Chapter 16 - Extremis

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I woke up in a strange room, I felt hot....Everything felt hot. I rolled my head to look down at myself to see I was strapped to some sort of standing table. I was dressed in a sports bra and yoga pants.

"Y/N. I'm glad your awake." I look up to see Killian smiling.

"What have you done to me." I whisper.

"It's not what have I done to's what am I doing to you..." He smiles. "Your becoming one of my greatest inventions, Extremis." I scream out as I feel a huge amount of pain all throughout my body. "It's gonna hurt Y/N...your body has to decide whether to accept it or not. Now,I have to go see Tony, smile for him please." He places and object in front of me.

I scream out as he leaves.

I didn't even realize I had fallen asleep, it's like I could feel sometimes presence in front of me. I jump awake as I get a sharp pain up my body to see Killian. "Hi." He smiles.

"You think he's gonna help you? He won't."

Killian comes closer and smiles, "Having you here is not just to motivate Tony Stark. It's, um... Well, it's actually more embarrassing than that. You're here as my, um..."

"Trophy" I interrupt him.

He chuckles, "Mmm." I look over as Iron Patriot walks in. "Good evening, sir." The armor opens and the President falls out. "Welcome aboard, Mr President." I gasp as he looks around the room, then he was taken away.

God I just wanted to leave...I wanted Tony. I just want to be with my love again. I wince as I feel some pain in my stomach, I look down to see it glowing orange and red. "What the hell..." I whisper.

I was in and out of if this dizzy state for what seemed like hours.
A person comes in and takes an IV out of me, before they can say anything a bunch of debris falls through the room and lands on us, I was slammed in the ground, the straps holding me were broken. I couldn't move, there was no way out.

My eyes snap open as the debris above me moves, a sharp metal piece was about to stab me. "Stop! Put it down. Put it down. Put it down." Tony does what I say and his helmet opens.

"See what happens when you hang out with my ex-girlfriends?"

"You're such a jerk." I cry.

"Yep. We'll talk about it over dinner." I start to sob as I reach for him, "Come on. A little more, baby." I sigh in relief as I grab his hand, but our victory was short lived by a hand coming through the floor and grasping his suit.

Killian pops up and smiles at me, "Is this guy bothering you?" He then turns to Tony who is laying down. "Don't get up. Ooh. Is it hot in there? Stuck? Do you feel a little stuck? Like a little turtle, cooking in his little turtle suit."

"Tony." I whisper.

"She's watching. I think you should close your eyes. Close your eyes. Close your eyes. You don't want to see this." I gasp as Tony cuts off Killian's hand. The floor below me melts, making me fall down. I hold on tightly as the structure starts to move.

"Tony!" I scream. My whole body hurt, I felt myself slipping. I gasp and shied my eyes as an explosion forms from below me. As the structure stops, Tony runs up from below me. He reaches his arm out to me.

"Y/N, I got you. Relax, I got you. Just look at me!" I reach for him and scream as an explosion slightly moves the structure. "Honey, I can't reach any further and you can't stay there. All right? You've got to let go. You've got to let go! I'll catch you, I promise." As I was about to let go, the wire above me breaks, making me slip out. Tony and I'd hands barely touch but he misses me, I scream out in horror as I fall below into the flames.

I feel a huge amount of pain, all of my bones were broken. But then I get the feeling of being healed. I stretch my limbs out as I can feel my bones fixing themselves. I yell out as I slide onto my knees. I look down to see my foot was twisted around, it glows orange and turns back. I pulls myself up to stand, I look over to see Tony in the ground, Killian was limping over to him.

As Killian holds his arms out, I grab a pile and hit him in the face. Tony looks at me in shock, "I got nothing." I look up as one of his suits flys down towards us, "Jarvis, subject on my twelve o'clock is not a target, disengage!" The suit fires at me, barely missing me. I look over at Tony angrily, "what are you mad at me?" He asks as I run towards him, I step onto his propped knee and jump up, punching through the suit and slamming it down.

I slide my hand through the arm of the suit and punch Killian back as he rubs to me. A small missile slides over to me, I kick it up to Killian and fire at it as he screams, blowing him up.


I turn to Tony and gasp, looking back at Killian. "Oh my god....that was very violent."

"You just scared the devil out of me. I thought you were..."

"I was dead. Why? Because I fell 200 feet? Who's the hot mess now?" I interrupt him.

"It's still debatable. Probably tipping your way a little bit. Why don't you dress like this at home? Hmm? Sport bra. The whole deal." He picks up his earpiece.

"You know, I think I understand why you don't want to give up the suits. What am I going to complain about now?"

"Well, it's me. You'll think of something. Come here." He holds his arms out and tries to touch me.

"No, don't touch me."

"Don't worry about it." He smiles.

"No, I'm gonna burn you!"

"No, you're not. Not hot." He places his hands on me.

"Am I gonna be okay?"

"No. You're in a relationship with me. Everything will never be okay. But I think I can figure this out, yeah. I almost had this 20 years ago when I was drunk. I think I can get you better. That's what I do. I fix stuff." He smiles.

"And all your distractions?"

"Uh... I'm going to shave them down a little bit. Jarvis. Hey." He speaks in the earpiece. "You know what to do......Screw it, it's Christmas. Yes, yes." Tony pulls me into a hug and holds me against him. I look up in shock as the suits flying start to explode. I smile realizing he's doing this for me...he's done with the Suits, we can start our lives together in peace. Tony turns his head and kisses my cheek. "Okay, so far? Do you like it?"

"It'll do." I whisper and pull him closer. I kiss his cheek as we pull apart. Finally getting out of here.

It took a couple of months but Tony finally fixed me. No more Extremis. And to my surprise he took out the Arc Reactor.

We were finally living in peace. He could finally sleep again.

And happy had made a full recovery.

Everything was turning out to be perfect.

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