Uppercut Chapter-22 Resolve

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Before Jack could hear about what happened a month ago, someone wanted to talk to him first. Fighter across the ship, he led him to a door. Fighter opened the door and inside Jack saw his,
"Mom, what are you doing here?"
Jack asked walking into the office.
Mrs.Clockwork was sitting down in a chair and there was a chair across from her. She patted the seat across from her as Jack sat down in it.
"I haven't seen you in awhile, I missed you."
She said as Jack chuckled.
"Alright now tell me about this girl I've seen you eyeing."
She said with a smile as Jack rolled his eyes.
"Um yeah we're kind of a thing."
Jack said as his mom poked him.
"Kind of? The way you look at her tells a completely different story."
She said as Jack chuckled nervously.
"Oh my gosh mom."
Jack said, covering his face with his hands.
"You know I kid, now tell me how your training went."
She asked him eagerly.
"Great, I've still got a long way to go before I master this power. Even if I don't have it mastered I'll still have to take him down."
Jack said as Mrs.Clockwork's smile slightly faded.
"I see."
She said as Jack sighed.
"I know you still care about him despite everything he's done, but I have to beat him and end this once and for all."
Jack said as his mom looked and smiled at him.
"I can never stop caring for him or any of you kids. However, I'm not mad at him for any reason whatsoever."
She said as she reached over to a nearby table and grabbed a cup of tea.
She said as Jack was confused by this and sat back.
"Really? After everything he's done you're not mad?"
Jack asked her as she took a sip.
"I don't know anything about fighting my dear, what I do is things about life. The longer we hold onto anger the more we really hurt ourselves. The longer we stay angry at a person for something they did to us, the more we put ourselves down."
She said to him as Jack got even more confused.
"Why though?"
Jack asked her.
"People spend so much time being angry at each other. If they sat back and had a cup of tea with them, they might find them to be really nice and have a lot in common. That's how I meant John."
She said as Jack leaned in.
"John? You mean Clockwork?"
Jack asked curiously with a smile. Mrs.Clockwork and laughed.
"Yes John is his first name, short for Johnathan. That's what I called him everyone else called him Mr. We meant in high school. I didn't talk to him freshman year, because I knew he was a Clockwork. From what I had heard, they were all bruits. So I kept my distance until one day in the hall on the way to class."
"Oh sorry"
She said after bumping into someone and dropping her books. She knelt to pick them up as the boy she bumped into did the same.
"Don't worry about it, I pump into people all the time."
The boy said as he helped pick her books.
"Thank you."
She said as the two stood up. She started to walk away when the boy stopped.
He asked her as she stood in place.
She asked him.
"What's your name?"
He asked her.
"I'm Sarah Rose, why do you ask?"
She said very fast trying to get out of the conversation.
"Do you think maybe we could be friends?"
He asked her as she tilted her head and got confused.
"Excuse me?"
She asked him curiously.
"Well you see no one talks to me except for the teachers well because they have to I guess. Everyone is too afraid to talk to the Clockwork boy."
He said with a half smile.
Sarah smiled slightly.
"What class do you have next?"
She asked him as he pointed over his shoulder.
"English 11."
John said as Sarah tilted her head the other way.
"If your class is over that way, why were you walking the opposite direction when you bumped into me?"
Sarah said as John took a deep breath.
"Ya know I think we should get to class."
He said as Sarah chuckled and nodded.
"Lead the way Mr.Clockwork."
She said making fun of him.
"Please don't call me that."
John said as the two headed to class.
"No way."
Jack said, crossing his arms.
"No, there's no way he once acted like that, I just can't see it."
He said as his Mother laughed.
"Believe or not he was actually quite adorable at times."
She took a sip of tea as Jack cringed.
"Please don't say that."
Jack said as she chuckled.
"Oh don't be such a baby."
She said, taking a sip of tea.
"So then what changed?"
Jack asked her.
As she slowly put her cup back.
"A lot of things...........changed, I can't tell you everything but I will share a little. What I tell you next, promise me that when you see him, you'll try to put your anger to rest."
She said as Jack nodded.
"I promise."
He said as she wiped her eyes and looked him in the eyes.
