on gum and wearing headphones. All the other seconds looked very angry to see his disrespect. Spedro looked at Alice and winked at her. Zin sighed and slowly rose his hand. As he did suddenly he was holding Spedro's wrist. Spedro's hand was holding a wallet.
"Come now Spedro give it back."
Spedro blew a bubble and threw it at Alicia. Alicia caught it and checked her pockets and saw her wallet was missing.
"The rest as well."
Zin said as Spedro sighed and tossed back all the wallets of the seconds.
"How did you manage to take them all from us?"
Alicia said.
Spedro looked at Zin as he gave him the go-ahead.
"I walked up and grabbed them. As I expected only my king could see it happen."
Spedro said blowing another bubble.
"Do try better to impress me at the games."
Zin said with a smile as all the seconds now felt embarrassed.
Jack and Sierra were riding on a Ferris, Jack was on the right and Sierra on the left, talking and laughing.
"Okay so wait you used to eat uncooked potatoes why?"
Sierra said with a smile and a laugh.
"I have no idea. I just found it laying on the counter. I picked it up and just ate it. I almost choked on it if my mom hadn't come in."
Sierra laughed as Jack chuckled nervously. The Ferris wheel stopped as Jack and Sierra reached the top. It was a full moon, music was playing and it was brightly lit.
"Why'd we stop?"
Sierra asked.
"I may have slipped the guy fifty bucks and a promised autograph from my sister. To let us stay up here for a few extra minutes."
Sierra smiled as she scooted closer and laid her head on Jack's shoulder. Jack blushed a bit as he wrapped his arm around Sierra. Sierra looked up at Jack as Jack looked down at her. She lifted her hand and put it on Jack's cheek. Jack reached up and held her hand.
"Gulp, well here goes nothing."
Jack thought to himself.
"Please don't let me be bad at this."
Sierra thought to herself. The two closed their eyes and slowly got closer to each other.
Loki shouted into the walkie talkie.
"Yes get it, son."
Dani said.
"It's happening, it's happening."
Tucker said as Syra gave two thumbs up.
Jack's and Sierra's lips were inches away from each other.
Sierra heard a familiar voice whisper. As she quickly backed off and started to look around. Jack opened his eyes and backed up.
Loki shouted.
"Ah come on."
Dani said, throwing his popcorn.
"Ugh dang it fine you win."
Tucker said handing Syra ten dollars.
Fighter said, putting his cup down.
"I feel like I just heard as though thousands of fans have cried out in anguish. Hm, probably nothing back to the story."
He said as Sierra kept looking around.
"Oh I'm um sorry I guess I just read things wrong, I'm so-"
Sierra put her hand over Jack's.
"No you didn't, I just heard something familiar."
She continued to look around when she heard
Once again.
She took her hand off Jack's mouth and looked at him.
"I'm sorry,"
She said as she kissed on the forehead.
Jack sat there for a moment. Sierra looked into his eyes. She stood up and backflips out of the seat.
Jack says as he jumps after her. He lands on the ground and starts looking for her.
"Do you have a visual? Over."
Tucker said into the walkie talkie.
"Negative, Over."
Dani said over the radio.
"Where Loki? Over."
Tucker asked.
"He went after he's the only one who has a chance to keep up. You guys find em I'll keep an eye on Jack Over."
Dani said putting the radio in his pocket.
Loki was running all around the carnival when he finally saw Sierra. She turned a corner and went between two tents. It was around the edge of the carnival area. It was dark, there was barely any light.
"What are you doing?"
Loki heard Sierra say.
"What's wrong with wanting to see my sister. My, my I haven't seen you dressed up in ages. Must be a special occasion. Is it a boy are you on a date my dear Sierra."
Loki immediately recognized this voice as Envy. He gritted his teeth and reached into his jacket as he pulled out a baton. As he reached for his radio.
"Don't play games with me Envy, tell me the truth why are you here?"
Sierra demanded
"The truth? Why should I when you haven't been telling the whole truth."
Sierra clenched her fist and took a stance.
"Get out of here."
Sierra said, taking a step closer.
"Do they know? Does Loki know what happened to his friends that day, what happened to his sister?"
Loki stopped reaching for his radio and stood to his feet. As he walked around the corner.
"What is she talking about Sierra?"
Sierra turned her head in shock.
"Loki you shouldn't be here. Get out of here now!"
