Who Did What?

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"Robert you haven't left Andy's bedside in three days you should go home and get some rest I'll stay here with her for a while". Maya said walking through the door of Andy's hospital room. "I appreciate that but I'm not going anywhere". He said grabbing Andy's hand.    "Sir this isn't your fault". Maya said walking over towards him. He looked at Andy and than at Maya and said with his voice breaking and tears welling in his eyes. "I left her Maya. I went to the store and now she's in the hospital and no one knows if she'll live. I wanted to purpose to her over a nice dinner and now I might never get the chance. This is on me. If I woulda been there or if I woulda asked her to come with me this wouldn't have happened". Maya put her hand on his shoulder and started to respond but was interrupted by the sound of Andy's heart monitor going crazy. Nurses started running in "SHE'S FLATLINING GET THEM OUT OF HERE" one of them yelled while another one took Maya and Robert to the waiting room. It had been almost two hours and Robert kept pacing back and forth in the waiting room hoping for the doctor to come out soon with an update but no one came. He started to think of all the things that could go wrong and fell to his knees. He hadn't cried or felt this broken since his wife passed away and now here he is again about to lose the person he loves the most in the world. Maya walked over to him "are you okay"? She asked. No one else knew about his wife dying except Andy and his best friend Ripply. "I'm fine thank you" he said trying to pull himself up off the floor. She looked at him and said "I have to get to the station please call if there are any updates'. "I will". He said.

When Maya got to the station everyone was in the beanery eating except Vic. "Has anyone seen Hughes she was suppose to be here today". She asked looking around. "I'm right here". Vic said walking through the door with a bandage wrapped around her wrist. "What the hell happened to you Hughes"? Maya asked with concern in her voice. Vic started to turn and walk away but Maya ran up and grabbed her arm to stop her. "Victoria Hughes tell me what you did". She said unwrapping the bandage and seeing the cut on her wrist. "I didn't mean for it to happen like this". She said. Maya growing angrier than she'd ever been grabbed her wrist "did you do this to Andy because she's with Sullivan"? She asked you could hear the anger in Maya's voice everyone now staring at the two of them. "Yes". Vic said quietly. Maya said nothing just raised her first and punched Vic in the face. "If my best friend dies because of you I promise you'll be sorry". She said walking away. "What the hell Vic". Travis said while walking out to go make sure Maya was okay. The rest of the team shook their heads and walked out.

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