"The Soul core is an ancient being, a deal was made long ago by one of the Clockwork ancestors. When the host time has come he must pass the core onto his successor. The host before John was his father Warren. Originally the soul core was supposed to go to John's older brother, however when the time came he was nowhere to be found. It was then passed down to John. Even though John was the more clever of the two, wanted Will to have it. Cause Will was born with a core that wanted to see if it would double in strength. I guess we'll never know."
She said, wiping off her dress.
"So just because he got this Soul core, everything changed?"
Jack asked her.
"Everything changed that day."
She said with a tear coming down her left right cheek as she quickly wiped it away.
"Why didn't you tell me this before?"
Jack asked as he reached out and held her hand.
"Because I knew you would try and fix things, I knew you would go after him. I couldn't put you in harm's way. However things have changed and you're so much stronger than before my little Jack."
She said, as she placed one hand on his cheek.
"I'm so proud of you."
She said as Jack smiled.
"I never told you."
Jack said as his voice started to break.
"Thank you for adopting me. The first thing I remember is waking up in an alleyway in the middle of the rain. Charlie brought me in and surely enough he called you. You took me in and changed my life completely, and I never thanked you for that. Whenever I tripped, or ate an uncooked potato."
He said as they both chuckled.
"You were always there for me, so thank you Mom."
He said with tears running down his face, as Mrs.Clockwork put both her hands on his face.
"Of course I was there for you, you're my son after all."
She said as the two hugged. The two broke off and wiped their tears. Jack stood up still holding his mother's hands.
"I have to go now, are you going to be okay?"
Jack asked her.
"I'll be fine if you go catch up with your friends."
She said as Jack nodded and exited the room. He made his way back to the basketball court where everyone was waiting for him.
"You ready?"
Gerrit asked as Jack nodded.
Gerrit began to tell Jack what happened while he was training.
~1 month ago~
Loki,Cero, Dani and Gerrit are asked to meet with Fighter in his office. The group arrives and stands in attendance.
"Hey guys, what brought you here?"
Fighter asked them.
"Um you called us here."
Gerrit said as Fighter scratched his head.
"I know. I need you four to infiltrate one of Clockwork's warehouses. I believe his UnderCity gang is housing some kind of weapon. I need you to find out what it is and what he plans to do with it."
Fighter says as he hands them a folder.
"This here contains the identity of all the UnderCity heads."
Fighter said as Gerrit began to read what was inside.
"Willbert Tepes head of the brute squad.
Lady Moon leader of the moon clan.
Jeffery Thomas head of planning and Clockwork's police force.
Clara Vimpart 2nd in command of the UnderCity, core rank unknown.
Jonathan Clockwork, head of the UnderCity, avoid any confrontation at all costs."
Gerrit read from the file.
"Wait a second Lady Moon is part of this group, isn't she a world leader?"
Loki asked Fighter.
"Yes, but so is Mr.Clockwork and that doesn't seem to stop him."
Fighter said as Loki nodded.
"This is a stealth mission, Clockwork can't know we're onto him."
Fighter said as they all nodded.
The group all geared up and headed towards a wearhouse on the docks. It was late at night, the sun had set and rain was pouring from the sky. The docks were completely empty, not even a ship was there. Just a great many shipping containers.
Loki was in a black Ninja suit wearing a mask, Dani was wearing the same thing. Cero wore his coat and hood, with a mask pulled over his face. Gerrit was wearing a black and gray jacket, with a hood and mask. The group were all sitting behind a shipping container. They were going over their plan of action.
"Me and Cero will enter from the back and see what we can find, Dani once you hear thunder, lunch yourself and Loki onto the roof."
Gerrit said.
"So what exactly are we looking for again?"
Dani asked as Loki bonked him over the head.
"We're looking for a weapon."
Loki said as Dani rubbed his head.
"See you guys inside."
Gerrit said as he and Cero took off.
The warehouse was massive, and every now and then a sudden burst of light would come from the windows. There were guards stationed all around it, all of them armed.
Gerrit and Loki made their way to the back. Two guards were standing at the door. Gerrit and Cero we're standing behind a shipping container, about 20ft from them. Cero pulled out a knife. Gerrit put his hand over it and shook his head. He pulled off his mask and reached into his bag and grabbed a half empty bottle of alcohol. He ushered Cero to stay back. Gerrit started to walk towards the guards, very clumsy. Stepping over himself half the time.
