Uppercut Chapter 18: Training day

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"The wold is run by money, by profit by desires. We are all slaves to our desires. All means of reasons fade away and all we focus on is our desires. It matters not what it is or what it does. All that matters is your love for it. Your willingness to do anything for it. To stain your soul and become the evil you once fought it against. For my desire, I would become the greatest, for my desire I would do anything."
————————Jonathan J. Clockwork

A man cried out as a black spike went straight through his eyes. His body lost all its fat, its blood was drained and the life in his eyes faded. Clockwork stands amidst a room full of dead bodies and living.
"Get him!"
A man shouts as the ten men who are left standing charge Clockwork. In an instant, they are all ripped to shreds. Clockwork walks up to the last guy. The man shakes in fear as the Clockwork grabbed his throat.
"Let this be a lesson don't steal from Clockwork industry."
"Was this really necessary sir?"
A well-dressed man asked standing not too far off.
"They tried to steal from me, this is what they got."
Mr.Clockwork said as he walked past the many dead bodies. He stood in front of an object that was being covered by a giant white sheet. He grabbed the sheet and pulled it off. Under it was an old record player.
"Wait in the car Darwin I'll be there shortly."
Mr.Clockwork said looking down at the record player.
"Yes sir."
Darwin said leaving the warehouse.
Mr.Clockwork removed his gloves and saw that they had color in them. He put the dial on record and turned it on. The record began to spin as the music began to play. As a solo violin filled the air.
Mrs.Clockwork lifts the record player dial and walks onto the ballroom floor.
She was wearing a white gown instead of the usual red that she wears.
She put one hand up as if she was holding someone's hand. With her other hand, she reached up as if she was holding onto someone's shoulder.
Mr.Clockwork walked to the middle of the room. He reached his left hand out as if he was holding onto someone's waist. With his other, he reached out to hold a hand. Pianos filled the air along with the violins. Mr.Clockwork took a step forward as Mrs.Clockwork took a step back. He stepped to the side as she did the same. Though they could not see, hear, or feel each other. They danced in complete unison. Mr.Clockwork danced around the bloody floor as Mrs.Clockwork danced around the ballroom.
The choir began to sing as the orchestra filled the room with music.
The crowd cheered as music and cheers filled the air.
"I introduced to you for the first time, Mr. and Mrs, Johnathan and Sarah Clockwork."
An announcer said.
Darwin stood to the side with a smile on his face. The sun was shining down upon them. Mrs.Clockwork's wedding dress followed behind her as she danced. Her hair was in a bun as she wore her veil. Mr.Clockwork smiled as the two danced.
Mr.Clockwork's brother William smiled and watched his brother dance. Mr.Clockwork spun his wife, as she elegantly spun around. She came back into his arms as the two continued to dance.
"I'm sorry your father couldn't make it dear."
Mrs.Clockwork said.
"It matters not, all I need today is you. For now and forever."
Mr.Clockwork said as they two smiled.
William began to reach into his coat pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes.
He looked out the corner of his eye and saw his mother glaring at him.
He said putting the cigarettes back.
Mr.Clockwork dipped his bride and quickly brought her back. The two elegantly circled the dance floor. He lifted her and spun her around. She felt as though she was flying. He brought her down as the song neared its end.
"I love you."
Sarah said,
"I love you too dear."
Jon said as they came together for a tender kiss. The dial fell off the record and Mr.Clockwork stood in the warehouse by himself.
"Anniversary dear."
Mrs.Clockwork said putting her hands down.
"Mom we're gonna be late."
Jessica said barging into the room.
"I was just finished, let's get going."
She said walking over to her.
Mr.Clockwork looked at his hands and saw life was fading from them. He quickly put his gloves back on and covered the record player with the sheet. As he made his way to the door.
He heard a yawn behind, he turned around and saw himself dressed in white with red eyes.
"I always get so sleepy after a meal."
Soul said, patting his mouth.
"Yet your never full soul."
Mr.Clockwork remarked.
"You act as if it's unnatural all creatures get hungry Johnny-boy."
Soul called Mrs.Clockwork walking towards him.
"Out of all the forms you can take why must you always choose mine?"
Soul shrugged and smiled.
"Don't know I guess I like the suit. Besides, being a cat is too much of a hassle."
Soul said scratching his head.
"I always spit out hairballs."
He said as Mr.Clockwork chuckled.
