To New Beginings

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It's been five months since Andy lost Robert and the baby. She still couldn't take the ring off. She kept replaying their conversation from that night in her head. She should have made him stay. She should have said 'no Robert just wait a little longer'. And then maybe just maybe He'd still be here and they could be picking out baby names. She could laugh at him trying to put a crib together. But that, that's not the case. He's gone and so is the baby.


"Andy, are you sure you're fine to be back to work? It's only been a week since"  Maya trailed off and went silent.

"Bishop, I need to work, can I work"? Andy asked, getting angry.

She knew how long it had been since she lost her husband and her baby. She knew that staying in that house all day wasn't helping. She needed to work. She needed to feel, feel anything but the hurt she was feeling now. She didn't need Maya or anyone else reminding her, or making her feel like she needed to take more time off.

"Well can I or what"? Andy asked again practically yelling this time.

"Yea, sure Andy. You're on aid car with Travis today".

"Thanks". Andy said walking out of Maya's office.

Andy made her way to the locker room to change into her clothes. After she got ready she walked to the beanery where the team was having breakfast.  Everyone looked at her. No one knew what to say. The week she was gone she shut all of them out. Didn't answer their text or calls. She didn't even answer the door when Travis went over and banged on it for thirty minutes. What were they supposed to say to someone who was still grieving but didn't want to open up and talk about it.

"Don't do that okay. Don't look at me with pity.  Just don't. I'm fine.  I'm back at work and Travis I get to be with you today. This is a good thing. I'm good. And I'm sorry for shutting all of you out. I just, I needed time to process my feelings but I'm better now".

"Well ok then. Let's go resurrect people from the dead and bring some babies into this world".  Travis said wittily, trying to lighten the mood.

Andy shot him a half smile and then walked away. 

Maya hit him in the arm. "You idiot why would you say that".

"What are you talking about".

"Bring some babies into this world. Bring people back from the dead'". "Are you that much of an idiot that you forgot Andy recently lost her baby and her husband all in one day. On their freaking wedding day of all days".

"Oh my god. I- I wasn't even thinking. I was just trying to make her laugh. Oh my god I am an idiot".

Andy walked out of the beanery, she quickly made her way down the stairs and headed to the barn. She stopped in her tracks as she looked to the left, seeing Robert's old office. She went over a little closer and her eyes began to fill up with water. After taking a deep breath, she opened the door and made her way towards the boxes that were packed up. That's all she has left of her husband. She starts going through one of the boxes. As she got towards the bottom of the box she found a framed picture of her and Robert holding the sonogram of their little baby. She got upset. More than upset. She chucked  the picture at the wall and it shattered.

WHY GOD? WHY DID YOU TAKE MY HUSBAND AND MY BABY"? She screamed while throwing the papers off the desk and all over the room.

Meanwhile Travis was in the beanery, And heard the shattering of the glass. He decided to go see what happened. When he got to the office doorway he could see the picture laying on the ground and stuff thrown everywhere. He walked in and saw Andy balled up on the floor crying. He walked over to her and sat down next to her. He put his arms around her and hugged her tightly.

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