Uppercut Chapter 21- fragments

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The wind blew through the blue trees, and the tall bluegrass. Blue stood off to the side watching. Jack stood in the middle of the field. Blood dripped down his right arm. The armor stood across from him, waiting.
"Perhaps you should take a break, Jack?"
Blue said as a floating teacup came down and into his hand. Jack shook his head and walked over to Blue. A teacup with a blue flower pattern floated down into Jack's hand. Jack took a sip and breathed heavily.
"Thanks for the tea Blue."
Jack said as Blue noded.
"Don't mention it young Jack."
Blue said as Jack scratched his head.
"I've gotta ask, you've been calling me that ever since I started training, why's that?"
Jack asked as Blue let go of his cup. The cup floated in mid-air.
"You've yet to make your armor, until then your young Jack. Each master of the second core has made their own armor."
Blue said as Jack let go of his teacup.
The cup floated in mid-air.
"I see, when will I be able to make my armor?"
Jack asked enthusiastically.
Blue shrugged.
"Who knows?
Your aura manipulation powers allow you to match the aura of the previous users, so you can use their abilities.
There's no telling when you'll make yours. Not everyone's armor is forged through traditional training. However, I'm sure when the time comes your armor will be a reflection of yourself."
Blue said as Jack nodded.
"I see I can't wait to see what it is."
Jack said as he cracked his knuckles.
"Don't get ahead of yourself now. You still have to master positive energy and my blue armor."
Blue said.
"I know, which reminds me can I get a little advice on this?"
Jack asked as Blue chuckled.
"When I was mastering positive energy, you have to take your positive feelings and turn them into your aura. It will grant you a great boost in stamina and strength. Positive energy also gets stronger the more positive people feel towards you. It's also a direct counter to negative energy."
Blue said as Jack took mental notes.
"I see so you had to fight someone who used negative energy in the past?"
Jack asked.
"Yep, but that's a story for another time.
You'll have plenty of time to learn about everyone inside this core once you've finished your task."
Blue said as Jack nodded.
Jack looked at his arm and saw that it had healed.
"Hehe, that never gets old, thanks for the advice Blue."
Jack said running back into the middle of the field.
Every time Jack got injured, Blue would give him a special kind of tea to heal him.
Jack stretched a bit and took his stance.
"I have to put my feelings into my aura.
This is different from how I fight usually. I have to find joy amid battle. So I should focus on what makes me happy, and focus on that."
Jack closed his eyes and focused.
The black armor took its stance.
Jack took deep breaths.
"Everyone is trusting me to get stronger. I won't let their faith in me go to waste. I've always enjoyed the thrill of a fight, now I have to put the joy into the fight itself."
Jack opened his eyes as a slight gust of wind burst from where he was standing.
Jack said as the armor charged at him.
Jack pulled back his right fist, as the armor did the same.
The two fists were a few inches away from each other. Then suddenly Jack's left eye started to glow blue along with his right fist.
The two fist clashed creating a huge burst of wind.
Blowing back the grass and trees.
Jack shouted as he shattered the armor's fist. The two slides past each other each still standing in their striking position.
Jack's head felt a little light.
Jack started to fall backward.
He fell onto his rear.
He felt that his back had hit a tree.
He could hear a muffled voice, someone was calling out to him.
Jack closed his eyes.
"Oy come on we got work to do."
He heard someone say.
Jack opened his eyes and the grass was green. He looked around himself a bit more.
He saw that some of the trees were brown and green.
while others were black and void of life.
He looked up to his right and saw someone holding a sniper rifle.
He was wearing a long black scarf and was in some kind of military uniform.
"Are you done with your nap Jack?"
The man said, offering him a hand up.
"I was only napping cause I have to carry you in every fight, Gerrit."
Jack said holding his hand out to him, as Gerrit scoffed.
"Well not all of us are born with amazing powers."
Gerrit said, helping Jack to his feet.
"They're called core abilities."
Jack said cracking his neck.
Jack was much shorter, he wore some kind of gauntlets and metal boots. Along with a cloak. However, Jack was not wearing his hat for some reason.
Gerrit also appeared to be younger, and a little shorter.
Gerrit's hair was longer and his clothes were dirty.
"Man why do we always get stuck on these scouting missions?"