Sierra shouted as she felt a hand on her shoulder.
"Come now, he you deserve to know, doesn't he. Don't they all."
Envy said into Sierra's ear.
"So why don't you tell him or should I?"
She said as Sierra couldn't move. She dropped her stance and stood there with her head down. Envy sighs in disappointment.
"Tell me Loki do you know what an IT is?"
Envy asked him.
"I do."
Envy smiled
"Thank goodness that saves us a bunch of time. Allow me to fill in the blanks of that day, 6 years ago. Of what happened to Luna."
"Luna, Luna wake up Luna."
Loki said as Luna woke up.
"What is it?"
Luna said with a yawn.
"You fell asleep during training again."
Loki said, helping her up.
"Did I? *yawn* I'm sorry."
She said as she held Loki's hand.
"It's okay let's get you some food."
"I remember that day so vividly."
Envy said.
She and Sierra came bursting into the room arguing. Sierra was walking ahead and Envy was behind her."
"We know what she is. We have to act now before it's too late."
Envy said as she grabbed Sierra's wrist. Sierra turned towards her.
"You don't know that we can still save her."
Sierra said breaking her hand free.
"She is an IT,"
Envy said quietly
"She'll enslave not just us but the whole world unless we end it now."
Envy said, taking a step closer.
"You don't know that."
Sierra said, taking a step closer.
"We both know it's true, you just can't accept it. It's okay I'll be the monster."
She said as she pulled a dagger out and stabbed Sierra in the side. Sierra fell to the ground holding her side.
"I'm sorry but this is the only way."
She said as she drew out her staff and charged at Luna and Loki.
"That's when Syra's brother pushed you two to the side. He wasn't supposed to die; he simply got in the way."
She said as she tossed his body to the side. She lifted her staff to kill Luna. Sierra came up behind her and grabbed her from behind.
Sierra said as the two began to run.
"Stop this Envy please."
Sierra said, holding her in a full nelson.
"It's too late my dear sister."
Envy said as she hit Sierra with the back of her head. Sierra's grip broke and Envy backed kicked her. Envy pulled her arm back and threw the staff at Luna.
"It was at this moment when I threw my staff and you pushed your sister out of the way. This moment is what sealed her fate."
Envy said as Loki pushed Luna out of the way and was hit over the head with the staff. He fell unconscious and Luna quickly crawled over to him.
"Loki, Loki, Loki!!"
She said as she looked down at him. She touched his forehead and felt the blood running out of it.
She shouted as green energy came bursting out of her.
"What the?"
Envy said as she was thrown back. Luna floated into the air with her eyes glowing green. Sierra stood up and saw what was happening.
"Green strings of energy started to reach out as it attached to. Tom and Nick,Dani's brothers. Roger Tucker's younger twin. Gray, Grace, Sarah, and Tommy had now become her servants. Somehow hurting activated her IT powers. As she was now ramping uncontrollably."
Envy said as beams of light came shooting out of Luna. The children she had taken over were going on a rampage destroying the training area. Envy got her right arm and leg blasted.
"Aaaaagh tch."
She said as she was flung into a wall.
Sierra quickly leaped into the air and wrapped her arms around Luna. Sierra brought her to the ground as her powers were still out of control.
"Luna you have to calm down please."
She said as the children started to walk towards her.
"Please Luna you have to come back, your big sister is right for you please."
She said as she put her hands on Luna's face.
Luna started to say.
"Stop me, please stop me, big sis. Please protect everyone."
Luna said looking at Sierra holding herself back as much as possible.
"No there's still a way. There has to be."
Sierra said with tears running down her face. Luna lifted her hands up and then both on Sierra's face.
"It's okay big sis Sierra, I love you."
She said to her as she closed her eyes and smiled. Sierra pulled her hand back with tears coming down her face.
"I love you too Luna."
She said as she thrust her hand through Luna's chest. Luna cough as all the children she was controlling fell to the ground. Sierra pulled her hand out of Luna's chest and held her tightly. As Luna spoke her last words.
"Thank you big sis Sierra, take care...of my big brother."
Sierra nodded as she lifted Luna and held her in her arms. She turned towards Envy tears running down Sierra's face.
"Looks like you're the monster, my dear Sister."
