Chapter 18 - Training.

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The pain and torture never stopped for the entire month. I luckily was moved from the lab to a small room. There was only a few objects in here, other than the bed. I instantly went into the small bathroom and got into the shower.

I craved to feel the warm water on my skin. I had so much old dried blood and dirt in my body. As I was scrubbing my body I looked at my arms and watched as the recent injection marks healed. They've told me that I can move objects now with my mind and hands. I can manipulate peoples minds and make them see what I want them too, especially their fears. They've also told me I have some sort of energy force that I can use to hurt people.....but I would refuse to hurt someone.

An idea pops up in my head as I stare at the shampoo bottle in the tiled floor of the shower, I hold my hand out and think about it lifting off the ground. I try this for a couple minutes but nothing happens. I close my eyes and breathe in and out slowly, then lifting my hand and trying again. This time the bottle slowly hovers up and over to my hands. I smile as I hold onto it.

I set the bottle down and look at both of my hands, I create a little ball of energy, it was a beautiful blue color.

After finishing my shower, I return to the small room to see a woman sitting on the bed. "Hello." She smiles. I wrap the towel around my body more and stare at her. "Don't be scared. I'm just like you." She creates a small ball of energy, hers being red. "I've brought you some clothes. We start training tomorrow." She pats the bag next to her. "I would change in the bathroom." She points up to the ceiling to reveal a camera. "I'm Wanda Maximoff." She smiles.

"Y/N L/N." I whisper.

"Well Y/N, I'll be back tomorrow to get you," she nods and leaves the room, locking the door behind her. I grab the bag of clothes and stare at the camera as I walk into the bathroom.

After changing and brushing my hair, and teeth I go and lay in the bed. The feeling of a bed made me sigh in relief, even if I was still a prisoner I was happy to have a bed.

I spent the rest of the night dreaming of Tony.

My Tony....Oh how I missed his sarcastic self. I hoped he would find me soon.

After getting dressed in black leggings and a black shirt and getting ready for the day, I waited for Wanda.

Shortly after she came in with huge smile on her face and plate in her hands. "I brought you some food." She sits next to me and gives me the plate of eggs and toast. "So are you ready to start training?" She asks as I shove the food in my mouth.

"Mhm." I nod.

"Wow you were really hungry, huh?" She laughs as I hand her the empty plate.

"Well I've barely eaten." I smile.

"Let's go. You can now meet my brother." Wanda pulls me up. Wanda holds onto my hand as he leads me through the facility. We enter some sort of training room to see a man sitting in a chair. "Y/N this if Pietro."

The man suddenly appears in front of me with his hand held out. "Hello." I grab into his hand hesitantly and turn to Wanda.

"He's really fast." She smiles. "Now, show what what you can do."

"I've only learned this..." I hold my hand out and lift up the chair and then put it down.

"We both can see into others minds, you can manipulate them a little more than I can. Try on Pietro." Wanda nods.

"Wait what?"

"Just let her." He rolls her eyes. I walk up to him and that blue energy flows from my hands onto his head. I feel my vision go dark, I then search for his nightmares. I can then see a destroyed building...but I couldn't see anything else after that.
"Great job Y/N!"

"What was that?" I ask Pietro.

"That was nothing." He slightly smiles.

"They said you can create an energy blast so powerful that it can be deadly...try it in the wall." She points.

I stare at the wall blankly, "I don't know what to do..." I whisper.

"Just breathe, think about that blue energy. Put your hands up and push."

I take a few deep breaths and then put my hands up. I create the same blue energy like before, it spreads through my hands, I then push it towards the wall. I gasp as the blank wall now had a hole in it.

"Y/N! You did it!" Wanda claps.

I think I'm getting better at this.

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