"What's so funny?"
Soul asked.
"It's funny that someone like you must deal with something so trivial."
Mr.Clockwork remarked.
"Well I'm not human so I deal with many things. I must say you have more of a backbone than your father ever did."
Soul said standing in front of Mr.Clockwork.
"Another compliment?"
Mr.Clockwork asked.
"I guess you could call it that."
Soul said walking past him.
Mr.Clockwork said turning towards him.
"Hmm oh right I can't go out looking like you, hm oh I've got one."
He changed his hair to white as it grew in size. His body became leaner and smaller.
"This should be better."
He said now resembling a young boy.
The two walked out of the warehouse and into a limousine. When they got in Envy was inside sharpening a knife.
"Who's the kid?"
Envy asked, pointing a knife at him.
"This is Soul, he accompanies me everywhere."
He said as the two sat down
"Pleasure to make your acquaintance."
Soul said sitting back.
She said as she continued to sharpen her knife.
Soul looked to the left of Envy and saw William. With a trimmed beard and a new suit.
"William, how's it been? We haven't had time to talk since that night. How have you been, is your mother in good health?"
William bit down on his cigarette and launched a smoke dagger at Soul.
Soul caught it between his fingers and made a clicking sound with his mouth.
"Not too well it seems."
More daggers began to form. As Mr.Clockwork put his hand up.
"Enough we don't have time for this."
He said to them.
William said, spitting his cigarette out.
As Soul sat back in his chair smiling.
"So boss man I've got a question."
Envy said.
"If your goal is to kill all the world leaders why didn't you just do it at the carnival?"
Envy asked.
"There are two main reasons. For my plan, the world leaders must be at their absolute most vulnerable. At the carnival, they were all on their guard and wrong moves would ruin my plan. Second, the weapon of their destruction was not yet complete."
Mr.Clockwork explained as Envy's curiosity grew.
"Weapon? What kind of weapon?"
She asked intrigued.
"For this plan to work we must eliminate all the world leaders at once, even if one makes out alive we have failed. For this, to work a weapon of mass destruction is being built. To kill them all in a signal stroke."
Mr.Clockwork said as Soul chuckled.
"What kind of weapon?"
William asked, lighting a cigarette.
"A core one."
Soul said with a smile. William stopped lighting his cigarette and looked at Soul and Clockwork.
"I see, all those strong souls are just going to be another meal for you."
He said as Soul chuckled.
"What can I say I'm a starving animal."
Soul said,
"What are you talking about?"
Envy asked, completely confused.
"When we were children I was born with a core and my brother was not. This was back when core abilities were a rarity. I was lazy and not as intelligent as my younger brother. So like our father he was chosen to be the next holder of the family's core, the soul core. The soul core can bend, manipulate, take and use the souls of its victims as weapons. Shaping them into whatever the user desires, from black spikes to terrifying creatures. The stronger the soul the stronger the core becomes."
William said, crossing his arm, looking out the window.
"So that's why you want to kill the world leaders? For more power, I honestly thought you had something bigger in mind."
Envy said as Mr.Clockwork chuckles.
"My dear Envy you underestimate me. Yes, I plan to become more powerful, but not just that. Once I kill the world leaders and their next of kin who will then lead the world. I will take center stage my power reaching new heights unchallenged by anyone. I will stand on top of the world only my followers."
Mr.Clockwork said as Soul leaned a little bit up.
"The entire world will be in our control. We get to control the narrative, shape history the way we want."
Soul said as Envy grew intrigued.
"Ooooh I see, this weapon of yours can truly kill them all."
Envy asked, pointing a knife at them. As Soul leaned back and Mr.Clockwork smiled.
Envy smiled and put her knife in her jacket.
"How beautiful."
She said with an evil smile.
Soul chuckled and looked at her.
"Oh yes, it will be quite the spectacle."
He said to her as William looked out the window.
"Where are we heading?"
He asked Clockwork.
"I made a deal, I'm going to honor it."
Mr.Clockwork said as Soul laughed.
The main kingdom of this world goes as follows.
Seiketsu-Leader King Zin not much is known about Seiketsu. Only that its king is Zin and it is a self-sustaining country, that requires no need from other countries.
Ninverda-Leader president Clockwork. Ninverda is an industrial country focused on advancing its technology. Clockwork industries are also the number 1 source for delivering cargo and trading between nations.
