Chapter 49 - Healing

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My body felt like it was hit by a train.

I slowly open my eyes to see a bright light. I had thought I was dead for a moment before I could see Tony's face. "Baby?" He whispers.

"Where am I?" My voice sounded like sandpaper on a wall. Tony put a glass with a straw up to my mouth, I take a huge gulp and thank everything for water.

"Your home." Tony smiles.

"I feel funny." I look down at my arm to see an IV attached to me. My other hand felt heavy as I reached up and felt my face, I had a tube in my nose.

"Bruce gave you some medicine and oxygen, your gonna feel a little weak for the next couple of days." Tony rubs my face.

"What happened?"

"We won. Before I could get the stones, you took them and brought everyone back. Y-you've been out for two weeks. I thought I lost you." Tony's voice breaks.

"I'm okay." I whisper.

"Y/N....we can't figure out if you still have your powers...." Tony grabs my hand.

"It's okay....where's my baby?" I look around our bedroom. Tony gets off our bed and opens the door. Morgan shyly comes in and climbs up onto the bed, she sits next to me and looks at me, scared. "Don't be scared....I'm okay." I whisper.

"Did you save everyone."

"Yes baby....your safe now." I smile. She lays her head on my chest and cuddles me, I kiss her head softly and smile. Tony also hugs us, I felt so lucky to be here.

After a couple hours I decided I needed to try to walk. Tony helped me up and held me as I tried to move my legs. "They feel like jelly." I sigh. Once I got the hang of walking, Tony gave me a cane to help.

"You'll be able to walk and feel normal soon. I would try to walk everyday to help." Bruce says. "I'll be back tomorrow to give you your medicine, I have to go help Steve."

"Where is he?" I ask as I walk outside.

"He's returning the stones." Bruce nods.

"Can I come?"

"Are you sure? Do you want me to carry you?" Bruce smiles.

"I want to walk."

"Y/N it's a long walk...." Bruce says as he walks down the steps.

"I'm fine." I huff as I start to walk down the path with my cane. Tony decided to stay home with Morgan, he practically threatened Bruce if he didn't take care of me. About halfway there I start to grow tired, my legs were hurting. "Can you carry me now?"

Bruce smiles and cradles me in his arms as we walk down the path.

When we arrive to the location, Steve runs over to us and holds his arms out to for me. Bruce hands me over to Steve, he hugs me softly, keeping my feet off the ground. "You can put me down I can walk, I just got tired." I smile. Steve sets me down and continues to hug me.

"How are you feeling?"

"'s weird I was asleep for two weeks and I'm still tired." I laugh.

"You'll feel better soon...I know you will."

I smile as Bucky comes up to me, "Hey." I smile as he hugs me.

"Thank you for saving us."

"I didn't do it alone." I smile.

Sam was next to come over and hug me, "How do you still look so beautiful." Sam smiles. "You look great Y/N."

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