The fight.

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"Andy come back here please don't just walk away when I'm talking to you" Robert said while walking after her. Andy turned around and said "I don't want to talk to you Robert. We had sex and than you went silent for three days. You wouldn't even look at me. Do you know how that makes me feel"? Robert grabbed her hand and said "I'm sorry please can we talk later"? Andy pulled her hand away and walked into the bunkroom "leave me alone Robert" she said as she slammed the door. "How could he just ignore me for three days and than try to act like everything was fine". Andy thought to herself. Robert was the only guy she ever had strong feelings for and now she didn't know how to feel. She was hurt and angry. A tear started to roll down her cheek but she quickly wiped it away. She couldn't start crying not here and especially not over a guy. She finally got herself together and walked to the beanery to eat dinner with the team. When she got there everyone was already sitting at the table including her father and Robert. "Dad what are you doing here"? She asked. "Mija I've missed you. You live with Maya now and we never get to see each other". She walked over and hugged him "I'm sorry dad I'll have you over more often I promise". The only seat left was between Robert and her dad. She wanted to ask her dad to move down so she didn't have to sit next to Robert but than everyone would see that something was going on with them so she sucked it up and sat next to him. Everyone was laughing and having a good time but all Andy could think about was how Robert ignored her and she caught herself tearing up again. "I'm sorry I have to go" Andy said her voice breaking and tears starting to roll down her face. She tried to hold it together but she couldn't any longer and she ran out of the beanery back into the bunkroom. She heard a knock on the door and than Maya walked in. "Andy what's wrong"? She asked and she went and sat next to her. "Nothing I'm fine please just leave". Andy said. Maya walked out and Robert came up to her and asked if Andy was ok. "No she's not okay chief and she doesn't want to talk to anyone so maybe just give her some time alone" she said walking away. Robert didn't listen and made his way into the room and sat next to her on the bed. "Andy listen. I'm sorry I ignored you I haven't felt this way about anyone since my wife passed and I was just scared". He said grabbing her hand. Andy looked up at him letting her fingers intertwine with his and said "Robert why are you scared"? He put his head on hers and quietly said "because I love you Andy and if I were to mess things up with you I wouldn't know what to do with myself". Through her tears he could see a smile on her face. She turned towards him kissed him and said "Robert I love you too. Let's not worry about if you mess things up. We are going to mess up with this relationship but let's just try to enjoy it while we have it. He smiled "I would love nothing more". He said kissing her. They were so lost in each others embrace that they never heard the door open.

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