Chapter 46 - Loss

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"I hate this outfit." I whisper as the three of us walk into the military base.

"Shh." Tony shushes me as we hurry passed the people around us. I was stuck in a itchy blazer and tight pencil skirt, with really high heels. "Imagine you're Shield, running a quasi-fascistic intelligence organization. Where do you hide it?" Tony looks around.

"In plain sight." Steve nods. The three of us looks forward at some sort of structure. I follow closely as we get closer.

"Remember your my assistant." Tony nods at me.

"I really don't need to pretend." I roll my eyes as we go into the elevator, a lady was standing there and watching us.

I smile at Steve and the lady as the door opens for Our stop. "Good luck on your mission, Captain." Tony nods.

"Good luck on your project, doctor." Steve mutters as we leave.

We enter into a dark empty lab, I follow closely behind as Tony searches for the cube. We eventually find it in a case. "Gotcha. Back in the game." Tony smiles and puts the cube into a brief case, I smile and high five him.

"Arnim, you in there? Arnim?" I look up to see someone familiar, Tony's smile fades and he pulls me back. "Hey! Door's this way, pal."

Tony and I tune back around. "Oh, yeah."

"I'm looking for Dr. Zola. Have you seen him?"

"Yeah, no, Dr. Zol– No, I haven't seen a soul." Tony awkwardly bumps into a chair. "Pardon me."

"Do I know you?" He asks Tony.

"No, sir. I'm a– a visitor from MIT." Tony mumbles.

"Huh. MIT. Got a name?"

"Uh– Howard." Tony nods.

"Well, that'll be easy to remember." He smiles.

"Howard– L/N." I give Tony a dirty look as he uses my last name.

"Well, I'm Howard Stark." My eyes widen as I now realize it's Tony's father.

"Hi." Tony shakes Howard's hand.

"Shake it, don't pull it." Howard laughs.


"And who is this young lady?" Howard smiles and holds his hand out to me.

"My wife..and assistant Y/N L/N." Tony says for me.

"Assistant....I like it. Nice to meet you." He shakes my hand.
"You look a little green around the gills there, L/N." Howard says to Tony.

"I'm fine. Just, long hours."

"Wanna get some air?" Howard waves Tony out of his trance.

"Yeah. That would be swell." Tony nods and grabs my hand.  As we walk forward Howard stops us.

"Need your briefcase?"

Tony smiles and grabs it, the thee of us going into the elevator.

"So, flowers and sauerkraut. You got a big date tonight?" Tony smiles.

"My wife's expecting. And, uh– Too much time in the office."

"Congratulations." I smile. I look over at Tony confused.

"Thanks. Hold this, will you?" Howard says to Tony.

"Yeah, sure. How far along is she?" Tony asks.

"I don't know– Uh– She's at the point where she can't stand the sound of my chewing. I guess I'll be eating dinner in the pantry again." Howard chuckles.

"We have a little girl." Tony smiles sweetly.

"A girl would be nice. Less of a chance she'd turn out exactly like me."

"What'd be so awful about that?" Tony asks.

"Let's just say that the greater good has rarely outweighed my own self-interests." The three of us slowly walk outside.

"So, where are you at with names?" I ask.

"Well, if it's a boy, my wife likes Elmonzo."

"Huh, Might wanna let that stew awwhile. You got time." Tony chuckles.

"Let me ask you a question. When your kid was born– were you nervous?" Howard ask Tony.

"Wildly. Yeah." Tony nods. I smile as we stop by a car.

"Did you feel qualified? Like you had any idea how to successfully operate that thing?" Howard asks worriedly.

"I literally pieced it together as I went along, I thought about what my Dad did, and–"

"My old man, he never met a problem he couldn't solve with a belt." Howard interrupts Tony.

"I thought my dad was tough on me. And now, looking back, I just remember the good stuff, you know. He did drop the odd pearl."

"Yeah? Like what?" Howard tilde his head.

"No amount of money ever bought a second of time."

"Smart guy." Howard smiles.

"He did his best."

"Let me tell you. That kid's not even here yet, and there's nothing I wouldn't do for him. Good to meet you both." He smiles.

"Yeah, Howard– Everything's gonna be all right. Thank you– for everything– you've done for this country." Tony suddenly hugs him and the pulls me away.

"He definitely thinks your weird....but I'm glad you got to see him." I smile and kiss his cheek as we hurry out of the base.

"Me too..." Tony smiles.

"Sorry I'm taking this shit off." I hurry behind a bush and take off my clothes, then putting back on my suit.

Soon Steve joins us, we push the button to put the Quantum suits on...then we enter the quantum Relm.

After about a second, we were all standing together back in the compound. "Did we get them all?" Bruce asks.

"You telling me this'll actually work?" Rhodey smiles.

There's a pause as everyone starts to realise someone is missing
Clint falls to his knees. "Clint, where's Nat?" I ask.

We all start to realize what had happened, Bruce and I fall to our knees. Tony kneels down and holds onto me as I cry out.

I felt a piece of my heart being torn out.

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