Chapter 17: The Carnival part 2

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"Anything else?"
Zin said leaning forward. Spedro continued to chew on gum and listen to music.
"Not quite your majesty."
Idrum said, reaching into her coat.
"My archaeologists have recovered a scroll from an ancient burial ground. However, the language is written in a language I can't read. Seeing how I know every language but one of your people, I was hoping you would be able to understand it."
Idrum said holding the scroll out.
"Of course I'll take a look."
Zin says as if suddenly appears in Spero's hand. Spedro hands the scroll to Zin. He opens the scroll and begins to read it.
"Well, what does it say my lord?"
Idrum asked, Zin sighs and tosses the scroll back.
"How disappointing the scroll contains knowledge I already have. The scroll talks of an ancient magical sword known as rublizaxca. In the common tongue, it is pronounced Excalibur. The scroll says that whoever possesses this sword will have great power."
Zin said disappointed.
"I see so this mighty sword has magical powers."
Idrum said looking at the scroll.
"No it doesn't, whoever wrote that scroll did not know the true origins of the sword. The sword is a scientific weapon made by Dr.Gorogo. It is a legendary weapon however it does not contain magic."
Zin said as Idrum curiosity grew.
"How is it you know so much about this sword?"
He said wrapping the scroll back up.
"I said that was information I already had. I've been researching the sword ever since."
Zin said as Spedro started looking at his watch.
"I see,"
Lady Moon thought to herself.
"Idrum is trying to get information out of Zin. Not much is known about Seiketsu. Only that at one point it was ruled by a person known as Serrin. Zin and Serrin clashed in a civil war. Not much else is known about Seiketsu. Zin only leaves his country to attend these meetings. Idrum is trying to see if Zin is as powerful as they say, or if he's just all words."
Lady moon thought as she drank some tea. Suddenly Mr.Clockwork's phone began to ring.
"Excuse me one moment."
He said standing up and going around the corner. He flips open his phone and holds it to his ear.
He says into the phone.
"All units are in place."
The man said over the phone.
"Good you may proceed as planned."
He said hanging up the phone.
The man on the phone pulled a mask over his head and loaded his gun. He turned around and behind him were 35 men. All dressed in battle gear wearing masks.
"All right men, you know what to do."
He asked as the men cheered and ran into a building.
The men rushed into the abandoned building. It was dark you could barely see anything in front of you. The men started to turn on their flashlights as they continued to walk through the building. They could hear the sound of someone letting out a breath.
"Third floor."
A man said as all quickly made their way upstairs. They found themselves in front of a rusty old door. Two men went to each side of the door. While the others stayed in front of it.
They burst through the door shining their lights into the room. As they see a man leaning against the wall smoking. He had long black hair and a long beard and wore a rundown and beat up suit.
"William Defo Clockwork your coming with us."
One man said approaching him.
"Tch I guess it didn't take him that long to find me, what's it's been 3 years now. Did he tell you I wouldn't come quietly?"
He said as some of the smoke started to take shape.
"Take him down."
One man said as they started to fire their track darts. The smoke formed into a wall and stopped the bullets.
"It appears he did."
He said as the wall turned into spikes and came charging at them.
Zin said as he sneezed, Spedro handed him a handkerchief.
"Bless you."
Spedro said as Zin took the handkerchief and blew his nose.
"Thank you, rather dusty in here don't you think."
Zin said as he tossed the handkerchief away.
"I'd be careful your majesty."
Idrum said.
"One would hate for you to get sick and bring it back to your wife and daughter."
Idrum said as Zin wiggled his nose.
"Yes, that would be rather unfortunate if Ara got sick. As for my wife well she passed away some time ago."
Zin said as Idrum took note of this.
"Oh, my condolences."
She said as Zin nodded.
"I think we've covered all issues and have concluded our business for the night."
Mr.Clockwork said as he stood up and started to take his leave.
"Yes I do believe it's time, it was nice to see you all again. Until our next meeting."
