Uppercut chapter- 10 the tournament part 1

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A man shouted as he banged his fist on a large round table.
There sat five people however there were six chairs.

They were all dressed in suits. The man who banged his fist had red hair that was starting to gray, along with a ring on each finger.

"Mr.Tepas the way I heard it your
son Slider threatened to expose our entire organization, if it weren't for the King we would all be exposed."
A woman said with long blue hair and light blue eyes.

"So we've been told by this "King Zin" saying he had no choice but to kill my boy!
Forgive me Lady Moon but I don't buy it."

He said in retaliation, as he stood up out of his chair demanding action be taken.

"Nothing can be decided until he arrives."
A man said with orange hair combed backed.

"Why should we care about if he's here or not, Mr.Thomas, we must retaliate against him."

He said to Mr.Thomas, a woman on the left side of Mr.Tepas let out a puff of smoke.
"To challenge Zin is to challenge a nation we'd be going to war."

The woman said with short black hair and glasses.
"If war is what is needed then war is what we shall do Mrs.Vimpart."

He said as the room became silent. Suddenly the sound of the door opening and closing filled the room.
Footsteps soon followed.
The empty chair was pulled back and Mr.Clockwork sat down on it.
He put his hands together and one leg over the other.
"It's not often I show my gratitude towards outsiders, however, Lord Zin is many things.
A liar is not one of them.
If he says Slider threatened our existence and merely exposed us then I will take him at his word.
I just got off the phone with him and thanked him and put this matter to bed. Now let us continue with this meeting."

Tepas slammed the table in frustration.
"Put to bed?!
My son was murdered and you're saying we should take this king at his word. Unlike you, the rest of us care about our families.
I'm going after him with or without the support of the Undercity."

He said the room was silent as Clockwork stood up and began to slowly walk towards him.
"If I recall it was you who had your son removed from the Undercity.
You said he was not worthy and needed to prove himself if he was going to succeed you.
Your son's death is on your hands."
Tepas grew angrier as Clockwork slowly approached him.

"You dare lecture me about raising a child.
When you haven't even given yours the time of day, I find that hypocritical Mr.Clockwork."

He said with a grin as Clockwork now stood next to him.
They two-faced each other and stared each other down.
"Tell me do you have an heir to succeed you.
One not as dull but more intelligent."

Tepas scoffed as he crossed his arms.
"What do you mean?"

Mr.Clockwork began to remove the gloves he was wearing.

He said as he quickly grabbed Tepas by the throat and lifted him off the ground.

Tepas tried to break free gasping for air. Punching and scraping at Clockwork's arm.
As his hair started to turn gray and he started to lose weight.
"Your ability to control frequency is quite impressive, however, I believe it only works when one of your rings hits. Creating a ringing sound which you can then increase to make their ears bleed."

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