Chapter 48 - Redemption

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I could feel hands on my face and shoulders, shaking me. I open my eyes to see Tony, Steve, and Thor standing over me. "Baby wake up." Tony pets my face.

"W-What happened?" I groan as I sit up.

"Thanos." Thor points. He reaches both of his hands out, Lightning surrounds him as he grabs his axe and hammer. "Let's kill him properly this time."

"You could not live with your own failure. And where did that bring you? Back to me. I thought by eliminating half of life, the other half would thrive. But you've shown me that's impossible. And as long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be. They will resist." Thanos chuckles.

"Yep. We're all kinds of stubborn." Tony says, annoyed.

"I'm thankful. Because now, I know what I must do." He stands. "I will shred this universe down to its last atom." He puts on a helmet. "And then– With the stones you've collected for me, create a new one. Teeming with life, but knows not what it has lost but only what it has been given.....A grateful universe."

"Born out of blood." Steve says.

"They'll never know it. Because you won't be alive to tell them."

I lunge at Thanos, blasting him back. I pick him up by the throat and fly up into the sky, he grips onto my neck as I dive down, throwing him down head first.

Thanos gets up and smacks me with his weapon, slashing my stomach and sending me flying back.

I take a moment to let myself heal as the others fight him.

When my wounds heal, I fly back to the others...but stop when I see Tony. "Baby wake up!" I shake him. His helmet comes off as he opens his eyes.

"I'm okay." He takes a deep breath and sits up.

"Kiss me." I slightly smile as tears come to my eyes.


"Please kiss me." I beg. Tony pulls me in and kisses me softly.

We pull away  and look beside us to see circular portals, our friends were to help us! Tony and I jump up, we fly over next to Steve.

"Avengers!" Steve yells as he holds his hand out. Thor's hammer comes to his hand. "Assemble." Thor yells a battle cry as we all start running towards Thanos's army. I fly up next to Tony, creating a beam through my eyes and slicing through the enemy's below.

I notice Peter was below me, as he has a moment to breath I fly down and hug him. "Thank god! I've missed you kid!" I sigh. I reach my hand out and blast an incoming enemy.

"I've missed you too Y/N." He smiles. His mask goes back in and he webs off.

I fly back up and blast the creatures down below. Tony and I face back to back as we blast the enemy's. I nod at him and fly down to the ground, blasting as many as I can as I fly next to Wanda. As she was using her power to pick him up, I use my to keep him in place. I tear through his mind.

"Rain fore!" He yells in pain. "Just do it!"

Suddenly the ship above us start firing, throwing Wanda and I back. I cover Wanda as the ship continues to fire. "Stay down!" I yell over the fire. Some sort of shield goes above us, letting Wanda and I hug.

"I'm so happy your okay." Wanda sighs.

"I've missed you." I laugh. We look up as the firing stops... "Carol" I smile. I fly up and across the field, landing next to her. Carol flys ahead of the rest of us, to the van. The rest of us go to Thanos, I blast him, both with my eyes and hands. He punches me back. 

When I get back up I see him put the Power stone in the gauntlet, I fly over and grab his hand, making him punch me back. I go over to Tony, who is laying down. I take off his arm pice and put it on my arm.

"I am...inevitable...." Thanos snaps. Unfortunately for him, I stole the stones.

I place the last stone in the gauntlet from Tony's armor and hold my hand up. I close my eyes in pain as the power from the stones rips through me.

"And I......Am your worst fucking nightmare." I hiss as I snap.

The power from the snap makes me fall against a pice of metal. My right side felt completely numb, my right eye was blurry. I stare straight ahead, I could barely move. My heart felt like it was beating slower and slower....I felt like I was slipping away.

I could see Peter out of my left eye in front of me...he sounded muffled. "Y/'s okay...I'm here. It's Peter...we did it Ma' did it." He starts to cry.
I wanted to speak....I wanted to hug him but I couldn't move. "I'm sorry...Y/N." He crys.

My eyes widen as I see Tony in front of me. "Y/N..." He starts to cry.

"T....Tony." I whisper. My body felt like it was shutting down.....or going into autopilot.

"Friday?" Tony places his hand on my heart.

"She's in critical condition boss."

"Don't leave me Y/N...please" Tony begs. "Y/N please look at me." I feel my head turn over to look at him. "I love you." He cry's.

I feel my eyes grow heavy as I look passed my friends. They all were kneeling down, in sadness.

I felt at peace as everything went dark.

I was happy like this.

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