South Dundrum-It's Queen lady Idrum. It is a nation covered in a massive desert. Dundrum mainly focuses on law and order. This is the second-largest country in the world. Splitting itself into two.
North Dundrum-Lead by Jean Pillnerf. Like South Dundrum, north Dundrum focuses on law order and maintaining its borders.
Callum-Lead by Garen Taden. Callum is a country that focuses on the spiritual and chi side of core abilities. Looking inwards and wanting peace.
Northsandren-Lead by Lady Moon Saiyku. The moon clan is a clan of ancient samurais. This country focuses on its warrior and maintaining its clan order and history. The world has been this way for as long as anyone can remember. For years Seiketsu was considered savage and dangerous. Now the kingdom is flourishing. The other kingdoms grow in worrymeant. For they have asked Seiketsu to share its resources for the betterment of the world. However, for an unknown reason, the king has refused to share any resources. He has however come to several meetings of which he was invited to of course. Still not much is known about Seiketsu. Whether they pose a threat to the established order or are simply minding their business. King Zin has refused to participate in the Olympic Games twice before. The Olympic Games happen every 5 years. The games are a way of showing that each country stands together, after years of fighting. Seiketsu refusing to take part made the world leaders that Seiketsu has no intention of peace. However, Seiketsu has also shown no hostile intent. No outsider is allowed in Seiketsu. The farthest anyone has gotten is its northern port. King Zin allows ships to dock there, to rest for a long. However, no crew member is allowed to step onto the port. This would be the first time Zin or anyone from Seiketsu would come to see these games. The world leaders saw this as an opportunity. Now the moment has come, with the new information that Seiketsu has no Queen. Each nation will try its hand. No matter the cost more must be learned about this kingdom.
Idrum Sidem the leader of south Dundrum, meets with her fellow ruler Jean Pillnerf the leader of North Sidem.
The two walk down the castle corridor. And into a plaza with brown grass and a fountain.
"I must say I do miss the south part of Sidem."
Jean said looking down at the grass.
"I thought things were greener, more tropical up north?"
The Queen questioned.
"Well yes I do admit it is very nice up north, nothing beats coming back down-home."
He said reaching down and touching the grass.
Jean Pillnerf was a military man. He always kept a Flyssa sword by his side. The sun reflected off his darker skin. He had short hair and a well-trimmed beard. Jean Pillnerf was put in charge of North Sidem, as an award for his service during the wars.
"Yes that I can relate to, there is no place like home."
She remarked as Jean smiled and laughed.
"Yes indeed my Queen, however, something tells me you didn't call me here for a friendly chat?"
He said as the two stopped walking, as they stood in front of a fountain made from clay.
"Unfortunately yes I have a favor to ask of you lord Pillnerf."
Jean turned towards the Queen and knelt before her.
"Yes, your majesty?"
He said bowing his head.
"I have plans to have my daughter pursue and marry the king of Seiketsu. If she should fail I want you to kill her."
Jean's eyes widened as he looked up at the Queen in confusion.
"My Queen why? She is your daughter and heir to the throne, why would you have me do this? We need not sacrifice Princess Isabel."
He pleaded. The Queen looked down with an eerie look in her eyes. Jean quickly lowered his head back down.
"If she should fail you are to kill her. We will pin it on Seiketsu, then the world leaders will have no choice but to side with me and attack Seiketsu in an all-out war."
She said looking at the fountain.
"Forgive me my Queen, but I must ask what is your obsession with that place."
He said as he continued to look down.
"My obsession is the same as all the others. Seiketsu has longed to hide from the world. They have never interacted with any of us. Anyone who went there either never got past the port or never returned. We had let them be for the time being. Until King Zin came into the picture."
She said, clenching her hands.
"Hey began to come to our world leaders meetings. He began to interact and talk with us. We have no idea who he is, what his goals are, or what he wants. All we know is that he was in a civil war with his sibling Serrin. We don't even know which side was good. It is also believed that Seiketsu holds some kind of scientific advantage over us. The only other country that may have the means to challenge them is Nirvana. Yet Clockwork refuses to do anything. So it comes down to us. Do you understand General? The situation we find ourselves in? The very embarrassment that there could be someone greater than all of us?"
She says standing over him.
"Yes, your majesty."
He says as she turns and starts to walk away.
Jean bit his tongue and clenched the ground in frustration. As princess Isabel was in her chambers reading.
