Chapter 20 - Party

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After being starved for months, I've made a full recovery overnight. Due to healing fast and also eating a bunch of food.
Today was the party and Nat was helping me get ready. I let her do my makeup and curl my hair. She chose to go full glam on the makeup and she picked me out a very tight red dress.

I slip it on and look in the mirror as I zip it up. I finish off the look with a pair of gold heels and some gold jewelry. I felt nervous because the dress had a very low neckline that showed my cleavage. "Y/ look amazing! I did a fantastic job!" She smiles and pats herself on the back.

"No, you look beautiful Nat." I smile as I see her all dressed up,

"Come on, I bet the boys are missing us." Nat laughs and links her arm with mine.

As we walk down the stairs, I lock eyes with Tony. Nat goes to the bar while I go over to him. "You look.....stunning..." He smiles. "You look so healthy." Tony then pulls me in and holds me, I smile as he whispers in my ear, "you look so sexy....I wish we could sneak off..."

"There's my Tony." I laugh. "I'm happy to be back in your arms." I lean up and kiss him.

"Hey love birds." I turn around to see Rhodes.

"Hey!" I instantly hug him.

"I'm happy to see your home safe." He smiles.

"Listen boys, I'm going to go get a drink." I smile as Thor walks over with Maria Hill. I gasp as Tony lightly smacks my ass. "Tony!" I whisper-shout at him. He only winks at me as I walk off. "Hey Nat, can I get a beer?" I smile and sit on the stool.

"I see Tony is loving the dress." Nat smiles and hands me a beer.

"I'm glad he's back to normal Tony, I didn't want to keep talking about being kidnapped. I'm over it, I want to live my life."

"Good. You know, we're gonna need you on our team....whether Tony like's it or not." She leans on the bar table.

"She's right." I turn over to see Steve Rogers sitting next to me, I hold my hand out and smile.

"Nice to finally meet you."

"You too, Tony talks a lot about you." I look behind me to see Tony talking to Rhodes and Thor, I smile and turn back to Steve. "I've heard you have some abilities, we'll have to have you show us sometime."

"Sure, first let me drink. I haven't had a beer in over a year." I laugh.

"Hey beautiful, would you like to dance with me?" I turn to see Tony with his hand out. I smile and set my beer down, getting one last drink then hopping off the stool. Tony leads me to the middle of the room where few couples were slow dancing.

Tony holds onto my right hand, his other on my waist as my left was on his shoulder. He pulls me in closer and kisses my head as we sway. "This reminds me of the first time we danced together." I smile.

"God I missed you."

"Tony....Let's not talk about that....I just want to move on, to move on with you." I giggle as he spins me then brings me back closer.

"I'm sorry. I just love you so goddamn much." He whispers.

"And I love you." I smile and lean up to kiss him. I rest my head against his chest and smile as I notice the party was dying down, everyone was leaving.

"Wanna go sit with the others? Looks like the rest of the guests went home." I nod up at him and give him one last kiss before going over to the couches. Tony puts his jacket over me and pulls me onto his lap. I laugh as the others argue over Thor's hammer.

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