Gerrit said resting his sniper on his shoulder.
"It's not that bad, besides if something goes wrong we get to blow something up."
Jack says with a thumbs up and a wink.
"See this is why we're friends."
Gerrit said as he felt a buzz in his pocket.
He pulled out a circle device and clicked the side.
As a hologram of a woman wearing a fox mask appeared.
"You two better not be messing around."
She said.
"Of course not captain."
Both Gerrit and Jack said.
"Mhmm have you two found anything yet?"
She asked them.
"Not yet, Captain, Serrin's new weapons factory must be further up ahead."
Jack said as the captain nodded her head.
"Okay, once you find the base, report back to us immediately and wait for reinforcements."
She said to them.
Gerrit and Jack said as they hung up the device.
"She knows we're not gonna wait right?"
Jack asked.
Gerrit said checking his sniper as the two made their way through the woods.
As they did more and more trees had the life sucked from them.
The forest was now black and gray.
The two came upon a hilltop.
They hid behind two trees and saw a giant factory.
The buildings were puffing out a ton of smoke. There were some guards in armored suits, guarding the perimeter.
"This must be the factory."
Jack said as Gerrit noded, as he clicked a device on his belt to signal everyone else.
"Are you ready for a closer look?
Gerrit asked as Jack nodded.
The two jumped from the hilltop.
Jack landed on the ground however it didn't feel like dirt, it felt softer.
Jack opened his eyes and saw that it was mud. Jack could feel rain pouring down on his head. Jack stood to his feet and in front of him was an army of knights in black armor.
One of the knights was on a horse with a spear. The man jumped off his horse and landed 30ft away from Jack.
The man started to growl as his armor started to crack.
The man roared as he shattered his armor, taking the form of a black bear.
His eyes and vans glowing purple, it was cold enough to where you could see his breath. Jack cracked his neck.
Jack shouted at the bear, the bear roared and charged at Jack.
The bear lunged at Jack.
Jack flipped over the bear and landed on top of something metal. Jack felt wind rushing through his hair, as he looked up and saw himself in the sky. Jack saw that he was on the wing of a fighter jet.
Suddenly Jack was soaring through the air, on the side of a fighter jet.
Jack looked at the cockpit and saw Gerrit flying it.
Jack was holding on to the wing with his right hand.
While with his left he was holding someone on his back.
"You alright Mara?"
He said to the person on his back.
"Yeah, I'm fine."
She said as she clicked the device in her ear.
Mara had short blue hair, and light blue eyes. She was around the same height as Jack, just slightly taller.
"Captain this is Raven reporting in."
Mara said.
"The main tower has been destroyed."
Mara said.
"Good work team meet back up with the Phoenix squad and press the advantage."
The captain said as Mara nodded.
"Understood, Gerrit did you hear that?"
She said looking at the cockpit, as Gerrit gave a thumbs up.
Gerrit turned the plane to the side and flew over a squadron of people.
"Are you ready for this?"
Jack asked Mara, as she held on to him tight.
"No, but let's just get this over with."
She said as Jack chuckled.
"You got it sis, here we go."
He said letting go of the wing.
Mara screamed.
Jack cheered.
As the two fell through the smoke.
Jack landed on the ground on one of his knees.
However, the ground felt different and more solid. Jack opened his eyes and saw bluegrass.
He stood to his feet back to his regular height and wearing his hat again.
He looked around and saw he was in the blue field again.
The armor stood 30ft away from him, with its right fist missing.
"What just happened?"
Jack asked as he looked at his hands. As he right one was surrounded by a blue aura.
"Well you did it somewhat, it's definitely my blue armor though it's only covering your fist. So I guess we'll just call it Blue fist for now."
Blue said standing in front of him.
"So I can do it at least a little bit, but what was that just now I saw a forest, well another one. Gerrit was there and I was shorter for some reason? There was some sort of bear, it was glowing purple."
Jack asked blue. As Blue walked next to Jack. As the two both faced the black armor.
"The armor is your past sealed away, it can only be broken open with positive energy.
At some point in the past, you were filled with such negative energy, there was no choice but to seal away both your memories and powers. Once you shattered the fist you were shown fragments of your past."
Blue said.
"That's right, Fighter told me.