Idrum said as she made her way out.
"I guess we should be going now too Spedro."
Spedro blew another bubble gum and pumped his fist.
Queen Idrum looked back over her shoulder and watched Zin leave. As she smiled and made her way down the elevator.
"Is everything alright your majesty?"
Her second Dundrum asked.
"Yes, go bring the car around I wish to talk to my daughter alone."
Dundrum bowed and went to fetch the car as Idrum headed down the elevator. The doors opened as she was meet by her daughter, Isabel. Isabel had long red hair and red lipstick. She wore a gold and red dress and stood upright at all times.
"How was your meeting mother?"
She asked bowing down to her.
"Walk with me daughter I have I have a task for you."
She said walking past her as Isabel quickly followed behind her.
"For years the kingdom Seiketsu has kept to itself. Only letting our trade ships crew stay at the docks. Any transport plans we send are immediately rerouted. We have little to no information on Seiketsu and its ruler Zin. However recent information has come to us and it seems Seiketsu is without a Queen and Zin without a bride. Your task is to seduce King Zin and become the Queen. That way will have a hold-in Seiketsu. Then we will know what they are planning. You must not fail this mission the future of our world is at stake."
Idrum said as they arrived at the car.
"Yes, mother I understand."
Isabel said as the two entered the car.
"Your majesty?"
Spedro asked.
"Why did you let them know about Queen?"
He asked as Zin looked back at him.
"Don't worry I have intentions of getting married again. I want to see how they'll respond. I guess that each kingdom will introduce me to their princesses and see which one I'll choose. In doing so they'll have a foot in Seiketsu. That is something I cannot allow. However one of the princesses' abilities I do have an interest in. So I'm curious to see if I can bring her to my side without having to marry her. If not then all well."
Zin said with a shrug.
"Why not have one of us marry them, we are the royal guard after all?"
Spedro asked.
"That is something I cannot allow either. Any hold on any of you is a hold on the kingdom. Plus you're just tired of being signal."
Zin said as Spedro bit his tongue.
"Owe, Tch come on your majesty the signal life is well signal."
Zin laughs as the elevator doors open.
"If one of the princesses happen to fall in love with you, they have to at least renounce claim to their thrown."
Zin said as the two exited the elevator. As Spedro smiled and saluted him.
"Roger that captain."
The two walked out into the carnival as Ara came running up to Zin. Zin smiled and picked her up and spun her around.
"Papa how was your meeting?"
Ara asked as Zin put her on his shoulder.
"Booooooring papa nearly fell asleep."
He said as he closed his eyes and started to snore. Ara giggles as Zin opens his eyes and smiles.
"Your silly papa."
Zin laughs and looks over at Z and Alice.
"I and Ara are gonna go on the Ferris wheel and spend some time together."
Zin said as Ara cheered.
"What am I suppose to do?"
Spedro asked as Zin looked back and shrugged. Zin walked off with Ara on his shoulder.
"Tell me Z have you ever tried chocolate fudge."
Alice asked Z looking down at him.
"Um no Mrs.Alice I have not."
"Follow me then."
She said walking to the left as Z followed her. Spedro walked in the opposite direction.
"Mrs.Alice who was that man King Zin was with?"
Z asked walking beside her.
"Hm oh you mean Spedro, he's a division leader also known as a royal guard."
"What's that?"
Z asked her.
"Well, we royal guards were all personally handpicked by Zin himself. Each of us belongs to a division that we lead. I lead division 7 Spedro leads division 9. We each train and lead a different aspect of the Seiketsu army. I train the infantry while Spedro trains the scouts. For the most part, when I'm with you and Ara I leave the training to my second Linda. Spedro mostly trains the scouts himself."
She said to Z.
"How many division leaders are there?"
Z asked her.
"In total there are 10 of us and don't go thinking I'm one of the weak ones, cause I'm number 7. Our numbers do not rank our power just the division we lead."
Z chuckles and smiles.
