Uppercut Chapter 20-Confrontion

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"Core rankings are the best way to determine a core user's strength and capabilities. The rankings go as followed
Soldier-4th-1st class
warrior 3rd-1st class,
lieutenant 2nd-1stclass,
Colonel-5th-1st class
Sergeant-3rd-1st class,
Captain-3rd-1st class,
General-3rd-1st class,
Vice General,
Major General
and Advisor.
The last two are equal in power not in rank. Master rank than king.
To do this you must sense their core energy. Only those above Captain 2nd class can do this. Naturally since I rank above Captain 2nd class I can sense everyone's power level.
Roushin ranks the lowest as a warriors 1st class. For some reason I can't get a read on Sasha power, interesting.
Gerrit and Cero both rank as lieutenant 1st class.
Jack, Downercut and Sierra both rank as Sergeants 3rd class. Considering Sierra has restraints on which makes it even more impressive. However none of them are strong enough for the threats to come. Just based on what I've seen so far Clockwork ranks as a captain 1st class. Just to make things worse he was probably concealing his power. The amount of time everyone has is already bad enough. They only have 2 months to train. I guess I have no choice but to prepare them."
Charlie thought to himself.
"Gather around you lot."
Charlie said as the group gathered around.
"Jack is training to take on Clockwork, which means the rest you have to train to fight his accomplices."
Charlie said, as Downercut yawned.
"I think what my friend here means is, what accomplices?"
Gerrit asked Charlie.
"Why does Fighter never explain things? Ugh I'm only explaining this once. Mr.Clockwork isn't only a world leader, he also runs an underground criminal organization known as the UnderCity."
Charlie said as Downercut yawned again.
"Sounds like a rock band."
Downercut says as Sasha chuckles.
"Joke all you want but as it stands you're not strong enough to face them."
Charlie said as Downercut and Cero scoffed.
"A bold statement."
Downercut says.
Cero said.
Charlie turns and starts to walk away.
"Well until you can get this bandanna off me, you won't stand a chance."
Charlie said sitting on the ground.
"Why you!"
Downercut says taking a few steps forward. As Gerrit steps in front of him.
"Hold on we need a plan before we engage him."
Gerrit says as Downercut starts to shove him out of the way.
"Move it I've got a score to settle."
Downercut said as he pushed passed Gerrit.
"Great now what do we do?"
Sierra asked.
"Explosion fist guy."
Gerrit said.
"How big can your explosions get?"
Gerrit asked him. Roushin wondered for a second.
"Well if I charge them up long enough it can have the force of 10 sticks of dynamite."
Roushin said.
"That'll have to work. I've got a plan we just need to get Downercut to cooperate."
Gerrit said as Sasha pokes his shoulder.
"Leave it to me."
She says as she skips in front of Downercut. Downercut stops walking and looks down at Sasha who is smiling.
"What is it?"
He asked her as Sasha smiled more.
"You said you would play nice with everyone."
She says taking a step closer.
"I said I would make an attempt. I didn't promise anything."
Sasha glared at him and took a step forward.
"You said you would play nice with everyone."
She said.
"So what's this plan?"
Downercut said standing next to Gerrit. Everyone looked at Downercut as Sasha just smiled.
"What did she do?"
Sierra thought to herself.
"She hasn't been participating in the team training. Charlie hasn't forced her to partake in either. Downercut even seems a little on edge around her. Sasha just who are you?"
Sierra questioned in her mind.
"Um well okay here's the plan."
Gerrit said.
"Me,Sierra, Cero, Explosion fist and Downercut. We have Charlie beat when it comes to numbers, so we have to use that to our advantage. We may be complete strangers to each other but Jack's trusting us to help him take down Clockwork. So we have to get stronger."
Gerrit said.
Downercut said.
"What is it now Downercut?"
Gerrit said.
"That may be your reason but not mine. I'll fight these UnderCity guys and I'll beat them all. All except Clockwork, the only people I respect are those who can stand against me. Uppercut is the only person who can stand against me, henceforth I respect him. If he's going after Clockwork then that's his fight. I'll fight Clockwork's flunkies or what not, but Clockwork is Jack's fight. If any of you ***holes try to interfere. I'll smash you straight into the ground."
Downercut said as the group is shocked by this statement.
"Fine by me."
Cero said.
"You're more honorable than I thought Mr.Downercut."
Roushin said.
The group all laughed.
"Right, right okay everyone listen up."
Gerrit said as he started to explain the plan. Charlie cracked a smile.
"What are you smiling about?"
Fighter asked sitting next to Charlie.
"Those guys, they're finally acting like a team."
Charlie said as Fighter chuckled.
"Although I do have to ask, why didn't you just recruit Loki and his gang into the team?"
Charlie asked, as Fighter chuckled.