The two guards saw him approaching and quickly took aim.
"Who goes there?"
One guard said.
"What will we do with a drunken sailor?
What will we do with a drunken sailor?
What will we do with a drunken sailor?
Early in the morning!"
Gerrit said laughing and singing, as Cero rolled his eyes.
"Oh it's just a drunk, hey buddy this is private property."
The other guard said.
Gerrit burped and said.
"Your mom is private property."
He said with a big smile almost falling completely backwards.
"That's it, let's teach this guy a lesson."
The guard said as the two walked over to Gerrit.
One guard stood directly in front of Gerrit. The other guard was beyond his friend.
"Let's see how well drunks fight."
The guard said as he grabbed Gerrit's shoulder.
"Better than you think."
Gerrit said as he kneed him in the gut. The guard fell to his knees gasping for air.
The other guard quickly aimed his at Gerrit. Cero came rushing in from the side and kicked him in the head before he could get his shot off. Knocking him out cold. Gerrit hit his guard over the head with the back of his pistol.
"Why didn't you just take them out from afar?"
Cero asked.
"I didn't want to get blood on their uniforms."
Gerrit said as he started to take the unconscious guards uniform.
"I see."
Cero said as he started to do the same.
The two put on Clockwork uniforms, and tied up the two guards. They put them behind a shipping container and made their way towards the warehouse. A lighting strike went off creating the sound of thunder.
"A lighting strike, good Cero and Dani should be on the roof."
Gerrit said as they made it to the back door.
"Stay close and don't talk to anyone."
Gerrit said.
Cero acknowledged, Gerrit put his hand on the doorknob and took a deep breath. He opened the door and inside were hundreds of guards and scientists.
Loki and Dani were sitting on top of the roof, luckily it had a skylight that they could look through.
Loki said, holding his hand out to Dani. Dani reached into his bag and pulled out a pair and handed them to Loki. Loki began looking down at everything.
"What do you see?"
Dani asked.
"It's heavily guarded, there's a group of scientists all working on a machine."
Loki continued looking around, when something caught his eye. He looked closer and saw
"Crap, both Willbert Tepes and Jeffrey Thomas are both here. We need to find out what they are building fast."
Loki said, Willbert Tepes was a giant standing 7ft 2inch. With red hair and white on the sides. He wore a blue suite and a ring on each finger. Jeffery Thomas wore a black with his shirt button half way down. He had blond comb back hair and sharp teeth. He wore a necklaces with a large fang on the end of it.
As Gerrit and Cero walked around the room. The warehouse was extremely large, at least 3 stories. The constant sound of machinery filled the air. Gerrit and Cero came to the stairway door and went inside.
"According to our intel the main room should be on the third floor. That's where we'll find the plans for whatever it is their building."
Gerrit said as he put on an earpiece.
"Checking, checking, Loki, do you copy?"
Gerrit said, tapping on it.
"I copy, you guys are in the clear, they don't know you're here yet, over."
Loki said over coms.
"Roger that."
Gerrit said, taking his hand off the earpiece.
"Alright follow me."
Gerrit said as the two started their way up the stairs.
Loki and Dani continued to look on from above.
Loki continues to look down as he hears some chewing next. He looks to his right and sees Dani eating chips.
"Are you serious right now?"
Loki said as Dani kept eating.
"What? I didn't get to eat before I left, moving earth around makes a man very hungry ya know."
Dani said as Loki sighed and looked back down.
"Look at them testing some sort of arm band."
Loki said pointing down.
A scientist lifted up an armband and looked at it.
As Jeffery Thomas came closer the scientist handed it to him.
"Has it been tested?"
Mr.Thomas asked the scientist.
"Yes Mr.Thomas, Mr.Clockwork came personally to run the test. By using the machine we created to amplify Mr.Clockwork's powers, we can also tell it which souls to take and which not to. The finding of that orb was truly magnificent, even more so when Mr.Clockwork came to the plan to use our technology to direct it."
The scientist said.
"Yes these are truly quite remarkable, with these we will not have to worry about the effects of Mr.Clockwork soul stealing correct?"