"You know I don't think you're gonna find a good time in that book."
She turned around and saw someone sitting in her window.
"You know Bron you should think of different ways to come up here."
She says he walks over to her. She stands as the two hugs.
"I would but climbing up is the quickest path to you."
He said as she dug her face in his chest.
"So it's true that your mother wants you to marry him."
He said to her with a sad look.
"She wants me to try her book. Try means do."
She said holding him tight.
"Come with me let us leave this place while we can."
He says to her as she looks up with tears in her eyes.
"You know I want more than anything to do so. You also know that there's nowhere we could go; she wouldn't find us no one who could protect us from her."
She said as she put one hand on his cheek.
"I'm sorry."
Bron reaches up and holds her hand.
"You have nothing to apologize for."
He said as the two heard footsteps.
"You must go, hurry."
She says as the two share a kiss.
"I will return."
He says as he makes his exit out of the window. There is a knock at the door.
"May we enter your highness."
A maid says
"Yes, you may enter."
She says as the maids enter the room carrying food. As we now enter the kingdom of Callum. Where Lady moon and Garen are meeting. placed it on a large dining table. There were quite a few guests as they dined inside a large room.
"Thank you for coming all this way, Lady Moon."
Garen Taden, leader of Callum.
"Of course lord Taden you said it was urgent. Besides, it's always nice to visit the snowy kingdom of Callum."
She said, placing her cup on the table.
"Yes, indeed Lady Moon I must ask a favor of you. Your sister Lady Rin I ask that you not allow her to go for Zin's hand in marriage."
He asked her. Garen Taden was the oldest of the world's leaders. His long gray beard and his blue and black robes, were all to show his stature.
"Why might I ask is your reason for asking me this?"
She asked, picking her cup back up and taking a sip.
"It's obvious that all the kingdoms will be going after Seiketsu in some way. Even I will be having my eldest daughter go after him. Your sister is much too young and has to find her father's killer."
He said to her.
"I understand your concern. I know you and my father were close and I thank you for inviting me. However, until we know if Seiketsu is a threat or not I will proceed as planned. My sister Rin is not the one I'll be having going after Zin's hand. My sister Ino will, she is more suited for something like this."
Garen frowned as he took a sip of tea.
"Very well in that, we should work. I'll have my guards work with yours to ensure maximum safety."
He said putting his cup down.
"I shall do the same no doubt one of the other kingdoms will have something planned. Ninverda is also quite suspicious. Its leader Mr.Clock both runs the country and the world's largest trading operations. Hmmm, I wonder."
She said as she poured some honey into her tea.
"Wonder what?"
"I wonder what would happen if those trade lines were cut off. The only way to get supplies across would be to travel through Seiketsu waters."
"You think King Zin may try to eliminate Clockwork? To gain control of the trading routes, that's lunacy, Lady Moon."
He said to her as she took a sip from her tea.
"It's only speculation, we must suspect all others. We can only trust each other."
She said as Garen nodded.
"I agree we do not yet know what Seiketsu is planning, I wonder if Zin knows what kind of effect he is having on the world?"
Garen speculates.
Zin wakes from slumber. Jikan walked in surprised.
"Good morning my lord, you're usually still asleep."
Jikan said as Zin sat up.
"Yes, I seem to have a lot of my mind."
Zin said, reaching over to his nearby dresser and grabbing his visor.
"Is it the Olympic my lord?"
Jikan asked, opening the curtains.
"Something along the lines of that."
Zin said putting his Visor on.
"I see you're wondering if he'll be there?"
Jikan said as Zin chuckled.
"Yes the first time I see him in years and he's unconscious. It felt like the old days. Back when things were simpler."
Zin said as he looked at his right hand showing a scar going across it.
"Reminiscing the past?"
Jikan asked.
"The past will always catch up to us no matter how hard we try to escape it. No matter how far we run."
Zin closed his eyes and opened them. Snow began to fall from the sky. It was a white sky. Kuro was standing in a white forest as a woman with red hair stood before him. He felt a shrug and opened his eyes. He saw his sister Dawn tugging his arm.
"Kuro, come on I haven't seen you in forever and all you do is sleep."
She said as Kuro scoffed.
"Not with how much noise you make."
He said as she pokes his forehead.
"Come on let's do something."
She said as Kuro leaned up and patted her head.
