Uppercut chapter 24-Arrival

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"MrClockwork we've arrived."
Clara said bowing standing beside Mr.Clockwork.
"Finally, the island of Itudah. Were the Olympic Games and the fate of the world shall be decided."
Mr.Clockwork said as the ship's started to dock one by one an announcer began to introduce them. The natives of Itudah, known as the Itdauns all gathered at the dock.
The docks were made of wood, and had all kinds of welcome signs and people throwing flowers. They had decorated it all in the Itudah way.
The way of the islanders.
Everyone was excited to see the games.
"Here they come ladies and gentlemen, the first to arrive is the Queen Idrum of the kingdom of Dundrum. They have the world's most unique and dangerous creatures."
Queen Idrum's ship known as the flying sun was the first to dock. It was a royal cruise ship. It was red with a single gold stripe. A ramp came down as the Queen stood sided by side with her daughter Isabel made their way down. Behind them were members who would represent Dundrum. All dressed in royal red ropes.
"Hmmmm do my eyes deceive me, it's none other than Prince Amara Ken Rujick! THE STRONGEST MAN IN THE WORLD!!"
The announcer announced to the audience. Amara was wearing a blue rope with a royal red shirt and silk blue pants, with a trident at his side. He was being carried on his throne by 4 knights. The crowd cheered as they made their way onto a stage. The knights sat Amara down who started to eat an apple. The royals stood or sat in front. While the team stood behind them. The stage was made of wood. Behind them were many Coconut trees.
Itaduh was a tropical island. The stage was built right on this courageous beach.
No expense was too great. The people loved newcomers.
"Next,next we have none other than Lady Moon of Saiyku, she leads the world's largest army in the world."
Lady Moon's ship docked at port.
It was blue with the moon painted on its side. The name of the ship was crescent moon.
As a ramp came down.
Lady moon wore a traditional kimono. It was blue and had white flowers on it.
By her side was her sister Rin, who wore the same dress in an opposite color scheme. Behind them were those who would represent Saiyaku all dressed in samurai armor. The two went up onto the wood stage.
"ALRIIIIIGHT, next, next, next we have Garen Taden of Callum, his country is known for being very mystical."
Garen's ship docked, it was a traditional monk ship with men rowing it, even if it wasn't needed.
The ship's name was true path.
Garen was very old so he was carried down with his son by his side.
Behind them, we're the representatives of Callum. They wore orange robes and were all bald.
The monks brought Garen onto stage and stood behind him.
Garen quietly thanked them.
"NEXT, NEXT, NEXT, NEXT! Although they aren't participating it's always a pleasure to welcome more guests. It's King Zin Nealous Vantourt Alastair the 3rd, from the kingdom of Seiketsu!!!!"
The announcer shouted at the top of lungs.
Zin's ship was white with a silver outline. The name of the ship was Phoenix wings.
The ship docked and out came a ramp.
Zin came walking down with Ara on his shoulders.
Alice was to his left and Jikan is Right, by Alice was Z who walked very close to her.
behind Jikan Spedro and a man in a hood. With a purple flower on the back of his jacket.
Zin walked through the crowd saying hi and learning each of their names.
Zin made it on stage with Ara still on his shoulders.
"So that's Zin?"
Amara thought to himself.
"He doesn't look very impressive, he's so weak I can't even get a read on him.
Or any of his members as a matter of fact. I guess they're all too weak."
Amara thought as he let out a sigh.
"LAST BUT NOT LEAST WE HAVE FROM THE LAND OF NINVERDA! PRESIDENT JONATHAN CLOCKWORK, who advanced our technology by over a hundred after that brutal world war!"
The announcer said as Clockwork shipped docked.
It was black with a red line going across it.
The name of the ship was Gold stranded.
Off the ship came Johnathan Clockwork and Clara no one else
Amara smiled and thought to himself.
"Now he seems like worth fighting, I can tell he's holding a lot of power back."
Amara thought as he smiled.
"Um Mr.Clockwork, where's your team?"
The announcer asked.
"They are riding in another ship."
Mr.Clockwork said as he took his place on stage.
"Another ship?"
The announcer thought.
"Places everyone, places."
Fighter said as everyone was running around the stage.
That was on top of the ship.
"I can't believe you had us rehearse this, you're lucky my mom made me take piano."
Jack said as he was off to the left, on the keyboard.
On the right was Gerrit on base.
Further up was Sierra playing the electric guitar.
On the drums was Downercut, who was slightly higher than the rest of them. Jessica took center stage.
Dani and Tucker were playing the trumpets. While Cero, Loki and Syra were the technical team.
Sasha stood in waiting for her solo.