Envy said
"That was the last thing I said to my sister before I was pulled through a portal. Since Luna was an IT everyone she controlled died along with her. I only killed Syra's brother. The one who killed the rest is Sierra."
Loki tightened his fist.
Loki said pulling out both batons and taking his stance.
"Really? Then why don't we ask her?"
Envy said putting her arm around Sierra.
"Go ahead."
Envy said.
"Sierra do you do it?"
Loki asked as Sierra continued to look at the ground.
Loki shouted as Sierra softly said
"Yes, I killed them."
Loki pulled the radio out and pressed the button.
"Did you guys catch all that?"
Sierra's eyes widened as Envy laughed.
"Oh my gosh you left the radio on, now they all know the truth. They'll be coming for us both now. Your only family is with me, the one who truly loves you for who you are."
She said as Sierra dropped her head.
"Come now let's get going."
Envy said as she turned and started to walk away. Sierra slowly followed her.
Loki shouted as he charged at them and swung his baton down at Sierra.
Sierra blocked it with her forearm and kicked Loki back.
Loki said, combining them into a staff.
"Now that she's broken she's completely under my control. Thanks, kid."
Envy said, waving her hand in front of Sierra.
Loki shouted.
"Well, you see I can take over the minds of the broken. When the truth came out and she realized she had lost all that was dear to her. She knew you kids would never trust her again. She knew the person she was on a date with could never really love her. Because how could you love someone who would kill a child. Hm?"
Envy said as she noticed the bear in Sierra's arm. She grabbed the bear and tossed it to the side.
Loki gritted his teeth and charged at them. Envy spans her fingers and Sierra charges at Loki.
"With some time she'll be my sister once more. No need for mind control."
Envy said.
"I'll kill you both!"
Loki shouted as he thrust his spear at Sierra. Sierra threw a straight punch. As suddenly a bright red light came crashing down between them and caught both of their attacks.
Jack shouted.
"Out of my way Jack."
Loki said, trying to advance.
Jack shouted.
"Sierra killed them, Jack, she killed Luna!"
Jack looked at Sierra with a surprising look.
"That can't be true."
Jack said as Sierra kicked him the gut and sent him flying through the tent.
Loki shouted, swinging his staff down at Sierra.
Sierra backflips and kicks the spear out of Loki's hand. As she pulls her hand back and thrust towards Loki. As a rock wall came up from the ground. Dani came from out of the ground and grabbed Loki. He started to run off holding Loki over his shoulder.
Dani continues to run holding him over his shoulder.
"Time to go."
Envy says as she turns around and sees Syra and Tucker.
"Jack and I will try to calm down Sierra. Envy is all yours."
Tucker said as Syra gave him a thumbs up. Tucker ran off as Syra's eyes glowed and small glowing particles started floating in the air.
"Ah ****."
Envy said as she leaped into the air. Syra quickly followed her.
Tucker ran over and saw Jack dodging Sierra's attacks.
"Come on I don't want to fight you."
Jack barely evaded the attacks.
"Gravitational pull."
Tucker said as he pulled Sierra towards him. Sierra turned around and went to sidekick him. Tucker dodge rolled under the attack and rolled next to Jack.
"What's happening Tucker?"
Jack asked as they both took their stances.
"It's Envy's ability once she breaks a person even for a moment she can take control of their mind. She managed to break Sierra and now she has control over her mind."
Tucker said as Sierra took her stance.
"How do we help her?"
He asked as Tucker shrugged his shoulder.
"Great this ought to be fun."
Jack said as he started to build up heat.
Loki said as Dani ran behind a building and threw him on the ground. Loki stood up as Dani punched him across the face. Loki fell onto the ground.
Before Loki could finish Dani punched him again and grabbed him by his shirt.
"NO YOU SHUT UP, EVERY SINCE YOUR SISTER DIED YOU'VE BEEN DOING THIS MOPPY THING. You shut yourself off from the rest of us. We all lost something that day Loki. Sierra included, she made a choice one she knew we would hate her for. After hearing the story I don't think I can. I don't think any of us could. She's been holding her feelings back for 6 years. She's been smiling, laughing, and taking care of us. All while holding her feelings back. Wondering why her father still loves her. I can't even imagine the pain she's gone through and is still going through. I always wondered why she rarely ever left the orphanage. For six years she held back her feelings to make sure we could heal. When we all shut down she didn't. You're supposed to be the most level headed out of all of us. If Envy hadn't attacked none of this would have happened. I'm surprised you didn't come to that conclusion first."