"As powerful as they are, their still children. Besides, I have a different task for them."
Fighter said as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes. He offered one to Charlie.
"No thank you, I quit smoking years ago."
Charlie said as Fighter shrugged.
"Suit yourself."
He said, taking a puff of smoke.
"I don't trust you Fighter."
Charlie said as Fighter took the cigarette out of his mouth.
"Wow really after everything I've done. Talk about ungrateful."
Fighter said standing up and heading back inside.
"You're the guy who always has something up his sleeve, and I don't trust guys like that."
Charlie said as Fighter began to walk off.
"Your wrong Charlie. I'm not the guy who has tricks up his sleeves. I'm the guy playing Multi dimensional chess, while others are still learning how to play checkers."
He says walking off waving.
"Your attitude pissess me off."
Charlie said standing up looking over his shoulder. He scoffed and looked back at the team. He saw only Gerrit and Sasha.
"What the?"
He thought to himself.
"Where did the others go? I can't sense them which means Cero must be close. He's using his ability to nullify any ability within his radius. How are the others going to attack? They can't use their abilities as long as Cero is close to me. So what's the plan?"
Charlie thought to himself. Gerrit pulled out a sniper rifle and fired a shot at Charlie. Charlie swayed to the side and dodged the bullet. Gerrit kept shooting at him. Charlie continued to dodge.
"Hmph he seems like he wants to keep a distance."
Charlie thought as he started to run towards Gerrit.
"Here he comes."
Gerrit thought to himself.
"Don't worry it's a good plan."
Sasha said with a smile.
Charlie continued to charge at Gerrit. Charlie was about 15 feet from Gerrit.
"I still can't sense anything, the others must be hiding somewhere close."
Charlie took one more step forward, Gerrit pulled his trigger however his gun didn't fire.
Gerrit shouted. 2 feet behind Charlie, Roushin came bursting out of the ground.
"Now I see."
Charlie said to himself.
~5 minutes ago~
"Cero can you shorten the radius of your ability?"
Gerrit asked him.
"Yes, the shortest I can make it is 10ft in diameter."
Cero said.
"Once Charlie turns his head for even a moment, everyone goes underground and hides in a specific spot. I've marked these spots on this map."
He said pulling out a map of the backyard and showing everyone. He had Roushin stand directly in front of him so Charlie wouldn't be able to see.
"Cero make your dome as small as possible and keep close to Charlie. Follow right below him that way he won't be able to sense us, and we'll still be able to use our abilities."
~5 minutes later~
"Cero was directly underneath me making sure I couldn't sense them,clever. However you should already know Roushin is no match for me."
Charlie quickly spun around to counter Roushin's attack.
"Explosion fist."
Roushin said, punching the ground. The explosion blew Charlie back and created a wide spread smoke screen. Charlie regained his footing.
"Tch, smart move kiddos so what next?"
Charlie said as he heard the ground start to crack. He jumped back as Cero came leaping for the bandanna attached to Charlie hip.
Charlie thought as he heard yelling from above.
He heard as he looked up and saw Dowercut falling down at him from the sky.
"How? I thought they were all underground."
~3 minutes ago~
"We just need to find a quick way to get underground."
Gerrit said.
"I can handle that, my people can dig much faster than others."
Cero said as Gerrit nodded.
"I'll leave it to you than. Sasha your ability will be key in this."
Gerrit says as Sasha nods.
"Roger that captain."
Sasha says with a salute.
~present time~
"Tch how did they all manage to get underground so fast. Cero coming from below and Downercut from on high. They think they got me just because they're attacking from two angles. Hmph bring it on."
Downercut came punching down at Charlie. Charlie quickly raised his forearm and blocked it. As he blocked Cero's attack with his foot. Suddenly from his side came rushing Sierra reaching for the bandanna.
"Not so fast."
Charlie said as he grabbed Downercut. He was about to swing him down at Cero Downercut down.
Downercut shouted as Sasha snapped her fingers. And suddenly Cero disappeared and Gerrit was in his place pointing a desert Eagle at his foot. Sasha used her ability to have the two switch places.
"What do you call a sweet gun?
Dessert Eagle."
Gerrit said, pulling the trigger. Charlie let go of Downercut and rolled backwards. Downercut landed on the ground and looked at Gerrit.
"Dessert Eagle? Really? Do you hear yourself sometimes?"
Sierra said standing next to him.
"I'm with the woman on this."
Downercut said.
"What no it was cool and you know it."
Gerrit said.
"I'm sorry Mr.Drake but I'm with them."
Roushin said walking up from behind.
"Not you too, come you guys it was clever."
They continued as Charlie stood to his feet.
"HEY! In case you forgot were in the middle—."
Charlie felt his waist and didn't feel the bandanna.