Mr.Thomas asked.
"As long as Mr.Clockwork is hooked up to the machine we have nothing to worry, however if he is disconnected he won't be able to tell ally from foe. Which may result in him taking everyone's souls."
The scientist said.
"That may be his plan."
Mr.Tepes said, as Thomas chuckled and handed the armband back.
"I highly doubt it. If he really wanted to take everyone's soul, why go through so much to make sure our entire army is safe from what's about to happen?"
Thomas asked him.
"Who knows? I've never trusted him, he's always up to something."
Tepes said as Thomas scoffed.
"Good thing too since you're never really up to anything."
Thomas said as Tepes got angry.
"What did you say?!"
He shouted at him.
"I only kid, don't take too much offense, just make sure this shipment gets out to all our troops."
Thomas said as Tepes scoffed and walked off.
"It's so hard to find good help these days."
Thomas said as Loki and Dani continued to watch.
"You can still read lips right?"
Dani asked Loki.
"Yeah, it seems that they've been developing these arms bands for some sort of master plan. They kept on mentioning that Clockwork was gonna take everyone's soul, but whose everyone?"
Loki asked himself, as Dani crossed his arms.
"Dang if only we knew about a large gathering of important people."
Dani said as Loki's eyes widened.
"Of course, Dani, you're a genius."
Loki said to him.
"I am?"
He said very confused.
"Think about it, he wants to take the souls of everyone at the olympic event. All the world leaders are gonna be there, it's the perfect place and time for an attack."
Loki said as Dani said.
Dani said as Loki sighed.
Cero and Gerrit continued to walk, observing everything.
"We need to get our hands on one of those arms bands."
Gerrit said as Cero stood next to him.
"How do we do that without getting caught?"
Cero asked.
"We'll need a distraction of some kind."
Thomas continued when walking about the ground floor when he sniffed something. He sniffed around and smelled something from the roof.
He said to himself, as he reached into his Jack and pulled out his gun and shot at Loki and Dani. Loki pulled Dani back to dodge the incoming bullets.
"There are two on the roof, Tepes go and handle them."
Thomas said as Tepes cracked his neck, understood. Tepes ran at Thomas, Thomas bent his knees and put his hands together. Tepes put his foot on top of his hands, and tossed Tepes up on top of the roof. Tepes flew up and smashed through the skylight. He landed on the top of the roof and saw Loki and Dani already running. Tepes clapped his hands causing his rings to hit each other. The clashes of the rings created a sound wave. Dani quickly threw up an earth wall, however the sound wave blasted through it pushing them off the roof. They hit the ground hard. Loki took most of the hit. Dani stood to his feet and grabbed Loki's shoulder.
"Loki are you okay?"
He asked him, Loki pointed to his ear as blood was coming from it.
"Don't worry pale Sierra will fix you up."
Dani put Loki over his shoulder, he looked above him and saw Tepes falling down towards them. Dani used earth to launch himself out of the way. Tepes landed on the ground creating a small dust cloud.
"Take this!"
Dani said, hurling a giant rock at him. Tepes clapped his hands however this time he didn't send out a blast of sound. Instead his right hand started to vibrate. He punched the rock, shattering it completely.
Tepes charged at Dani.
"Search the building I want all the intruders found!"
Thomas said, looking around. When his eye caught someone taking an armband out of a case.
He pointed his gun at him and took the shot. Gerrit quickly pulled out his revolver and shot the bullet mid air. Gerrit fired a second shot, shooting the gun out of Thomas' hand. Thomas growled.
Thomas shouted as all the guards came at them. Gerrit grabbed the arm band quickly and grabbed Cero's shoulder.
"What are you doing?"
Cero asked as Gerrit pulled a grapple gun from his jacket. He fired it at the ceiling as it attached to the ceiling pulling them up and launching them onto the roof.
"Come on."
Gerrit said as the two made their way off the roof.
"I have to do everything myself."
Thomas said as his teeth grew, his hair got longer, his nails turned into claws, his body grew fur all over. Thomas had turned into a Jaguar the size of a bear. Thomas leapt up onto the roof. He chased after Gerrit and Cero. Gerrit and Cero jumped off the roof and landed on the ground.