He said as he let go of his shirt and started to walk towards the battle.
"I'm going back to fight for my family, I'd better not see you there unless it's for the right reasons."
Dani said as he used his earth to project himself into the air. Loki sat on the ground and said to himself.
Loki looked up and saw Luna standing in front of him.
He said standing to his feet.
"It's time."
"What do you mean?"
"When I died I transfer some of my power into you. For six years I laid dormant. That's how you survived Kuro's attack. I was keeping you alive. That's why Fighter sent you into Jack's head. He knew my powers would react and clear the darkness in his mind."
Luna said, taking Loki's hands.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"The more I use my powers the more I fade away. I can only use them one more time before I fade completely. So please let me help my big sister."
Loki nodded as tears started to form. Luna wiped his tears and smiled.
"No more crying okay."
Loki nodded again and hugged Luna. Luna hugged him back tightly.
"I'm sorry I lost my temper, I promise I'll help you make this right."
Luna shook her head.
"It's okay big brother Loki."
She said as she faded back into Lok.
"Let's go save Sierra."
Loki said, turning towards the battle.
Luna said inside Loki's head.
Syra and Envy were battling on top of the mall.
Envy spun her staff in front of her. To block all the incoming earth that was thrown at her.
"Syra Lindall the most powerful of the 4th generation of the orphanage."
Envy said holding her staff behind her. Syra slowly floated to the ground and gave Envy a thumbs down.
She said as pressed a button and a blade came out of the ends of the staff. Syra waved her hand as particles came flying into her hand. The particles formed into a sword. The two charged at each other. Syra jumped and spun around. Envy thrust her spear towards her. Syra spun around and swung her sword, knocking the spear to the side. She landed and the ground behind Envy. Syra quickly turned her swords back and went for a backward stab. Envy quickly spun her spear and held it in front of her back. She blocks Syra's attack with her spear.
Envy back kicked her spear springing it up and knocking Syra's swords back. Envy around and swung her spear at Syra. Syra's side flipped over the attack. Syra landed on the ground and thrust her sword forward. Envy spun around the blade. She spun around Syra and used the momentum to swing her spear towards the back of Syra's head. Syra spun her sword around and put it up against her back. She ducked under Envy's attack spun her swords and went for a horizontal strike. Envy used what momentum she had to narrowly side jump over the sword. Envy swung her spear down. Syra swung her sword up. The two clash making a giant burst of wind. The two broke off as Envy swung her spear at Syra's foot. Syra lifted her foot and dodge the attack. Syra crossed her arms and then uncrossed them to slice Envy's throat. Envy suede back nearly dodging the blade. Syra took a step forward and slashed at Envy from the right. Envy ducked and spun under the sword. She quickly spun her spear and went for a thrust. Syra tilted her head to the left to dodge the attack. Envy pulled her spear back and quickly thrust it to the right. Syra quickly tilted her head in the other direction. Envy's spear missed Syra. Envy swung her spear while it was still over Syra's shoulder. Syra completely ducked under the attack and spun her sword around. She brought her sword up and swung down. While Envy lifted her spear and blocked the attack.
The two began to unleash a flurry of attacks. Each clash creates more and more bursts of air.
As Syra continued her battle the others were trying to stop Sierra.
Tucker threw up his guard as Sierra kicked him into the air. Jack jumped before he got too high. Jack managed to catch him 30 feet in the air.
"We can't let this get out of hand. If this fight gets to the carnival we'll have real trouble to deal with."
Tucker said as the two landed on the ground.
"Don't worry."
Dani said as he landed in front of them. He placed his hands on the ground and put them in a giant earth cage. He left small holes so light could fill the room.
"Okay, guys let's do this."
Dani said as he and Tucker took their stances. Jack stood in front of them and put his arms out.
"What are you doing Jack?"
Tucker asked, trying to move past his arms.
"You stay back and provide support, I won't let you guys hurt each other."
Jack said as he started to walk towards her.
"You once called me selfish for keeping my feelings inside."
He said, taking his stance.
"I'm glad we didn't kiss earlier. It wouldn't have been a true kiss. Once this is all over I'll hold your hand, eat ice cream with you. Because I love spending time with you."
Jack said as Sierra charged him.