"Yes ma'am. What division do you think I would fit into?"
Z asked looking up at her.
"We'll see how Zin wants you to be Ara advisor one day, so one day you would lead division 1. The current division 1 leader is Jikan he is Zin's adviser and oversees all the members of the king's council. Which will one day be your job."
Z smiles and looks at Alice.
"Well, an adviser should have a cool name don't you think?"
Alice stopped for a moment and Z stopped as well as Alice knelt in front of Z and put her hand on his head.
"Right you are Zaviar."
Alice said as Zaviar smiled.
"What does Zaviar mean?"
He asked her as she stood back up.
"It means bright."
She said as the two started to walk towards the hot fudge.
Fireworks explode in the sky. Jessica's band fills the carnival with music.
"I hope Mom is having fun."
Junior said riding Gerrit's shoulders.
"I'm sure your mom is having the time of her bud. Now, what shall we do next?"
Gerrit said looking around.
"Why don't we go check out that band."
Gerrit said as his son nodded.
Gerrit turned his head and saw someone pointing at him. She had long blue hair and a determined look.
"Dad who is this?"
Jr asked him whispering.
"I have no idea."
Gerrit said whispering back.
"Your kidding right? we fought in the tournament!"
Gerrit thought back.
"Oh my gosh, I'm Rin Ra Ru."
She said as Gerrit chuckled.
"Oooh yeah how you been Ron,"
Jr said correcting him.
"Rin, it's been like weeks now."
"Enough of this, I challenge to a duel."
Gerrit and Junior both sigh as Gerrit put Junior down.
"Fine but it has to be a royal duel."
A royal duel an ancient duel in which the loser must grant the winner whatever wish they want. Royal duels follow these conditions. Both must agree to the duel. The challenger is allowed to pick how two will duel. The challenge must be fair to both opponents. Finally, the loser must grant the winner his or her wish if possible. If it is not possible then the loser must pay with their life.
"Fine, what are your terms."
Rin asked him as Gerrit snapped his finger and his sun quickly ran off.
"What's he doing?"
She asked as Gerrit held up one finger.
His son came running back with a table and sat it down. He put two chairs on each side and placed a revolver on the table.
"I'm sure you've heard of roulette before."
Gerrit said sitting down. Rin sat in the chair across from him.
"Of course."
Gerrit took a deep breath and shouted.
"Just to clarify this is a paintball gun, it's not real!"
He shouted so that way no one would be alarmed.
"My son has loaded the gun and placed the shot and a random slot. The rules are simple whoever gets hit with the paintball loses."
Rin scoffed as she picked up the revolver.
"Such an easy game, fine I can't wait to see you covered in red."
Rin pulled the triggered and was hit in the head with the paintball. Her eyes widen as she felt the side of her head and looked at her hand and saw red paint.
Gerrit smiled and high fives his son.
"But the rules said it has to be a fair duel."
She says looking at Gerrit.
"It was I could have gone first, but you decided to go ahead. I guess that my son thought that you were hot-headed and would want to go first."
He said with a shrug as Rin gritted her teeth and smelled the gun on the table.
"He's your son so the game was not first I call for a rematch."
Gerrit hands her a case of paintball bullets. And wraps a blindfold around his eyes.
"By all means, you load the gun then."
Rin smiled and loaded it in the second slot. She pointed it at her head and took the first shot. The paint did not hit her. She smiled and handed the gun to Gerrit.
"Here it's your turn."
Gerrit took the blindfold off and grabbed the gun. Rin smiled as victory was within her grasp. Gerrit smiled as he said
"It's too early to decide the winner."
Gerrit spun the cylinder of the revolver. He pointed the gun at his head and took the shout. The paintball did not come out. Rin gasped as her eyes widen.
"Wait a moment you can't spin that."
She said as Gerrit smiled.
"The rules of roulette require that the gun be spun at least once."
He says handing the gun back to her.
"It's your turn."