Gerrit looked around and saw Dani fighting Tepes, it was clear Dani was losing the fight.
"Come on."
Gerrit said as they ran to help them.
They heard a crash behind them. They both turned their heads. They saw a giant Jaguar behind them.
"You got this kid?"
Gerrit asked as Cero noded.
Cero said as Gerrit went to help Dani.
Thomas growled as he slowly approached Cero. Thomas took a few steps forward and saw that his front left leg was changing back into a human.
Thomas growled as he walked closer eventually turning back completely into a human. Unfortunately he was naked due to his transformation ripping his clothes. He whistled as one of his men threw him a pair of pants, he quickly put them on. He has a giant Jaguar tattoo on his chest.
"That's an interesting power you got their kiddo, it seems you can nullify others abilities."
Thomas said as Cero pulled out a knife.
"Makes it easier to kill guys like you."
He said as he threw the knife at him. Thomas caught the knife between his fingers and smiled.
"Care to try again?"
Thomas asked him, throwing the knife into the ground.
Cero scoffed as he charged him.
Cero went for a forward palm strike at Thomas rips. Thomas smacked it to the side, Cero did two low kicks to trio him. Thomas dodge the first one, however Cero got him the second time. Causing Thomas to trip. Cero pulled his fist back and went to punch him in the face. Thomas smiled as he caught the attack a few inches away from his face.
"Is that all?"
Thomas asked as he headbutted Cero, sending him sliding across the floor.
"Let's talk a little shall we, do you wanna know how I got the nickname Jaguar?"
Thomas asked him with a smile.
Cero took his stance.
"When Clockwork found me I had racked up a bunch of kills in the ring. Would you like to know how they died?"
He said with a huge smile on his face.
Cero threw one more knife at him. Thomas caught it between his teeth with a smile.
"I ripped out their f***ing throat's!"
He said, smashing the knife into pieces between his teeth.
Cero reached into his jacket and pulled out a kusarigama.
"Hmmm what's that?"
Thomas asked, it looked like a sickle however it had a chain at the bottom and attached to the chain was a small spike ball.
"This is an assassin weapon."
Cero said, spinning the chain in his left hand, holding the weapon in his right.
"Let's see what you can do assassin."
Thomas charged at Cero.
To Thomas' surprise Cero threw the blade at him.
Thomas swayed under it.
"What the, he's attacking with the blade first, why? He was just spinning the ball and chain."
Thomas thought to himself. He leaned back up and saw Cero spinning as he launches the chain ball at him.
"It's fast!"
Thomas thought as he dodged to the left, the spike ball barely scratching his left cheek. Thomas stood up and felt his wound. Blood dripped onto his fingers. Thomas smiled and licked the blood.
"It's been awhile since someone's been able to make me bleed. Tell me assassin what's your name?"
Thomas asked him with a vicious smile.
Cero responded.
Thomas clenched his fist as started to laugh.
"Come assassin, let's see who dies first."
Thomas said as the two charged each other.
"That moron."
Gerrit thought to himself.
"Did he really just tell him his real name? I have to do everything."
Gerrit thought he fired three shots at Tepes.
Tepes clapped and shattered the bullets.
As suddenly a blue warpholel opened behind Cero and out came Fighter.
Fighter shouted as Gerrit, Thomas, Tepes and Cero all bowed at his feet.
"We're sorry master, please forgive us."
They all said in unison.
"Okaaay guess I'll forgive you this once, buwahahahaha."
Fighter started to laugh.
"That's not what happened."
Gerrit said as he and the others were all standing in a circle getting Jack back up to speed.
"Aaaaah come on, the original is too boring."
Fighter said as everyone else rolled their eyes. Jack, Sierra , Gerrit, Loki, Dani and Fighter were all standing in the same basketball court. On their way to the Olympic event.
"So what happened next?"
Jack asked.
"Well like I was saying, Fighter opened a portal for us and we escaped through that."
Gerrit said as Fighter coughed.
"Um actually I warped you, teleporting is for the insane who want to die and early death."
Fighter said as Jack laughed.
"I've missed you guys."
Jack said as Sierra patted him on the shoulder.
"We've missed you two but that's not all. A week later Fighter sent me, Syra Sasha and Tucker to Clockwork mansion itself."
