Uppercut chapter-5

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(Hey guys quick note from the author just wanna say thanks for the reads and the votes. Make sure to go check out my boy Prince Vegeta/Vegeta7610 he writs a lot of great stuff. Go check out guys and now on with the read)

In the kingdom of Seikatsu, the king wakes from his bed late in the morning. The room is massive along with the bed, a table in the middle of the room curtains on both ends of the room. One would confuse this to be a library more than it was a room. As a man walked in with a katana attached around his waist,only one arm,bandages around his left eye,he had long black hair and wore a black coat with the number 1 on the back of it. The man walked to the left curtain and opened it, letting the light shine through.
"It's high past noon my lord it's time to get up your majesty" the man said.
The king slowly rises up with a book on his face as it slides off.He had long white and spiky hair. The hair was long enough to cover his eyes. He yawned and rubbed his eyes "What time is it Jikan?"
He said as he stopped rubbing his eyes the man pulled out a pocket watch and looked at it. "It's 12:05" he said, putting the pocket watch back on the king as it was covered in books.
"Then I guess it's time to start the day." The king walked into the back and closed the door I behind him. As he took a shower and put on some kind of black visor around his eyes he switched clothes and put on a royal black coat,with a white sun on the back. He walked out the back as Jikan stood waiting. "I'll have my breakfast in the throne room" Zin said
"Yes, your majesty," Jikan replied.
The two walked towards the throne room as two guards dressed in white armor with shields and spears. The two opened the door and said "Good morning your majesty" the men saluted him. The two men walked into the throne room where there were 10 generals inside. 5 on each side of the table. They stood up from their seats and bowed towards the king as they all said. "GOOD MORNING YOUR MAJESTY" the king saluted them "Good morning everyone." The king walked to the head of the table and sat down. Jikan standing right next to him as a chief walks in and places food in front of him. "I made your favorite today sir eggs, bacon, waffles, bagels, toast, pancakes, oatmeal, strawberry yogurt and of course apple juice." Said the chief "Thank you Regenold" Zin thanked him.
"It is always an hour to serve you my lord" the chief then stood up and as he was beginning to leave the king said.
"Hm why don't you stay? I would appreciate your insight." Zin asked him
turned and said "Of course sir." As he stood on the other side from Jikan. The king picked up a fork and leaned to the side and began to eat. "What's the report from the south?" Zin asked with his mouth full of food. An older man stood up and said, "No changes at all, we are still monitoring its progress." He said
"Any problems with the king? General Panton" the king said with his mouth still full. "None at all my lord." He said
"Very good and how are things in the mine?"
He said as he sat down and another man stood up. He asked while picking up his cup and taking a drink. "We've made substantive progress. We should have enough minerals to power at least 100 more of the machines. ''Really grant work General Isaac" Zin said with applause.
"Thank you my lord"
he said as he sat back down. One of the Generals chuckled,"Hmm what's so funny General Gunward?" Zin asked him
"Nothing my lord", he said with a smile.
Zin sat up straight. "Great now I'm curious,tell me?" He asked him,"Hmph just thought of the old days back then when you were shorter,hmph you still are pretty short." The two smiled.
"We'll it's not like you're eight feet tall or anything." The two continued to talk as the other generals began to talk among themselves,all but the newest General. She sat and thought to herself,"This is not what I was expecting for my first Generals meeting,everyone is way more relaxed than I thought,Lord Zin is probably the most relaxed,I wonder what's under his Visor." She thought to herself,"I'm guessing your the new girl right?" An older woman said sitting next to her. "Um yes ma'am my name is General Lizo,it's a pleasure to meet you."
She says sticking her hand out for a hand shake. The woman reached over and shooke her hand. "I'm General Feralza,tell me how old are you." She asked her,
"23 ma'am" she responds.
Feralza whistle and drinks some tea,"Your the youngest General in our history." She said putting her cup back down.
"Yes I am aware I do wonder as to why?"
"Zin picks all the Generals personally, picks the Generals along with his honor guards,must mean your special," She said to her. As she slightly blushed,suddenly tiny footsteps were heard. As a little girl jumped on Zin's lap. "Papa look", she said as she held up a flower,"Oh and where did you find this little star." He called her,as he sniffed the flower.
"I found it in the garden," she said with a smile. "The garden huh,well I hear there's a special place there for beautiful young princesses just like you." He said as he placed a flower crown on her head.
"REALLY REALLY", she said, getting closer to his face. Zin laughs and pats her head,"Yes little star,would you like me to take you there."