"Shut up, we need an entrance that will have the crowd blown away."
Fighter said as the docks came into view.
"It's time,"
He said as he pointed at Roushin.
He nodded his head and used his explosion powers to shoot off fireworks. To gain the crowd's attention. Fighter pulled a microphone out of his jacket and started to speak into it.
The air filled with a Rock beat jam. Sierra started to strum. Gerrit along with her. Downercut began to bang his drums.
Jack started to play the keys.
As Dani, Tucker, Loki and Syra all started to dance.
Fighter shouted as Jessica took a deep breath.
"Jessica began to sing.
'Y'all ready for this, here we go. Team Fighter coming to you live, NINVERDA!!! F**** all the other countries with their Kings and Queens Ninverda for the people, So we sing our song of freedom and we let it out!!! Come on give a shout, Ninverda!!! (The islanders join) in Ninverda!!! (X3) Hell yeah we are Team Fighter not Clockwork cuz F**** our own president , we're here to dominate the competition and that's what we'll do!!! '' " she sang as the beat continued, she clapped her hands along before continuing.
" 'Bringing the boom, Roushin of the explosion fist, best stay on your toes or get blown awaaaaaay.' ' she sang as Roushin let out a few explosion " 'Killer from the underground, Cero the assassin" 'she said as Cero walked onto stage waved and walked off, Jessica shrugged and continued to sing, as they all joined in the chorus.
" 'Team Fighter!!! here to dominate the competition and that's what we'll do. All the rest of you can only really do, is just get a good view.
I said we are here to dominate the competition so that's what we'll do and there ain't nothing any of you can do but get a good view.
" The Maiden, the sweetheart, the unstoppable Saaaaasha!!!" 'She sang as Sasha came out with a violin paired with the rock, she played her up beat solo, which was so intense yet kind, it made the audience shiver and cry at the same time. She did a small bow and quickly stood by Jack.
"'The master healer herself, yet a creature of rage SIEEEEEERA!' ''She sang as Sierra did a guitar riff solo. ''We got the Gunslinger Gerrit Drake, He'll  put you down or make you bend and break.' " Gerrit pointed at the crowd and spun his guitar around, forming it into a gun guitar.
As they began to sing the chorus again.
"Team Fighter here to dominate the competition and that's what we'll do, all the rest of you can really do is get a good view.
I said we are here to dominate the competition so that's what we'll do and there ain't nothing any of you can do but get a good view.
"(Sierra strums intensely) 'from the east to the west to the north to the south all other monsters bow down to the greatest of them all, the legendary king of the beasts, DOWNERCUT!!!' " Downercut rubbed his thumb against his neck and let out a vicious drum solo. Jessica looked back at Jack and nodded. Jack nodded back and ran center stage.
"(The music builds tension) Last but not least, the one, the only, the conqueror, the undefeated Champion of the world, the punch, punch UPPERCUT JACK!!!'" (The music spurs into a finale)
Jack's left eye glowed red, his right arm glowed red with a fire pattern. He jumped a 100ft into the air and uppercutted the sky letting out a giant red glow.
Jack shouted as the crowd all put their arms into the air and shouted
Garen's eyes widened as he thought to himself.
"It can't be.......my friend?"
Garen thought as the red glow disappeared and Jack landed back on the ship.
"Thank you everyone for letting us play a little something for you, and of course thank you to our technical team who we couldn't have done this without. We'll see all you wonderful people in a minute."
Jessica said running off stage as the entire band did.
"Thank goodness your sister is a pop star, Rock too now."
Gerrit said, putting his arm around Jack.
"You didn't do too bad yourself."
Sierra said, walking up next to them.
The two chuckled as Gerrit put his arm around Sierra too.
"Follow my lead."
Gerrit said as they started to walk in unison.
"Those three are weird."
Loki said as Dani nodded.
"Guuuuys! That was awesome!"
Jessica said, running down and hugging them.
"We wouldn't have been able to do it without your vocals."
Loki said, patting her back.
Jessica left them and went to hug Downercut next.
"Touch me and I'll kill you."
He said as Jessica stopped and took a few steps.
"Play nice Downercut."
Sasha said, bumping his shoulder.
"I was playing nice,"
He said walking off.
"You'll have to forgive him, he's always like this."
Sasha said, as Jessica ran up and hugged her.
"It's no biggie two of you guys really helped bring the show together. Who knew you both played."
Jessica said letting go.
"We'll I've known how to play the violin since I was a girl. When I found out Downercut played an instrument at first I was shocked, however once I found it was the drums it was less surprising."
She said with a chuckle.
"Oh and I had no idea Jack knew how to play the piano."