She said as she began to tell the team what happened.
~1 week after Gerrit's team mission~
"There it is Clockwork mansion."
Sierra said, dressed in her black ninja suit, wearing a coat and face mask.
Syra wore something similar, only without the coat and her suit was purple.
Dani wore an army stealth suit. While Sasha wore a nightgown.
"I didn't know we were dressing up?"
Sasha says as the other stares at her.
"Well this is a stealth mission."
Tucker said as he fixed his glasses.
"Maybe you should stay here sweetie?"
Sierra said as Sasha shook her head.
"No, I was picked for this so I'm going on the mission."
The others shrugged.
"Well first we need a way in."
Tucker said as Syra nodded.
The mansion was huge, it was four stories tall, over 500,000 square feet. It was night but the roof had over a dozen search lights, and basically a small army grounding the perimeter.
"Our best way in is gonna have to be from the roof, after that we head to the file room."
Sierra said pulling out a digital map Fighter had given her.
"Sierra, what's the closest room to the file room?"
Sasha asked.
"It's the dining hall, why?"
Sierra asked as Sasha closed her eyes.
She opened her eyes and smiled.
"Into the dining room we go."
Sasha says as she snaps her fingers. Suddenly the team flees a hardwood floor, the heat of a fireplace behind them, however it was not lit. They surrounded a large dining table however it was missing some chairs. The dining. The room was dusty, it hadn't been used for years.
"What just happened?"
Tucker asked.
"My core ability, I can stretch out my aura and change position with an object. I can do this with 5 others. Lucky for us there's only 4 of us."
Sasha said with a huge smile on her face.
Syra walked over to her and usher her to kneel.
"Hm, what is it?"
Sasha asked as Syra rubbed her Sasha head and gave her a thumbs up.
"Awh thank you Syra."
Sasha said, hugging her.
"To extend her aura that far and get us all in one go is already highly impressive, but from what I can see she's not taken any loss in stamina."
Sierra thought to herself.
"Come on, the file room isn't too far away now."
Sierra said as she put her ear against the door. She didn't hear anything so she slowly opened it and the hallway was dimly lit. The carpet was red and the walls were light brown. On the walls were paintings.
"Who are these guys?"
Tucker asked as Syra shrugged.
"If I had to guess I'd say their past Clockworks."
Sierra said as she and the team passed a painting of Jonathan Clockwork.
The team finally reached the file room.
"We're here, let's check this place out."
Sasha said about taking a step forward. Sierra put her arm in front of her, stopping her.
"What is it?"
Sasha asked, as Sierra sprayed a can of smoke to reveal a laser going back and forth across the room. Syra put her arm out and out flew purple particles. The particles flew into the laser and fried them.
"Good work."
Sierra said as Syra did a little thumbs up.
The group all look around as the file room looks more like a library. There were pictures of people and places, old castles. A statue in the middle of a man.
"Whose that?"
Tucker asked.
"That would be Fredrick J. Clockwork, he started Clockwork industries."
Sierra said as they looked around more.
"Hey guys Look, this shelf says 1978 and the next one says 1979. Each shelf represents a different year in the Clockwork family."
Sasha said as the other acknowledged it.
"Look at anything within the last ten years, we have to know when they'll use that weapon."
Sierra said as the team began to look.
The group look through the books when Sasha finds something.
"Hey guys come check this out."
She said as the others walked to her.
"Listen to this,
"4/16/2009 Jonathan Clockwork
As I go through the old records my forefathers had left, I come upon a passage on anorb, discovered by my great grandfather Patrick D. Clockwork in 1932. He describes the orb as something ancient, from a civilization long forgotten. He said that the soul core reacted to the orb as he could feel the power of it increase. However there was no way to control it. Fearing he would take the souls of everyone in the world, he locked it away. However many years later, I have taken it out from its captivity. With our current technology there must be a way to harness its powers.
Sasha said as the group all looked at each.
"So wait what's this orb thingy, he's talking about?"
Sasha asked, Syra shakes her head.
"I don't know but let's keep looking around."
Sierra said as they continued to look.
"We have to know if they've weaponized it yet."
Tucker said to them.
"If they've weaponized that orb it's bad news for us."
Tucker said looking through more books.
