Rehearsal Dinner

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It took a few days for Andy's anger to finally dwell down, until she could properly look everyone in the eye again without feeling a rise of anger for what they had kept from her - but the anger had to leave her sooner rather than later because of Andy and Robert's rehearsal dinner, which the entire team was attending.

"Andy let's go we're going to be late" Robert shouted from the front door.

"Robert have you seen my other shoe? I can't find it". She shouted back at him.

"It's right here by the door". He said laughing

Andy got her shoes on and grabbed Robert's hand.  "I"m so glad we're doing this. I couldn't imagine my life without you in it Robert. I love you".

"Me too". He said kissing her.

The drive was short but felt like forever. Andy was getting more and more nervous and Robert could see it. He reached over and put his hand on her leg.

"Andy what's wrong? Why are you so nervous? Do you not want to do this"?

"Robert. I want nothing more than to marry you. But"... She trailed off. A tear sliding down her face.

"But what"? He asked, wiping the tear from her face.

"Robert i'm... please don't be mad".

Robert cut her off before she could continue. "Andy please tell me,  do you want to go through with this wedding or not? All of our friends are inside that building waiting for us to rehearse this wedding that is supposed to happen in two days".

Andy started crying more. "Robert of course I want to marry you, this has nothing to do with our wedding. God I'm pregnant ok that's it and I was scared to tell you".  She said getting out of the car and slamming the door.

Robert tried to call after her but she ignored him and kept walking inside. When Andy got inside Maya could tell she was crying. She pulled Andy into a room away from everyone else.

"Andy What is it? What's wrong"? She asked while putting her arms around Andy to comfort her.

Andy didn't usually like hugs and Maya wasn't the person to give out hugs but at this moment it was the only thing keeping her from breaking down again. She wrapped her arms around Maya and started crying again. Before Maya could ask again, Robert walked in.

"Andy I".. He started but before he could finish everyone's phones started going off.

"Five alarm. We got to go now". Andy started saying running past Robert to round up the rest of the crew who were already starting to head towards their cars.

The drive to the station was short but quiet. The team geared up and sped off to the fire. Everyone could tell there was tension between Robert and Andy but no one said anything.

Andy started to run to the building when she heard two people calling her name and running towards her. She couldn't make out the faces or the voices with them being so far away. She decided to walk towards them and Robert followed behind her. He knew Andy would get more annoyed with him for him following her but he didn't  care. He wasn't about to let anything happen to her and with neither of them knowing who was calling her name he didn't feel comfortable letting her walk towards two strangers alone especially since she was pregnant. As she got closer she could finally see who it was and was stopped in her tracks.

"Oh my god. Tía Sandra. Michelle" she yelled.

At that moment she didn't care that Robert was following her. She hadn't seen her Tía or sister- cousin since she was little. All she could think was getting to them and finding out why they were at that motel in the first place. As she reached where they were trying to catch her breath Michelle hugged her.

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