Sasha said as Jessica chuckled.
"It was one of the few classes my mom made him take.
She always said girls love a guy who can play the piano."
Jessica said as they both chuckled.
Jessica saw Roushin, she ran over to him and gave him a hug.
"Good Job out their big guy."
Jessica said as Roushin slightly blushed.
"Thank you."
He said walking away.
"Hey thanks for even showing up."
She said to Cero who was sitting on a box.
"All right, all right enough of this we got people to impress."
Fighter said ushering them to the lower decks, so that they could depart.
Everyone was standing behind a door waiting for it to open.
Jack adjusted his hat and wiped off his jacket.
"Oh hey put this on."
Fighter said, handing Jack a pair of sunglasses.
"What are these for?"
He said putting them on,
"Hey I can't see a thing."
Jack said as Fighter poked his forehead.
"That's the point, we can't have you go crazy in case you see someone from your past."
Fighter said as Jack sighed.
"How am I going to navigate through the crowd?"
Jack asked as Sierra grabbed his hand.
"I'll lead the way."
The two smiled as the ship stopped. The door began to open as a ramp came down.
"Oh one more thing."
Fighter said as he put headphones on Jack.
"Great, now I can't hear anything."
Jack said,
"You can never be too careful."
Fighter said, awaiting a response.
"Pff rude I do all this nice stuff not even a thank you."
Fighter said,
"He can't hear you Dad."
Sierra said as she looked back.
"Oh right."
Fighter said as the door began to open. Confetti flew all over as the people welcomed them with open arms.
So many people tried to get Jack's attention but he couldn't see or hear them.
Fighter quickly explained by saying
"Sorry he's doing some um last minute training yeah.
He'll take those off in about an hour."
Fighter said as the people nodded, some of the girls in the crowd were blowing kisses at Jack. Sierra gave them the death eye as they immediately backed off.
Someone in the crowd handed Sasha a big bouquet.
She tried to show them off to Downercut who just kind of shrugged it off. Sasha made a face and Donwercut patted her on the head. As he reluctantly smelled the flowers, Sasha smiled and cheered.
"The people here are very friendly."
Loki said as a girl winked at him, he started to blush uncontrollably. He started to walk faster as he bumped into Tucker.
"Hey what's wrong?"
Tucker said as he saw the girl eyeing Loki.
"Oooh looks like you got a girlfriend Loki."
Tucker said as Loki pushed him out of the way.
"Shut up,"
He said passive aggressively, as Tucker told Dani and Syra. As they both gave him a thumbs up. Eventually the team made it up on stage, with everyone else. Clockwork standing to the right of them, with Clara next to him.
"Hm odd,"
Jack thought to himself.
"I can't see or hear anything, but I can slightly sense my surroundings. I'm not really good at this stuff but I'll give it a shot. Okay I'm on a stage there's a lot of people on it. Some of the presences on the stage are familiar. The closest I can read feels like Clockwork. I sense a lot more people. 3 of them feel familiar. Who are they? Do I know them, or are they from my past?"
Jack thought as the announcer came up on stage.
"ALRIGHT WHAT A SHOW AM I RIGHT!! We thank our new friends for coming all this way to participate or watch the games. The games will only be for five days. Let me explain how this will work. Day 1 or also known as today, since our friends have traveled far it is a day of rest and exploration. Day 2 is when the fun begins. Day 2 we will play 3 games, day 3 we will play 2 games and finally day 4 we will play one very big game to decide it all. Day 5 the final day is when we all must say goodbye, very sad BUT let's not dwell on it. Let's have fun with all our new friends and enjoy the time we have together. Now before we let you all start exploring the island, would anyone like to say a few words."
The announcer said as Amara started to slightly move his legs. The queen started to get nervous.
"I will,"
Zin said, walking up to the announcer. The announcer handed him the mic and did a little bow.
"Although my people are now participating in this year's games, I would just like to thank the people of Itudah for being so welcoming.
Also a great performance from team Fighter.
I cannot wait to get to know all of you and I believe someone else to say thank you."
Zin said as he knelt down and Ara was right next to him.
"Go ahead sweetie."
Zin said, handing her the microphone phone.
She shouted at the top of her lungs as the people all cheered.
Sasha said, holding her hands together.
"Hey Downercut?"
Sasha said, tugging his jacket.
He said firmly,
"But you don't even know what I was gonna ask for"
He said as Sasha made a face.
Zin picked up Ara and looked at Team Fighter as Gerrit was eyeing him down.
"Do you know that guy Gerrit?"
Jessica asked.
"Yeah we're acquainted."
Gerrit said as they all gasped.