She reluctantly took the gun and held it to her head. She pulled the trigger and felt the paintball hit her in the head.
Gerrit shrugged.
"Guess I'm just lucky and now you must grant my wish."
Rin lowered her head in defeat.
"You cannot harm me or anyone from my family."
He said standing up.
"I'm sorry father I can no longer avenge you."
She said as she slowly stood up.
"Hey I didn't say give up on revenge, I want you to stop trying to kill me."
He said as Rin looked up in surprise.
"What do you mean killing you was my revenge. If I can't kill you how will avenge my father."
Gerrit sigh as he turned towards her.
"I was just a hired gun, I killed your father cause I was hired to it. Go after the person who hired me. I may have pulled the trigger but I'm not the one who wanted to kill your father."
Rin's eyes widen in shock.
"Who then? Who hired you?!"
She shouted as Gerrit picked up his son and put him on his shoulder.
"It was someone in your family line, that's all I know. Good luck Rin Ra Ru of the moon clan.
"Geez, kids these days."
Gerrit said as he scratched his chin. As he carries his son on his shoulder.
Jack and Sierra were holding hands as the kids followed behind them. Then suddenly they saw a big crowd.
"Behold ladies and gentlemen the three strongest men in the world."
A man said, showing off three other men. Each one 6 feet tall and covered in muscles.
"Whoever can beat these three will win this. So come if you dare see if you have what it takes to beat. Brawn, Shawn, and Dawnye."
He said as he showed a small diamond.
"What do you think?"
Sierra said looking at him.
"I guess I could gi—"
Someone shouted as they approached the arm wrestling stand. He put his arm up and smiled.
"What might your name be sir?"
"You can call me Downercut."
He said as Brawn approached and place his arm on the arm wrestling table.
"I'll try not to break you, little man."
Brawn said with a chuckle.
"I'll try not to rip your arm off."
Donwercut said
The man announced as Brawn tried to push Downercuts arm down. However, Downercut wouldn't move. Downercut just sat there with a smile.
Brawn started to huff and puff as he signaled his brother to help him. Shawn and Dawnye ran up and started to push on Downercuts hand. However, Downercut remained unaffected. As he smiled and slammed all three into the ground.
The man said holding the diamond.
"Never forget I'm the strongest."
Downercut said crossing his arms.
"I think I'd like to give it a try."
Jack said, putting his arm down. Downercut's smile grew as he put his arm down. The two gripped hands and got ready.
"Sir be careful that monster, he may break your arm."
He said as he was pulled back.
"Your gonna wanna stand back."
Sierra said licking a blue popsicle.
Jack said
Downercut said
They shouted as they both began trying to push the other arm down.
They both shouted as cracks formed in the arm wrestling table and the ground they stood on. Jack started to push Downercuts hand down. As Downercut quickly pulled back and started to push Jack's arm down. Jack manages to pull back and the two enter a stalemate. As suddenly someone starts to pinch Downercut's cheek.
"Oy we need to get going or else we'll be late."
A well-dressed woman said tugging his cheek.
"Now right now, seriously."
Downercut says still arm-wrestling Jack.
"Yes now, I'm sorry to interrupt Jack hopefully you guys will be able to finish next time."
She said with a smile.
"It's okay Sasha."
Jack said as the two let go.
"See ya around Uppercut."
Downercut said walking off with Sasha.
"We should probably start heading back home as well."
Sierra said holding Jack's forearm while eating a cupcake.
"Probably, wait how are the kids gonna get home."
Jack said looking at them.
"Can't we just ride with you?"
Loki said as Jack sighed.
Jack sat in the driver seat of his motorcycle. Sierra sat behind him with Syra on her shoulders. Loki sat on top of Jack's shoulders. While Tucker hung on the front and Dani the back. As the group was riding back to the orphanage they came to a red light. As a truck pulled up next to them. Jack looked and saw that Sasha was in the driver's seat. Sasha looked over. She smiled and waved as Downercut was sleeping in the passenger seat.
