Chapter 7 - Natalie Rushman

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I couldn't believe Tony.

First he makes a fool of himself in front of the senate and now he donates the entire modern art collection.

I march down the stair and punch in my code, Tony instantly backs up when I enter. "Is this a joke? What are you thinking?"


"What are you thinking?" I repeat.

"Hey, I'm thinking I'm busy. And you're angry about something. Do you have the sniffles? I don't want to get sick." He backs away.

"Did you just donate...."

"Keep your business." He walks away from me.

"...our entire modern art collection to the..."

"Boy Scouts of America." He finishes my sentence. "Yes. It is a worthwhile organisation. I didn't physically check the crates but, basically, yes. And it's not "our" collection, it's my collection. No offence."

"No, you know what? I think I'm actually entitled to say "our" collection considering the time that I put in, over 4 years, curating that." I place my hands on my hips.

"It was a tax write-off. I needed that."

"You know, there's only about 8,011 things that I really need to talk to you about." I huff.

Tony turns his attention to a robot. "Dummy. Hey, stop spacing out. The Bridgeport's already machining that part."

"The Expo is a gigantic waste of time." I start.

"I need you to wear a surgical mask until you're feeling better. Is that okay?" He asks.

"That's rude." I roll my eyes.

"There's nothing more important to me than the Expo. It's my primary point of concern. I don't know why you're..."

"The Expo is your ego gone crazy." I interrupt him.

Tony picks up a painting of Iron Man, "Wow. Look at that. That's modern art. That's going up."

"You've got to be kidding."

"I'm gonna put this up right now. This is vital." He smiles.

"Stark is in complete disarray. You understand that?"

"No. Our stocks have never been higher." He points at me.

"Yes, from a managerial standpoint"

"You are... Well, if's messy then let's double back." He smiles again.

"Let me give you an example."

"Let's move onto another subject." He sighs.

"No, no, no, no. You are not taking down the Barnett Newman and hanging that up." I run over to him.

"I'm not taking it down. I'm just replacing it with this." Tony is now stood on a desk about to take down the Barnett Newman to put the Iron Man picture up. "Let's see what I can get going on here."

"Okay, fine. My point is, we have already awarded contracts to the wind farm people."

"Yeah. Don't say "wind farm." I'm already feeling gassy."

"And to the plastic plantation tree, which was your idea by the way. Those people are on payroll..." I point.

"Everything was my idea."

"...and you won't make a decision." I raise my voice.

"I don't care about the liberal agenda any more. It's boring. Boring. I'm giving you a boring alert." He then jumps off the desk. "You do it."

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