"You know King Zin?"
Roushin asked him
"Yeah, yeah something like that I'll tell you about it later."
Gerrit said as Zin waved at him.
"Who's that papa?"
Ara asked Zin
"Just an old friend sweetie."
Zin said, handing the announcer back his mic, walked back over to his place.
"Would anyone else want to speak?"
Everyone shook their heads, as Fighter thought to himself.
"Damn that Zin using a child to take the advantage, well I just uh use doggos instead, No, that's too predictable. I know, I'll build a really big house. I'll nourish, take care of it and let people live in it. Then when they least expect I'll charge them 45$ a day, yeah they'll never see that coming. Wait a minute."
Fighter thought to himself as he felt a tap on his shoulder.
"We're gonna go explore you wanna come?"
Sierra asked him.
"You kiddos go on ahead, I've got a lot to think about."
Fighter said, putting his hand on his chin.
Sierra shrugged as the gang all decided to go exploring.
"Lord Zin,"
Idrum called out.
"Ah Queen Idrum, it's good to see you again."
He said as the two shook hands.
"May I introduce my daughter Princess Isabel."
Isabel walked up and courtesy. Zin bowed a little because he was still holding Ara.
"Here, I'll take her."
Alice said as Zin handed Ara to her.
"Thank you, go on ahead, I'll catch up."
Zin said as he waved at Ara.
"Now lady Isabel I was wondering if you would accompany me to get some drinks."
He said putting his arm out.
"Of course your majesty."
Isabel said taking his arm the two began to walk off.
Queen Idrum thought it was odd that Zin made the first move.
Everyone started to head on their way. The houses were made of wood and orange stone. It was a tropical island so all the food and clothing were made from things they had grown.
Garen looked over at Jack who was walking away.
"I wonder,"
He said to himself as the group entered the shopping area.
"Hey, me,Dani, Tucker and Syra are gonna head off. No offense you guys but we've kind been stuck on a boat together for like a month."
Loki said as Sierra patted them all on head.
"Okay just stay safe and text us if you need anything."
She said as she kissed Loki,Dani, Tucker and Syra on the forehead.
"We'll be fine, come on guys."
Loki said as the group ran off.
"Mind if I tag along?"
Jessica asked running next to Loki.
"By all means."
He said as they ran into the forest.
Sierra grabbed Jack's hand and said
"How about the two of us go on a date?"
She said with a wink.
"I say that's a fantastic idea. See you later guys."
Jack said running off with Sierra. Leaving Gerrit, Roushin and Cero behind.
"Looks like it's just us. Wait, where'd Downercut and Sasha go?"
Roushin asked
"Downercut left the moment we came here and Sasha followed him."
Cero said as Gerrit pointed to something.
"Come on boys we're gonna get wasted."
Gerrit said walking towards a bar.
"I've never had an alcoholic beverage before."
Roushin said following him.
"We need to get you a girl. You coming, Cero?"
Gerrit asked him as Cero shrugged and followed him.
Zin took Isabel to a private restaurant. The two were led into a small room. Inside was a small table with a white table cloth, and two Beige colored seats. The table was at the center of the room, and over it was a skylight.
Zin pulled back the chair and Isabel sat down. He pushed the chair in for her and sat down himself.
The waitress came in with a pad and asked what they would like to start with.
"I would like some red wine please."
Isabel asked politely.
"I'll have some water thank you."
Zin said with a gentle smile.
The waitress nodded and went to get their refreshments.
"Thank you for inviting me to have this meal with you, you're majesty."
Isabel said
"Don't mention and you can drop the formalities, it's only us. Your mother or brother can't hear anything we say, or see anything we do."
He said as Isabel kept a straight face.
"One should always keep their decorum when in the present of a king or queen."
Isabel said as Zin shrugged.
"Suit yourself, but I must say it must be tiring having to put on that act. Everyday for um, how old are you?"
Zin asked her.
"I'm 18,"
She said as Zin whistled
"Interesting, tell me about yourself, princess?"
Zin said, sitting back in his chair. Putting one hand on the table, and his other arm behind the chair.
Isabel asked
"Yeah you know what's your favorite color?"
Zin asked her
"My favorite is orange."
She told him
"How about your favorite animal?"
"I like horses that are peaceful. Might I ask you a question Lord Zin?"
She asked him as he nodded.
"What's your favorite color?"
She asked him as Zin smiled.
"Light blue."
He responds as the waitress comes back in and puts their drinks down.
"Can I get you something to eat?"
She asked, holding her notepad and pen.
"Yes, I'll have the salmon please."
Isabel said as the waiter wrote it down and looked at Zin.