Jack waved back.
The light turn green and the two drove forward. For some reason every turn Jack made Sasha wasn't far behind. Almost as if they were heading to the same place he thought.
"Well, that's weird."
Loki said, crossing his arms.
"What that Sasha is following us."
Jack said as Dani said
"Not just her Gerrit's right behind us as well."
Dani said pointing at Gerrit's jeep.
The three continue to drive until eventually, they all arrive at the orphanage. They all got out of their vehicles and looked at each other.
"Well, what a surprise I wasn't expecting to see you this soon Uppercut."
Sasha said as Downercut yawned.
Jack said as Gerrit patted him on the back.
"Fighter called me here. I'm guessing he called them as well."
Gerrit said
"Uppercut? Wasn't expecting to see you this soon."
Downercut asked.
"Who's your daddy?"
Fighter said at the front door.
"What are we doing here? I had to miss out on dessert for this."
Gerrit asked.
"Come inside and I'll tell you."
Fighter said kicking the door in, as the others quickly followed.
Fighter said pointing at a couch. Jack and Sierra sat in the middle. As Downercut sat next to Jack and Sasha by his side. Gerrit said next to Sierra. As the kids sat on the floor.
" what are you still doing here go to bed."
Fighter said pointing upstairs.
"Ah come one Fighter."
Dani said as Fighter pulled out a rocket launcher.
"Okay, okay we get it."
Loki said as they quickly ran upstairs.
"Kids these days."
Fighter said, putting the rocket launcher on his back.
"What is it with you and rocket launchers?"
Jack asked as Fighter scratched his chin.
"Ya know I'm not too sure myself."
He said tossing it to the side. As Jack quickly sprung up and caught it.
"Are you insane this could be loaded?"
He said walking over to Fighter.
"Ah come on you think I would point a loaded rocket launcher at children."
He said as he reached over and pulled the trigger. Out came a rocket that blasted through the ceiling and exploded in the air.
"Huh well, then I guess the answer is yes. I would point a loaded rocket at children."
Fighter said with a shrug.
"This is like the second time this has happened. Do you ever check these?"
Jack asked, dropping it.
"Would you believe it not really?"
Fighter said as Jack sat back down on the couch.
"So why are we here?"
Downercut asked.
"Ah yes well the Olympic Games are coming up. I've chosen you seven to represent Ninverda."
Fighter said as the group looked confused.
"Six but there's only 4 of us here."
Gerrit said.
"Not true Sasha here will be participating as well. Along with the other two."
He says as he points in front of them. As a hole suddenly appears. Jack jumps back, as Gerrit points a gun at it. Downercut just sits and looks at it, as Sasha looks at it with excitement. A head pops out of the ground and looks at the group.
Gerrit says putting his gun down.
Cero says holding one hand up.
Cero hops out of the hole and sits on the floor and starts to eat chips.
"This guy?"
Gerrit said
"You're just upset cause I beat you."
Cero said, eating more chips.
"Why don't we head outside and have a rematch."
Sierra threw a knife and knocked the gun away.
"Sit down and listen."
She said crossing her arms.
Gerrit sat down as Cero kept eating chips.
"Wait but that's only 6 whose the 7th?"
Jack asked as Fighter points towards the kitchen.
"Mr.Fighter I finished muffins as you asked."
Roushin said, coming out of the kitchen.
"Explosion fist?"
Jack said standing up.
"Hmmm, Mr.Jack I didn't know you were going to be here."
Roushin sat the muffins down and shook Jack's hand.
"I'm glad you're on the team."
Jack said looking up.
"Glad to be included and call me Roushin."
He said standing behind the couch.
"Here's our team, Jack, Sierra, Gerrit, Downercut, Sasha, Cero, and Roushin. Together you will be team Fighter."
Fighter said as a banner dropped behind him. With the name team Fighter and a logo.
"Well, at least it's original."
Jack says.
"I refuse because I have no reason to participate in this uuum thing."