Jack threw up his guard and Sierra punched his arm. Jack was sent sliding back. He winced at the pain as if his arm had just been shattered. Jack smiled and chuckled.
"Ya know. something, Sierra, ever since I met you,  I've respected you."
He said as Sierra charged at him again. Jack threw up his guard and planted his feet. Sierra's first punch nearly shattered Jack's arm. However, Jack stood firm as Sierra continued to whale on him.
"Tch but I could tell deep down that with each smile there was sadness. I wanted to make you happy. Today when we held hands. That moment at that moment I saw a smile with nothing but happiness."
He said as Sierra kicked him up into the ceiling.
Sierra charged at Tucker and Dani. She spun and went for a roundhouse kick. Jack jumped down from the ceiling and landed in front of them. He put his guard and blocked the kick.
He shouted as Sierra spun around and side kicked him. Jack groaned as he stood his ground.
"Not because it makes me happy, not because I feel like you need saving. I want to make you happy and share more happy moments with you. Because, because....I LIKE YOU SIERRA!"
He said as Sierra jumped, spun, and kicked him. Jack was kicked to the side as he grabbed Sierra's leg. He spun around and threw her towards the ceiling.
Sierra backflips as she lands on the ceiling and quickly charges back down at them.
Dani said as he tossed Jack two gauntlets made of earth.
"Thank you."
Jack said as he caught them and put them on quickly. He threw up his guard as Sierra dropped and kicked him into the ground. She sat on top and started to punch him in the face.
Tucker and Dani shouted.
Jack shouted as he threw up his guard. Sierra continued to punch down at him slowly breaking the earth gauntlets.
"Why? Why do you insist on fighting alone?"
Dani asked, clenching his fist.
"Sierra isn't holding back. She's under Envy's control right now. Jack would rather take the beating than risk us is getting hurt."
Tucker said, clenching his fist holding himself back.
Jack heard someone shouting from outside of the cage.
"It's me Loki! I can fix this but I need to come into contact with Sierra!"
Loki shouted as Jack smiled.
Jack shouted at him.
"Gravity lift."
Tucker shouted as he lifted Sierra towards the ceiling.
"Dani now!"
Jack shouted as he slowly got to his feet.
Dani opened the ceiling and Loki came jumping through.
Sierra starts to turn towards Loki. When suddenly Jack jumps up and wraps his arms around her. Jack held as tight as he could it would only take Sierra a few seconds to break out. However, a few seconds is all that they needed. Loki reached out with his hand glowing green and touched the back of Sierra.
"Thank you, Loki."
Luna said inside his head. A giant green flash of light came bursting out.
"Sierra, Sierra, big sister Sierra."
Sierra opened her eyes. She looked around and saw that she was up in the clouds. The clouds were dark and there was hardly any light. Her hands were shackled. She looked up and saw Luna standing in front of her.
"Am I dead?"
Sierra asked her as Luna shook her head.
"No just lost."
She said holding her hand out.
"Let me help you big sister Sierra."
Sierra reached out and grabbed her hand. The shackles broke off as Luna began to lead the way.
Envy said as she could feel the shackles she had on Sierra break. She put her spear on her back.
"Next time than, I'm done here, open a portal."
Envy said as a black portal opened behind her.
"Until next time girlo."
She said walking through as the portal closed.
Sierra heard a muffled voice As they walked.
"How are you here Luna?"
Sierra asked as they stopped walking.
"Well, I'm an IT so probably because of my mental powers."
She said turning towards her.
"Luna...I'm sorry for everything...I failed everyone."
She said as her voice began to break.
"I tried to keep everyone together. I wanted to keep everyone happy, then I tried to find happiness....but I. I don't deserve it, I don't deserve to be happy not after everything."
She said as Luna wrapped her arms around her.
"Silly Sierra you think they don't love you anymore, listen."
She said as she could hear the voices.
A voice said.
"Come back, Sierra"
Another voice said.
"Tucker, Dani?"
Sierra said.
"Come back to us Sierra."
She heard Jack's voice shout to her.
"I'm sorry so please come back, Sierra!"
She heard Loki's voice as tears formed in her eyes.
She said looking up at the sky as the clouds turned white and the sun began to shine.
"They need you just as much as you need them."
Luna said letting go of her. As the sun came down and landed in front of them.
"It's time big sister Sierra."