When I came to him I told him to seal my memories and power's away.
I asked him to teach me positive energy to train me. So I could uncover my past one day."
Jack said as he smiled.
"Thank you Blue, I should get back to the others now. I promise I'll be back."
Jack said as Blue offered a handshake. Jack smiled and shook his hand.
"Of course, I look forward to your return."
Jack saw a white staircase. He turned into red armor and ran up it.
Blue said frantically scratching his head.
Jack started to blink his eyes. As he yawned he looked around and saw that he was in a much smaller room than his. For some reason, the room was rocking back and forth. He looked down and laying in his lap was Sierra who was fast asleep. Jack smiled and softly rubbed her cheek.
Sierra shouted as she sprung out of the bed holding a sword.
"Um no, it's just me."
Jack said nervously. As Sierra turned her head and saw Jack.
"You're awake."
She said dropping the sword and jumping on top of him. She hugged him tight as Jack smiled.
"It's only been a couple of days. I haven't been gone that long. Where are we anyway?"
Jack asked, looking around a bit more. Sierra sat up and gave him a look.
"A couple of days? Jack, what are you talking about? It's been a month and a half."
Sierra said as Jack sat there for a moment.
He said springing out of bed.
"That can't be right. I was only in for a couple of days, how can this be?"
He said as Sierra bonked him over the head.
"Calm down Fighter said this might happen. He said the core world and our world may experience some differences when it comes to time. So for us out here it's been a month and a half while to you it's only been a couple of days."
She said as Jack calmed down.
"I see."
Jack said discouraged.
"What's wrong?"
Sierra asked him. Jack looked at her with a small tear.
"I missed out on team training."
Jack said as Sierra smiled and laughed.
"There, there."
She said, patting his head.
"Oh, that reminds me I need to talk to Gerrit. I think I figured out what this information everyone wants from me."
Jack said, putting his hat on. Sierra nodded as she called Gerrit and summoned him to the room.
"Well, it's good to see you, partner."
Gerrit said closing the door behind him.
"Likewise, Gerrit while I was training I remembered a fraction of my past. I need to ask you, when did you get your core?"
Jack asked as Gerrit noded.
"Most likely around the same time everyone else started to get them, 7 years ago."
Gerrit said as Jack thought for a moment.
"That lines up with when Mrs.Clockwork adopted me. I need to see everyone up top immediately."
Jack quickly gathered the others and they all met on the ship's deck.
The ship was extremely large, the size of three yachts. It had the name "Fighter" painted on the side of it.
They each tell Jack when they got their cores.
"Okay so if I have this right."
Jack said to himself,
"Sierra, Downercut, Sasha, and Cero were all born with Cores. However, Gerrit, Explosion fist and many others didn't have cores until 7 years ago. I think I get it now."
Jack said as Donwercut sighed.
"Get what exactly?"
He asked.
"Kuro said during the tournament that I had information that would affect the whole world. 7 years ago I woke up in an alleyway and was adopted by Mrs.Clockwork. Fighter also told me that I had been to the temple of the first core user, 7 years ago.
Whatever happened 7 years ago, it seems I somehow know what gave everyone their core's. It also probably links to my memory loss."
Jack said as Gerrit put his hand on his chin.
"I see, that would make sense information on how to give people cores would change the world."
Gerrit said as Jack sat down on the ship's deck.
"Why does this all have to be so confusing."
Jack said looking at the sky. As Sierra knelt beside him and rubbed his head.
"Pat, pat."
She said as Jack smiled.
"As educational as this has all been. I for one ,don't care. I'm here to fight nothing else."
Downercut said walking away.
"Awh come on Honey I thought it was interesting."
She said walking after.
Everyone said in unison. The group all laughed, as Jack stood up.
"How long until we reach our destination?"
He asked them.
"The tournament is being held on the island of Itudah. We're about half a month away."
Sierra said standing next to him.
"That should give us plenty of time to catch up on a few things."
Gerrit said ushering Jack to follow him. Jack quickly followed him as he led him to a basketball court. In the court, he saw Loki, Dani, Tucker, and Syra.
"We'll look who's up?"
Loki said, pointing at Jack.
"Is it Santa?"
Dani asked.
"No, Dani it's not Santa, Fighter shot him remember?"