"Yeah keep looking, we gotta be quick."
Sierra said as the group continued to search and search for anything that would tell them about the orb.
"Sierra you might wanna hear this."
Tucker said as Sierra came over to him.
"What did you find?"
She asked him.
"Listen to this.
7/6/2010 Johnathan Clockwork
I finally met the boy my wife adopted, he calls himself Jack. He's strong and stands up for others. When I insulted him he did not flinch, when I insulted my wife he did not hesitate to defend her honor. He's interesting to say nonetheless, I sense a certain power within him. I wonder if he is the one I've been waiting for. My final test to see if my conviction holds true.
Tucker finished reading the section.
"What do you think it means?"
He asked Sierra.
"I don't know but we have to focus on finding out more about the orb."
Sierra said as they continued their search.
"Found it."
Sierra said as the others ran over, she began to read.
"3/24/2015 Johnathan Clockwork.
At long last after years of research and experimenting, we have finally weaponized the orb. By combining our modern technology with this orb, I can now control the power input of the orb. We've already begun to work on arm bands that will register them as friends so their souls will not be taken. Soon my plan for this world will come to be, at the Olympic event on the final day I will take the souls of the world leaders. I will unite this world under one banner."
Sierra as he pondered in thought.
"What is it?"
Sasha asked her.
"It's strange that Clockwork's life would change from one of research to one of world domination. Years ago he was head of a research division, and had poured much into medical science. Now Mrs.Clockwork runs most of it."
Sasha said as she put the book back and started to walk down the sections.
"What are you doing? Shouldn't we be going?"
Sasha asked her as she went to the earliest date he could find.
"Both Johnathan and Patrick Clockwork talk about the soul core. As if it's a family heirloom passed down through the generations. This Soul core sounds like it's the source of Clockwork strength the more we know about it the better."
She opened the book with the earliest date and began to read.
Frederick J. Clockwork.
The world is in chaos, war wages across the nation. In order to secure the future of our family line, I've made a deal with a true monster. The monster called itself Soul. It explained to me it requires two things to live, a host body and the souls of others. If it is not fed it will devour the soul of its host. The deal I made with it was that it would be passed down through my family, in exchange for his powers. My family would ensure that he would have his fill of souls for years to come. The fate of the Clockwork's will forever be intertwined with the creature known as Soul."
Sierra read as she closed the book and put it in her coat.
"We're taking this one with us."
She said as Sasha noded. The group all headed out the door. Sierra came out first when a sword came flying at her.
She rolled out the way as everyone came running out of the room.
The group looked at the end of the hall and saw someone floating there just above the ground.
"That's Clara Vimpart."
Tucker said.
Clara Vimpart had long black hair, was wearing a pantsuit and had a cain in her hand.
"I thought I sensed some riffraff on the clockwork grounds."
She said raising her hand, the entire hallway began to shake. All the objects began to rattle.
"Sasha get us out of here."
Sierra said as Sasha snapped her fingers.
"It's over."
Clara said as she closed her hand. However to her surprise, she hadn't crushed anyone but instead a bunch of chairs.
"Well that's quite an interesting power."
Clara said as she turned away.
"That was a close one."
Tucker said as Sierra nodded.
She reached into her coat and pulled out the book, and handed it to Jack.
Jack took the book and examined it.
"This the book you took?"
He asked Sierra.
"Yeah it should help you when you fight Clockwork."
She said as Jack nodded.
"Alright ladies and gentlemen it's time to strategize."
Fighter said as he pulled the team into a dark room, with a projector.
Everyone was seated at a large table. Sierra, Gerrit, Cero, Roushin, Donwercut, Sasha, Loki and the gang were there too.
Jack sat down right next to Sierra.
A screen came down and a projector started to put images on it.
"Alright gang, here's what we know."
Fighter said, standing in front of the screen.
"According to our recent intel we have discovered that Clockwork plan is to take the souls of everyone at the Olympic event, on the last day. Now our best shot is to fight them on the day of the attack."
Fighter said as Cero raised.
"Yes, the 4th grader in the back."
Fighter said, pointing at him.
"Why not before? Why don't we tell everyone there's an attack coming?"
Cero asked.