She said as the two hugged. She stood to her feet and walked towards the light. She stood in front of it and looked back at Luna.
"Thank you, Luna."
She said stepping through.
"Thank you, Sierra."
She said as she faded away.
She heard as she slowly opened her eyes and saw Jack looking down at her.
"I'm back."
She said with tears forming in her eyes.
"Welcome back."
Jack said with a smile. She leaned up and wrapped her arms around his neck. As Jack wrapped his arms around her back and held her close.
"It's okay you can let it all out now."
He said to her as tears started to flow down her face. As she started to cry.
"Thank you."
She said as she continued to cry.
"Thank you."
She said holding him tighter. Jack smiled and held her close.
He said as the kids watched.
Dani fell onto his rear end and sat down. He waved his hand and the cage started to come down.
"Can't we just have a normal week?"
He asked as he felt a bonk on the head.
He turned around and saw Syra.
"Syra? What happened with Envy? Did she get away?"
Tucker asked as Syra nodded.
"Jeez, we'll still have to deal with her."
Dani said as Syra shrugged.
"Guys look."
Loki said pointing out in the distance. The kids all turned to see and saw Luna standing in the distance.
"Goodbye, everyone."
She said as she floated up into the sky.
"Goodbye, Luna."
Loki said.
The children watched as they saw Luna float up.
As they did they saw her being greeted by other children.
"Those are."
Dani said.
"Our sibling."
Tucker said. The kids all in the sky looked down and smiled. They all began to wave as they floated into the clouds and disappeared. Loki and the gang all smiled. They looked at each other and smiled. They all huddled up and hugged each other. As they heard a loud boom. They looked up at the sky and saw fireworks going off. Sierra looked up at the sky.
As she thought back to a memory.
"Momma how will I know if I meet the one."
A young Sierra said sitting on her mother's lap.
"Oh, sweetie when you meet the person. You just know there's no doubt in your mind, that you want to be with that person."
She said to her as Sierra blinked her eyes to a sky filled with colors.
She said into his ear as she slowly looked at him.
The two looked into each other's eyes.
"I think I know what you meant now momma."
She thought to herself as she rubbed the back of Jack's neck. Jack closed his eyes and put his forehead against hers. Sierra closed her eyes and put her hands on Jack's face. The two moved forward as their lips softly touched. The two began to kiss. Sierra held onto his face as Jack held her closely.
"Houston we have lift off."
Tucker said as Syra gave him back his money.
Tucker said with tears dripping down his face. Sierra wrapped her arms around Jack as she sat up straight and the two continued to kiss.
Fighter said with tears in his eyes and binoculars in his hand.
"They grow up so fast."
He said as someone sitting next to him handed him a tissue.
He said as Fighter took it and wiped his eyes. He was sitting on the edge of the mall building.
"Thank you, Bounty."
"Your welcome Father."
Bounty said.
Bounty had long dark brown hair and wore a black jacket and a gray jacket vest over it.
"Thanks for coming."
Fighter said.
"Of course Father, I wanted to make sure my sisters didn't kill each other."
He said as Fighter offered him a cigarette. Bounty took the cigar and Fighter lit it. Bounty smoked the cigar and let out a puff.
"I always find it hard to believe that you made cigarettes healthy."
He said, taking another whiff.
"Just one of the many things I've invented."
Fighter said liting is his cigarette.
"Still I'm surprised Sierra didn't break him with the first punch. Did she get weaker while I was away?"
Bounty asked, letting a whiff out.
"After what happened with Luna, Sierra asked me to put limiters on her. Only I know how to take the limiters off. Even if Envy took her she wouldn't know how to take them off. Currently, Sierra can only use 40% of her power."
Fighter said, taking a whiff.
"I see, good thing that happened otherwise that Uppercut guy wouldn't have lasted long."
He said, taking a whiff.
"Well, I think I'll start heading out now."
Bounty said standing up and putting his hands in his pockets.
"See ya around son."
Fighter said waving as Bounty walked off waving.
"I should go tell wifey."
Fighter said getting up and walking away.
Jack and Sierra sat down looking up at the fireworks. The kids all sat next to them. Syra passed Sierra her stuffed bear. Sierra held the bear in her arms as she laid her head on Jack's shoulder. As Jack wrapped his arm around her. As they all watched the fireworks.

~To be Continued~

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