"Five more minutes I promise."
He said as she nodded and walked off. Kuro closed his eyes. He was once again in a white forest and blood was on his hands.
"I killed her."
Jack heard as he opened his eyes.
Jack opened his eyes and saw himself in a white forest once more. He wasn't wearing his shirt, only his PJs. However, he did not feel cold. Jack would normally walk through most things without shoes. Snow never made his feet cold. However, this felt different. He looked around as the wind blew through his hair. He saw the armor that Gerrit said was his. As before the armor held out its hand to Jack. However this time Jack did not reach for it.
"No, I'm not ready to know yet. I know what you are now. You're my past and all my anger and hatred. My training isn't complete. Once I master positive energy I promise to come back. I know my past is filled with pain I'm not ready to face yet. Someday I'll come back ready to face the pain and all the hurt. I never want to give up again. So I promise to one day come back."
The armor lowered its hand.
Jack heard the armor whisperer.
Jack said as he took a step forward.
The armor said Jack blinked his eyes. As the white snow turned into a white ceiling. Jack blinked his eyes and looked around.
"Where am I?"
He said to himself as he leaned up.
"The last thing I remember was passing out on the couch."
He leaned up and found himself in a large bed. The bed was extremely comfortable and the blankets were warm. He continued to look around at the furniture. As he heard the door begin to open.
"Oh, you're up."
Sierra said walking through the door holding two cups of coffee. Jack immediately began to blush. As Sierra was wearing his hoodie and short PJ pants. As he noticed her hair was blonde.
"Your um *gulp* hair is a different color?"
He asked as Sierra walked towards the bed.
"Oh, right this is your first time seeing my real hair color. I'm a blonde like my mom. I dye my hair quite often. I decided to go back to my natural hair for a while before dying it again."
She said as she sat down on the bed and scooted over next to Jack. As she smiled and handed him the cup of coffee in her right hand. Jack awkwardly took the cup and smiled. Sierra smiled back and started to drink her coffee. Jack nervously smiled and started to drink his coffee. As he widens and stopped drinking the coffee and looked at Sierra.
"How did you know how I liked my coffee?"
Jack said as Sierra coughed and looked away. As she started to blush.
"Um, good guess."
Jack chuckles as he keeps drinking his coffee.
"Hey um, I never thanked you, for last night."
Sierra said looking at him. As Jack looked back at her.
"You don't have to."
He said to her with a smile.
"I still want to though."
She said getting closer. Jack chuckles and nods his head.
"Thank you Jack for everything."
Jack reached up and pretended he was tipping his hat.
"For you anytime."
Sierra and Jack giggled a little bit. Jack chuckled as they two meant eyes. They smiled at each other as Jack nervously chuckled.
Gerrit said bursting into the room.
He said as he marched off.
"How did he know what room we were in?"
Jack asked as Sierra shrugged.
Jack got up out of bed and Sierra got up as well. As she started to zip the jacket down. Jack blushed and covered his eyes. A few moments passed when a shirt landed on his head. He opened his eyes and grabbed the shirt. He looked behind himself and saw Sierra completely dressed.
"Hurry up we don't want to be late."
She said walking out the door. As Jack blushes and starts to get dressed. As Sierra walked through the hallway she buried her face in her hands and started to blush.
"I was not trained for this. All I did was cuddle with him, why was he so comfortable. Should I have asked first, should not have worn his hoodie. What's even worse I didn't even try to hide the fact I know how he likes his coffee. I was just doing what I thought was right."
She said in her head as she let out a smile.
"Okay, I'm ready."
Jack said, coming out of the room fully dressed adjusting his hat. Sierra quickly put her hands in her pocket and looked at him with an awkward smile.
"Um good let's get going."
She said walking forward as Jack was confused.
The group met in the yard where Fighter and Charlie were waiting for them.
"Jack, Sierra, Gerrit, Downercut, Sasha, Roushin, and Cero. You will be my team in the tournament henceforth you should be trained to be a team. Charlie will be overseeing your team training."
Charlie stepped forward and put a bandana around the side of his belt.
"Wow cool, you kids have fun I got work to do."
Fighter said walking off.
Charlie was wearing a black tank top and black combat pants, and boots. Despite his age, he was extremely buff.
"Okay, you lot this training exercise is simple. Merely take the bandanna off my belt and you win. Come at me with means to kill."
