All of you.

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"Andy lets go to my office". Robert said breaking our kiss. "Ok". I said walking behind him. When we got into the office he shut the door and locked it. He turned to me and started kissing my neck "Robert". I moaned. "Are you sure you want this Andy" he asked looking at me with his lust filled eyes. I grabbed his belt and started to undo it and said "yes please I want you all of you". We quickly undressed and I kissed him deeper. He picked me up and carried me to the bed making sure to not break our kiss. The feeling of our bare skin touching sent shockwaves through my body. I needed him now more than ever. "Robert please I need you" I moaned. He kissed my neck. I could feel his hard member poking at my entrance. "Andy you are so beautiful" he said. I smiled "Robert stop teasing me please just take me". And with those words he thrust hard "oh god your so tight" he moaned. "Harder please". I said grabbing his head and pulling his lips into mine.

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