Tucker asked him.
"Oh, right I forgot about that."
Dani said with tears in his eyes.
Jack laughed and walked over to them.
"Man, I've missed you guys."
Jack said as Loki chuckled.
"Same brother."
Loki said as the two fist pumped.
"So where's Fighter? I'm sure he has something he wants to talk to me about?"
Jack asked.
"He said he had some business to take care of and he said and I quote, find the goat that made the cheesy sticks."
Loki said as he shrugged.
"What does that mean?"
Jack asked as Loki shrugged.
"In the meantime let's get you caught up."
Loki said as Jack nodded.
"I'm surprised you wanted to meet with me."
Zin said, setting down a cup of tea.
"This conversation was long overdue if you ask me."
Fighter said lighting a cigarette.
The two were inside a study room with a fireplace in the back. There was a tea set on the table along with an ashtray. There were already two cigarettes in the tray.
"So what is it you wanted to talk about?"
Zin asked.
"To make certain of some things, we're both heading to the island of Itudah. My team is going for the Olympic Games, and for the battle against Clockwork and his UnderCity gang. What are you going for?"
Fighter asked, letting out a puff of smoke.
"A person of interest, good enough for you?"
Zin asked, picking up his cup.
"As long as it means you'll stay away from Jack and the team?"
Fighter asked, taking another puff.
"I have no intention of coming face to face with Jack until he remembers everything."
Zin said, taking a sip of the tea.
"Good, I would hate for us to be at odds."
Fighter said with a smile.
"I wouldn't dream of going to war with one of the masters, especially you."
Zin says, taking another sip.
"But something tells me, this isn't what you're here to talk about."
Zin says putting his cup down.
"It's come to my attention that an IT has come under your care."
Fighter said, putting his cigarette out.
"Ah so that's what this is about, yes Zolomon has been under my care for quite some time."
Zin said as Fighter raised an eyebrow.
Fighter asked.
"Yes, his official caretaker Mrs.Alice gave him the name Zolomon, we still call him Z from time to time."
Zin says picking his cup up.
"So you've given the IT a name, I hope you're not growing too attached."
Fighter says, pulling out another cigarette.
"Of course, he's a smart boy with much potential. Anyone from Seiketsu or adopted into Seiketsu is automatically family. So he'll be cared for and treated as such. As I understand it the IT in your care Luna was treated the same."
Zin said as Fighter pulled out a lighter.
"Yes she was, and that was my mistake. The fate of an IT of any IT will always be the same, they will either take control of us or we will be forced to kill them."
Fighter says still trying to get his lighter to work. Zin snapped his fingers and Fighters cigarette was lit.
Fighter said.
"You're most welcome. I appreciate your concern Master Fighter, but I wish to break the child free from the bonds fate has damned him to. Fate shouldn't dictate how we live our lives."
Zin said as he put his cup down empty. Fighter grabbed the teapot and poured Zin more tea.
"Thank you."
Zin said, taking a sip.
"Don't mention it. It's your choice whether to keep him alive. I just hope you asked the old man before adopting him."
Fighter asked, taking another puff.
"Of course."
Zin said, putting his cup down.
"Well, as long as things are in order and as long as we don't interfere with each other's plans we should get along fine."
Fighter said.
"Without a doubt."
Zin said with a nod. Fighter stood up and grabbed the teapot.
"Until next time your majesty."
He said as he drank the rest of the tea from the spout of the teapot.
"Until next time Master Fighter."
Zin said as Fighter put the teapot down and did a little bow. A blue wormhole opened under Fighter and he fell through.
Zin sighed as he looked at the teapot. As there was a sudden knock at the door.
"Your highness I'm sorry to interrupt, but Dr.Saiko is asking for you."
The guard said.
"I'll be right there."
Zin said standing up and leaving the room.
Clockwork sits in his office looking through papers when he hears a knock on the door.
Clockwork says.
His brother, William enters the room and sits in a chair. Clockwork sits chairs were a large leather chair and big armrest, while William's was small and uncomfortable. The desk Clockwork was sitting at was large as well. With a ceiling fan lighting the room.
"I see you sitting in Father's old chair."
William said him.
"What brings you in, William?"
Clockwork said sitting straight up.