Downercut smirked as Jack looked worried.
"Oy Jack this guy's your master right, got any tips for this training?"
Gerrit asked.
"Unfortunately not, this is the one training exercise I couldn't complete no matter how hard I tried."
He said scratching the back of his head.
"That's surprising Mr.Jack."
Roushin said.
"Enough of this talk let's do this."
Downercut said as he charged at Charlie.
Jack shouted as Downercut ran at. He threw a punch at Charlie's face. Charlie lifted one hand and caught it.
Charlie said as he pulled in Downercut and knees him the gut. Downercut flies a few feet off the ground, as Charlie punches him rapidly in the gut.
Roushin comes charging in from behind and punches down at Charlie. Charlie grabs Downercut's arm and spins him around and throws him into Roushin, incapacitating the two.
"Now or never I guess."
Gerrit said as he pulled out two pistols. Jack took his stance as Sierra took hers. Jack ran left while Sierra ran right. Gerrit started to shoot at Charlie. Charlie dodges the bullets by moving from his spot. Jack spun around and went for a roundhouse kick. Sierra did the same, Charlie with no effort. Raised his arms and blocked the kicks. He quickly grabbed their legs and spun around. He threw them both at Gerrit. Gerrit rolled under the two. Gerrit saw a foot in front of his face. He looked up and saw Charlie in front of him. He tried to leap backward, however, Charlie was too quick he kicked Gerrit in the jaw and sent him flying.
Charlie stood for a moment to analyze them.
"Downercut is strong. I had to use my lightning stun move on him, he has high endurance and would win in a battle of attrition. However he's rash and rushes into battle without a plan. Roushin is the most inexperienced; he tried to go for my blind spot without thinking it through, he lacks experience. Jack and Sierra are both highly skilled fighters. However, Jack unintentionally holds back to try and not hurt his opponents. On the other hand, Jack tends to overthink, which his moves have some delay and lack power. Fighter told me that Sierra can only use 40% of her power right now due to restraints placed on her. From what I can gap now she's mostly the most seasoned Fighter of the group. Gerrit had the right idea. He knew that since I've trained Jack who is an expert at hand to combat. It would be best to fight me from a distance and wait for an opening. As for the other two."
Charlie thought to himself as he looked towards Cero and Sasha.
"Cero wears his jacket like that to cover the bottom half of his face. He is trying to make it seem like he's older when in fact he's probably the youngest in the group. Cero was raised to be an assassin his whole life. So he doesn't work well with others. He's waiting for his moment to strike. Sasha however."
He thought to himself as he looked at her.
"She's trying to hide it but there's a sinister aura to her. She's probably already figured the test out and is waiting for everyone else. If Sierra could use 100% percent of her power things may have gotten difficult. I'm getting too old for this."
He said as he started to stretch. He knelt to stretch his knees. He closed his eyes and waited a moment. A hand came popping out of the ground next to him. Charlie quickly grabbed the wrist. He stood up pulling the Cero out of the ground.
"Nice try kid."
He said as he reached and pulled Cero's jacket collar down. To reveal his face. The group was surprised to see Cero was much younger than they had believed him to be.
"How old are you?"
Charlie asked as Cero kicked off his chest and backflips onto the ground. As he quickly covered his face.
Jack and Sierra slowly got back up.
"You okay?"
Jack asked as Sierra nodded. Roushin and Downercut slowly got back up as well. Gerrit stood to his feet and aimed his guns at him.
"Let's go."
Jack said as they all charged him except Gerrit.
Downercut jumped into the air and tried to dropkick him from behind.
"Take this!"
Downercut shouted as Charlie swayed to the side dodging the kick. Once Downercut flew halfway across from, Charlie spun and spines kicked him in the face. Sending him flying back into a tree. Roushin put his arms together and tried to slam Charlie. Charlie slid under Roushin and grabbed his waist, as he pulled him up and suplexes him. Jack and Sierra charged at him from the front.
"Charlie never fought this hard against me."