"I'll have one of everything thank you."
Zin asked the waitress, with a surprised look and a big smile. The waitress nodded and left the room.
"Do you really plan to eat so much?"
Isabel questioned Zin.
"Of course I'm a very big eater."
Zin answered with a smile.
Isabel thought to herself.
"My ability, truth teller, is the ability to detect lies. If someone lies they get injured. Depending on the lie the bigger the injury but so far. If he lied about his favorite color, most likely a broken finger. Let's see how far I can push this until he lies."
She wondered to herself.
"Why do you wear that thing around your eyes?"
She asked him curious about the visor he wears.
Zin acknowledged touching his visor.
"It's a visor that works as a seal."
Zin told her as she grew more curious about it.
"What does it seal?"
She asked, seeing just how far she could go before Zin would tell a lie.
"They Seal off most of my abilities and a portion of my power."
He responded to her as Isabel was shocked. Not a single lie, everyone in her life has lied to her about something. All but her close friend Bron however this man was completely honest with a stranger.
"Lord Zin I-"
She began to say when Zin lifted up a hand.
"You have nothing to apologize for."
He said putting his hand down.
"How did you know I was going to apologize?"
She said as Zin chuckled.
"It was written all over your face. I'm not telling you the truth out of fear of your ability. I'm telling the trust because I have nothing to hide from someone like you."
He answered as she grew more shocked.
"You knew what my ability was?"
She questioned as Zin took a quick sip of water.
"I said the visor sealed off most of my powers and abilities, but not all of them. One of my abilities is that I can read people's core's and find out their abilities. It takes some time with others but it hasn't failed yet."
Zin answered her as Isabel grew more intrigued.
"So wait you're saying you can find out anyone ability?"
She asked him
"Yep, anyone."
He affirmed her.
"This is unlike any other presence I've felt."
Isabel thought to herself.
"Unlike my mother who feels cold and demeaning. My brother who feels threatening and malicious. Lord Zin feels calm and warm. What is this?"
She thought to herself.
The waitress came back with a plate of salmon for Isabel. While for Zin she brought in 25 different dishes all on moving tables.
"Thank you very much."
Zin said to the waitress as she nodded and left. The two began to eat while time passed and the sun began to set and soon it was night. Jack and Sierra found themselves standing in front of a small waterfall.
"Would you look at that?"
Jack said, holding Sierra's hand.
The two started to walk closer to the waterfall. Sierra leaned her head on Jack's shoulder as the two looked at the waterfall.
When suddenly they heard a twig snap. The two of them stopped and looked around.
The land was covered in palm trees and sand.
Sierra let go of Jack's hand and gripped her katana.
Jack took his stance and stood ready.
As suddenly the sound of whistling filled the air.
Sierra grabbed Jack's hand and threw him towards the waterfall. She quickly leapt to him as a rain of arrows came from the sky and landed where they were standing.
Jack landed on his feet and took his stance again.
Sierra landed behind him and took her stance.
"I'd know those arrows anywhere, looks like we're in a bit of trouble."
Sierra said as someone started to walk towards them from the pathway she and Jack came from.
"Do my eyes deceive me, it's the mighty Sierra. Who would have thought you would be our target today."
The man said walking into the moonlight holding a silver bow and a quiver of arrows. He had long purple hair and a black goggle around his right eye. He wore a black uniform with a purple scarf around his neck.
"Whose this?"
Jack asked Sierra
"That's LongShot. He leads a team of assassins who take out only high value targets."
Sierra said as more people started to come out from the tree line.
"Oh please we aren't just assassins. We also accept bounty hunters, mercenaries, it doesn't really matter as long as the price is high enough."
Long shot said as to his right, a girl standing 10 feet tall came out of the shadows. She had short black hair and was extremely buff.
"You little man, I'm Matilda. You defeated my brother Roushin. He may be weak but no one disrespect our family name."
She said, cracking her knuckles.
"Of course the big one is after me."
Jack said with a smile.
"Well you do seem to make a lot of enemies."
Sierra said as she chuckled
"It does seem that way."
On Longshot's left side came a man in a suit with black combed back hair. With a rapier at his side.
"Sir Reginald at your service."
He said, swinging his rapier.
"Huh only 3 what happened to the rest of the team?"
Sierra asked them
"There on a different assignment we should be more than enough."
LongShot answered as he looked at Jack more closely.
"Well, well do my eyes deceive me? Is that the Uppercut Dragon? Been a long time hasn't it, and if you're here that bastard Gerrit must not be far behind. Talk about a lucky day."
LongShot said as Jack was confused.
"Uppercut Dragon? What are you talking about?"