"I came to check in on my little brother."
William said.
"You came to check in on me after 6 years of nothing?"
Clockwork asked as he started looking through his papers again.
"Killing all the world's leaders, taking control of the world. It doesn't sound like the Johnathan I know. I'm worried about you.
William said leaning forward.
"You lost that right when you left. When you left I was chosen, I become president of Clockwork.inc, I became the host for the soul core. I've seen what this world truly is and is truly capable of. Now unless you have something important to add, leave my office."
Clockwork says as William stands up and leaves. As Soul rose from Clockwork's shadow and took the form of a black cat and sat on top of the desk.
"Sheesh, he's more annoying than I remember."
Soul said as Clockwork began to pet him.
"We only need him for now, once the world is ours we can be free from this burden."
Clockwork said as Soul purred.
William left discouraged and disappointed with himself.
He went outside to the side of the ship. It was foggy you could barely see passed the hand rails.
He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and put one in his mouth.
"You know those are unhealthy?"
William looked to his left and saw Evny sitting on the handrails.
"It's a habit."
William said pulling a lighter out of his coat.
"Not a very good one, you should try chewing gum. It helped my brother quit."
She said as she continued to sharpen her knife.
"I didn't know you had a brother, I thought Sierra was your only sibling?"
William asked.
"I have a very large family, Sierra is just the one I love the most."
She says as William scoffs.
"I'm sorry did I say something funny."
She said as she stopped sharpening her knife and looked at William.
"It's funny because you talk about loving your sister. Last I checked she is heading to the games as well, so when my brother takes away everyone's souls her soul will get caught in it as well. Yet here you are telling you me that you love her more than anything."
William said letting out a puff of smoke.
"I love Sierra more than anything, but she's always lacked a certain factor, as do you."
Envy says and William leans down on the hand rail.
"Oh yeah what would that be?"
William asked curiously.
"A cold hart, let me ask you something. What's the difference between a dog and it's master?"
Envy asked him.
"I don't know, one walks on all fours?"
William said jokingly.
"A dog will follow its masters orders. It will do and kill anyone because their master order them to. The thing with humans is once they've killed a certain number of people they begin to doubt themselves. It's only the truly crazy ones that don't. A dog will fight for its master purpose, while the master will fight for its own purpose. A human will take down anything in its way to achieve its own goal. The only way to live in this world is to cut down those who would interfere, even if they be your own kin. That's why your no better than the dog, you don't want to be here. So tell me what's stopping you from slicing your brother throat?"
She asked as William turned towards her his fist clinched.
"Did I hit a nerve?"
She asked with a smile.
"I'm here cause I have to be, what about you for all I know your no better than a dog yourself."
William at that moment felt cold steel against his throat. He looked down and saw Envy holding a knife to his throat.
"Don't get it twisted dog, I'm here for my own objective, helping Clockwork just so happens to benefit me."
She said as she put the knife back in her pocket. William rubbed his throat as Envy walked away.
"What objective?"
He asked as Envy turned around and walked up to him. She grabbed his chin and pulled his face in close.
She pulled the cigarette out and she kissed him on the lips. She put the cigarette back and walked away.
"See you around doggo."
She said as William lost sight of her in the fog.
"Tch b*tch"
He said spring the cigarette out and wiping his lips off.
Different kingdoms will soon converge on the island of Itudah for the Olympic Games. Little do they know what awaits them. Jack and his friends continue to prepare for the battle with Clockwork and the UnderCity as all other nations all work to achieve their own goals.
Queen Idrum wishes for her daughter to marry Zin, to bring the country under their reigns, and to use whatever resources for herself.
Lady Moon wishes to know what exactly Zin knows about Excalibur. To help her establish her military's dominance over the world.
Garen merely wishes to see his old friend again and know if he found the temple of the first core user.
Clockwork intends on killing the other world leaders and taking control of the world and uniting them under the same flag.
While Zin plans are still
Jack stands on the front of the boat starring off into the distance.
"Just half a month away, it's almost time for us
Jack said.
As Clockwork stood on the edge of his ship as well.
"Soon this will all end. It's almost time for us."
He said as the two of them looked off into the distance.
"To finish this."
The two of them said looking out into the sea.

~To be Continued~

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