Jack said as the two closed in. Jack went low as Sierra went high. Jack went to punch him in the ripes. Sierra tried to jab him in the chest. Charlie brought his left knee and blocked the punch. He brought his right elbow to his chest and blocked the jab. Charlie pulled back his left arm and went to punch Sierra. Sierra quickly leaped back. Jack pulled his fist back and went for an uppercut. Charlie swayed back to dodge it. Jack quickly spun and went for a back kick. Charlie put his arms together and blocked the kick. Jack's foot landed as he took his stance. Charlie put his arms to the side. Jack took a deep breath as he charged at Charlie. Jack threw a straight punch. Charlie parried the attack Jack threw a left hook. Charlie ducked under it and took a step back, and stood up. Jack threw a flurry of punches. Each one being parried. Jack jumped and went for a right-flying spin kick. Charlie ducked under the kick. Jack landed on the ground, his back towards Charlie; he quickly spun and went to sweep his leg. Charlie lifted his leg and dodge the kick. Jack used his momentum to quickly get up and charge Charlie. Jack threw a hook at Charlie. Charlie ducked under this, however. Charlie reached out one arm around Jack's neck. The other going under his armpit. He threw Jack to the ground. Before Jack had time to recover Charlie kicked him in the side sending him rolling across the ground. Cero came from behind and tried to stab Charlie in the back with a knife. Charlie moved to the left and kicked the knife out of his hand. As the two took their stances. Downcercut appeared behind Charlie and went for an ax kick. Charlie without looking grabbed the leg and slammed Downercut into the ground. Cero quickly dashed forward and tried to front kick, Charlie. Charlie leaped back. Downercut quickly got up and cracked his neck.
"Don't get in my way kid."
Downercut said to Cero as he charged Charlie.
"I was gonna say the same to you."
Cero said waiting his turn.
Downercut unleashed a wild and rapid series of punches.
"Interesting unlike Jack whose attacks are much quicker and have good follow-ups. These attacks pack a lot of power and are more precise."
Charlie said parrying the attacks as he leaped back.
"Oy gramps were here for Jack."
Charlie turned his head and saw the triplets.
"Oh right all right everyone 20 minutes break."
Charlie said sitting down.
"Huh, what for?"
Jack said getting up as Sierra helped him up.
"You still have to master positive energy. When we take breaks you'll go back to your positive energy training. Your training may be the most tiresome out of everyone else's. However, we don't have much of a choice."
Charlie said.
"Yes sir."
Jack said as he nodded and stood up.
"Not me."
Downercut said walking towards Charlie.
"I still wanna go at it."
Downercut said.
Cero said as Roushin nodded.
"Fine you each have 5 minutes to take the banda from me. Once it's been 5 minutes you rotate to the next person."
The three nodded as Charlie looked over at Gerrit.
"As I thought, Gerrit is watching all my moves until a proper plan can be formed. Not just that but he's also figuring out what the others can do. Gerrit is a true team leader."
Charlie thought to himself as Gerrit began to watch closer.
Sierra walked over to Sasha and said.
"Would you mind coming with me for a moment?"
Sasha smiled and said
"Of course."
The two walked off as Jack run-up to the triplets.
Jack bowed in front of the triplets.
"I'm ready for my next lesson."
He said standing back up.
"I hope you're ready."
Belle said as she cracked her knuckles and the other triplets got ready. However, a sudden ring nose came from out of nowhere.
"Was that the front door?"
Jack asked.
"Strange, Oy Jack check it out."
Jack nodded and headed towards the front door. He arrived at the front door and opened it. His eyes widened as he stood in shock.
"Did you think I forgot our deal, Jack?"
Jack looked at him scared.
Jack said as a fist from Clockwork's shadow punched Jack in the gut sending him flying upwards. Jack flew up the ceiling and up into the sky. Jack backflips in mid-air to regain control and sees Clockwork in the sky, falling towards him.
Everyone looks up at the sky. To see Jack being attacked. A black hand from behind Clockwork reaches out and grabs Jack's wrist and throws him away from Fighter's mansion. Jack flies through the air and he manages to regain control. He backflips and lands on top of a roof. Jack quickly took his stance. As Clockwork came floating down and landed on the roof. A dozen hands made of darkness came out of his shadow.
"What do you want!?"
Jack demanded to know.
"Didn't I tell you or were you not listening? Our deal in the alleyway the day when you saved my wife. We had a deal, defeat Zeline and you earn the right to fight me. So here I am as we agreed."
"Yeah, I know that, I mean why now of all times?!"
Jack said, taking a few small steps forward.
"I have a rather busy schedule so I'd like to get this out of the way. Now if I recall you said and I quote. "Beat some sense into me."
Jack gulped as the hands came charging at him.
~To be Continued~

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