Best Worst Day.

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Finally it was the day Andy had been dreaming about since Robert first started at the station. She knew from that first time he looked in her eyes. Even though the words that came out of his mouth were rude, she knew he was who she wanted to marry.

Andy stood there in a room staring at herself in her wedding dress. She had the biggest smile on her face. She was snapped out of her daze when she heard a knock at the door. She opened the door and there stood her mom, Tía Sandra and her cousin Michelle.

"Andy, you look beautiful" they all three said in unison.

Andy allowed them all to come inside. Tía did her hair, her mom touched up her make up, all while Michelle and her talked about things they've missed in each others lives. They talked for two hours before they had to go out and take their seats.

"I promise we will talk more after the honeymoon". Andy said to Michelle as she walked out the door following behind her mom and Elena.

Robert was standing up there in front of all his friends and family, all of Andy's friends and family waiting for her to walk down the aisle. He couldn't wait to see her in her dress. The first time he saw her at the fire academy he knew he wanted to get closer to her. She didn't see him but he couldn't take his eyes off her. And then when he got put as captain at her station he couldn't help but feel so many things he knew was wrong. The first time she looked at him he could tell she felt what he did, so he decided to be rude. Tried to get her to not want him but he couldn't. He loved her. He is in love with her. And that love never changed and never will change.

Maya walked into the room with Andy.

"Andy are you".. she trailed off as she looked at Andy sitting in the chair crying.  She walked over and put her arms around her.

"Please talk to me what's wrong".

Andy turned around. "Maya, I'm pregnant. And I'm scared".

"Scared of what"?

"Being a mom. What if I turn out like my mom? What if I decide to just leave my baby for 20 years? What if"...

Maya cut her off before she could finish

"Andy, I think being scared that you'll be just like her is the first step in not being like her. You'll be a great mom. A great wife. I believe in you and so does everyone out there. Now let's fix your face so I can get you down that aisle to your best guy".

Maya helped Andy fix her makeup once again. And they walked out to the hall. Andy was ready to go marry the love of her life. She wanted nothing more. The music started playing and Maya walked down first followed by Andy. Robert couldn't stop smiling at the sight of her.

Robert started to read his vows "I promise to love you, cherish you, always stand beside you, protect you no matter the cost, until death do us part. I do".

Andy slipped the ring on his finger. It was her turn now to read her vows.

"I promise to never let anyone hurt you, to always stand beside you not behind or In front of you,  to bring you the joy and happiness you deserve because you deserve the world Robert Sullivan. I promise to never love another man the way I love you. Until death do us part. I do".

Robert slipped the ring on her finger and kissed her with so much more passion than he ever had.

The ceremony was over. They didn't plan a reception because they wanted to go straight home to pack. They had a super early flight the next morning and they hadn't even started packing for their trip. Robert and Andy said goodbye to everyone as they all left. The team stayed behind to help them clean up all the decorations and stuff so they could get home faster.

"Thank you everyone for coming and for staying to help". Andy said as they finished up the last few things.

After they got done Robert and Andy left. It started pouring down rain. Robert could barley see the road ahead of him but he didn't want to pull over. He just wanted to get home. He thought if he just took it slow he would be fine.

"Robert, are you sure you're okay to keep driving? Maybe we should just pull over until the rain slows down some".

"You're right. We have time. I'll pull over".

Robert pulled the car over onto  the shoulder of the road. He turned his hazard lights on so anyone coming would see them.

The rain seemed to only pick up not slow down. Puddles began to form on the roads and Robert was starting to think that sitting there waiting it out wasn't a good idea anymore.

"Andy, maybe we should try to go. The rain is just getting worse".

"If you think you can drive in it Robert then go for it".

Robert started to pull out but the next thing he knew the car was hit. No one saw that other car coming around the turn. They had no headlights on. Who doesn't have headlights on when it's dark? Who doesn't drive more carefully when it's pouring down rain?

All Robert could hear was Andy's screams as the car rolled down the hill and ended up hitting a tree. But than she got quiet too quiet. They were upside down. And they had hit the tree on her side of the car. Robert searched for his phone and dialed 9-1-1.

"Andy wake up. Andy can you hear me? Stay with me". Robert kept saying.

Robert started to feel dizzy. He knew he had injuries but he didn't care. All he wanted was to know Andy and the baby were okay. He could hear the paramedics. He knew they would all be okay so he finally closed his eyes.


Andy had finally woken up. Travis was sitting beside her bed holding her hand and crying. No one else wanted to tell her and since Travis was her best guy friend and since Robert and Travis were close as well he made the decision that he would tell her.

Andy looked over at Travis.  "Trav, what's wrong? Why are you crying? What happened"?

He cleared his throat and tried to stop crying "Andy".. he started to say his voice breaking and the tears started to fall more.

"Travis, please what happened? Where is Robert? My baby. Travis, is my baby okay".

Through his tears he managed to finally tell her what happened.

"Andy, three weeks ago you... you and Robert were in a car accident.. a pretty bad one.. Robert he.. he didn't make it Andy. He died at the scene. And your baby".. his voice broke more at this part "they tried everything but when the car flipped and rolled down the hill you had to have major surgery Andy and they couldn't save her".

Andy at this point was bawling. "No, Robert and I we just got married.. we were going to be parents... my baby it was a girl? Robert always wanted a little girl". She trailed off as she started crying more.

"Andy, I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can do"?

She looked at him. Tears still streaming down both of their faces. He knew how broken she was it was the same way he was after his husband died. He didn't have anyone when he lost his husband but he was going to make sure Andy knew she always had someone.

"Lay with me Trav. Please. Just lay with me for a minute".

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