Jack asked him
"Sorry but I'm afraid we've talked enough."
LongShot snapped his fingers and Reginald and Matilda charged at Jack and Sierra. As LongShot started to take aim.
"Longshot you and Reginald fight the girl, Uppercut Jack is mine!"
Matilda shouted leaping at Jack.
"Suit yourself."
LongShot said, aiming his bow at Sierra.
Matilda threw a punch at Jack and launched a fireball at him.
Jack rolled out of the way and stood back up. Quickly taking his stance.
Matilda started to slowly walk towards Jack with both her fist lit on fire.
"Looks like it's out of the frying pan and into the fire. Great, now I'm starting to sound like Gerrit."
Jack said as Matilda threw a right hook.
Jack jumped over her and kicked her in the back. Matilda barely moved as she quickly threw a back fist. Jack put up his guard and blocked the blow. Jack was sent flying back, Jack landed on the ground and Matilda came charging at him. His jacket had caught fire so he quickly tore it off and threw it away. Matilda punched down towards Jack.
Jack started to bob and weave, dodging her attacks.
Matilda started to attack with her left, Jack started to dodge however it was a fake out. Matilda threw a right punch and hit Jack on the side.
Jack slid across the ground and quickly patted the flames away.
Matilda quickly charged Jack and threw a straight punch.
Without even realizing it Jack's eye started to glow blue, along with his right hand. As he caught Matilda attack.
"What the?"
Matilda said as even Jack was surprised at first.
Not missing his chance Jack pulled her in closer and kicked her in the chest. Sending her sliding across the sand. She stood up straight and brushed her chest off.
"What happened? I didn't mean activate blue."
Jack thought to himself.
"You did it subconsciously."
A voice in his head said.
"Blue? Is that you?"
Jack said to the voice in his head.
"Yep, using my power creates a link between us."
Blue said as Jack kept his eyes on Matilda.
"This hasn't happened before when I used Red armor. How come it's happening now?"
Jack asked as Matilda charged at him.
"I'll explain that later so just listen for now. When Matilda attacked you and your jacket caught fire, any well trained fighter would instantly want higher defense. Than she struck you again which cause you to want higher defense even more.
My core ability doesn't just specialize in positive energy but a higher defense as well. Your strength has also been boosted."
Blue said as Matilda threw a flurry of attacks. Jack used a blue fist to block them all.
"Is there anything else I should know?"
Jack asked as he continued to block.
"Unlike Red armor which specializes in speed and building up power over time. You get a strength, defense and stamina boost right away when using blue.
Also remember what Sierra said about your hat. She never fully explained but you are and the hat out connected.
It only gets harder once you pour your energy into it.
With enough energy you can activate its ability.
The hat will react differently to each aura.
The rest is up to you; this is your chance to further progress your blue aura."
Blue said as Jack nodded.
Jack caught Matilda fist creating a small shockwave.
"Hmph you're tougher than you look, this should be interesting."
Matilda said with a small smile as Jack leapt back and took his stance.
Sierra continued to battle against Reginald and LongShot.
Reginald would attack with a flurry of sword thrust while LongShot fired at her with his bow.
"Tch I need to take out LongShot first if I want to take this guy out."
Sierra thought to herself, as she knocked Reginald's attack to the side. She immediately charged towards LongShot.
However Reginald appeared right in front of her.
"Did you forget my powers of teleportation?"
He said, thrusting his rapier at Sierra's head. Sierra swayed her to the left and swung her sword down at Reginald.
Reginald pulled out a short sword from his coat and blocked the swing.
Sierra leapt back and took her stance as Reginald charged at her.
"Who hired you LongShot?!"
Sierra demanded to know.
"That's on a need to know basis."
He said taking aim once more.
"Well this is going smoothly."
LongShot said, loading his bow. As he felt something on the back of his head.
"Is it now?"
A man behind him said holding a gun to his head.
"Odd I didn't hear your footsteps."
LongShot said as the chuckled.
"That's because there weren't any."
He said while reaching into his coat.
"Ah so it's you No.7, been a long time. I must ask why you're interested in my affairs?"
LongShot asked him as No.7 pulled out a walkie talkie.
"The King's order no distribution is to happen until the Olympic Games are over.
I'll give you one minute before I kill you and your friends."
No.7 said as LongShot chuckled.
"Fine, let's see if my guys can kill them in a minute."
LongShot said as No.7 chuckled.
"I'll bet 10k they survive."
No.7 said putting the gun down.
"It's a gentlemans bet than, you hear that guys! You have one minute to kill them."
LongShot said, putting his bow on his back.