"Right cause that will go over well. Hey their world leaders who we've never meant. The guy responsible for the technology we have today is trying to kill us. Oh how do we know we broke into his wearhouse."
Fighter said as Cero sat back in his chair.
"Point taken."
Cero said.
"Hold on Fighter, the day of the attack? How are we going to fight if Clockwork is going to take our souls?"
Roushin asked.
"Quite the conundrum."
Dani said, eating chips. Syra tapped him on the shoulder, Dani passed her the bag as she started to eat from it.
"I've been working on a shield generator that should protect the US and the whole island from the soul core ability. Thanks to Gerrit team for getting their hands on this armband. With this I'll be able to mask the entire island from Soul core's ability.
However it runs on a limited energy source once it's up you'll have an hour to do what needs to be done. Thanks to Sierra's team we know that they will attack at the end of the event. The Olympic event is a total of 5 days, on day 5 we have to be ready."
Fighter said as Downercut groaned.
"Enough of this planning! Just tell me who I need to fight!"
Downercut demanded.
Fighter chuckled as the projector switch slid to the heads of the UnderCity.
"The most difficult one will be Lady Moon, she's got an entire nation of warriors. We'll have to fight her and her army. If we can take her out her army should follow suit. I'm leaving her to Sierra, Syra and Tucker to handle her.
Next up is Jeffery Thomas who is a combat master and leads Clockwork's police force. I'm leaving him to Downercut, Gerrit and Cero. Next we have Tepes, who leads Clockwork's brute squad. I'm leaving him to Loki, Dani and Roushin. Finally we have Clara Vimpart Clockwork's right hand, she's the most dangerous of any of Clockwork's members. Charlie and Sasha I'm leaving her to you guys. Finally we have Mr.Clockwork, he is the most dangerous person we will face on the island, that's why I'm leaving him to you Jack."
Fighter said as Jack nodded.
"Once they activate the orb I'll put up the shield that will give us one hour to find the orb and destroy it before time runs out. The orb will be with Clockwork which means destroying also falls on you Jack."
Fighter said as Jack nodded.
"I'll make sure it's taken out before time runs out."
Jack said as Fighter nodded.
"Use the time we have till we arrive to train and prepare. Once the shield covers the island it's go time. Any questions?"
Fighter asked, no one said anything.
"Good cause I wasn't going to answer them."
Fighter said as he stormed out of the room.
"Dang well that was intense. What are we doing again?"
Dani asked as he felt another tap on his shoulder. He turned around and saw Syra handing him a notepad. He looked at it and saw Syra had written him notes.
"Ah thanks Syra."
He said as she winked at him.
Dani smiled and started to look over the notes.
"Hey Jack can you come with me, are there some techniques I want to show you, that'll help with the fight to come?"
Sierra asked him as Jack smiled and said.
"Yeah sure."
Jack said as the two got up and walked away.
"Would anyone like to train?"
Roushin asked.
"Sure thing buddy."
Loki said.
"Count me in, Syra wanna watch?"
Dani asked her, Syra nodded.
"Hey wait for me."
Tucker said as he followed them.
"Ooh that sounds fun, we should join."
Sasha said excitedly.
"Count me out."
Downercut said.
"Awh come on please."
She said poking him.
"Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please."
Each time she said please she would poke him.
Downercut shouted as Sasha cheered
Clockwork stood on the edge of the front of the boat.
"Sir, I was wondering if we should change the plan?"
Thomas said standing behind him.
"I know the enemy, they'll be expecting Lady moon and the others. They won't be expecting Envy and my brother. We stick to the plan. This chance is to great to let slip, understood."
Clockwork said as Thomas bowed his head.
"Yes, yes boss man."
Thomas turned around and quickly left. Clockwork looked up at the sky and saw the clouds forming.
He started to reach up but half way through he stopped.
"Something the matter?"
Soul said inside his head.
He said as he turned around and walked away. The clouds continued to form, each cloud taking a new shape.
As a hand reached up to them.
"Do you still remember that day, John? The promise we made to each."
Mrs.Clockwork said as she held her hand up to the sky.
"Mom you coming?"
Jessica asked from a distance holding her brother George.
Mrs.Clockwork nodded and walked over to them.
~To be continued~
Next- Chapter 23 boat stories.

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