He looked over and saw Sierra holding it. Charlie smiled and laughed.
"Nice one kiddies, now is the time for the real training to start."
"Tell me something Johnny-boy."
Soul said now appearing as a man with short black hair and glasses.
"What is it Soul?"
Clockwork asked.
The two were seated on top of a balcony having tea.
"Do you ever feel guilty?"
Soul asked him.
"What do you mean?"
Clockwork questioned.
"My ability let's me take the souls of others, and then change them to whatever I see fit. Or rather what you see fit. Do you feel guilty using a soul. Changing it's form into something unnatural."
He said as Clockwork didn't respond.
"I can't imagine the pain of being reshaped into something completely unrecognizable. Do you ever hear them. The crying out the thousands of souls I've consumed. Using them for your own benefit and gain. Oh wait no it's alright because you only take and use the souls of bad people. So that makes it okay."
He said with a laugh.
"What do you want?"
Clockwork asked.
"I'm just making conversation Johhnyboy, honestly you need to relax more often. Or maybe it's difficult without your darling wife."
Soul said as his hair grew longer his face changed and his clothes turned into a long black dress. Mr.Clockwork facial expressions didn't change as Soul now looked exactly like Mrs.Clockwork.
"You should relax more Darling."
Soul said now sounding exactly like her as well. Clockwork drank his tea and his facial expressions stayed the same.
"What's wrong darling? Aren't you happy to see me? It's me, your darling wife Sarah. Don't you love me?"
Soul said touching his own face.
"Come dear, it's me your darling wife, don't you want to feel my soft skin?"
Soul said as Clockwork remains stone cold.
"Come on dear, come to me, come laugh with me, come walk through the park with me. Let's raise our children together and live long happy lives together. Right darling, right haha. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!"
Sarah laughs as Clockwork takes another sip. Soul sighs and leans back in his chair.
"You're no fun, your father was much easier to break than you. Father and son have such a beautiful relationship. I wonder does your son even know what you look like Johhnyboy."
Soul says as he shrinks down in size and his clothes change as well. As he turns into George.
"How come you never come home daddy?"
Soul says as he grows in size and his hair gets longer. As he now looks like Jessica. As tears started to come from Jessica eyes.
"Why are you never around anymore dad, is it something I did? Should have done better, do you hate me?"
Jessica said as tries fell down her face. However soul did not notice that Clockwork grip had tightened on the teacup.
"Wow your good, we're connected and yet you still manage to safeguard your mind from me. Our souls are intertwined but our minds not so much. Everyday you resist me, why not accept me. Accept your fate Johhnyboy."
Once Soul said this Clockwork placed his cup on the table.
"Are you done?"
Clockwork said as Soul was surprised.
"Fate, destiny, call it what you want it's all the same. Fate can take whatever course it wants and I'll continue to defy it just like you. The only reason you're still alive is because you have to cling on to someone like a parasite. It's pathetic."
Clockwork said as he stands up and starts to walk away. As Soul begins to laugh.
"None of your ancestors ever had the balls to speak to me in such a manner. I think you may be my favorite. If I'm truly just a parasite then why go through all this trouble. Killing the world leaders, world domination, ultimate power. Why do any of it? It makes sense for me. I'm just a hungry beast whose hunger can't not be sufficed."
Soul said as Clockwork turned towards him.
"Because I too am a parasite. I cling onto your power because I alone have none. I wasn't born with a core. All I had was my intelligence. That was enough to impress my father into him giving me you. My family's darkest legacy. My forefathers used your power to build this company from the ground up. However they were too short cited to see what you are truly capable of. This world must be United under one banner. The world leaders talk of peace while they scheme behind each other's back. Anyone who tells you that we are living in a peaceful time is just a fool. It's only a matter of time until the next Great War. It doesn't matter if the world sees me as a hero or a villain, my conscious is clear."
Clockwork said as Soul laughed.
"I see, this is why your my favorite. Because now."
Soul said as he turned into a man with long white hair and black suit.
"I have to wonder which of that was true, and which of those was a lie. You humans are so interesting. I could live a hundred more years and still not understand your species. You Johhnyboy are my favorite human. You're so much fun Johhnyboy, I can't wait to see what you have in store."
Soul said as he disappeared into Clockwork's shadow.
Clockwork turned towards the door and headed out. As he received a phone call.
"Mr.Clockwork sir the device is almost ready we just require another transfuser."
The person on the phone said.
"I'll have my men see to it personally."
Clockwork says hanging up.
"Perhaps you should take a break?"
Blue says as he stands in a blue field. The wind blowing through the trees. Jack stand in the middle of the flied. Blood dripping down his right arm. His breath heavy, his stance shaken. The black armor standing in front of him unharmed. As Blue continues to watch from a distance.

To be Continued

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