Matilda attacks started to become more rapid. Jack could barely keep up. Jack jumped over Matilda, however Matilda grabbed his leg. She swung him into the ground, and lifted him back up to small him down again. Jack punched her in the jaw and Matilda let go of him.
"This isn't good, she's starting to go faster and blue can't keep up. If I switch to red I'd definitely be faster. However my defense would lower, and with those flames she could burn me to a crisp."
Matilda eyes lit up as her flames grew larger.
She slammed the ground and sent a shockwave of fire at Jack.
Jack leapt out of the way barely making it.
"Think, think Jack I've got it."
Jack landed on the ground and switched to red armor and started to run around Matilda.
Matilda started to shoot flames at Jack trying to hit him.
Jack rushed Matilda from the side. Once he leapt towards her he switched to blue armor and punched her across the face.
Before she could counter Jack switched back into red and started to run around her again.
Matilda grew angrier as now both her arms lit up in flames.
As her fire blast became more rapid. Jack leapt over one and landed on the ground and slid under another one.
As he charged straight towards Matilda.
He switched to blue armor and grabbed the edge of his hat.
Matilda put her hands together and shot a massive fire beam at Jack.
Jack shouted as he poured his energy into the hat.
Blue energy started to come from the hat.
As the blue energy came together in the form of a triangular shield.
Jack pulled his hat off and threw the hat at Matilda.
The blue shield cut through the flames. Knocking her hands back.
The hat bounced back and Jack caught it with his left hand.
It turned back into a regular hat.
Jack pulled back his right fist as Matilda pulled back her's.
Jack threw the punch as he could feel the energy more than ever now. His entire right arm was covered in blue aura.
The two fist clashed, each of them trying to push the other back.
They both shouted as Jack pushed with more power and sent Matilda flying back across the sand and into a giant rock.
Jack stood up straight and put his hat on.
Matilda slowly stood back up.
"Hmph not bad but the real fight starts now."
Matilda said as her flames turned from red to green.
"Matilda, that's enough, our minute is up."
LongShot said as Reginald, who was now covered in cuts.
Frustratedly put his sword away.
As Sierra winked at him.
"I don't care about your dumb bet, I'm killing him."
Matilda said as Longshot sighed.
"Look, as much as I would love to fight No.7, I wouldn't want to fight his friend."
LongShot said pointing at the top of the waterfall.
Matilda looked up at the waterfall and saw a man in a hood standing on top of it.
"Who are you?!"
Matilda shouted at him as the man jumped and floated down onto the ground.
The man started to walk towards Matilda.
Matilda's anger had reached its peak.
She put her hands together and shot a beam of green flames at the hooded man.
She shouted in anger, as you could see the silhouette of the man walking through the fire.
The flames stopped as the man stood in front of Matilda.
He pulled back his hood as Matilda's prideful look now became one of sheer terror.
Matilda said as both Jack and Sierra we're shocked.
"I'm only going to say this once."
Kuro pulled one hand out his pocket and pointed to the ground.
Matilda fell to her knees and Kuro looked down at her. As he put one foot on her head.
He asked as Matilda responded with
She could feel an instant power pushing her down.
As if death himself was threatening her.
Kuro took his foot off and put his hand back in his pocket and walked away.
Kuro said as he sat down on a nearby rock.
"Let's go."
LongShot said as Reginald grabbed his shoulder.
Matilda slowly walked over and grabbed LongShot's shoulder as she looked over at Jack.
"This isn't over Uppercut."
She said as they teleported away.
"Well that's that."
No.7 said walking over to Sierra.
"I can't believe you made a bet on my survival."
Sierra said to him.
"Ah come on, no sister of mine would ever be taken down by those guys."
He said with a smile as Sierra rolled her eyes.
"So how are the kiddos?"
No.7 asked as Sierra handed him a photo of them.
"Nice they've grown big and strong I'm glad. Which reminds me I'm sorry about Luna. When the news reached me, it broke my heart. She was far too innocent."
No.7 said as Sierra nodded and took the picture back.
"Wait, you know this guy?"
Jack said, walking up to Sierra.
"Yes this is one of my brothers Bounty No.7 also known as Jusei."
Sierra said as No.7 offered to shake his hand.
"Pleasure to meet you."
Jack said, shaking his hand.
"So what's your relationship with my sister?"
No.7 asked as Jack got nervous.
"Well um you see-"
"He's my boyfriend."
Sierra said as No.7 pointed a gun at Jack.
"Is that so?"
He said as Sierra grabbed his gun.
"You can't just shoot whoever I'm dating."
Sierra said
He said as Sierra gave him a look.
No.7 gave her a look as the two stared at each other for a moment.