Her eyes widened and her smile grew,"REALLY YOU WOULD". Zin picks her up and spins around and holds her in his arms.
"Of course anything for you little star,Jikan could you finish this meeting for me."
Jikan bows and stands back up,"Of course my lord". Zin nods and walks out of the room with his daughter in his arms. Jikan pulls out a piece of paper and hands it to the chief.
"What's this?" The chief asks,as he looks back up and sees Jikan walking away waving.
"A list for the meeting should take you a few hours good luck." He says as he disappears.
"OY JIKAN,why does this always happen to me,I'M A RETIRED Strategist STRATEGIST,I hate that guy". He turns towards the Generals and continues the meeting."General Gunward how about the operation"
"We've located where they have been holding "IT",and we've sent 2 of the 10 of the honor guards number. Number 5 of the Bounties and number 7 Alice. ''Good now for the next agenda".
Number 5 Bounties and number 7 Alice were in some kind of aircraft over the Atlantic sea. "Oh Bounty what are we doing in the middle of the sea again," said Alice in a complaining voice.
"Don't you ever listen to the briefing?" He asked, "You know I fall asleep during those",she yawns. Bounty sighs "A submarine from an unknown region has decided to enter our waters. They tried to come in undetected, unfortunately for them they didn't know about our long range sonor packing. Our mission is to "IT" and neutralize the crew." "Am I to leave any survivors?" she said with a smile.
"None are to survive; the sub is heavily guarded thanks to Jikan; we know there are at least three core users." Alice walked to a wall and pressed a button. A door opens to the inventory. She grabbed an umbrella,it was black with a pink outline,her hair was a dark blonde,she always had a sadistic smile on her face,she wore an evening gown with a big skirt and bow on the side,the dress was black the outline purple and the bow around her waist was white. And she wore a black maiden hat with a purple outline and a white bow on the side. Bounty wore a long coat filled to the brim with all sorts of weaponry,his hair was a long black as he put on a black mask. He put the ship into autopilot and opened the bay doors.
"The sub should be coming up to resurface for air any moment that's our opening,you are to take the back of the ship. I'm going after the captain of the ship" said Bounty.
"Pff fine" she said with a scoff.
The sub rose from the sea,Bounty leaped out and landed on top while Alice unfolded her Umbrella and floated down with grace. The hatch started to open and a man came out only to be met by a gun. "Hello" said Bounty as he shot the man in the face. With his special made gun, it was as powerful as a magnum, it can hold up to 12 shots,can be quickly reloaded and each bullet was made by Bounty. "Let's get moving," he said as the body fell down, surprising the men as they were met by two more surprises.
"Open fire said one man" as the crew opened fire,three creatures sprung out from behind Alice. One made of pink slime that protected her from the bullets while the other two looked like wolves. As they stood on 2 legs and were huge,the sub was too small and had them hunching over. They ran towards the men ripping them to sheds as Alice walked through with the slime protecting her. A crew member managed to hit Bounty in the head as he head flung back. "I got him" he said as Bounty head slowly rose back up and the bullet fell to the ground completely crushed.Bounty spun his gun and shot the wall as the bullet rickashay off the wall and killed all the men. As he started to walk down the hallway Alice made her way to the engine room when she got there a man was in there carrying a sword. "Hmm, you must be one of the core users. My name is Madam Alice DeCallista . How do you do?" She said with a smile on her face as the man drew his sword he was wearing heavy armor and a helmet. "I am sir Gilbert knight of the kingdom Rushin" he said.
"Rushin we've always had bad relationships with them never thought they would go this far,all well". She said with a shrug as the man took his stance. The wolves prepared themselves as well. As Alice put her hand in front of them. "Stay here Jothana,Fredrick momma will take care of this." The two sat down and turned into smaller, more adorable wolves. As Alice leaned down and petted them,"good boys."
As she walked towards the knight "HAVE AT THEE". He shouted as he charged her as she put the umbrella in front of her. Gilbert swung down but his sword and it bounced off it. The sword was flung back as he breathed heavily baffled completely. "What's wrong sir knight? Can't you break through a simple umbrella." She said, peaking around the umbrella, "Someone of your caliber can't take down one little girl."
The knight tightened his grip around his sword and began to unless a flurry of attacks. With a large shout he swung down on the umbrella as his sword snapped completely in half. He took steps back and was in complete shock. "But my ability lets me strengthen my sword,making it the strongest sword,what sort of weapon is that," He asked in fear.
"Just because you can make your sword stronger doesn't make it invincible nor the strongest, and this you wouldn't know cause it's now from your world it's from mine it's a Gear"

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