Downercut says standing.
Sasha grabs his wrist.
"Come now Downercut it sounds like it will be fun."
She says tugging at his wrist. Downercut's eye started to twitch.
"Please, please, please, please, please, please, please."
She said rapidly.
"No, I said no."
Sasha puffed up her cheeks and looked away.
"I'm not baking you any cookies anymore."
Downercut got up her face.
"Oy you can't do that."
He said as Sasha kept looking away.
"Aaaaaaargh Fine."
He said reluctantly sitting on the couch and crossing his arms.
Sasha said as she reached over and hugged him.
As Jack chuckled
"What do you think this is funny Uppercut?!"
Downercut shouted.
"Ahem no, I'm just thinking of something funny."
Gerrit and Jack started to smile. As they tried to keep themselves from laughing. As Downercut's eye began to twitch.
"That's it I'm gonna kill the—"
Sasha said chopping the back of Downercut's neck. Downercut quickly passed out as he landed on Sasha's lap.
"Wow, what did you do?"
Roushin asked her.
"Just a pressure point, it only works when he's stressed. So we were lucky this time."
Gerrit and Jack looked in amazement as Cero just started to eat more chips. Sierra yawned as so did Jack.
"Tired hmmm? Well, I guess we can start team training tomorrow."
Fighter said as he pulled a lever and fell down a trap door.
"Wrong lever."
He said falling.
"Well that's was weird."
Gerrit said standing up and heading for the door.
"I'll be back in the morning."
Gerrit, he said exiting.
"Do you think we can bunk down here for the night?"
Sasha asked.
"Sure thing the guest room is down the hall the right."
Sierra said as Sasha smiled. As she struggles to pick Downercut up off the couch. As she starts to drag him across the floor.
"You bunk down here tonight too if you and Roushin, there's another room to the left."
Roushin bowed
"Thank you, I think I will."
He said heading to the guest room.
"I'll just sleep in my hole."
Cero said diving deep into the ground as the top of the hole covered itself up.
"I guess we should head to bed now Jack.........Jack?"
She said as she looked at him and saw him fast asleep. She giggled as she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.
She said softly.
Mr.Clockwork walked through an abandoned building. As blood covered the wall and dead bodies filled the room. Men were being carried out as Mr.Clockwork approach the 3rd floor.
"He's in there sir."
A man said covered in blood. Mr.Clockwork reached out and opened the door. As a spike made of smoke came flying towards. A black spike from Clockwork shadow formed and blocked the attack.
"Hello, Willam."
Clockwork said walking into the room.
"Oh, it's you, sorry if I had known that I would have sent more than one."
William said as he stopped leaning against the wall and stood up straight.
"It's time to come back, brother. I require your powers."
Clockwork said as the two circled the room.
"Oh I'd be glad to, but you know me I like to make things difficult."
He said as the smoke formed into ninjas and charged clockwork. Spikes come out of Clockwork shadows as each impaled the smoke ninjas. William formed a giant smoke hammer and swung down at Clockwork. Clockwork formed a giant hand made of darkness and grabbed the hammer, he crashed the hammer in his grasp.
William formed 100 giant hands made of smoke.
"Enough of this."
Clockwork said walking towards him. As William sent the hands flying at Clockwork. The black spikes blocked the attacks as Clockwork walked closer to William. William kept sending more and more attacks at Clockwork. As Clockwork kept walking forward. Eventually, Clockwork stood a mere few inches away from William.
"Geez, baby brother you've gotten stronger."
William said with sweat running down his face.
"Come now."
He said turning around and walking away. As he walked away. A spike made a smoke started to appear. A black hand came from the ground and grabbed Williams's wrist. Clockwork looked back with his eyes glowing red.
"Tch your starting to remind me of dear old dad."
William said as the black hand let go of him and he started to follow.
"So what's the undercity got planned, that's so big you need me?"
"Simple were going to kill the leaders of the world."
The carnival part 2 end.

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