Until No.7 let out a big sigh.
"Ugh fine I won't shoot him this time. However he does anything to you. I'm getting all the boys together."
He said as Sierra gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek.
"Alright alright, get going now."
He said as Sierra took Jack's hand and the two started to walk back.
"How many siblings do you have?"
Jack asked her.
"Too many."
She answered,
Jack looked back at Kuro.
"Why did you help me?"
Jack questioned Kuro
"Don't get it wrong Uppercut. I didn't help, I'm only following orders."
Kuro answered him as Jack asked
"LongShot called me the Uppercut Dragon, what is that?"
Jack asked him as Kuro looked at him.
"Everything you needed to know I told you that day.
Anything else you'll have to learn on your own."
Kuro said, standing up and walking away.
Jack squeezed Sierra's hand as she grabbed onto his arm with her other hand.
"Let's go okay."
She said as Jack nodded and the two started to walk off.
The moon and stars shined down on them.
As they were still far from the village.
When suddenly Jack's right arm began to glow blue.
Jack looked at his arm as Sierra looked at it, still holding on tight.
"What's happening?"
Sierra asked as Jack looked around.
He looked behind himself and saw the armor that always appears in his head.
It's right hand was missing from the time Jack punched it off and achieved blue fist.
Jack chuckled as he looked at the dragon armor.
"I'm such an idiot. It's like Blue said the armor contains both my past memories and power. So it's obvious that I'm the Uppercut Dragon."
Jack said as the armor held up it's right arm.
"You can't see it can you?"
Jack asked Sierra as she shook her head.
"No I cannot, what does it want?"
She asked Jack
"It wants me to break another piece off. Once I do I'll fall unconscious as I begin to remember. Will you watch over me?"
Jack asked as she pumped his shoulder.
"Like you even have to ask."
She said as she let go his hand and Jack started to walk towards the armor.
The armor made a growling noise.
As Jack raised his right arm.
The armor started to say something but Jack couldn't understand it.
Jack grabbed onto the armor's right arm when finally he understood what the armor was saying.
It said as Jack started to fall back.
He lost his footing and was slowly falling towards the ground.
He felt himself fall into someone's arms.
He was much smaller now.
"You're 1 year old now my little Jack."
Jack could barely see everything was blurry, but someone was talking to him. It was a girl he couldn't quite make out her face out but he could see blurry red hair.
He felt her hand lightly touch his chest.
"Your big sister will always be here for you."
She said to him as Jack grabbed her finger and giggled.
In the distance Jack heard someone calling.
"Coming mom."
She said as she leaned over and kissed Jack over the head.
"I'll be back, don't go anywhere."
Jack opened his eyes and saw a ceiling.
It was rather dark but he felt comfortable.
He felt like he was laying on someone's lap.
He felt someone brushing through his hair as he looked up and saw Sierra.
She was staring down smiling at him.
Jack started to smile.
Jack said as Sierra brushed her hair back.
"Hey you."
She said with a smile.
"What time do the games start tomorrow?"
Jack asked her
"They start at 9:00am, so we have some time."
She said as she started to come down for a kiss.
"What time is it?"
Jack asked, closing his eyes.
She answered
Jack shouted as Sierra sat up straight.
Jack say up and looked at Sierra.
"Were you watching me the whole time I was sleeping?"
Jack asked her, extremely worried.
"Uuum yes is there a problem?"
She asked surprised
"Not good you don't have enough time to get a full day's rest, I'm sorry."
Jack said, bowing his head.
Sierra giggled as she lifted his head up and gave him a small kiss.
"Don't worry silly, I can go months on end without sleep."
She said with a smile as Jack just kind of blinked.
He asked as Sierra noded.
When suddenly the door burst opened and in came Fighter with a microphone.
Fighter said, closing the door.
Jack shouted as Sierra chuckled and kissed him on the cheek.
"Come on, we should take a shower."
Sierra said, getting up.
Jack said as he started to uncontrollably blush.
As Fighter busted down again carrying two machine guns.
Fighter said as Jack got scared.
Sierra shouted.
"Honey bear if we had time and I was in a different building I would be fine with it, but not today."
Fighter as Sierra let out a huge sigh.
Sierra as she frustratedly went into the bathroom.
Jack's smile had turned into a frown.
As Fighter got into Jack's face.
As Jack kept looking straight forward, not blinking.
"If you two have sex while we are on this island, I will cut your manhood off. Remember I know where you sleep."
He whispered as he slowly walked away.
"That was the most disappointing, saddest, and terrifying thing I have ever felt and I will never sleep the same again."
-To be Continued-
Chapter 25 the games part of 1 of 3

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